City Hall Council Chambers
Monday, March 8, 2021 at 1 :30pm
Myles Lawler
Charles Geiger
OTHERS PRESENT: Ken Harrison, Sugarman & Susskind (via phone)
Doug Lozen, F osier & F osier
Michelle Rodriguez, Foster & Foster
John Thinnes, AndCo Consulting
1. Call to Order -Aaron Soltz called the meeting to order at 1 :30pm.
2. Roll Call -As reflected above.
3. Public Comment -None.
4. Approval of Minutes
a. December 14, 2020 Quarterly Meeting Minutes
The December 14, 2020, quarterly meeting minutes were approved, upon motion by
Charles Geiger and second by Myles Lawler; motion carried 3-0.
New Business
a. Member Elected Trustee Term Expiration
i. Michelle Rodriguez informed the Board Aaron Soltz's member elected
seat had expired. Aaron commented he would like to continue to serve
on the Board. Michelle informed the Board she would send an email to
the members to accept nominations and conduct an election if
Old Business -None.
a. AndCo Consulting, John Thinnes, Investment Consultant
i. Quarterly report as of December 31, 2020
1. John Thinnes reviewed the market environment over the last
quarter and commented the plan portfolio was at an all-time high.
2. John reviewed the individual asset allocation and commented
the real estate market should get back to normal soon and was
expected to return approximately 1.2%.
3. The market value of assets as of December 31, 2020, was
4. The total fund gross returns for the quarter ending December 31,
2020, were 9.30%, slightly underperforrning the policy
benchmark of 9.51%. The 1-, 3-, 5-, 7-, and 10-year trailing
returns were 16.18%, 10.35%, 10.40%, 8.49% and 8.98%,
respectively. Since inception (10/1/00), the return was 5.96%,
slightly underperforming the benchmark of 6.00%.
The Board voted to approve the quarterly report as presented, upon motion by Myles
Lawler and second by Charles Geiger; motion carried 3-0.
b. Foster & Foster, Doug Lozen, Plan Actuary
i. October 1, 2020 Actuarial Valuation Report
1. Doug reviewed the various assumption changes included in the
report and commented the plan losses were offset by the 8.45%
investment return beating their assumption rate of 7.50%. Doug
added he would like for the plan to work towards lowering their
rate assumption in the coming years.
2. Doug reviewed the history of the plan's funding status and
commented it had been steadily increasing since 2011. Doug
added since inception, the plan has increased its market values
by approximately $7 million.
3. Aaron Soltz asked why they should lower the rate assumption if
it would increase the City's required funding. Doug commented
many factors were involved; however, the current trend of
lowering assumption rates was largely driven by the State's
decision to lower their rate. Doug commented they were
currently at 7.0% and were expected to continue to lower
because pension and financial professionals believed the current
market conditions were not sustainable long term. Doug
commented the State recently required local defined benefit
plans to use their mortality table and although it is unlikely, there
was possibility the legislature could require plans to use the
States assumed rate of return. Doug added ii would be much
better if they started to lower the rate slowly over time rather than
suddenly lowering from 7.50% to the much lower rate used by
the State.
The Board voted to approve the October 1, 2020 Actuarial Valuation Report as presented,
upon motion by Aaron Soltz and second by Myles Lawler; motion carried 3-0.
4. John Thinnes commented he agreed with the actuary's
recommendation of keeping the rate assumption at 7.4% for now
and start to lower it in the next few years.
The Board voted the Declaration of Returns for the Plan shall be 7.4% for the next year, the
next several years, and the long-term thereafter net of investment related expenses, upon
motion by Charles Geiger and second by Myles Lawler; motion carried 3-0.
5. Doug commented he would like to perform an actuarial study to
determine the impact of lowering the assumption rate. Doug
commented the cost of the study would not exceed $500.
The Board voted to approve the study as proposed by the actuary, upon motion by Aaron
Soliz and second by Charles Geiger; motion carried 3-0.
c. Sugarman & Susskind, Ken Harrison, Plan Attorney
i. E-Verify Registration Requirements
1. Ken Harrison reviewed a new law and commented it required all
public employers to register employees, contractors, and sub-
contractors with the E-Verify system. Ken advised the Board it
had been determined that public pension plans were included.
Ken explained this system was run by the federal government
and served to verify the immigration status of prospective
employees. Michelle Rodriguez commented Foster & Foster was
currently working to implement this system.
ii. Accrued Benefit Purchase
1. Ken reviewed the proposed language that allowed for an
increased multiplier. II would need to go through collective
bargaining and then have the actuary provide an impact
statement. Aaron commented they would like to proceed and
need to add in the details. The Board agreed by consensus to
table the discussion until the next meeting.
iii. Legislative Update
1. Ken commented a bill had been introduced to the State
legislature that would change the State retirement plan to default
to the defined contribution plan which would result in making new
hires actively request to participate in the defined benefit plan.
Ken commented this bill had been introduced in the past and his
firm was monitoring its progress.
Consent Agenda
a. Payment Ratification
i. Warrants #81 and #82
b. Invoices for payment approval
i. None
c. Fund activity report for December 8, 2020 through March 1, 2021
The Board approved the consent agenda as presented, upon motion by Charles Geiger
and second by Myles Lawler; motion carried 3-0.
10 .
Staff Reports, Discussion, and Action -None.
Trustee Reports, Discussion, and Action -None.
Adjournment -The meeting adjourned at 2:20pm.
Next Meeting -Monday, June 14, 2021, at 1 :30pm.
Respectfully submitted by:
Aaron Saltz, Secretary
Date Approved by the Pension Board: IJ(,f;.D:1-(