944ORDINANCE NO. 9y AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 5 OF ORDINANCE 896 TO REFLECT AN INCREASE IN WATER AND SEWER RATES IN THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS IN CONFLICT HEREWITH AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE THEREFORE. WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on the llth day of December, 1975 for the purpose of discussing raising water and sewer rates in the City of Edgewater, Florida, and pursuant to said public hearing the City Council has determined an increase in water and sewer rates is necessary, now therefore BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. That Section 5 of Ordinance 896 is hereby amended to read as follows: SECTION 5. Water Service Charges A. Rates for single unit users: A charge of $ �, 56 for ,,l 6 nn Qallons minimum plus $ , 65- for each additional_.Be, Qallons. B. Users with a two unit complex with 1 meter: A minimum charge of ��. 03 for 6 o Qallons minimum plus $ (, for each additional / o.5a gallons. C. Users with a three unit complex with 1 meter: A charge of $_z 2,9 for d A,no Qallons minimum plus $ . 66- for each additional ,i,,,,, _gallons. D. Users with more than three units in a complex with 1 meter (Mobile Home Parks are to be covered under this section) A charge of $ 0 %c,_for the first unit and $ -�, /-5— _ for each additional unit. The allowable minimum shall be increased by -� G e n Qallons for each unit. For each additional /epe o Qallons over the established. minimum gallons used, a charge shall be made of $ , �S for each i o^ 0a Qallons. 9yy Sewer Service Charges A. Sewer service charges shall be 1007 of the water charges. B. The gallons of water used in the initial filling of swimming pools in the City of Edgewater, Florida from the municipal water system shall be excluded from the gallons used for the purpose of calculating for sewer service charges as provided in section A above. Only the established water rates shall be applicable to said initial filling of swimming pools. The number of gallons to be determined by usage of water metered, or directly determined by calculating the capacity of the pool. The City of Edgewater reserves the right to enter into contracts with large users of water and/or sewer service for the purpose of setting and determining a monthly charge or rate for the use of such services, which monthly rate or charge may be computed upon a different basis than set forth in the paragraph immediately preceeding. Such contracts shall be entered into by means of resolution duly adopted by the City Council. SECTION 2. That all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances and all Resolutions or parts of Resolutions in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 3. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its adoption by the City Council and approval by the Mayor at second reading. SECTION 4. The City Clerk is hereby directed to advertise this Ordinance as required by law. The first reading of the above Ordinance was read in full and passed by vote of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of ,01,eZiya•W , 1975 and approved as provided by law. -2- The second reading of said ordinance to be at a meeting of the City Council to be held on the )/ L41 day of 1q� ✓ , A.D., 1975, roll call vote being as follows: ATTEST: ML(�yor— Counc' n FIRST READING La � YI Councilman Cou ilman CPS / Councilman Mayor SECOND READING Councilman -3- ATTEST: City Clerk ID, s -Approved this tl �L day of t J _, A.D., 1975. Mayor This Ordinance was prepared by: Joseph E. Weaver, City Attorney -4-