941A W � ORDINANCE NO. 414 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE BUILDING CODES OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA, PROVIDING FOR ADOPTION OF CODES AND AMENDMENTS THERETO, FURTHER PROVIDING FOR REGULATION OF GENERAL CONTRACTORS AND INSTALLATION OF PUMPS AND IRRIGATION SYSTEMS, FURTHER PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR NON-COMPLIANCE, AND FURTHER PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE THEREFORE. BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA: SECTION I. General Index The following Codes are set forth in the following chapters: Chapter One - Building Chapter Two - Mechanical Chapter Three - Plumbing Chapter Four - Electrical Chapter Five - Gas Chapter Six - Fire Prevention Chapter Seven - General Contractors Chapter Eight - Pumps and irrigation systems q` j Chapter One BUILDING CODE SECTION 1. That the 1973 edition of the Southern Standard Building Code and all amendments thereto as adopted from time to time by the Southern Building Code Congress, except as otherwise recommended by the Board of Adjustments and Appeals of the City of Edgewater, is hereby adopted as the Building Code of the City of Edgewater, Florida. SECTION 2. Any person, firm, or corporation who violates any provision or section of this Ordinance shall be prosecuted by the City of Edgewater in any court of competent jurisdiction and upon conviction for violation of any provision or section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punishable by fine not to exceed Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars or by imprisonment not to exceed sixty (60) days, or both. SECTION 3-, Modifications, changes, amendments and additions. Said code is hereby modified, changed, amended and additions added thereto as follows: 1. Section 103.4 (a) (6) is amended to read as follows: (6) Costs incurred under Section 103.4 (a) (4) and 103.4 (a) (5) shall be charged to the owner of the premises involved and the City shall have a lien upon the property of the owner of the premises involved, and this lien may be enforced or collected by suit at law or in equity, or the City may maintain any personal action against the owner to recover the same or it may enforce its lien and maintain its personal action at the same time until actually paid the amount due; and in, any suit by the City, either at law or in equity, for the collection of the amount of said lien, the City shall be entitled to recover a reasonable attorney's fee for the institution of said suit, together with the costs of the proceedings, which attorney's fee and costs shall also ,become a lien upon said lands. 2. Paragraph (a) of Section 105.1 is amended to read as follows: "(a) Any owner, authorized agent, or contractor who desires to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, demolish, or change the occupancy of a building or structure, or to erect, or construct a sign of any description, or to install or alter fire-extinguisher apparatus, elevators, engines, or to install a steam boiler; furnace, heater incinerator, or other heat producing apparatus, or other appurtenances the installation of which is regulated by this code, or to cause any such work to be done, shall first make application to the Building Official and obtain the required permit therefor. Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to mean that any electrical installation involved in the erection of any structure mentioned herein, shall be done by others than those qualified to do so in compliance with the Electrical Code of the City of Edgewater, Florida." 3. Add paragraph (e) to Section 105.0 to read as follows: "(e) Building permits to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move — or demolish a building or structure shall be issued by the Building Inspector to no one except a duly licensed General Contractor, or Builder, as defined by the.Ordinance of the City, or to the bona fide owner of the premises on which the work or construction is to be done or to the duly authorized agent of the owner of said premises, or to the lessee with the consent of the owner, and where the permit is to be issued to the owner, lessee or his duly authorized agent, the said owner, lessee of his duly authorized agent, shall first make and file an affidavit with the Building Inspector that the work or construction for which the permit is sought is not to be done on contract, cost plus, fixed fee, stated sum, percentage, or any combination thereof, other than wages." 4. Add paragraph (f)•, and (g) to Section 107.4 to read as follows: "(f) Installation of Gas Pump or Tanks. 1. For installation of each gas pump or tank the fee shall be Five ($5.00) Dollars." "(g) Erection of adjustable or fixed awnings. I. For the erection of adjustable or fixed awnings the fee shall be Five ($5.00) Dollars." 5. Add paragraph (c) to Section 113.1, said paragraph to read as follows: "(c) Board of Adjustments and Appeals shall have the power to make recommendations on all building codes to the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida." 6. Section 114 is amended to read as follows "Section 114 - Violations and Penalties. Any person violating any of the provisions of this Code shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine of not less than One ($1 .00) Dollar nor more than Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars, or by imprisonment in the jail or at hard labor for a period of not exceeding sixty (60) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment, at the discretion of the Judge trying the case. Each day any violation of this Code shall continue shall constitute a separate offense." 7. Chapter VI is amended by adding thereto Section 611 entitled "Facilities for the Physically Handicapped." which shall read as follows: -2- O 0 "Section 611.1 - Requirements for Public Buildings: 1. In new future buildings or structures constructed or supported by Public use of the premises, or where the employment of physically handicapped persons is anticipated in buildings constructed or supported by public funds, the following specific requirements shall be provided: (a) At least one entrance to each building useable by individuals in wheelchairs shall be provided by means of a walk not less than 48 inches in width from the public sidewalk to a floor of the building and such walk shall be of a continuing common surface not interrupted by steps or abrupt changes of level other than a ramp. (b) Ramps in such entrance shall be as follows: (c) The slopes shall not be greater than 1 to 12. 2. There shall be a grip rail on at least one side of each ramp and the rail shall extend one foot beyond the top and bottom of the ramp. A grip rail pro- jecting not more than 3 1/2 inches shall not be considered to decrease in width. 3. There shall be a landing at the top and bottom of each ramp not less in length than 5 feet along the line of travel and: not less in width than one foot on each side of any door. (a) Doors in the entrance or to spaces to be made accessible and useable by persons in wheelchairs shall have a level landing on each side and such landing shall be a distance in the direction the door swings of not less than 5 feet and of a width not less than 1 foot on each side of the door. - (b) At least one stairway shall have sloped (not square or abrupt) nosing on risers. 4. Not less than one toilet room for each sex in each building shall be provided as follows: (a) Not less than one toilet room shall be 4 feet and 8 inches deep and shall have a grip rail parallel to and 33 inches above the floor along one side of the stall. The water closet in this stall shall have the seat twenty inches above the floor. (b) A lavatory shall be provided having the bottom of the apron not less than 30 inches above the floor. (c) A mirror and shelf shall be provided above not less than one lavatory at a height no higher than 40 inches above the floor. (d) For men, urinal shall be provided having the opening of the basin not more than 19 inches above the floor. (e) A towel rack and other dispenser and disposal units shall be mounted no higher than 40 inches above the floor. 5. A water fountain or cooler shall be provided having hand operated, up- front spouts and controls where mounted on the wall and where such controls are to be operated by physically handicapped persons in wheelchairs shall be not more than 30 inches above the floor. -3- 6. Letters or numbers used to identify toilet rooms, stairways or hazardous areas shall be raised or indented from the surface of which attached and shall be at a height of 5 feet above the floor. 7. Doors that lead to spaces that might be dangerous to a blind person shall be identifiable to the touch by having a knurled handle, knob or push bar. 8. Audible warning signals shall be accompanied by simultaneous visual warning signals and visual warning signals shall be accompanied by simultaneous audible warning signals. 8. Section 712 is amended to read as follows: "Section 712 - Gutters and Leaders Gutters and leaders hereafter placed on buildings other than 1 or 2 family dwellings, private garages, or buildings of Type VI Wood Frame construction, shall be of non-combustible material, and shall be connected to storm sewers where available." 9. Section 1101 - General Provisions, changes first paragraph to: "In every building hereafter erected or altered, the exit, shall comply with the minimum requirements as set forth in N.F.P.A. Building Exit Code 101." (Delete further references to Exit as the N.F.P.A. Building Exit Code 101 covers exits.) (Section 1101 - General Provisions - in reference to 73'Fdition.) 10. Section 1301.2 is amended to read as follows: "1301.2 - Support of Adjoining Buildings and Structures" Any person, firm or corporation making an excavation or causing an excavation to be made shall be responsible for resulting. damage to adjoining structures. The person, firm or corporation causing the excavation to be made, shall shore and brace the sides of such excavation, so as to effectively prevent any soil move- ment into such excavation and if given the necessary permission to enter ad- joining property shall provide at its own expense any necessary under pinning and protection. The owner or his agent of adjoining buildings or structures shall be served with written notice at least ten (10) days before an excavation is commenced and said notice shall state the depth and location of excavation, and also request permission to enter the adjoining property to provide any necessary underpinning and protection if underpinning and protection are necessary to prevent soil movement. The written notice shall be served by personal delivery or by registered U.S. mall upon said owner or his agent. Where the necessary permission has been given to the person, firm or corpo- ration making an excavation to enter adjoining property or structure, for the purpose of protecting or underpinning said property or structure, the person, firm or corporation receiving such permission shall provide said adjoining property or structure with adequate protection against injury due to the elements resulting from such entry. A party wall which is in good condition and otherwise suitable for continued use, shall be underpinned and protected as required at the expense of the person, firm or corporation causing the excavation to be made. Only approved granular materials shall be used for backfill. It shall be properly compacted -4- in order to prevent lateral displacements of the soil of the adjoining property after the removal of the shores and braces, or shall provide permanent retaining wall. The adjoining property shall be protected from undermining or hazardous erosion or wash at the edges of an excavation and the one causing the excavation to be made shall be responsible for replacement or compensationc for losses sustained from such wash, or erosion." 11. The following paragraph (f) shall be added to Section 1302. 2: (f) "On applying for a building permit the applicant shall be required to sign one of the following statements: (a) I have examined the property and declared the foundation is being placed in undisturbed natural solid soil. (b) I have examined the property and declared the foundation is being placed in cleared and regraded soil, and the foundation has been properly designed to obtain suitable bearing and proper load distribution. Signed (a) Signed (b) 12. Add new paragraph (g) to Section 1302.5 to read as follows: 1302.5 (g) Regulations governing the floor height of buildings in the City of Edgewater. (1) Floor height of Residential Buildings shall be a minimum of 12" above the crown of the nearest paved road or 16" above the crown of the nearest un- paved road. in all instances all floor heights shall be in compliance with the Federal Flood Control Program. (2) Commercial Buil-dings shall be the same with the exception of a new building, constructed immediately adjacent to an existing building, then consideration will be given as to keeping the floor level of Loth buildings the same. (3) Variances may be granted to the above but only as to extreme land contours or unusual situations. Then only on recommendation of the Building Official and/or the Board of Adjustments and Appeals. 13. Chapter XIV is amended by adding to Section 1414, Sections 1414.17 through 1414.20, inclusive, to read as follows: "Section 1414.17 - Sliding Glass Doors and Glass Panel Assemblies Sliding Glass doors and/or glass panel assemblies hereafter installed in new or remodeled (remodel shall include replacing broken glass) single-family residential buildings, apartment buildings, hotel, motel, tourist court, rooming houses, schools, churches and places of assembly, shall be one of the following types of glass: (a) Approved 1/4 inch or heavier wire glass. ((b) Approved 1/4 inch or heavier laminated safety glass. (c) Approved 3/16 inch or heavier tempered glass. All tempered glass installed shall be permanently and clearly Identified by the manufacturer. In the event insulated glass panels are used, the combination of thickness used shall be three sixteenths tempered glass. -5- Section 1414.18 - Sliding Glass Doors, Glass Door and Glass Panel Assemblies in Commerical Buildings. Sliding glass doors, glass door and glass panel assemblies hereafter installed in new or remodeled commercial buildings shall be one of the following types of glass: (a) Approved 1/4 inch or heavier laminated safety glass. (b) Approved tempered glass. All tempered glass installed shall be permanently and clearly identified by the manufacturer. Section 1414.19 - Tub and/or Shower Enclosures Tub and shower enclosures hereafter installed in new remodeled buildings shall be tempered glass, approved one -quarter inch or heavier wire, glass or a shatterproof plastic material. Section 1414. 20 - Excluded from the Requirements of Section 1414. 17 and Section 1414.18. (a) Excluded from the requirements of 1414.17 and 1414. 18, picture windows and glass panel assemblies that are mounted a minimum of 14 inches from the floor. (b) Sliding glass doors, or glass doors that are protected by an approved safety device, such as, permanent decals, etching, screening puch-bars or mullion bars. Building owners and tenants shall keep safety devices in safe conditions at all times." 14. Paragraph (a) of Section 2201.2 is amended to read as follows• (a) Fixed awnings or marquees shall be supported from the building with a non-combustible rigid supporting frame. 15. Paragraph (c) of Section 2201.2 is amended to read as follows: (c) Every marquee shall be at least ten (10) feet in the clear between the lowest point or projection and a sidewalk immediately below. 16. Paragraph (e) of Section 2201.2 is added to read as follows: (a) A fireproof fabric or metal cover entrance with noncombustible framing rigidly supported from the building, not over eight (8) feet wide measured parallel with the street, and with a clear height of seven (7) feet above the sidewalk, may be built within two (2) feet of the outside edge of the sidewalk. The attachment, hanging or supporting of any sign will not be permitted on this structure. 17. Paragraph (c) of Section 2204.2 is amended to read as follows: (c) The extreme dimensions of the length, height and width of the building when in loaded position ready to move. 18. Paragraph (f) of Section 2204.2 is added to read as follows: (f) When any building is moved from any location within or without the City Limits to any location within the City limits the building shall immediately be made to conform to all provisions of the Building Code, Plumbing Code, v Electrical Code, and the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Edgewater, Florida. The person causing the building to be moved shall post a Performance Bond In the amount of One Thousand ($1,000.00) Dollars conditioned upon the building being made to conform to all Building Code, Plumbing Code, Electrical Code and Zoning Ordinance requirements within six (6) months from the date of the issuance of the permit, said Bond to be returned when all work has been completed. 19. Section 2301 - Signs and Outdoor Displays shall be in accordance with Sign Ordinance as adopted by the City of Edgewater, Florida. 20. Chapter 28 is amended by adding theretoSection 2803 to read as follows: Section 2803 - Aluminum 2803.1 General 2803.1 (a) Design: Aluminum members shall be designed by methods admitting of rational analysis according to established principles of mechanics. 2803.1 (b) Standards: The following standards are hereby adopted to supplement, but not supersede, the specific requirements set forth herein. 1. Specifications for structures of Aluminum Alloy 6061-T6 of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Proceedings Volume 82, No. ST 3, May 1956. 2. The Structural Handbook, I960, of the Aluminum Co, of America. 2803.2 -Allowable Unit Stresses The allowable working stress is dependent on alloy, condition of use, fabrication and manufacture. Allowable working stress for 6061-T6 materials shall not exceed the following unit stresses in pounds per square inch: Tension and compression ....................................... 15, 000 PSI Shear, in pins & rivets (cold driven) ................. ........... 10, 000 PSI Bearing on rivets & turned bolts in reamed holes ................... 27, 00(I PSI For other aluminum alloys, allowable stresses shall provide a factor of safety of not less than 2.33 for primary members at an elongation of 0.2 percent. 2803.3 - Design The Building Official may, at his discretion, require that any structure using aluminum primary or secondary members be designed by a registered Professional Engineer. Increases in allowable unit stresses as set forth for wind loads shall be applicable to aluminum structrual members except that allowable unit stresses thus increased shall not exceed 75 percent of the minimum yield strength. In addition to flexural and shearing stresses, the critical factors of buckling, fatigue, stress raisers such as notches or holes or sharp re-entrant corners, deflection and connections shall be considered and designed as to meet all structural requirements of the Southern Standard Building Code for Coastal areas. 2803.4 - Construction Details (a) Connections: Aluminum members shall be designed as set forth in the standards in Paragraph 2803.1 (b) (1). (b) Decking and Siding - Aluminum sheet used for roof decking or siding shall be not less than .024 inch in thickness. Aluminum sections spanning -7- between supports shall be limited in span to satisfactorily support positive and negative loads set forth in Chapter 23 and the deflection of decking under full superimposed load shall not exceed 1/240th of the span. Aluminum sheets shall be secured to the supports to adequately resist positive and negative loads and at intervals not exceeding eight and one half inches and shall be secured to each other at side laps at intervals not exceeding 12 inches. Fasteners shall have a head, and/or be provided with washers not less than one-half inch in diameter. Fas- teners located at end laps shall be placed not more than two inches nor less than one inch from the end of overlapping sheets. (c) Wall Panels: Aluminum sheets used In wall panels shall have a thickness of not less than .032 inch. Finished facing shall have a maximum deviation of one-fourth inch at the center when measured from a plane determined by the edges of the panel with a maximum deviation of one -sixteenth inch in any twelve inch run. The maximum deflection of a curtain wall system under full live or wind load shall not exceed 1/175 th for panels nor V240 th for vertical mullions. (d) Dissimilar Materials: 1. Where aluminum surfaces come in contact with metals other than stainless steel, zinc, white bronze of small area or other metals compatible with aluminum, aluminum surfaces shall be kept from direct contact with such parts by: (a) Painting thedissimilar metal with a prime coat of zinc -chromate primer or other suitable primer, followed by one or two coats of aluminum metal -and - masonry paint or other suitable protective coating, excluding those containing lead pigmentation; (b) Painting the dissimilar metal with a coating of heavy -bodied bituminous paint; (c) A good quality caulking material placed between the aluminum and the dissimilar metal; (d) A non -absorptive tape of gasket; (e) Steel members hot -dip galv. or zinc plated after fabrication. 2. Dissimilar metals shall be painted if used in locations where drainage from them passes over aluminum. 3. Aluminum surfaces in contact with limemortar concrete or other masonry materials shall be protected with alkali -resistant coatings, such as heavy - bodied bituminous paint or water white methacrylate lacquer. 4. Aluminum in contact with wood or other absorptive materials which may become repeatedly wet shall be painted with two coats of aluminum metal - and -masonry paint or a coat of heavy -bodied bituminous paint, or the wood or other absorptive material shall be painted with two coats of aluminum house paint and seal joints with a good quality caulking compound. 5. Where aluminum is in contact with treated wood, wood shall be treated with pentachlorophenol, 5 percent minimum concentration or zincnapthanate, following the protective measures outlined in paragraph 4. (e) Expansion, Contraction: Aluminum work shall be designed and anchored so that the work will not be distorted nor the fasteners over- stressed from the expansion and contraction of the metal. an 2803.5 -Wind Requirements (a) General I. Buildings and structures and every portion thereof shall be designed and constructed to resist the forces due to wind pressure. The wind velocity shall be taken at not less than 120 MPH at a height of 30 feet above the ground, except as may be otherwise set forth herein. 2. Such forces shall be applied in any direction with all possible combinations based on height and shape factors, but in no case shall any roof be designed for less than 30 lbs. per sq. ft. live load. The said live loan shall not be considered to act simultaneously with the wind load. 3. Systems shall be designed and constructed to transfer wind forces to the ground. 4. No allowance shall be made for the shielding effect of buildings or other structures. 5. For rectangular, fully enclosed buildings of not more than 50 ft. in height, the unit wind pressures from Table 28-A may be applied; in lieu of the procedure set forth under the above paragraphs. Design unit wind pressures, in pounds per square foot, shall be taken as acting normal to the surface. Hgt. above Outside. Fastenings of Fastenings of around (ft) Walls Wall Coverings Roof Coverings Up to 30' 45 50 66 (b) Overturning Moment and Uplift: 1. Where the overturning moment of a building or structure exceeds 50 percent of the moment of stability computed from dead load only anchorage to resist the excess over 50 percent of the dead load moment of stability shall be provided. 2. Where the uplift on a building or other structure or portion thereof exceeds 50 percent of the dead -load, only anchorage to resist the excess uplift over 50 percent of the dead -load shall be provided. (c) Screen Enclosures: The wind load on screen surfaces shall be not less than set forth in 2803.5 (a) Design shall be approved by the Building Official based on such loads applied horizontally inward and outward to the walls, applied vertically downward on the roof or 60 percent of the pressure shown applied vertically upward on screened roofs. 2803.6 Live Loads Posted The live loads for which each floor or part thereof of the commercial or industrial building is or has been designed, other than a concrete floor slab at grade shall be conspicuously posted by the owner In that part of each story In which they apply, using durable signs and in letters not 4D J less than three inches in height. It shall be unlawful to remove or deface such notices and the occupant of the buildings shall be responsible for keeping the actual load below the allowable limits. 2803.7 Occupancy Permits Plans for the proposed buildings of commercial or industrial occupancy, and storage areas in buildings of any occupancy, shall show the design live load for each portion of the floor area and Certificate of Occupancy as set forth in Section 109 shall not be issued until such signs are posted as required. No change in the occupancy of a building shall be made until a Certificate of Occupancy has been issued by the Building Official certifying that the floors are suitable for the loads characteristic of the proposed occupancy. 2803.8 Unit Dead Loads. Unless otherwise substantiated by specific information the weight of the materials and assemblies of construction used In the calculation of loads shall be not less than as follows: Concrete 144 lbs. per cu. ft. Earth, dry 100 " Stone masonry 160 " Timber 50 " Wood studs, plaster 2 sides 18 " Solid plaster -one inch thick 10 " Four -inch hollow blocks -gypsum 13 " Four -inch hollow blocks -concrete 25 " Eight -inch hollow blocks -clay 40 " Eight -inch hollow blocks -concrete 50 " One -inch wood sheathing 4 " Two 30 lb. felts, tar & gravel 6 " Clay or concrete roof the 18 " (a) Flat Roof Surface Factors: Includes surfaces with less than 10 degrees inclination to the horizontal. 1 . Enclosed buildings; - 1 .0 (for windward. 1/3 of surface) 2. Buildings with one side open: add to the above (enclosed building factors: (l.5 for windward opening.) 3. The total factors for fastening of roof coverings shall be not less than 2.0. (9) Overhangs and eaves: 1.5 for all buildings (c) Curved Roofs: The wind pressure on a curved roof due to wind blowing at right angles to the axis of the roof shall be computed on the basis that the curved portion is divided into not less than five equal segments. (d) Multi -span or sawtooth roofs: In multi -span or saw tooth roofs where the span heights and slopes are approximately the same and where there is a sheltering effect from the windward span, the external pressures and forces on the intermediate spans may be appropriately reduced. -10- (e) Skeleton Structures: The wind pressures on closely latticed structures, such as open signs, towers, solar screens, sun screens, sun shades, grill block and similar structures shall be applied to two and one half times the maximum projected area of all members but not to exceed 100 per cent of the maximum projected area of the structure. 1. The Building Official may accept a design based on other nationally recognized and accepted data, the validity of which is shown by wind tunnel and/or satisfactory data. Chapter Two MECHANICAL CODE SECTION 1. That the 1973 edition of the Southern Standard Mechanical Code and all amendments thereto as adopted from time to time by the Southern Building Code Congress, except as otherwise recommended by the Board of Adjustments and Appeals of the City of Edgewater, is hereby adopted as the Mechanical Code of the City of Edgewater, Florida. SECTION 2. Any person, firm, or corporation who violates any provision or section of this Chapter shall be prosecuted by the City of Edgewater in any court of competent jurisdiction and upon conviction for violation of any provision or section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punishable by fine not to exceed Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars or by imprisonment not to exceed sixty (60) days, or both. SECTION 3. Appointment of Inspectors; Duties. The City of Edgewater, Florida shall employ such inspectors as required, who shall be qualified in accordance with the provisions of this section. The Chief Building Official shall have the following powers to direct and supervise these inspectors in the performance of the following duties in accordance with this Ordinance. a) To enforce the provisions of this Code; b) To inspect all mechanical work within the City; c) To issue permits and collect the prescribed fees therefor in accordance with this Code; d) To report to the Chief Building Official any evidence which may come to his attention as a violation of any of the provisions of this Code by any mechanical contractors; e) To inspect all mechanical installations, devices and appliances within the City in accordance with this Code; -11- f) 'To pass on all submitted; g) To require such changes or alterations as deemed necessary to eliminate any existing hazardous conditions when the same is dangerous to life or property and shall prohibit the operation of such systems until such hazard is removed; h) To carry out and perform such additional powers and duties as shall be prescribed by this section. Section 3. Qualifications of Inspectors; Assistants. The inspector and his assistants must have received a Class " A" Certification of Competency in accordance with this Code,. or approved by the Board of Appeals. Section 4. Mechanical Contractor defined. The word "Mechanical Contractor" when used in this Code shall mean any person who in any capacity undertakes or offers to undertake or purports to have the capacity to undertake, or accepts any order or contract either on a fixed sum, cost plus a percentage, or fixed fee, or any combination thereof, or submits a bid to install, extend, alter, repair, maintain, or move any mechanical apparatus, or any device in connection therewith, for air conditioning, heating ventilating, refrigeration or incinerators, including any person who for a salary, fixed, fee, wages by the day, or for any compensation, agrees with the owner, tenent, occupant, or agent of any property to do any of the foregoing, or have the same done when any part of such shall be compensation for the supervision, direction, or inspection but shall not include any persons employed by an owner, tenant,., occupant, or agent to perform unskilled labor only under the direction of the owner, tenent, occupant or agent. Section S. Journeyman Installer defined. The word "Journeyman Installer" when used in this Code shall be determined to mean a person who possesses the necessary qualified training and technical knowledge to install, extend, alter, repair, maintain or remove any mechanical apparatus, or device in connection therewith, for air conditioning, heating ventilating, refrigeration or incinerators, and who is qualified under the terms and provisions of this Code and shall have capacity of doing mechanical work under the supervision of a Mechanical Contractor according to the plans and specifications furnished to him and in accordance with the rules and regulations governing mechanical installations within the limits of this Code. A.licensed mechanical'- contractor or journeyman installer shall be required on each job where a permit is required. Section 6. Certificate of Competency, License required. It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in the business or act in the capacity of a mechanical contractor or journeyman installer within the City of Edgewater without first obtaining a certificate of comptetency and an occupational license where required. Section 7. False advertising prohibited. , It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, other than a certified and licensed Mechanical Contractor to expose a sign "Mechanical Contractor" and use�tany:.other:advertisigg,implying that the firm or corporation is a licensed Mechanical Contractor in the City of Edgewater. -2- Section S. Permitting false use of license or name . It shall be unlawful for a contractor to lend his license, or to take a permit in his name for the use of any other person or to allow the use of his name directly or indirectly for the purpose of obtaining a permit. Section 9. Contractors and Journeyman to be Examined and Certified. All persons desiring to engage in the business or act in the capacity of a contractor or journeyman within the City shall first obtain a Certificate of Competency and satisfy the Board of Appeals, of his character and integrity. Pass a written examination prepared, graded and proctored by H. H. Block and Associates of Gainesville, Florida, and receive a Certificate of Competency. The written examination shall be such as to test the applicant's knowledge of the fundamentals of air conditioning, refrigeration, heating, ventilating and incinerators and the installing of same, the provisions of this Code, the basic structural layouts of frame and masonrybuildings and the adopted standards of construction to determine whether or not the applicant is competent to do and supervise the doing to the class of mechanical work for which a Certificate is sought. Mechanical Contractor. The. term 'Mechanical Contractor" as used in this code shall be held to mean a person who possesses the necessary qualifications, training and technical knowledge to plan, layout and supervise the installation of air conditioning, heating, refrigeration and incinerators as covered by the provisions of this Code. Mechanical Contractors who are successful bidders on public works to be built or constructed by the United States Government or any agency thereof, The State, the County of Volusia, the County School Board, any city or any other political subdivision, may perform such public works contract without complying with the terms of the Code other than to pay to the City Auditor and Clerk any amount required for a first year occupational license applicable for the particular job for which building permit is issued. An initial certificate of competency as a mechanical contractor or journeyman installer shall be issued without further examination to any person who has taken and passed a written examination for such trade or occupation prepared, and graded by the H. H. Block and Associates, Gaines- ville, Florida, and who holds a current certificate of competency from a City which has a mechanical ordinance with jurisdiction and control over air conditioning, refrigeration, heating, ventilating work and incinerators similar to that of Volusia County and which grants reciprocity of Volusia County certificates of competency for such trades. To secure a certificate the applicant 'shall .furnish to tM*mechanica3 i8spector'.of the .CountyJof-Volusia &`photostatic copy .of his current competency certificate and a certificate from the Chief Administrator's Office of the City issuing such certificate that the applicant has taken and passed the appropriate H. H. Block and Associates of Gainesville, Florida, examination for mechaincal contractors and that such city has a mechanical code substantially similar to that of the City of Edgewater and grants reciprocity to Edgewater's certification of competency for mechanical contractors and journeyman installers. Section 10. Classification of Mechanical Contractors. There shall be separate examinations for the classes of contractors as defined herein. Contractors shall be classified as follows: 1) Class "A'. - Mechanical Contractor unlimited, who shall participate in all types of installations, or altering and repairing of air conditioning, heating, -::rygchanical..tefrigeration, incinerators anp...'i".. -3- 'ventilation equipment, and/or their component parts or controls. 2) Class "B" - Mechanical contractor limited, who shall be permitted to install, alter, or repair air conditioning, heating mechanical refrigeration, and/or ventilation equipment where no component exceeds 25 HP, where total aggregate tonnage is not over 100 compressor HP where warm air furnaces do not exceed 450,000 BTU per hour input rating. 3) Class "C" - Mechanical repair and service contractor limited, who shall be permitted to repair and serve only systems if covered under Class "B" above. 4) Class "D" - Mechanical contractor limited, who shall be permitted to install, alter, or repair heating equipment only where no component exceeds 150.000 BTU per hour input rating. Section 11. Application and certificate to show class. The applicant shall specify.in`.his application,the.class:of'.contractor for which he seeks a certificate of competency and each certificate of competency shall show the class of contractor for which the holder is certified. Section 12. Certificate Fee; Renewals Before the issuance of the certificate of competency for either an initial fee or renewal; a fee shall be paid to the City Clerk, said sum in turn to be deposited in the City's General Fund, Ten Dollars ($10.00) for Classes "A", "B", and "C" and Five Dollars ($5.00) for Class "D`.' and journeyman installer. Licenses are due and payable on October 1st of each year. If the holder of a valid certificate of competency fails to renew such certificate while the said certificate is in effect, but files an affidavit with the City Clerk on or before July 15th of the next ensuing year, setting forth the reasons for this failure to so renew the certificate as required, herein, the Board of Appeals may, by unanimous vote, determine that the said affidavit stated good and sufficient cause to excuse the failure to so renew the certificate, and may thereafter, by unanimous vote, authorize and direct the reissuance of thecertificate of competency upon the condition that said applicant shall forthwith purchase the necessary occupational license for a full year and upon such other reasonable terms and conditions;;and as''-the'-said_BbardiofAppeals,-may,desire�`-to impose and without requiring the said applicant to pass the examination aforesaid. Section 13. Certification of existing mechanical contractors. All persons now lawfully engaged in the business or acting in the capacity of a contractor, currently holding an occupational license in the City of Edgewater shall before the issuance of a certificate of competency make application for the class of certificate for work for which they are now ceritified but shall not be required to take a written examination. Classes "A","B","C" and "D" contractors who have been actively engaged in their respective class of work during the past three (3) years and who shall make affidavit to the effect shall be issued -the respective certificate without'written examination but subject to approval and classification by the Board of Appeals. All persons now acting in the capacity of a journeyman installer shall make application for journeyman certificate within sixty (60) days after enactment of this Code to the Board of Appeals and shall be issued the respective certification without examination subject to approval of the Board of Appeals. Section 14. Procedure and:mnditions for certification by firms. An occupational license may be issued to a firm or corporation in accordance with the following procedure and upon the following conditions: -4- a) The individual taking the examination on behalf of any firm or corporation must be an active partner, officer, or full-time salaried employee of the firm or corporation and said individual shall file an application in the same form as other applicants, except that said application shall also show the name of the firm or corporation for which he is seeking a certificate of competency. b) The occupational license, if issued, shall be in the name of the firm or corporation but shall show on its face the name of the individual upon whose competency it is issued. c) An occupational license issued under subsection (b) shall be valid only so long as the individual shall remain in or with the firm or corporation in the capacity required by subsection (a). d) It shall be unlawful for the individual upon whose competency a certificate is issued to a firm or corporation to sever his active connection with said firm or corporation without first notifying the building department thereof. e) It shall be unlawful for any firm or corporation to fail to give notice to the Building Department within five (5) calendar days after the person upon whose strength the certificate of competency was issued to such firm or corporation has severed his connection with such firm or corporation or is no longer acting in the capacity required in subsection (a). f) The firm or corporation to whom an occupational license was issued upon the competency of an individual who is no longer acting in the capacity required by sub -section (a) hereof shall, if such firm or corporation has complied with subsection (e) hereof, surrender such certificate and designate some other qualified individual to take an examination. Application and fee must be made in conformance with Section 10 of this Code. If such individual qualifies, no payment of additional occupational license fee for the current year will be required. Section 15. Records of contractors The chief building official shall assign to each holder of a certificate of competency a permanent number and shall keep a register of certificate holders showing such number, and class of certificate, the date and basis of any revocation, the date and basis of any violation or complaint, the date of expiration of any certificate not renewed within the time herein required and the date of any re-examination or re -qualification after expiration or revocation of such holders certificate. Section 16. Sign required on service or installation vehicle. It shall be unlawful for any person to use any service vehicle in the business or in the capacity of contractor unless the vehicle or vehicles are identified with the name of the company in letters a minimum of two (2)inches in height. Section 17. Revocation of certificates - Grounds. The Board shall have the power to revoke the certificate of competency and it shall be the duty of the Board to revoke the certificate in any case whereone or more of the following grounds shall exist, to -wit: a) Misrepresentation of any material fact in the application for a certificate or for a permit; b) Performance of mechanical work in a negligent, incompetent, or -5- unworkmanlike manner; c) Engaging in the business of acting in the capacity of a contractor without a valid city occupational license. d) Contracting in a name other than the registered with the Chief Building Official; e) Misrepresenting the requirements of this Code regulating mechanical work in order to obtain or increase the scope of the work in any contract or mechanical work; f) Allowing any person to do mechanical work under a permit obtained by said certificate holder when said person is not working both under supervision of said certificate holder and as a regular employee of the contractor in whose name the permit is issued. g) Or, violation of any section of this ordinance. Section 18. Investigation and report by mechanical inspector. At any time that it shall come within the ascertainment of the inspector that any of the foregoing grounds for revocation may exist as to any contractor or journeyman it shall be the duty of said inspector to make a full fact -gathering investigation and file with the Board a written report thereof together with a statement as to whether or not such ground does exist; and in the event that it shall come within the ascertainment of the Board that any such ground exists as to any contractor or journeyman the Board may order the inspector to make such investigation and report. Section 19. Notice of Hearing. At any time the report of the one or more grounds for revoca the complaint of any person al it shall be the duty of the Bo upon the alleged violator a no revocation and of the time, da Board thereupon, which notice nor more than thirty (30) days violator shall have the right by counsel, produce evidence, Section 20. Action By Board. inspector shall show the existence of tion or there is filed with the Board leging the existence of any such grounds, and to order the inspector to serve tice of the alleged grounds for to and place of a hearing before the shall be served not less than ten (10) prior to said hearing. The alleged to appear at such hearing, be represented and cross-examine witnesses. If after such hearing, the Board shall determine that one or more of the above grounds for revocation exist, it shall enter a written order signed by the chairman revoking the certificate of the violator. When such certificate has been suspended or revoked by said Board, the City Auditor and Clerk of the City shall likewise suspend or revoke any occupational or business license dependent upon such valid certificate. The affirmative vote of the majority of the members of the Board shall be required for suspension or revocation of a certificate of competency. If any person feels aggrieved at a decision of the Board of Appeals for Mechanical Contractors, the Chief Building Official, or the mechanical inspector in refusing to grant such person the right to take examinations, or in refusing to grant such person after he has passed proper examination, a license, permit or certificate of competency to carry on or engage in the trade, business or occupation SE of mechanical contractor or journeyman installer, or in revoking or suspending a license permit or certificate of competency; such person may appeal to the Board of City Council of the City of Edgewater within ten (10) days after such decision. Within fifteen (15) days from the filing of a notice of appeal with the Board of City Commissioner; the person aggrieved shall be informed of the decision of the Board of City Commissioners. Section 21. Re -certification within one year. No certificate shall again be issued for a period of one year to such person, or the firm or corporation licensed upon said certificate except at the discretion of the Board. Section 22. Permits Required. It shall be unlawful for any person to do any mechanical work within the scope of this Code in the City of Edgewater without first obtaining a permit therefor from the City, except when the installation consists of the following: a) Air cooled self-contained air conditioning units, less than one (1) horse power not attached to ducts. b) Air cooled self-contained refrigeration equipment for meat, dairy, and food commodities of one HP or less. c) Repairs and service to an existing installation up to $500.00 on commerical and $150.00 on residential, on any one job. But such exemptions shall apply only the requirement for a permit, and the installation or alteration shall be made in conformity with this Code. Section 23. Conditions, form for issuance of permits. No permit shall be issued until the fees therefore have been paid to the City of Edgewater all permits shall be issued in writing upon forms provided therefor by the City of Edgewater, Florida. Section 24. Permits not transferable; subsequent permits for same work. No permit shall be transferable and the issuance of a permit for certain work shall not preclude the issuance of a subsequent permit for the same work. Section 25. Persons qualified for permits. No permit shall be issued except to person, to -wit: a) A person who holds a certificate of competency for the work permitted. b) Any person regularly employed as a maintenance man by one owner, occupant or tenant or any commerical or industrial building or buildings of which his employer is sole owner, tenant or occupant and which such maintenance man is duly registered in writing with the Building Department and who possesses a certificate of competency for the class of work proposed. (qualifications same as for journeyman installer.) c) Any person who is the bona fide owner of a single family dwelling in which he resides or intends to immediately reside and whoa -shall -do all the work himself, shall be governed by the regulations set forth in this code. Section 26. Special approval required for dangerous refrigerants. -7- No permit for a refrigeration system containing toxic, flammable, or explosive refrigerant shall be issued and no such system shall be installed until the approval of the inspector has been given upon submission of acceptable evidence that no public hazard will thereby be created. Section 27. Revocation of permits - Grounds. All permits issued under this Code shall be revocable by the Building Department at any stage of the work upon the following grounds: a) The permit was issued by mistake of law or fact. b) The permit is for work which violates the provisions of this Code c) The permit was issued upon misrepresentation by the applicant. d) The permit violates any ordinance of the City. e) The work is not being performed in accordance with the provisions of this Code. f) The certificate of competency upon which said permit was issued has become invalid by reason of expiration or otherwise. g) The work is not being performed upon the supervision of the holder of the certificate of competency upon which the same was issued. h) The work is not being done in accordance with the terms of the permit or the applications upon which the same was issued. Section 28. Notice; effect; hearing. The inspector shall issue and serve upon the permittee written notice of such revocation and the grounds therefor and it shall be unlawful for the permittee or any other person with knowledge of such revocation to continue such work thereafter until said permit is reinstated or a new permit issued. Any person who may be aggrieved by any ruling or order of the inspector shall have the right to request by written notice to the Board, a hearing to be held within ten days in order to adjudicate the dispute. The petitioner shall have the right to be represented by counsel, to present evidence and cross-examine witnesses. Section 29. Permit card required; posting. The inspector shall issue with each permit a notice thereof in the form of a card showing the issuance of a permit, the number thereof, the date of issuance, the premises for which issued and the name of the person to whom issued, and it shall be unlawful to commence work without first having posted such card in a prominent place upon the premises upon which the work is to be done, so that such card may be readily seen from the street upon which such premises face and abut and it shall be unlawful for any person to remove said card either during the progress of the work. Section 30. Scope, effect of permits. The issuance or granting of a permit or approval of plans and specifications shall not be deemed or construed to be a permit for/or an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of this code. No permit presuming to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of this code shall be valid, except so far as the work or use which it authorizes is lawful. The issuance of a permit upon plans and specifications shall not prevent the inspector from thereafter requiring the correction of errors in such plans and specifications or from prohibiting the starting or continuance of work thereunder when in violation of this code or of other provisions in this code. Section 31. Expiration of permits. Every permit issued by the inspector under the provisions of this code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the work authorized thereby is not commenced within ninety (90) days from the date of such permit or if the work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned for a period of sixty (60) days at any time after the work is commenced, except for delays where occasioned by Acts of God, or other causes beyond its control; before such work can be commenced or completed a new permit shall first be obtained therefor upon payment of the fees for the work to be done as for an origional permit. Section 32. Application for permit. Application for permit shall be submitted on forms provided by the Building Department, and shall be accompanied by sufficient description to clearly define the intended work. Where the installation or. alteration of a system consists of components in excess of twenty-five (25) tons and where the total aggregate tonnage is over one hundred (100) compressor tons and where warm air furnaces exceed 450,000 BTU per hour input rating. Drawings shall be prepared by a professional engineer. Section 33. Engineer Drawings. Drawing accompanying the application shall contain the following data as a minimum: a) Plan view drawn to a scale not less than one -eighth (1/8") inch to the foot, except that where a dimension of the buildings exceeds two hundred (200) feet a scale of one -sixteenth (1/16) inch to the foot may be used, showing the location and interconnection of all equipment, duct work, fire dampers, air outlets and returns, plenums, piping, auxiliaries and safeties, vertical shafts and ducts, fans, etc., prepared in such a manner and containing such large scale partial plans and details as to clearly set forth the scope and intent of the work described in the application, and to permit an evaluation of the system as to safety and compliance with this code. b) Plan indicating the placement of all buildings on the sites, the location of the property lines and the location and placement of all equipment and accessories on the site external to the buildings, including any inter -connection by piping or other means. 1 c) Schematic or isometric diagram of all field -installed piping for water, steam, gas and/or refrigerant related to systems installed under this code, showing quantity, pressure, temperature and nature of materials conveyed, sized and materials of piping, valving, safeties and accessories to be installed. d) Type and capacities of all equipment, including electrical requirements. e) Name of person responsible for the preparation of the drawings, name of person or party for whom the proposed work is to be performed, and street address of the property on which the proposed work is to be performed. If requested by the inspector, applicant for permit shall furnish not more than two copies of calculations relative to the system or part thereof, including structural supports, to indicate compliance with code requirements. Section 34. It shall be the duty of the inspector to make an initial inspection of all apparatus or d6vices that are to be concealed before concealment and to inspect such mechanical system upon its completion within twenty-four (24) hours after notification by the person, firm or corporation making the installation, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays and holidays and shall leave proper notice of inspection attached to equipment. Section 35. Concealment prior to inspection. It shall be unlawful for any person to permanently conceal any part of a mechanical installation in a building or structure until the inspector has made an initial inspection and left upon the premises a notice of compliance. Section 36. Correction, reinspection of violations. In the event the inspector upon said initial inspection shall find said work not in compliance with the code, the person doing said work shall promptly do everything necessary to bring said work within the requirements of this code. The inspector shall then, upon notice from such person, re -inspect said work and shall make as many re -inspections thereafter as shall be necessary. Section 37. Final inspections. After notice of compliance following the initial inspection, or re -inspection, the person doing the work shall complete tle. full work and then make a request for final inspection. The inspector shall then make final inspection and if the work complies he shall attach to the equipment a duly authenticated tag showing the work f6 be complete in accordance with this code. If the inspector upon final inspection shall find said work not in compliance with the provisions of this code he shall notify the person doing the work specifying in what particulars said work fails to comply and the person doing the work shall make the same conform to such requirements and request a final re -inspection. The inspector shall make as many re -inspections as shall be necessary before he shall issue a final notice of compliance. -10- Section 38. Disconnecting dangerous installations. At any time the inspector shall find an existing installation upon or within any premises so dangerous as to place persons or property in imminent danger of injuryordamage, so that an emergency is created, the inspector shall forthwith disconnect the same from service. It shall be unlawful for any person to re -connect such device or apparatus until the same has been made safe and written author. _. ization has been obtained from the inspector. Section 39. Applicability of building regulations. All installations necessitating building alterations shall be subject to the provisions of the City building code and a seperate building permit shall be required. Section 40. Applicability of electrical regulations. All electrical wiring shall be subject to the provisions of the City electrical code and a separate electrical permit shall be required. Section 41. Applicability of plumbing and gas regulations. All piping of potable water, gas supply to equipment and final connections to sanitary sewer, and all gas operated devices or equipment shall be subject to: the provisions of the City plumbing and gas code and a separate permit shall be required. Section 42. Permit fee when other permits required. In any case where an installation is subject to an inspection and permit from any of the above -mentioned bureaus, the cost of that part of the installation for which a permit is issued by the said department shall not be included in the mechanical permit which shall be issued by the building department. Section 43. Air conditioning, heating and refrigeration: Consideration as to location to minimize noise nuisance. When any air conditioning, heating and refrigeration machinery is installed, special consideration shall be given to the location of such units to minimize the noise nuisance. Prior to the issuance of a permit for all new installations, the mechanical inspector shall inspect the premises and advise the installer that careful consideration should be given to its location to minimize the.:noise. Based upon a written complaint from adjacent neighbors, some means of baffling, approved by the mechanical inspector, by using acoustics or other approved methods to reduce the noise of these units in a reasonable fashion by absorbing or reflecting the noise in a direction which would be less objectionable to all concerned, may be required by the mechanical inspector. Section 44. The following standards are hereby adopted as part of this code and supplement, but do not supersede the specific requirements set forth herein: -11- a) The American Standard Associations' Safety Code of Mechanical Refrigeration, A.S.A. B9 1-1953 and subsequent additions or corrections thereto. b) The National Board of Fire Underwriters Pamphlet 90A, Air Conditioning and Ventilating Systems of other than residential type, August 1955, and subsequent additions or corrections thereto. c) The National Board of Fire Underwriters Pamphlet 90B, Residential Type Warm Air Heating and Air Conditioning Systems, August, 1955, and subsequent additions or corrections thereto. d) The American Standards Association Code for Pressure Piping, A.S.A. B311-1955 and subsequent additions or corrections thereto. e) The guide published by the American Society of Heating and Air Conditioning Engineers shall be accepted as a standard of good practice, as now published or as subsequently amended. f) A.S.M.E. Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, as now published and subsequently amended. Section 45. Definitions. Air Conditioning System is defined as a system by which the temperature, humidity, distribution and purity of air are affected for the comfort of people or the processing of materials. Refrigeration system is defined as a system by which the temperature of a material or product is reduced below that of the surrounding substances by means of mechanical and/or chemical processes to obtain such reduction in temperature. Refrigeration equipment is defined as any part of a refrigeration system. Commercial refrigeration is defined as any size or type unit used for the extraction of heat, including the preparation and pre- servation of food and other similar commodities as an aid or a part of a chemical process. Domestic refrigeration is defined as a self-contained factory - assembled, single unit refrigerator of twenty cubic feet or less of mechanical refrigerated space, generally known as a domestic appliance and shall be exempt from all the provisions of this code. Readily accessible. Capable of being reached quickly for operation, renewal, or inspections, without requiring those to whom ready access is requisite to climb over or remove obstacles. Servicing is defined to mean and include the cleaning, lubricating, recharging, pumping down and adjusting necessary to maintain, in efficient operating condition, a system otherwise in good condition. Section 46. Wall and Window Type Air Condition Units. a) All individual air conditioning units installed in walls or windows shall be securely anchored to the walls by approved methods. -12- Units installed over paths of ingress and egress, or more than ten feet (loft.) above grade shall be secured to the structure by bolts or screws to resist horizontal wind loads. b) Such units cantilevering more than eight inches (8 in.) on the exterior of a building shall be supported by steel angle brackets secured by bolting. Bolts to masonry shall be set in lead shields or adequately secured. c) Condensate lines shall terminate at not less than ground level. d) All air conditioners above one and one-half (1 z) horsepower shall be provided with a 220 volt receptacle. Section 47. Waste Condenser Water. a) Special consideration shall be given to the disposal of waste condenser water, and means of disposal shall be subject to approval of the plumbing or mechanical inspectors. Section 48. Maintenance of systems. All air conditioning, heating and refrigeration systems shall be maintained by the user in a clean condition, free from accumulations of oily dirt, waste and other debris, and shall be kept readily accessible at all times. Section 49. Signs or labels required. a) Each air conditioning, heating or refrigeration system shall be provided with legible and securely attached permanent label or sign indicating thereon the name and address of the manufacturer, the kind and total number of pounds or refrigerant required in the system for normal operations, and the refrigerant leak field test pressure applied. b) It shall be the duty of the person in charge of the premises on which a refrigeration system containing more than seventy-five pounds (75 lb.) of refrigerant is installed, to maintain a conspiciously posted card as near as practicable to the refrigerant compressor giving directions for the operation of the system, including precautions to be observed incase a breakdown or leak as follows: 1) Instructions for shutting down the system in case of an emergency. 2) The name, address and day and night telephone numbers for obtaining service. 3) The name and address of the installer shall be on all air conditioning, heating and refrigeration equipment. Section 50. Location and access. a) All air conditioning, heating and refrigeration equipment shall be located so as to be readily accessible for inspection or repair. To be accessible, such equipment shall have reasonable and adequate work room an all sides and above and all parts capable of being readily reached. -13- i b) Air conditioning equipment shall not be installed in an attic with less than three feet (3 ft.) clearance. A catwalk around the conditioner and an electric light must be provided. An exception is permitted for air handlers if approved by the mechanical inspector and provided proper access panels are installed for adequate inspection and repairs. An electric light must be installed and if necessary, a catwalk shall be provided. c) Air conditioning, heating and refrigeration equipment shall not be installed in a crawl space underneath the flooring less than two (2) feet high and above grade. d) Commerical refrigeration equipment shall not be installed on the roof or in an attic of a building unless the supporting structure meets the requirements of the Southern Standard Building Code and approved by the Building Official. e) Air Conditioning equipment shall be mounted and installed so as not to create undue tension, stress, or strain and vibration resulting in objectionable noise level. f) Heating and air conditioning supply duct work shall be either externally or internally insulated with all joints of insulation properly sealed except when in the air conditional space. g) An attic, basement, or concealed space in a building shall not be used as an integral part of a supply system, unless it conforms to all requirements for ducts. h) All commercial air conditioning units installed on roofs shall be provided with adequate vibration elimination so as not to create objectionable noise or structural hazard. Chapter Three PLUMBING CODE SECTION 1. That the 1975 edition of the Southern Standard Plumbing Code and all amendments thereto as adopted from time to time by the Southern Building Code Congress, except as otherwise recommended by the Board of Adjustments and Appeals of the City of Edgewater, is hereby adopted as the Building Code of the City of Edgewater, Florida. SECTION 2. Any person, firm, or corporation who violates any provision or section of this Chapter shall be prosecuted by the City of Edgewater in any court of competent jurisdiction and upon conviction for violation of any provision or section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punishable by fine not to exceed Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars or by imprisonment not to exceed sixty (60) days, or both. MODIFICATIONS. CHANGES, AMENDMENTS AND ADDITIONS SECTION 3. Said Southern Standard Plumbing Code aforesaid is hereby modified, changed, amended and additions added thereto. Refer to Mechanical Code. 104.3--The following is added to Code, page 1 - 4: _ "All drawings, specifications and accompanying data shall bear the name and address of the designer. In case of buildings or structures of Group C,D and E occupancy as defined in the Southern Standard Building Code, all multiplie -family dwellings of three (3) or more family units, and all buildings or structures exceeding two (2) stories in height or 5,000 square feet in area, except one and two family dwellings, such designer shall be an engineer legally registered under the laws of this State regulating the practice of Engineering and shall affix his official seal to said drawings, specifications and accompanying data." 107. 2--Re-inspection fee is hereby changed from $2.00 to $5.00. 109.2-- "Anyone wishing to enter the plumbing business must be a Master Plumber, or have an active partner who is a Master Plumber, or in the case of a corporation, the Master Plumber shall be an officer of the corporation." "All apprentices or helpers wishing to take the Journeyman Plumber examination must show proof of four (4) years continuous full-time experience in the plumbing trade, under the supervision of the competent Master or Journeyman Plumber". "All persons wishing to take the Master Plumber examination must show proof of two (2) years as a Journeyman Plumber in Volusia or two (2) years as a Master Plumber outside of Volusia County." 409.1--Said section is hereby amended to read as follows: "Workman- ship shall conform to generally accepted good practice, as defined by the Plumbing Official." 503.2--Said Section is hereby amended to read as follows: "Any approval of materials by the Southern Building Code Congress shall be subject to approval of the Appeal Board." 506.1--Abestos Cement Sewer Pipe under said section is hereby prohibited. 506.3--Under said section these materials are hereby prohibited except for temporary installations. 602.4--The words "Copper joints under concrete must be silver solder or equal" are hereby added to said section. 602.6--The words "Hot -Poured Joints" are hereby deleted from this section. 602.11--The words "Asbestos Cement Sewer Pipe Joints" are hereby deleted from said section. 602.12--The words "Bituminized Fiber Pipe Joints" are hereby deleted from this section. 922.2C--Water heaters installed in attics: "Water heaters when installed in attics must have propetly supported ceiling joints and must have a pan turned up four inches on all sides with a drain which shall not be less than 3/4" minimum and can be discharged above floor level into an approved floor drain or discharged outside of building to ground level. Galvanized pans to be 24 gauge." 922.2D--Water Heaters under Kitchen Base Cabinets are prohibited. 1301.3--Delete the words "galvinized, steel and wrought iron" are hereby stricken from this section so that the same shall read: "Soil and waste piping for drainage system shall be cast iron, lead, brass or copper pipe, or copper tube, or DWV plastic." 13.02.1--Said Section is hereby limited to cast iron and vitrified clay pipe and DWV plastic. 1404.1--In said section five (5) feet vent extension is hereby changed to ten (10) feet. 14.05.1--Vent Terminal in said section is hereby amended to read: "Vent terminals when using turned in high boot flashing shall not be less than two (2) inches in diameter." 1410.2--There is hereby added to said section the following: "Maximum vertical distance between drains shall be ten (10) inches." 1502.5--Bituminized fiber and asbestos cement pipe is hereby stricken from this section and the same is amended to read: "The building storm sewer shall be of cast iron soil pipe, virtrified-clay pipe, or plastic pipe meeting the requirements of Table 505 may me accepted." -3- Composition of Board. The master plumbers and journeyman plumber appointed to serve on said Board shall hold current valid certificate of competency as such and shall have been actively engaged in the business of plumbing for a period of not less than five (5) years immediately preceding the date of appointment as a member of said Board, and each shall be a citizen of Volusia County, Florida with the qualifications of an elector. Meetings, Authority, Duties, Powers. a) Said Board of Plumbing Examiners shall hold regular meetings the first Tuesday in the months of January, April, July and October of each year. Special meetings may be called at any time by the written request of any two (2) members of the Board of Plumbing Examiners. b) Applications for the examinations hereinafter provided for shall be made to the Chief Building Official, in writing, on forms furnished by him, shich shall be accompanied by an application fee of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) for Master Plumbers and Thirty Dollars ($30.00) for Journeyman Plumbers, and Thirty Dollars ($30.00) for Building Maintenance Engineer. Applicants for examination for a certifi- cate of competency as a Journeyman Plumber shall submit satisfactory evidence that he has had a minimum of four (4) years experience at plumbing, as hereinafter defined. If the application for examination is denied by the Chief Building Official, the Board of Plumbing Examiners shall determine whether the applicant has the requisite experience to take the examination provided for herein, within five (5) days after the decision of the Chief Building Official. Appeal from the decision of the Board of Plumbing Examiners may be had in accordance with the provisions set forth in the Section "Reviews". c) Upon acceptance of a proper application, each -4- applicant for a Master's or a Journeyman's or a Building Maintenance Engineer's Certificate of Competency shall submit to both a written and a practical examination as to his practical knowledge of plumbing, water piping, house drainage and ventilation, and knowledge of the provisions of this Code. The examination shall be given in two parts, Part I shall be written and Part II shall be practical. Part I, the written part of the examination, shall test the applicant as to general plumbing knowledge, and knowledge of the Plumbing Code of the City of Edgewater. Part II, the practical portion of the examination, shall test the practical knowledge and skill of the applicant. a). Part I, written examination shall be prepared, graded and proctored by H.H. Block and Associates of Gainesville, Florida and shall be conducted on the last Saturday of the months of January, April, July and October of each year. b). Part II, the practical part of the examination, shall be given the Saturday immediately preceding the last Satureay in the months of January, April, July and October of each year. c). PartIIII, the practical part of the examination, shall be prepared, graded and proctored by the local Plumbing Examining Board and shall consist of the following: a) Three copper joints on wrought copper Tee-Sil-Flos 95/5 and 50/50. b) 900 Bends on 3/4" and 1/2" soft copper. c) Two cast iron caulked joints - 4" and 2", 1 c/runner. d) Demonstrate the folding of a lead shower pan. e) Cut and thread pipe 1", 14" and lh". f). 75% to be made on both portions to pass the overall examination. If an applicant should pass the practical and fail the written, he shall retake the written examination at full examination cost. -5- If he should pass the written portion and fail the practical, he shall retake the practical at fifty (SO) per cent of the examination cost. If satisfied with the compe- tency of such applicant the said plumbing Inspector shall thereupon issue certificates of competency to such appli- cants who have passed, which certificates shall show that such applicants are qualified to apply for such licenses as may be required, and to engage in or work at the business or trade of plumbing, either as master plumber, journeyman plumber or as a maintenance engineer, depending upon which of these examinations was taken. g) Regular examinations on Part I shall be conducted on the last Saturday in the months of January, April, July and October of each year. h) special examinations may be authorized at any time by making application therefor, and providing applicant deposits with said application the fee, together with all costs incurred in giving and grading said special examination. i) All applications for any examination must be filed not .less than three (3) weeks prior to the examination date. j) Said Board shall have the power and authority to suspend or revoke for cause the certificate of competency of any master plumber, journeyman plumber, or building maintenance engineer. Failure to correct improper or defective plumbing or defective plumbing work or installations promptly after notifica- tion of such by the Plumbing Inspector; failure to comply with, or any violation of the provisions of this Code; undertaking or doing plumbing work of any kind or nature requiring permit, with- out having applied for and secured such permit by any master plumber or other good and sufficient reasons, shall be deemed cause for suspension or revocation of any such certificate of competency held by any such person or persons. The affirmative •6- vote of four (4) members of the Appeal Board shall be required for suspension or revocation of a certificate of competency. k) Any suspension of a certificate of competency made by said Board shall remiin in force for the period of time such suspension is made, and any such suspension may be made permanent by said Board for cause, unless such suspension is lifter or annulled by action 6f an appeal to the proper courts of law. 1) Any person holding such cettificates of competency who is charged with violation of this Code and is thereby faced with a possibility of having his certificate of competency and/or license suspended or revoked, shall be notified of such charge or charges and shall have the right to a hearing in person or by counsel by said Board on such charge or charges at the time and place set by the said Board for such hearing, before any action is taken by said Board on suspension or revocation of certificate. Any person bharged with violation of this Code, who fails to appear in person or by counsel before said Board for a hearing by said Board on such charge or charges and the said Board may then proceed with the suspension or revocation of his certificate if deemed by said Board to be proper and in order. Reviews. a) If any person aggrieved at a decision of the Chief Building Official, or the Plumbing Inspector, in refusing to grant such person the right to take examinations or in refusing to grant such person a license, permit or certificate of competency to carry on or engage in the trade, business or occupation of plumbing, or in revoking or suspending a license, permit or certificate of competency, such person may appeal to the Appeal Board within ten (10) days from such decision. Within ten (10) days from the filing of a notice of appeal with the Appeal Board, the person aggrieved shall be informed of the decision of the Appeal Board. -7- Rules and Regulations a) The Board of Adjustments and Appeals may make and promulgate all necessary rules and regulations relating to applicants and examinations and other business of said Board not in conflict with the provisions of this code. It shall prescrive the form of applications. If an applicant shall make a grade of 75% with 100% perfect, in his examination, he shall be entitled to receive a certificate. b) In case of the neglect or refusal of the master plumbers or the journeyman plumber members of said Board to attend the meetings of said Board or to perform their proper functions as members of said Board as herein provided, the County Commission may remove such member and appoint some other qualified person in his place. c) The Board of Adjustments and Appeals shall have reasonable control of the methods and materials used in plumbing and drainage, where such are not specifically provided for in this Code, Temporary Work Permits for Journeyman Plumbers a) Any applicant for examination for a certificate of competency as a journeyman plumber who has furnished satisfactory proof of cert- ification by examination at plumbing shall be entitled to the issuance of a temporary permit by appearing before the Board of Adjustments and Appeals to engage in or work at the trade of journeyman plumber only when working with a master or journeyman plumber who is on the job and such applicant shall at no time work alone. b) Such temporary work permit shall become void automatically, and all rights and privileges thereunder suspended and revoked, on the day the Board of Adjustments and Appeals review the examination results, following the issuance of such temporary work permit, and noitemporary work permit shall be renewed or reissued to the applicant after said date. -8- c) Any person who shall fail the examination for a certificate of competency may retake such examination twice in a period of twelve (12) calendar months and shall be required to wait a period of six (6) months before taking such examination again. Requisite for Public Works Construction. Master Plumbers who are successful bidders on public works to be built or constructed by the United State Govern- 'f ment or any agency thereof, the State, the County School Hoard, Volusia County, or any other political subdivision, may perform such public works contract without complying with the terms of , the examination requirements set forth in this Code, but the purchase of an occupational License, all necessary permits and payment of the regular cost for a new certificate for the performance of this designated job, provided a building permit has been issued. Examinations. -� a) Master Plumbers. Anyone wishing to enter the plumbing business must be a Master Plumber, or have an active partner who is a Master Plumber, or in the case of a corpora- tion, the Master Plumber shall be an officer of the corporation. b) All persons wishing to take the Master Plumber examination must show proof of two years as a Journeyman Plumber in Volusia County or two years as a Master Plumber .m. outside of Volusia County. c) All apprentices or helpers wishing to take the Journeyman Plumber examination must show proof of four (4) years continuous full-time experience in the plumbing trade, under a competent Master Plumber. -9- 0 CERTIFICATES, LICENSES, CONTROL SECTION S. Exemptions from Examination. a) All persons holding a valid master plumbers or journeyman plumbers certificate of competency issued by the City of Edgewater as of the effective date of this Ordinance, shall, upon application therefor, be issued a certificate of competency as a Master Plumber or Journeyman Plumber hereunder without further examination. b) An initial Certificate of Competency as a Master Plumber or Journeyman Plumber shall be issued without further examination to any person who has taken and passed a written examination for such trade prepared, graded and proctored by Ft. H. Block and Associates, Gainesville, Florida, and who holds a current certificate of competency from a City that has a Plumbing Ordinance similar to that of the City of Edge- water's and which grants reciprocity to City Certificate of Competency for Master and Journeyman Plumbers and Maintenance Engineers. Terms of Certificates, Renewals. a) All said Certificates of Competency shall be issued for and be valid for the term of one year; beginning on the first day of October in each year and expiring the last day of September in the following year, unless suspended or re- voked. A new certificate to carry on the business of Master Plumber, the trade of Journeyman Plumber and Maintenance Engineer, must be secured annually from the City of Edgewater, Florida and may be had by any person holding a certificate then in effect, and payment of the required fee. Such renewal of certificate must be secured on or before the first day of October of each year, to -10- a .._ be in effect for the ensuing fiscal year. b) No certificates or licenses may be assigned or..� 'transferred from one person to another. Occupational License. a)•- No occupational license shall be issued to any person, firm or corporation for the purpose of engaging in, or working at, or carrying on business of master plumber, un- less such person, firm or corporation be in possession of a proper and valid certificate of competency as required therefor. Journeyman Plumbers. a) Definition. A Journeyman Plumber, within the meaning of this Code is a workman qualified in the trade of plumbing, who holds a valid certificate of competency as such and who has complied with the requirements of this ordinance. Prohibiting Mork without Certificate. ,•»- a) No person shall engage in or work at the trade of Journeyman Plumber within the City of Edgewater without first ' having passed an examination for such, as provided for herein, or being exempt from such by having passed an examination for such in the past and being in possession of a valid certificate as a Journeyman Plumber. - Fees for Examinations and Licenses. a) An applicant for a Master Plumber's Certificate shall, upon filing of application for examination for such pay a fee of Fifty Dollars ($50.00). If the applicant passes the examination, a Certificate of Competency (trade card) will be , issued showing he is qualified to work at or engage in the business of plu.:.bing as a Master Plumber upon the payment of $10.00. Place of Business. a) Every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of and operating under a certificate of competency and -11- occupational license as a matter plumber, within the City of Edgewater, Florida shall maintain a place of business as such. It shall be unlaw- ful for such a master plumber to maintain a place of business without having in force a proper Certificate of Competency and Occupational License, as provided for herein. In case of a removal from one place to another, new address shall immediately be registered with the City Auditor and Clerk. Displays Signs a) It shall be the duty of every certified and licensed master plumber to display a sign at his place of business, showing the name of such master plumber under whom the place of business is operated. Such sign shall be clearly discernible and in a public place. The name thereon must be the same as shown in the certificate and license issued. Each car or truck used by said master plumber in his business shall have painted or printed thereon, his name, and his firm's name, with 2" letters minimum. Workmen Employed a) At no time will an apprentice work alone. Apprentice work shall be performed under the direct supervision of a journeyman plumber or a master plumber who holds a valid Certificate of Competency. At no,time will a master or journeyman plumber supervise the work of more than two (2) such registered apprentice on any one job. Partmerships, Corporations, Firms a) No corporation, partnership, or business firm or trust shall engage in the business of master plumber, or do plumbing work or install plumbing as herein defined, unless such corporation, partnership or business firm or trust shall have and maintain in its employment one active member who holds a valid certificate of competency and also Occupational License as a Master Plumber here- under. The name and address of the employer, corporation, partnership, or business firm or trust which he represents shall be -12- certified to by him and registered in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Edgewater, Florida. In the case of a corporation the master plumber shall be an officer of the corporation. In the case of a partnership, one partner must be personally responsible and he shall be liable for the acts and conduct of the corporation, partnership or business firm or trust which he represents, insofar as compliance with t terms and requirements of this code is concerned. Such master plumber of such corporation, partnership, or business firm or trust shall perform and conduct all business in connection with the securing of permits and other business connected with the office of the Plumbing Inspector of the City of Edgewater. b) No person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of plumbing shall allow his, its or their names to be used by any other person, firm or corporation directly or indirectly, to obtain a permit, or for the construction of any work under his, its or their names, license, bond or insurance; nor shall he, it or they make any misrepresentations or omissions in his, its or their returns. Revocation of Certificate a) The certificate of competency of a master plumber may be suspended or revoked for cause by the Board of Adjustments and Appeals. b) Any person, firm or corporation, engaged in business as a master plumber in the City of Edgewater who shall fail to promptly correct any defect or defects in any plumbeing work done or installations made by him or any person or persons in his employ, contraty to, or violation of this Code, after having been notified thereof by the Plumbing Inspector in writing or verbally, shall not be issued any further permits until such defect or defects have been corrected. In case of any such person who continually persists to violate the provisions of -13- this code or any part thereof, or refuses or neglects to abide by the order or instructions of the Plumbing Inspector in rela- tion to the same, the certificate of competencv of such,nerson may be suspended or revoked by the Board of Appeals & Adjustments. c) It shall be the duty of the Plumbing Inspector to report to said Board any such continuous or persistent violations of this Code or any part thereof by any master plumber, or the refusal or neglect of any master plumber to abide by the orders of the Plumbing Inspector in relation to the Code. If the said Board upon such report of the Plumbing Inspector or of the complaint of others of any such failures or violations, or of its own knowledge of such, shall suspend the certificate of competency of any such magter,olumber, then it shall be the duty of the Board of Appeals & Adjustments to notify such master plumber that his certificate has been suspended. Any such master plumber so accused shall have the right of a hearing and appearance at a regular or special meeting of said Board as herein provided. d) .At the next meeting of said Board of Plumbing Examiners, a master plumber whose certificate has been suspended may appear and be heard upon the question of making the suspension permanent or reinstating the certificate. The decision of the Board of Plumbing Examiners on suspensions or revocations of certificates of competency shall be subject to review as herein provided. Apprentices, Permit for. a) Any person desiring to engage in or work at the trade of plumbing as apprentice, mupt first obtain a permit to do so from the City of Edgewater, Florida which shall be issued for one dollar 01.00) charge. An apprentice shall be permitted and allowed to do plumbing work only under the direct supervision of and working at all times with a master plumber holding a valid certificate of computency and occupational license, or a journeyman -14- a plumber holding a certificate of competency, who shall be held responsible for the work of such apprentice. Such permits must be obtained from the City of Edgewater, Florida and qualifica- tions of said apprentices shall be determined by said Board. There shall be a term for apprentices for a period of four years, and permits issued them may be suspended or revoked for cause by the said Board of Appeals 5 Adjustments. b) Apprentice's Renewal. The apprentices shall renew their certificates of competency Annually and a fee of one ($1.00) dollar shall be paid. See section "Terms of Renewals for certificates". Owner's Constitutional Privilege.. a) Nothing herein contained shall prohibit any bona fide owner of any home from personally installing plumbing in his own home, if the building is single family occupancy, for himself, and by himself, provided that said owner shall: 1. File plans and specifications and/or working drawings of such plumbing or proposed plumb- ing with the Plumbing Inspector and secure • his approval thereof. 2. Apply for and secure a permit for such plumbing and from the Plumbing Inspector and pay the required fee for such permit. 3. no such plumbing work for which the permit has been issued, in accordance with all provisions of this Code pertaining thereto. 4. Apply for inspection and test of such plumbing work when ready for such. Receive approval of such plumbing work by the Plumbing Inspector, such work shall be altered or corrected in order to comply with this Code. S. Receive certificate of approval of such work from the Plumbing Inspector. • 6. Do the work in a manner which complies with this code. This privilege may be exercised for not more than one house in any two year period. Satisfactory proof of ownership will be required by the City • Plumbing Inspector. (Applicants under this provision are advised that the City Plunabing Inspector is an in- spection authority and is NOT available as a Technical Advisor.) 0 .15. Plumbing Inspector a) There is hereby established in the City of Edgewater a position of Plumbing Inspector. b) The Chief Building Official with the approval of the City Council may appoint such number of officers, inspectors, assistants and other employees as shall be authorized from time to time. No person shall be appointed as inspector of plumbing inspector, master or journeyman plumber who has passed an examination administered by the Board of Adjustments and Appeals. Said Plumbing Inspector shall not be engaged in the business of plumbing directly or indirectly operating within the County of Volusia. c) The said Plumbing Inspectors shall be appointed by the City Council and approved by the Board of Adjustments and Appeals and shall serve until such time as properly relieved ans shall receive such salaries as fixed by the City Council. Authority, Duties a) The Plumhing Inspectors are hereby given the authority and charged with the duty of obtaining compliance with the terms, and provisions of this Plumbing Code and any amendments hereto, or rules of the Health Department pertaining to plumbing, which duty shall include: 1. The examination and approval or disapproval of plans and specifications and/or drawings or proposed plumbing work and the issuance of permits for all plumbing as such is defined and as required hereinafter. 2. The collection of fees for plumbing permits as required hereinafter, and the inspection and reinspection of all plumbing work as such is defined and as required herein- after. 3. The conduct of tests of plumbing and drainage as required hereinafter, and the issuance of certifications of approval of plumbing work or installations, and notices of rejection of plumbing work or installations, as provided for herein- after. -16- 4. The arrest and prosecution of violators of this Code or any part of this Code. S. Advisory service to the public in regard to plumbing and drainage and service on complaint pertaining to plumbing and drainage. The re - inspection of buildings and premises for determining the effective operation and sanitary maintenance of plumbing and. drainage. 6. The Plumbing Inspectors shall keep, or cause to be kept a record of the business of the Plumbing Department. The records of the Plumbing Department shall be open to the public inspection at a reason- able time. Authority to Enter Buildings. The Plumbing Inspectors are empowered and authorized to enter into or upon any public or private building or premises for the purpose of examination, inspections or testing the plumbing, drainage, sewerage, or ventilation and water piping within such building or premises. Investifation of Complaints The Plumbing Inspectors shall examine all premises about Which a complaint of the plumbing, drainage, sewerage or ventilation or the water piping has been made, and he shall, upon evidence of the unsanitary or unfinished or defective condition thereof, condemn same and notify the owner or agent of such premises in writing, or verbally, of the condition as found and instructions to remedy such condition. Any person failing to place the plumbing of such building or premises in a proper and sanitary condition, as instructed by the Plumbing Inspector within the time fixed by the Plumbing Inspector, shall be subject to prosecution and punishment as prescribed by this Code. Placards It shall be the duty of the Plumbing Inspectors to post in a conspicuous place on a building or premises the plumbing, drainage, sewerage, or ventilation of water piping of which has been condemned by him, one or more placards. -17- Occupancy of Placarded Buildings Prohibited. Such placard or placards shall remain on or in said building until the required repairs or improvements are made. The building owner or agent of such building so placarded shall be responsible for the maintaining of such placard or placards until removed by the Plumbing Inspector. It shall be unlawful for any person to reside in or occupy such building for any pur- pose, or to let, rent, or hire the same or any part hereof, or to collect, receive or to pay any rental therefor, whether as owner, agent, tenant or otherwise while so condemned. Stop Won% Orders. Upon notice from the plumbing inspector that work on any plumbing installation is being done contrary to the pro- visions of this Code or in a dangerous or unsafe manner, such work shall be immediately stopped. Such notice shall be in writing and shall be given to the owner of such property, or to his agent, or to the person doing the work and shall state the conditions under which work may be resumed. where any emergency exists, oral notice given by the Plumbing Inspector shall be sufficient. Revocation of Permits. The Plumbing Inspector may revoke a permit or approval, issued under the provisions of this Code, in case there has been any false statement or misrepresentation as to the material fact in the application or plans on which the permit or approval was based. In all such cases no permit fees shall be refunded. Unsafe Installations. All Plumbing installations, regardless of -type, which are unsanitary or which constitutes a hazard to human life, health, or welfare are hereby declared illegal and shall be abated by repair and rehabilitation or by demolition in accordance with the procedure as outlined in Section 103.4, Unsafe Buildings, of the Southern Standard Building Code, the Southern Standard -Is- 0 Housing Code, 1965 Edition. Requirements not covered by Code. Any requirement necessary to insure the sanitary condition of, or for the safety, strength or stability of an existing or pooposed plumbing installation or for the safety of the occupants of a building or structure, not specifically covered by this Code, shall be determined by the Plumbing Inspector, sub- ject to the approval of the Chief Building Inspector. Liability. Any officer or employee, or member of any Board, charged with the enforcement of this Code, acting for the City of Edgewater in the discharge of his duties, shall not thereby render himself liable personally, and he is hereby relieved from all personal liability for any damage that may occur to persons or personal liability for any damage that may occur to persons or property as a result of any act required or permitted in the discharge of his duties. Any suit brought against any officer or employee because of an act performed by hin in the enforcement of any provision of this Code shall be defended by the City's Legal Department until the final termination of the proceedings. Bond Required Before any person, firm or corporation shall engage in the business of plumbing in the City, he, it or they shall first obtain the proper license and deposit with the City of Edgewater, a good and sufficient bond in the sum of One Thousand (1,000) Dollars, to be approved by the City Attorney, conditioned that the I' person, firm or corporation engaged in the plumbing business will faithfully observe all the laws pertaining to plumbing, drain laying, blasting and excavating; further, that the City of Edgewater shall be indemnified and saved harmless from all claims arising from accidents and damage 6f any character whatsoever caused by the negligence of such person, firm or corporation engaged in the plumbing business, 19- or by any other unfaithful inadequate work done either by them- selves or their agents or employees, and that such person, firm or corporation will maintain in a safe condition for a period of one (1) year all ditches and excavations which may be opened in the performance of any plumbing work, and further that all dirt and other material excavated will be placed back in a good con- dition with similar materials. where such excavation is made in an unpaved street or road, or any street or road paved with asphalt or concrete, -,he word "street" or "road" as herein used shall apply to sidewalks, curbs, gutters and street and road paving, and shall contain other conditions as required by law. Excavations in Streets. a) A permit shall be required from the City Engineer for each excavation in a public street, road or alley before the. work is commenced. work under such permit shall be commenced within 48 hours, otherwise, the permit shall become void. All permits shall be kept at the place of excavation while the work is being done and exhibited whenever called upon by any person having an authority to examine the same. There shall be no more than one-half of the width of any street, road or alley opened or .obstructed at any one time; tunneling shall not be allowed, and no authorized underground construction shall be injured or inter- fered with. All portions of the street or road excavated shall be put in as good condition as before the excavation was made. The trench or excavation shall be refilled, thoroughly rammed and puddled within 48 hours after making the connection or repairs. When an excavation is made in any paved street, where it is neces- sary to remove paving, the person, firm or corporation to whom the permit was issued for such excavation shall leave a written notice with the Engineering Department and said notice shall state that the excavation has been properly filled, tamped and is ready for repaving. whenever any person, firm or corporation making any excavation in the street or alley fails to refill in the proper manner, as required by this Code or fails to maintain the same for a period of one (1) year, then the City Engineer shall cause the work to be done and the cost thereof shall becharged against the bond as heretofore provided. b) Where such excavations occur in a state or federal highway, permission shall be obtained from the state or federal highway department before any work is commenced. Public Protection Requirement. a) It is hereby required that for every excavation made on public property, proper safeguards shall be provided against injury to the public, barricades shall be provided at five (5) feet distance, and such barricades shall completely encircle all open excavations or trenches. All barricades, as required by this Code, shall have at least one (1) sign placed thereon in a conspicuous manner, indicating the name of the place, person, firm or corporation causing such excavation. When ap- proved by the City Engineer, steel plates of sufficient strength may be used to cover excavation to prevent blockage of streets. b) From sun -up to sun -down there shall be placed, at a distance of not less than one hundred (100)'feet, sufficient numbers of red flags to warn the public of dangerous excavation. From sun -set to sun -rise there shall be placed at a distance of not less than one hundred (100) feet, sufficient red lights or flambeaus to indicate the length of the excavation in the public thoroughfare and to warn the public of dangerous excavation. In addition to the above there shall be placed on or by the bar- ricades sufficient red lights or flambeau to indicate the point of excavation and size. PERMITS AND FEES TIIEREFOR SECTION 6. Application for Permit. Before a master plumber or owner installs any plumbing as such is defined herein, or does any plumbing, sewer or drainage work, or makes additions -21- to or alterations in existing plumbing, sewers, drains, fix- tures or appliances in any new or old buildings, or upon any premises within the City of Edgewater ,.he shall file with the Plumbing Inspector an application in writing for a permit to do such work; except, that no permit will be required for the re- pair of leaks, unstopping of sewers, drains and waste pipes and the making of minor repairs to existing plumbing in buildings and premises. The making of minor repairs shall not be con- strued to mean the replacement of complete water systems, nor making connections with sewer or water mains, nor the replace- ment of water tanks or water heaters or parts thereof, or plumb- ing fixtures. Before any master plumber does any repairing or replacing of any plumbing, requiring a permit under the pro- visions of this Code, he shall file with the Plumbing Inspector an application in writing for the permit. With any such appli- cation for a permit, there shall be filed a diagram, drawing or plan showing clearly the character and kind of plumbing, sewer, or drainage work to be done under said application. Said diagram, drawing or plan shall also show the manner in which the plumbing, sewerage or drainage installation is to be made, or the character of any alterations of or additions to any existing plumbing, sewer or drains. Said application shall be made on a form which shall be furnished by the office of the Plumbing Inspector. In addition thereto, the following information shall appear on the form to be filled in by the applicant correctly: Street and house number of the premises where. the work is to be done. Name of the owner and/or lessee. • Name of the master plumber. Name of the plumber doing the actual installation. Kind of building and number of stories. A list of the plumbing fixtures, sewer, septic tank, water heater, etc. and such other information as may be required. -22- Inspector before such replacement work is done. The fee for replacement shall be in accordance with the schedule above. Such replacement jobs shall be inspected by the Plumbing Inspector and shall be subject to his acceptance or rejection as is other plumbing work done under permit, and if reinspected, the regular fee for such reinspection shall be paid. Permits Required. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to install any plumbing as such is defined herein, or do any plumbing, sewer, or drainage work, or cause or permit any plumbing to be done or installed as owner, agent, manager or employer of a building or premises, or to make any alterations, additions to, changes or repairs in, or of any existing plumbing or part thereof, including fixtures, appliances and appurtenances in, or on any building or upon any premises within the City of Edgewater without first having procured a permit therefor from the Plumbing Inspector, except such plumbing work which requires no permit, as provided for in "Application for Permit" hereof. Applications for such permits shall be made in writing upon forms furnished for that purpose as provided in Section "Application for Permit' hereof and shall be issued only to persons, firms or corporations as provided in "To Whom Issued" hereof. SECTION 7. House trailer and trailer park plumbing installations shall be in conformance with the diagrams on file in the office of the Plumbing Inspector. Chapter Four ELECTRICAL CODE SECTION 1 . That the 1975 edition of the National Electrical Code and all amendments thereto as adopted from time to time by the National Fire Protection Agency, except as otherwise recommended by the Board of Adjustments and Appeals of the City of Edgewater, is hereby adopted as the Building Code of the City of Edgewater, Florida. SECTION 2. Any person, firm or corporation who violates any provision or section of this Chapter shall be prosecuted by the City of Edgewater in any court of competent jurisdiction and upon conviction for violation of any provision or section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punishable by fine not to exceed Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars or by imprisonment not to exceed sixty (60) days, or both. SECTION 3. (a) The term "Electrical Construction" as used in this Ordinance shall be held to include and govern all work and materials used in installing, maintaining, and extending a system of electrical wiring for light, heat, power or advertising and all appurtenances thereto and all apparatus or equipment used in connection therewith, inside or attached to any building or structure, lot or premises; provided, however, that none of the provisions of this Ordinance shall apply to the replacement of lamps or the connection or portable devices to suitable receptacles which have been permanently installed. (b) All wiring on private property shall be inspected, fees charged, and approved by the Electrical Inspector. This shall apply to work installed by utilities or others except utilities regulated under Chapter 366 of the Florida Statutes. (c) The term "Master Electrician" as used in this Ordinance shall be held to mean a person who possesses the necessary qualifications, training and technical knowledge to plan, lay out and supervise the installation of electrical wiring, apparatus or equipment for light, heat, power or advertising as covered by the terms and provisions of this Ordinance. (d) The term "Journeyman Electrician" as used in this Ordinance shall be held to mean a person who possesses the necessary qualifications, training and technical knowledge to install electrical wiring apparatus or equipment for light, heat, power or advertising, as covered by the terms and provisions of this Ordinance, under the supervision of a licensed Master Electrician. (a) The term "Maintenance Electrician" as used in this Ordinance shall be held to mean a person who possesses the qualifications herein - before prescribed for a Journeyman Electrician and who is regularly employed to maintain and make necessary repairs to the electrical wiring, apparatus and equipment installed, contained and used upon or in buildings of premises owned or occupied or controlled by the person, firm or corporation by whom employed. Maintenance Electrician shall not be permitted to run any additional wiring to existing system. (f) The term "Neon Serviceman" as used in this Ordinance shall be held to mean a person who possesses the necessary qualifications and technical training to locate defective parts, to service, maintain and repair a neon sign and/or any installation of neon strip lighting; or outline lighting; to build or rebuild or install a neon sign and to install any sistem — of neon strip lighting or outline lighting on exterior walls or roofs or building; to change defective neon transformers or glass and to make any necessary repairs to existing systems of neon lighting, or neon signs. He shall stand such examination as will satisfy the Electrical Board as to his true knowledge of the general construction and functions of a neon installation and that he is qualified to make such repairs and replacements and to build or rebuild such signs in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance and all standard rules and regulations governing the same. It shall be thoroughly understood that such Neon Serviceman will not be permitted to wire for or connect any neon sign or neon installation to the interior wiring system of any building or premises; to make any new installation except as provided in Paragraph 1 of this section, or except it by under personal supervision of a Master Electrician or a Journeyman Electrician employed by such Master Electrician who shall he duly licensed and bonded in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance. (g) The term "Electrical Inspector" as used in this Ordinance shall be held to mean a person who possesses the necessary training and technical knowledge as defined in this Ordinance and who has Civil Service qualifications for Electrical Inspector. The Electrical Inspector is appointed by the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida, to inspect all electrical wiring for the City of Edgewater, Florida. (h) Master electricians who are successful bidders on public works to be built or constructed by the United States Government or any agency thereof, the State, the County School Board, Volusia County, or any other political subdivision, may perform such public works contract without complying with the terms of this chapter other than to buy all necessary permits and pay the regular cost for a new certificate ($250.00) for the performance of this designated job, provided a building permit has been issued. (i) Said certificates of competency shall be valid throughout the City of Edgewater, Volusia County, Florida, and shall be renewable annually,upon conditions hereinafter described. Said certificates shall be kept in a register in the office of the Board of Adjustments and Appeals showing the name and the address of all persons to whom a certificate is issued hereunder. Said Board shall designate or elect one of its members to act as Secretary, who shall keep records of meetings. Secretary to file copy of the minutes of the meetings with the office of the Clerk of the City Council. Four (4) members of said Board shall constitute a quorum. Affirmative vote of majority of said Board present at a meeting shall be necessary to adopt any ruling. (j) An appropriate certificate of competency as a Master Electrician, Journeyman Electrician, Neon Serviceman or Maintenance Electrician shall be issued without further examination to any person who has taken and passed a written examination for such trade or occupation, prepared, proctored and graded by H.H. Block & Associates, Gainesville, Florida, and who holds a current certificate of competency from a City which has an electrical code or ordinance similar to that -4- of the City of Edgewater and which grants reciprocity to the City of Edgewater holders of certificates of competency for such trades. To secure such a certificate, the applicant shall furnish to the Board of Adjustments and Appeals of the City of Edgewater a photostatic copy of his current competency certificate and a letter from the Chief Administrator's office of the City issuing such certificate, certifying that the applicant has taken and passed the appropriate H.H. Block & Associates proctored examination for electricians and that such City has an electrical code substantially similar to that of the City of Edgewater and grants reciprocity to the holders of certificates of competency in the City of Edgewater. The fees for a certificate of competency issued under this provision shall be Two Hundred Fifty and no/100 ($250.00) Dollars for the first year of Master Electrician and Thirty and no/100 ($30.00) Dollars for Journeyman Electrician, Maintenance Electrician and Neon Serviceman. (k) Said Board shall have the power and authority to suspend or revoke for cause the certificates of competency of any Master Serviceman. When any such certificate has been suspended or revoked any occupational or business licenses dependent on such valid certificate thereof. Failure to correct improper or defective electrical or neon work or electrical or neon installations promptly after notification of such by the Electrical Inspector; failure to comply with or any violation of the provisions of this Ordinance; Undertaking or doing electrical or neon work of any kind or nature reguiring permit, without having applied for, or secured such permit by any Master Electrician, a Neon Serviceman, or other godd and sufficient reasons, shall be deemed cause for suspension or revocation of any such certificate of competency held by any such person or persons. The affirmative vote of a quorum of said Board shall be required for suspension or revocation of a certificate of competency. -5- (1) Any such suspension or suspensions of said certificates of competency made by said Board shall be and remain in force and effect for the period of time for which any such suspension may be listed or annulled by action of an appeal to the Board of Adjustments and Appeals as provided for herein. Repeated violations of the provisions of the Ordinance by any person holding certificates of competency hereunder shall be deemed cause for revocation of such certificate. (m) Any person holding such certificate of competency who is charged with violation of this ordinance and is thereby faced with a possibility of having his certificate of competency and/or license suspended or revoked, shall be notified of such charge or charges and shall have the right to a hearing in person or by Counsel by said Board on such charge or charges at the time and place set by the said Board for such hearing, before any action is taken by said Board on sus- pension or revocation of the certificate. Any person so charged with violation of this Ordinance, who fails to appear in person or by counsel before said Board for a hearing thereon, after having been notified of the time and place set for such hearing by said Board, shall thereby forfeit the right of a hearing by said Board on such charge or charges and the said Board may then proceed with the sus- pension or revocation of his certificate if deemed by said Board to be proper and in order. (n) If any person feels aggrieved at a decision of the Board of Adjustments & Appeals, or the Electrical Inspector in refusing to grant such person after he has passed proper examinations, a license permit, or certificate of competency to carry on or engage in the trade, business or occupation of Electrician and/or Neon Serviceman, or in revoking or suspending a license, permit or certificate of competency, such person may appeal to the Board of Adjustments and Appeals within ten (10) days after such decision. Within fifteen (15) days from the filing of a notice of appeal with the Board of Adjustments and Appeals, the person aggrieved shall be informed of the decision of the Board. (o) If the holder of the valid certificate of competency fails to renew such certificate while the said certificate is in effect, but files an affidavit with the Board of Adjustments and Appeals on or before July 15th of the next ensuing year, setting forth the reasons for this failure to so renew the certificate as required herein, the Board of Adjustments and Appeals shall by quorum vote, determining thatthe said affidavit states good and sufficient cause to excuse the failure to so renew the certificate, and may thereafter by quorum vote, authorize and direct the re -issuance of the certificate of competency upon the condition that the said applicant shall forth- with purchase the necessary occupational license for a full year and upon such other reasonable terms and conditions and as the Board may desire to impose and without requiring the said applicant to pass the examination aforesaid. Any person serving in the Armed Forces shall be exempt from this requirement for the duration of his service plus six (6) months. There shall be a fifty percent (50%) fine for those certificate holders who do not renew their certificates of competency by October 31st of each year. Those persons not renewing their certificates within the current year (October 1 to October::l) shall be required to reapply to their respective Board for new certification and may be subject to complete re-examination if so deemed by the Board of Adjustments and Appeals. (p) All persons holding a valid Master Electrician, Journeyman Electrician, Neon Serviceman or Maintenance Electrician certificate of competency issued by the City of Edgewater as of the effective date of this ordinance, shall, upon application therefor, be issued a certificate of competency as a Master Electrician, Journeyman Electrician, Neon Serviceman or Maintenance Electrician, hereunder, without examination. -7- (q) The Board of Adjustments and Appeals has the authority to make recommendations as to revisions on the present Ordinance and shall also interpret the Ordinance. (r) Temporary work permits. When and if, in the discretion of the Board of Adjustments and Appeals, it becomes advisable, Temporary Journeyman Electrician's Work Permits may be issued by the said Board to Electrical Workers for a period of time necessary to enable them to take that next scheduled examination and for the results of the examination to be received by the Board. The Master Electrician employing said electrical worker shall vouch for same before a temporary work permit is issued. The name of the employing Master Electrician shall be entered on the Temporary Work Permit. The fee for a temporary work permit shall be Five and no/100 ($5.00) Dollars. No temporary work permit may be issued to an applicant for a Master Electrician's certificate. SECTION 4. It shall be unlawful for any person, not a certified electrician in accordance with the provisions of -this Ordinance to do any electrical construction or make any repairs, alterations, additions or changes to any existing system of electrical wiring, apparatus or equipment for light, heat, power or advertising within the City of Edgewater, Florida, unless otherwise provided for in this Ordinance. SECTION 5. Master Electricians to be licensed: (a) Before any Master Electrician shall engage in the trade of electrical construction in the City of Edgewater, he shall pay to the City Clerk the necessary occupational license fee according to license code in effect at the time of his application. (b) Insurance: Any Master Electrician entering into an agreement with any person for consideration either for a fixed contract price or a cost plus basis or for anything of value or for a supervising fee or for a management fee or for a commission to supervise the installation of electrical wiring apparatus of equipment for light, heat, power or to advertising as covered by the terms and provisions of this Ordinance shall be held and considered to be carrying on the business of electrical contracting and shall be required to furnish sufficient insurance in the amount of One Hundred Thousand and no/100 ($100,00.00) Dollars General Liability for each person , plus Three Hundred Thousand and no/100 ($300.000.00) Dollars for each accident, or become self insuror by furnishing sufficient evidence to prove to the Board of Adjustments and Appeals that the Master Electrician has financial responsibility and assets of at least Three Hundred Thousand and no/100 ($300,000.00) Dollars prior to issuance of a certificate of competency. Section 6. Each Maintenance Electrician or Neon Serviceman shall register with the office of Electrical Inspection the name and place of business of the person, firm or corporation by whom regularly employed and such Maintenance Electrician or Neon Serviceman shall not be employed by more than one person, firm or Neon Serviceman at the same time. Section 7. All licenses shall expire on, and shall be null and void after September 30th, any year, and no electrical work shall be done by and no permits shall be issued to any Master who has no such license, as hereinbefore provided, in full force and effect. Section 8. No licensed Master Electrician shall allow his name to be improperly used by any person or party, directly or indirectly, either for the purpose of obtaining a permit, or to do any work under his license. When such Master Electrician is permanently employed, he shall not allow his name to be used for the aforesaid purposes or either of them by any person, firm or corporation whatsoever other than his regular employer. CERTIFIED ELECTRICIANS REQUIRED ON ELECTRICAL WORK: SECTION 9. A Master Electrician shall not employ a person on any job in the capacity of an Electrician, without such person being in possession of a Certificate of Competency or a certificate as provided for in Section 3 of this Ordinance, provided that nothing in this Ordinance shall be held to prohibit the working of helpers or apprentices is performed under the personal supervision and accompanied by an Electrician holding a Certificate of Competency of a certificate, (not to exceed 2 helpers or apprentices to 1 Journeyman). PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS TO BE SUBMITTED TO THE INSPECTOR SECTION 10. (a) The electrical wiring and installation of electrical apparatus or equipment for light, heat, power or advertising, within or attached to all buildings or structures both public and private shall be done in accordance with plans and specifications sub-.. mitted to and approved by the Electrical Inspector at the time of final inspection. Drawings and complete discriptions of proposed work shall be furnished and filed by the owner or contractor in charge of the work in the Electrical Inspector's office. Plans must be legibly drawn or printed to a definite scale and may include all or part of the system depending upon the complexity of the system as determined by the Electrical Inspector. Alterations for the existing work must be shown by separate indications for the old and the new work and as much of the old work must be shown as may be necessary to show the rules and regulations are being complied with. Plans must be approved or rejected within a reasonable time after the time of filing and work shall not commence or proceed until said plans have been so filed and a permit to do work authorized to be issued by the City Electrical Inspector. (b) Plans and specifications as aforesaid for electrical wiring may be required by the Electrical Inspector of the City on single family residential buildings valued at Thirty Thousand Dollars or more for new construction, and Ten Thousand Dollars or more for alterations or existing buildings. -10- (c) Plans and specifications as aforesaid for electrical wiring may be required by the Electrical Inspector of the City on all buildings other, than single family residential buildings and their accessory uses. SECTION 11. PERMITS: (a) Permits shall be issued in the office of the Electrical Inspector. (b) A permit will be required to do .any electrical construction of any character, install any electrical wiring, apparatus or equipment or make any extensions or changes to existing systems of wiring for light, heat, power or advertising within the City of Edgewater, except- ing the repairing of damaged or broken fixtures, apparatus, or equip- ment and the ordinary work necessary for the proper maintenance of same; provided however that: 1. No permit shall be required for the replacement of lamps or the connection of portable devices to suitable receptacles which have been permanently installed. 2. No permit shall be required for the installation, alteration or repair of wiring, devices, appliances, or equipment for the operation of signals or the transmission of intelligence where such wiring, devices, appliances or equipment operate at a voltage not exceeding 50 between conductors and do not include generating or transforming equipment capable of supplying more than fifty (50) watts of energy. (c) Permits to Master Electricians: Permits to do electrical work will be issued only to Master Electricians who are duly qualified under the provisions of the Ordinance to engage in the trade or business of electrical construction in the City of Edgewater, Florida. (d) Permits to Maintenance Electricians: Permits may be issued to duly qualified Maintenance Electricians to make reasonable alter- ations to existing installations of electrical wiring, apparatus or equipment, installed, contained and used upon or in buildings or premises owned or occupied by the person, firm or corporation by whom such Maintenance Electrician is regularly employed. Such reasonable alterations shall be of a minor character, shall be confined to -11- existing branch circuits and the fixtures, apparatus or equipment connected thereto and shall not include the installations or replacement of service conductors, service equipment or sub -feeder circuit. RULES AND REGULATIONS - GENERAL SECTION 12. (a) All electrical construction and all material and appliances used in connection with the installation, maintenance and operation of electrical wiring, apparatus or equipment for light, heat, power or advertising within the City of Edgewater, shall conform with approved methods of construction for safety to life or property. The regulations as laid down in the prevailing National Electrical Code as approved by the American Standards Association, shall be prime facie evidence of such approved methods. (b) The 1971 National Electrical Code and subsequent editions and amendments thereto is hereby adopted as the City of Edgewater Electrical Code governing the minimum requirements for all electrical construction and all materials and appliances used in connection with the installation, maintenance and operation of electrical wiring, apparatus or equipment for light,heat, power or advertising inside the City of Edgewater, except the use of BX Cable. (c) Exit lights where required in the Code on the first floor of a building may be omit.t&O,providing, however, that all doors lead directly to an exit and providing that a light illuminating exits shall be wired in accordance with the wiring required for exit lights. In no case shall exit lights be omittedwhere doors in the same room lead to any other area other than to direct egress conforming in size to the Building Code, or such areas are above the first floor of such buildings. (d) All contractor's trucks shall be identified with the name of the company in letters a minimum of two (2) inches in height or be legible from a distance of one hundred (100) feet. -12- (a) 1. Maximum number of outlets per circuit on commercial or residential building - 10 light outlets or 6 receptable outlets or 8 combinations. 2. Every kitchen shall have a minimum of two appliance circuits wired with #12 wire. 3. Each of the appliance circuits shall be entirely by itself - no other outlets shall be on :these circuits. 4. Dishwasher, garbage disposers and all water pump systems shall be on separate circuits. 5. The utility room or laundry must also have an appliance outlet on a separate 20 AMP circuit. Kitchen, bathroom, laundry, utility room, garage, and any other lights within six feet of water connection or plumbing fixtures shall be controlled by a wall switch. A duplex receptacle shall be installed in all bathrooms. 6. Disconnect switches for central type air -conditioners shall be located, on, in or adjacent to compressor. If outside shall be dead front type. 7. Electrical furnaces shall be installed in accordance with the Southern Standard Building Code - Section 8-11A. APPROVED MATERIALS, DEVICES OR APPLIANCES: Section 13. No electrical materials, devices or appliances designed for attachment to or installed on any electrical circuit or system, for light, heat, power or advertising, shall be installed, used, sold or offered for sale, for use inside the City of Edgewater, unless they are in conformity with approved methods of construction for safety to life and property. Conformity of electrical materials, devices or appliances with the Standards of Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc., or with other standards approved by the American Standards Association, shall be prima ficia evidence that such electrical materials, devices or appliances comply with the requirements of this Ordinance. The makers name, trademark or other identification symbol shall be placed on all electrical materials, devices or appliances sold, installed or used under the provisions of this Ordinance, together with such other markings giving voltage, current, wattage or other appropriate ratings as are prescribed in the National Electrical -13- Code; or as may be necessary to determine the character of the material, devices or equipment and the use for which it is intended. METAL CONDUIT AND FITTINGS: SECTION 14. All metal conduit and fittings unless of corrosion resisting metal, shall be galvanized, sheradized or shall have an equivalent coating of corrosion resisting metal. SECTION 15. All service wires supplying current for light, heat, power or advertising to any building inside the City of Edgewater, in overhead connection, shall be installed in rigid metal conduit from service head to the approved means of main disconnect. For overhead connections, exposed portions of wire shall be in conduit from service head to the approved means of main disconnect. Minimum size of mask through roof to be 2" and have a roof flange of approved type. Meters are not approved as a means of main disconnect. All services for -.:. residential dwellings shall be sized according to the National Electrical Code and shall include 4.5 K.W. at 1007 demand factor for a water heater (when applicable); #10 wire, 6 K.W. for clothes dryer; 12 K.W. for air condition and heat pump; 1.5 K.W. for a utility area and also an additional 6 K.W. of spare capacity all calculated at 100% demand. All panels shall have one double pole spare space and two single pole spare spaces or not over 80% full. (Access to panel for utilization of these spaces shall be provided by 1" or larger empty raceway to an accessible area.) Triple -E- alloy conductors will be minimum grade to be used. No panel will be permitted in bathrooms or closets, EMT may be used inside of building from meter to first panel or disconnect. There will be no aluminum permitted under concrete. SECTION 16. Knife switches operating at a potential of 600 volts or less, except on switch boards or panel boards accessible to qualified persons only, shall be externally operated enclosed type with proper markings to show when the switch is in the 'ON" or 'OFF" position. -14- SECTION 17. (a) All wiring for public garages and filling stations, school houses, theaters, churches, auditoriums, hotels, rooming houses of over fifteen (15) rooms, apartment houses of over three (3) apartment, business, commercial and industrial buildings of fireproof construction; installation shall be with rigid conduit, or metal moulding, or electrical metallic tubing. (Flexible metallic tubing and PVC may be used under special conditions when approved by Electrical Inspector) Mobile Homes placed as permanent structures may have service placed on the home. (b) Other types of buildings not covered in the above paragraph non-metallic sheathed cable with bare -ground metal moulding, flexible metal conduit of not less than one-half inch in trade size may be used. PVC or non-metallic conduit will have a ground conductor pulled with other conductors and will be green in color or bare. (c) Where metallic water piping is in the building, ground clamps must be attached to same, and where it is impractical to expose, same may be concealed, The Service Grounding Conductor shall be a minimum of #4 bare copper and shall conform to the latest issue of the National Electrical Code. The Service Grounding Conductor shall be run from the first meter or switch enclosure to a cold water pipe and where required by local utility, an approved driven grounding electrode using an unbroken, approved exposed, accessible, ground fitting making an electrical connection with the Grounding Conductor. All bathroom lights must be controlled by a switch not a part of a fixture. (d) Additions and alterations to existing building, wiring shall be installed as directed by the Building and Electrical Inspectors and indicated on the Building Permit. Portable cords on phonographs, radios, clocks and all other portable appliances must not be greater than six feet in length and shall not be fastened down in any way. This applies to commercial and manufacturing buildings and any building under the jurisdiction of the State Hotel and Restaurant Commission. -15- (e) All services must have an approved means of a main disconnect. (f) Disconnect means for services to be located as near as possible to the point of service entrance. (g) Electric ranges: Electric ranges in residences shall be connected through approved receptacles with cord sets; not circuit wires smaller than No. 6 Awg. for electric ranges shall exceed thirty- five feet in length. Built-in range tops and oven. #10 not to exceed thirty-five feet, over thirty-five feet, #B stranded wire. (h) Any class of occupancy not specifically mentioned in this Ordinance shall be wired according to the rules of the National Electrical Code governing the wiring, apparatus, or equipment for that particular class of occupancy. (i) Neon signs, Electric signs or any type of electrical decorative advertising medium shall be installed by a Journeyman Electrician or Neon Serviceman under the supervision of a Master Electrician. Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to mean that the structrual supporting frame of a sign connot be erected by a qualified General Contractor. (j) A separate sign circuit shall be installed in all store or public buildings (new or remodeled). A disconnect, safety switch or circuit breaker shall be located in the line to,an out -door sign at the sign location and be weatherproofed if exposed to the weather. A receptacle shall be installed in the ceiling directly over the show window, and on a separate circuit. (k) Sign transformers shall not be placed in unfinished attic spaces. Drain holes shall be provided in metal transformer boxes, and when exposed to the weather the boxes shall be reamed or otherwise trimmed to remove burrs on rims that would hold water in the enclosure. -16- If mounted on the roof, the transformer enclosure shall be elevated at least two inches above the roof. Wood shall not be used to mount or elevate that transformer enclosure. The transformer shall be rigidly fastened to the metal enclosure. (1) All neon signs must have a ground which is common (by copper conductor) with the ground of the supplying system. (m) Neon sign may be inspected and approved by the Electrical Inspector before sign is erected, in case of emergency, sign may be inspected after erection, provided safe and adequate means are provided for Inspector to inspect the sign. (n) Minimum requirement for customer's temporary service shall be as approved by the Electrical Inspector. (o) All fluorescent fixtures installed in commercial, industrial or public buildings shall have fused ballasts. When necessary to replace ballasts on existing fixtures, they shall be the fused type. OVERCURRENT PROTECTION: SECTION 18. All circuits for lights, heat, power or advertising shall be protected against short circuits and overloading by approved automatic circuit breakers, or approved non -temperable fuses. All plug type fuses shall be non-tamperable type and shall be so designed that the 0 to 15 ampere fuse will not interchange with 16 to 30 ampere fuse. No installation or electrical wiring will be considered as _ complete until complete set of fusestats or automatic circuit breakers are installed to protect the circuits and equipment. SECTION 19. All receptacles shall be of the grounded type. SECTION 20. Construction power shall be a minimum of 60 amps 220 volts and shall provide 1-50 amp 3-wire, 220 volt, single phase receptacle and 1-15 amp 110-volt, 3 wire receptacle. These receptacles shall have separate and proper overload protection. -17- SECTION 21. (a) It shall be the duty of the City Electrical Inspector to inspect all electrical wiring, apparatus, or equipment for light, heat, power or electric advertising inside the limits of the City of Edgewater, Florida, and to enforce the laws, rules and regulations regulating to the same, and to exercise a reasonable observation over all electrical construction done under the provisions of the Ordinance. (b) It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to issue And supply electric current for light, heat, power or advertising or to connect any distribution system with any installation of wiring, apparatus of fixtures inside the City of Edgewater, until the same shall have been inspected and approved by the City Electrical Inspector. (c) The City Electrical Inspector with approval of the Board of Adjustments and Appeals may give special permission to connect and furnish electric current to any wiring, apparatus or fixtures for a period of not exceeding thirty (30) days, if, in his opinion, such wiring, apparatus or fixtures are in such condition that current may be safely connected herewith, and there exists an urgent necessity for such use. (d) The City Electrical Inspector with approval of the Board of Adjustments and Appeals may issue special permits for the installation and use of temporary wiring and/or equipment as permitted by Section 23 of this Ordinance;provided, that the use of such temporary wiring and/or equipment shall be limited to a period of not more than thirty days (30) after day of permit. If reasonable necessity is established for an extension of time in the use of such temporary wiring and/or equipment the permit for its use may be extended by the City Electrical Inspector for an additional period of thirty (30) days from its original date of expiration but permission for the use of such temporary install- ation shall in no case be extended for a greater period of time then ninety (90) days after date of issue of the original permits. 5-" (e) The City Electrical Inspector is hereby empowered to inspect and re -inspect all wiring and apparatus conducting or using electrical current for light, heat, power or advertising, and when conductors for using electrical apparatus are found to be unsafe to life or property, he shall report unsafe uses to the Board of Adjustments and Appeals who will notify in writing the person, firm or corporation owning, using or operating them to place same in safe and secure condition within twenty-four (24) hours after receiving written notice, or within such further time as the said Electrical Inspector shall determine is necessary. (f) Whenever any wiring, apparatus or fixture conducting or using electric current for light, heat, power, or advertising is found upon inspection by the City Electrical Inspector, or a duly authorized assistant to be especially or immediately hazardous to life or property, the said Electrical Inspector may immediately throw the switch or circuit breaker controlling the supply of current to such wiring, apparatus or fixture and shall post in a conspicuous place near such switch or circuit. breaker a notice printed in red letters and reading substantially as follows: "NOTICE WIRING CONDEMNED" "The use of Electric Current is prohibited through this wiring or equipment until proper repairs have been made and approved by the City Electrical Inspector. Repairs must be made by a certified Electrician and the Inspector must be notified when completed." After such notice is posted as provided in the foregoing, no person shall close the switch or circuit breaker which has been opened by the said Electrical Inspector nor use or attempt to use any current through such wiring, apparatus or fixtures, which has been condemned until necessary repairs have been made, and have been approved by the City Electrical Inspector. The City Electrical Inspector may also notify the electric company or the person, firm or corporation furnishing current to such wiring, apparatus or fixture, to disconnect the supply wires and cut off the current from premises where such -19- wiring, apparatus or fixture is located and such supply wires shall be disconnected and the current cut off until necessary repairs are made, and approved by the City Electrical Inspector. (g) The Electrical Inspector shall issue a certificate of approval after the work has been completed and accepted. Same shall be issued within a period of 48 hours ( not including Saturday, Sunday or holidays), after the Inspector shall receive the inspection notice, if feasible. RIGHT OF ACCESS: SECTION 22. The City Electrical Inspector, or his duly auth- orized assistant shall have the right during reasonable hours to enter any building or premises in the discharge of his, or their official duties or for the purpose of making any inspection or test of the electrical wiring,apparatus or fixtures contained therein. INTERFERING WITH ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR: SECTION 23. It shall be unlawful for any person to hinder or interfere with the City::.Electrical Inspector or with any assistant of theCity Electrical Inspector in the performance of his duties under this Ordinance. INSPECTION OF WORK SECTION 24. (a) Upon making an inspection of any electrical wiring or equipment when same is found to have been installed in a satisfactory manner, and in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance, the Inspector shall place a notice on the service meter and make notation on the Building Permit, stating that the electrical work has been inspected and found to be in accordance with the rules and regulations as prescribed in the provisions of this Ordinance. (b) It shall be unlawful to lath, seal or in any manner conceal any electrical wiring or equipment until same has been inspected and the notice posted as herein required. -20- (c) When the electrical work for which a permit has been obtained is ready for inspection, notification shall be furnished at the office of the Electrical Inspector stating the location of the work, the name of the owner, the name of the electrician to whom the permit was issued, and the name of the electrician doing the work shall be given to the City Electrical Inspector's office. (d) Within twenty-four (24) hours after said notification, excluding Saturday, Sunday and legal holidays, the City Electrical Inspector will inspect and test the work in any manner necessary to satisfy the said Inspector that the work has been installed in a proper and workmanshiplike manner and in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance, and with the plans and specifications previously submitted and approved. (e) In large and/or complicated installations, work may be in- .. spected and tested in sections at the option of the City Electrical Inspector. (f) If, after the first visit to an installation (or a notifi- cation) to inspect same, it is necessary to return to re -inspect any work whether from a defect or the work not being ready, the Inspector will be required to return only on another request and an additional fee of Five ($5.00) Dollars. This applies only on work where the Inspector is required to make a special trip for re -inspection of inadequate installations. (g) After the entire completion of the work, a notice the same as provided in the foregoing, shall be given to the City Electrical Inspector for a final inspection and'if he finds that the work has been satisfactorily done, he shall notify the Electrical Utility Company that the work has been satisfactorily done. The Electrical Utility Company shall be notified when the Building, Plumbing and Mechanical Inspectors have approved their portion of the Building. This certificate does not relieve the electrician of his responsibility for any defective work which may have escaped the notice of the Inspector. -21- The application when properly filled in, as required above, s::all i' be referred to the plumbing Inspector who shall have the authority to issue or refuse the permit. Inspector Mav Issue Permit. a) If the diagram, drawing or plan relating to plumb- ing, sewer or drains, and application hereinbefore required for a permit. is found to be in violation of the plumbing code of said City , or fails to comply with the provisions thereof, it shall be disappro•:ad and the Plumbing Inspector shall notify the applicant specifically wherein it violates or fails to comply with said plumbing code, and the corrections necessary to comply with said plumbing code. If the Plumbing Inspector finds the application to be in conformity with said plumbing code, he shall thereupon, upon receipt of the required fee, cause a permit to be issued to the master plumber making the application, upon receipt of which the master plumber may commence the proposed job and may make the necessary installations or do such work as described in his application. b)The holder of a plumbing permit shall not do or cause or permit to be done or performed, any plumbing work other than that designated in such permit, at the place mentioned in said permit, except repair work and such other work as may be done without requiring a permit, as provided hereinbefore; and shall not do or cause or permit to be done or performed any plumbing work designated in a plumbing permit at any other place or in any other building or premises than that designated in such permit. No plumbing permit shall be issued for any plumbing work or installation in any buildingor premises without a proper per- mit, and/or a permit from the Supervising Architect of the State Hotel Commission shall have been issued, when the nature of the construction, alterations, or repairs of any such building or premises requires such permit or permits. It shall be the duty Of master plumbers to ascertain and produce evidence that such -23- permit or permits as required, have been issued before applying for a plumbing permit. Time Limit. If plumbing installation or work under a permit for same is not commenced within six months after issuance of such permit, or any work done has been discontinued for a period of one year from the date of issuance thereof, the permit shall thereupon become void, and no plumbing work shall be done on the premises until a new permit is issued and the fee therefor paid. To tS:om Issued. A permit for plumbing installation or work as required herein, shall be issued only to a person, firm, or corporation having in his or their possession a valid master plumber's cer- tificate and a business or occupational license as required, and bond if and when required; to make replacements or do repairing; of the building or premises where plumbing is to be done. Divided work. When one master plumber or an owner completes the rough work, in whole or in part, on any plumbing job or work; and a second .raster plumber is called on to complete the said plumbing job or work, in whole or in part, then, and in that event a separate permit is required, for which the regular fees shall be paid. Each master plumber holding a permit for the construction of such work shall be held responsible only for the work which he installed. Before the second master plumber is issued a permit for the completion of any plumbing work or job,, the Plumbing Inspector shall first notify the master plumber holding the original or first permit that the second permit is to be issued. A second permit shall be invalid until and unless such notice is given. The issuance of the second permit shall cancel the first permit, when notice has been duly given. Risk. Permits for all plumbing, sewer or drainage work or -24- a jobs as required herein are issued on condition that the recipient there- of assumes all risk for any damage of any nature whatsoever that may result from the work or installation for which permits have been issued and that the City of Edgewater shall not be held liable for any damage. Fees For Permits. Before a permit is issued for any plumbing, sewer or drainage work or installation for which a permit is required, a fee or fees, in accordance with the table below, shall be paid to the Plumbing Inspector, who shall give a receipt therefor and shall deposit all fees collected by him into the proper authorized authority. NO PERMIT SHALL BE ISSUED FOR LESS THAN FIVE ($5.00) DOLLARS. FEES FOR PERMITS Fee for each permit $ 1.50 Plus for each fixture, appliance, etc., below: Each roughed in or plugged waste outlet 1.50 Each fixture or appliance set on new or old rough 1.50 Floor, area or similar drain 1.50 Crease, oil or other intercepter or trap 1.50 Bar, soda fountain or similar drain 1.50 Sanitary or storm sewer, or building drain, from fixtures in building to connection with septic tank, public sewer or existing provate sewer on lot, in excess of 15 ft. 1.50 Septic tank and/or drain field, up to 1,000 gallon capacity 2.50 Leeching, well, soakage pit, or similar device 1.50 Condensation tank or similar device 1.50 Air conditioning apparatus 1.50 Rain water leader, cast iron or storm sewer 1.50 25- Water heater, or boiler, or storage tank, all types $ 1.50 Solar or similar sun water heating system 1.50 Swimming Pool main drain and auxiliary drain, each 1.50 Fire sprinkler system connected to City water supply 5.00 Fire stand pipe lines, Siamese, roof manifold lines 1.00 Each outlet, sprinkler head .25 Sprinkler or irrigation system, overhead or underground, for each head or outlet .25 Steam or hot water heating system boiler, new or old job 1.50 Pressing machine and/or steam boiler in connection 1.50 Sump Pump 1.50 Special fixtures or appliances, not covered herein, such as ice makers, coffee urns, water supplied appurtenances, etc. 1.50 Trailer inspection fee- 10.00 The fees for inspecting vented recessed heaters and water heaters shall be $1.00 each unit. Tf the inspector is called back, after correction of defects noted, an additional fee of $5.00 shall be made for each return inspection. Any and all fees shall be paid by the person to whom the permits are issued. Sewer Connection Fees: The sewer connection fees shall be as are from time to time prescribed by the City of Edgewater, Florida. Water Connection Fees: The water connection fees shall be as are from time to time prescribed by the City of Edgewater. Point of Connection: Building sewers and water service pipes shall connect to the Public sewer and water main at a point designated by the proper City authority. Replacements. Whenever an existing plumbing fixture or water heater of any type, size or kind is detached from its connections in a building or premises, and another fixture or water heater is installed in its place, and such replacement does not necessitate a substantial change of soil, waste, vent or water piping, a permit for such replacement of such plumbing fixture or water heater shall be obtained by the person, firm, or corporation making such replacement from the Plumbing -26- CLASSIFICATION OF METER SERVICE: SECTION 25. For the purpose of this section is to regulate the issuing of permits. Each recording watt-hour meter and all feeder wires, sub -feeder wires and branch circuit wires connecting to same shall be construed as one meter service, and a separate permit must be obtained for work requiring a permit performed on each meter service. Chapter Five GAS APPLIANCES AND GAS PIPING CODE SECTION 1. That the 1969 edition of the Gas Appliances and Gas Piping Code and all amendments thereto as adopted from time to time by the National Fire Protection Association, except as otherwise recommended by the Board of Adjustments and Appeals of the City of Edgewater, is hereby adopted as the Gas Appliances and Gas Piping Code of the City of Edgewater, Florida. SECTION 2. Any person, firm, or corporation who violates any provision or section of this Chapter shall be prosecuted by the City of Edgewater in any court of competent jurisdiction and upon conviction for violation of any provision or section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punishable by fine not to exceed Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars or by imprisonment not to exceed sixty (60) days, or both. Chapter Six FIRE PREVENTION CODE SECTION 1. That the 1970 edition of the Fire Prevention Code and all amendments thereto as recommended from time to time by the American Insurance Association, except as otherwise recommended by the Board of J Adjustments and Appeals of the City of Edgewater, is hereby adopted as the Fire Prevention Code of the City of Edgewater, Florida. SECTION 2. Any person, firm, or corporation who violates any provision or section of this Chapter shall be prosecuted by the City of Edgewater in any court of competent jurisdiction and upon conviction for violation of any provision or section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punishable by fine not to exceed Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars or by imprisonment not to exceed sixty (60) days, or both. Chapter Seven GENERAL CONTRACTORS SECTION 1. Any person, firm, or corporation who violates any provision or section of this Chapter shall be prosecuted by the City of Edgewater in any court of competent jurisdiction and upon conviction for violation of any provision or section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punishable by fine not to exceed Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars or by imprisonment not to exceed sixty (60) days, or both. SECTION 2. DEFINITIONS. When used in this Ordinance the following words and phrases shall have the meaning respectively ascribed to them as follows: 1) "Contractors" means any person who, for compensation under- taken to, or submits a bid to, or does himself or by others, construct, repair, alter, remodel, add to, subtract from, improve any building or structure, including related improvements to real estate for others, or for resale to others, and who is responsible for substantially the entire project. "Contractors" are subdivided into three categories as follows: a) "General Contractors" b) "Building Contractors" c) "Residential Contractors" 2) "Contracting" means, except as herein exempt, engaging in business as a contractor. 3) "Board" means the "Board of Code Adjustment 6 Appeals" of the City of Edgewater, Florida. 4) "Certificate" means a certificate of competency issued by the Board as provided herein. 5) "Firm" - any type of organization, including co -partnership, corporation, company, association and individual. 6) "Building Official" - the officials in charge of the Building Inspection Division of the City of Edgewater, Florida. 7) "License" - Occupational License issued by the State of Florida or County of Volusia or City of Edgewater as a prerequisite of engaging in business. 8) "Building Code" - The Building Code of the City of Edgewater as amended. 9) "Owner -Occupier" - a person having a vested interest in the property who either occupies or intends to occupy the premises and who improved the premises for his own use. 10) "Responsible Managing Employee or Official" - any agent, officer or employee of a general contractor who has authority to make administrative decisions, to hire, promote, transfer, lay off, discipline, or discharge other employees, or effectively to recommend such action or to superintend work in progress, and who is available for consultation in the technical and administrative phase of his principal's business when there is no work in progress. SECTION II: No person or firm shall engage In business as a General Contractor as herein defined in the City without having a valid and effective certificate of competency and license. SECTION III: CLASSIFICATION OF GENERAL CONTRACTORS. There shall be three classes of General Contractors, as follows: -2- 1) General Contractor as defined in Section I (1) above whose scope of operation is unlimited as to the height and complexity of design in the construction he undertakes, who has shown evidence of possessing the necessary knowledge and experience and has been granted a General Contractor's certificate of competency as provided herein. 2) BUILDING_ CONTRACTOR as defined in Section I (1) above whose services are limited to construction of commerical buildings and single or multiple dwelling residential buildings, neither to exceed three (3) stories in height, and accessory use structures in connection therewith, or those whose services are limited to remodeling or improvement of any size building if the services do not affect the structural members of the building, who has shown evidence of possessing the necessary knowledge and experience and has been granted a Building Contractor's certificate of competency as provided herein. 3) RESIDENTIAL BUILDING CONTRACTOR as defined in Section I (1) above whose services are limited to construction, remodeling, repair, or Improvement of one, two, or three family unit residences not exceeding two stories in height and accessory use structures in connection therewith, who has shown evidence of possessing the necessary knowledge and experience and has been granted a Residential Building Contractor's certificate of competency as provided herein. SECTION IV: BOARD OF GENERAL CONTRACTORS EXAMINERS. Reciprocity - an initial certificate of competency as a General Contractor, Building Contractor or Residential Building Contractor shall be issued without further examination to any person who has taken and passed a written examination for such trade or occupation prepared, proctored and graded by H.H. Block and Associates, Gainesville, Florida, and who holds a current certificate of competency from a city which has a general contractor's ordinance similar to that of the County of Volusia and which grants reciprocity to Volusia County certificates of competency for such classifications. To secure such a certificate, the applicant shall -3- furnish to the Building Official of the City of Edgewater a photostatic copy of his current competency certificate and certificate from the Chief Administrator's office of the City issubing such certificate which certifies that the applicant has taken and passed the appropriate H. H. Block and Associates examination. All persons holding a valid Class AA (is unlimited) Contractors Certificate of Competency issued by the County of Volusia as the effective date of this Ordinance, shall, upon application therefore, be issued a Certificate of Competency as a General Contractor hereunder, without examination. All persons holding a valid Class A (is a Class A) General Contractors Certificate of Competency issued by the County of Volusia as of the effective date of this Ordinance shall, upon application therefore, be issued a Certificate of Com- petency as a Residential Contractor, without examination. SECTION V: REMOVAL OF QUALIFYING INDIVIDUAL. 1) If the individual qualifying by examination in behalf of a firm ceases to, be connected with the firm to which a Certificate of Competency has been issued, said firm shall notify the General Contractor's Code Board in writing within ten (10) days of such cessation, and the firm shall apply to the General Contractor's Board for an extension of time to qualify by examination through another person. 2) If the firm fails to notify the Board within the ten day period, at the end of this period its certificate shall be suspended until such time that the firm files an affidavit with the Board stating that the person originally appearing in its behalf has been replaced by another individual who is prepared to qualify for the certificate. SECTION VI: DURATION OF CERTIFICATES. ANNUAL RENEWAL.. All certificates of competency expire as of September 30th of each year. Certificates may be renewed for the ensuing year without examination during the month of September of each year upon application to the Building Official. In the event a certificate is not renewed by November lst but an -4- affidavit is filed with the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida on or before July 15th of the next ensuing year, setting forth the reasons for this failure to so renew the certificate as required herein, the Board of Adjustment & Appeals may, by unanimous vote, determine that the said affidavit stated good and sufficient cause to excuse the failure to so renew the certificate, and may thereafter, by unanimous vote, authorize and direct the re -issuance of the certificate of competency upon the condition that the said applicant shall forthwith purchase the necessary occupational license for a full year and upon such other reasonable terms and conditions and as the said Board may desire to impose and without requiring the said applicant to pass the examination aforesaid. SECTION VII. OCCUPATION LICENSE. COMPLIANCE WITH LAW. 1) Before an occupational license shall be grantedto a General Contractor by the City of Edgewater, Florida he shall be required to produce the following: a) A Certificate of Competency: No occupation license shall be issued to any person, firm or corporation for the purpose of engaging in, or working at, or carrying on business of General Contractor, Building Contractor, or Residential Contractor, unless such person, firm or corporation be in possession or a proper and valid certificate of competency as required therefor. All certificates of Competency shall be issued for and be valid for the term of one year, beginning on the first day of October in each year and expiring the last day of September in the following year, unless suspended or revoked. b) Competency Cards required in the City of Edgewater: General Contractor Building Contractor Residential Contractor Electrical Contractor Plumbing Contractor Mechanical Contractor Air Conditioning Contractor Sheet Metal Contractor Roofing Contractor Swimming Pool Contractor Well & Pump Contractor Gas Piping Contractor -5- c) A Certificate signed by a qualifed agent of a casualty or liability company or other proof of compliance with the Florida State Workmen's Compensation Law. 2) Revocation or suspension of a Certificate of Competency shall immediately nullify the occupational license granted thereunder. 3) The occupational license fee to be paid to the City of Edgewater shall be in the amount fixed in the Laws of the State of Florida and the Ordinance of the City of Edgewater. SECTION VIII, EXEMPTIONS, 1) An owner -occupier may secure a building permit for and perform and supervise work in connection with construction of his own private residence for his own occupancy, or the maintenace of, addition to, alteration of or repair of his own private residence; provided that the work to be done shall conform with the Building Code and other ordinances pertaining to building and construction within the City provided further that no owner occupier shall be permitted to construct more than one (1) home per calendar year unless he shall be licensed as a contractor as herein defined. This provision may be waived by the City Council if -a special hardship is proved. The construction of more than one residence by an individual owner in any twelve-month period shall prohibit an owner occupier from obtaining a building permit for the maintenance, repair or addition to his own existing, residential property more than one time during any calendar year. 2) The owner of a commerical building may make alterations and/or repairs to such building without being licensed as herein required, provided that no structural changes are involved which would require an expert knowledge of construction in the interest of public safety; provided further that such alterations and/or repair meet each and every requirement of the Building Code and other ordinances pertaining to building and construction within the City. 3) The provisions of this Ordinance shall not apply to contractors bidding on or performing public works for municipal, county, state, federal government, or other public body. -6- SECTION IX: UNLAWFUL ACTIVITIES. 1) It shall be unlawful for any contractor defined by this ordinance operating within the City to commit any one or more of the following acts: a) To permit his name to be used by any person or party, directly or indirectly, either for the purpose of obtaining a building permit or to do any work under his Certificate of Competency or license, or otherwise to aid or abet any unlicensed person or firm to evade the provisions and the purposes of this ordinance as defined in Sections 1 and 2. b) To contract or do any work outside the scope of operations, as set out in the definition of the particular type of contractor for which he is licensed. However, a "Contractor" shall subcontract the electrical, mechanical, and plumbing work for which an wamination for a certificate of competency is required, unless such contractor holds a certificate of competency of the respective trade category, as required by the City. c) Abandon without legal excuse a construction project or operation, or for a specified purpose in the execution or completion of such, to any other use whatsoever. d) Divert funds or property received for the execution or completion of a specified purpose in the execution or completion of such, to any other use whatsoever. e) To depart from or disregard in any material respect the plans or specifications of a construction job without the consent of the owner or his duly authorized representative. f) Disregard or violate, in the performance of his contracting business, any of the building, safety, health, insurance, or workman's compensation laws of the State of Florida or ordinance of the City of Edgewater. g) Misrepresent any material fact in his application and attendant papers or orally thereto in obtaining a license under this Ordinance. h) Failure to fulfill contractual obligation through inability to pay all creditors for material furnished or work or services performed in the operation -7- of his business for which he is licensed hereunder. i) Do any fraudulent act as a contractor by which another is substantially injured. j) Negligence, incompetency or misconduct in the practice of contracting within the meaning of this Ordinance. SECTION X: REVOCATION OR SUSPENSION OF CERTIFICATE 1) The Building Official may revoke or suspend a Certificate of Competency if, after due hearing, it is found that the holder thereof has: a) Violated any of the provisions of Section 10 above. b) Obtained his certificate through fraud or misrepresentation. 2) Any person holding a Certificate of Competency who is charged with any of the causes for revocation or suspension enumerated in Paragraph 1) above shall be notifed in writing of such charge or charges, and said person shall have the right of hearing in person or by counsel before the Board, and he shall be notified in writing of the time and place set by the Board for such hearing, before any action is taken by the Board on suspension or revocation of the certificate. In the event any person charged with any of the causes for revocation or suspension of this certificate fails to appear in person or by Counsel before the Board for a hearing thereupon, after having been duly notifed of the time and place of such hearing, the Board may proceed with the hearing and in the event such charges are proved, the Board may then proceed with the suspension or revocation of his certificate if such action is deemed by the Board to be proper and in order. SECTION XI: RIGHT OF HEARING BEFORE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS & APPEALS OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA. If any person feels aggrieved at a decision of the Building Official in refusing to grant such person the right to take an examination, a license, building permit or Certificate of Competency, or inrevoking or suspending a license, permit, or certificate of competency, such person may appeal to the Board of Adjustments & Appeals of Edgewater within thrlty (30) days after such decision. Within ten (10) days from the filing of a notice of appeal with the Board of Adjustments & Appeals SE of Edgewater, the person aggrieved shall be Informed of the decision of the Board of Adjustments & Appeals. SECTION XII. STATE LICENSING LAW. The 1967 Florida Legislature passed into law, Chapter 463, Part 2 of the Florida Statutes, creating the Construction Industry Licensing Board. This law also made In mandatory that anyone operating in the. above mentioned classifications must either register or become certified by the Board. The City of Edgewater recognizes and accepts the Florida Construction Industry Licensing Board as a testing agency. Chapter Eight PUMPS AND IRRIGATION SECTIOA 1. Any person, firm, or corporation who violates any provision or ,section of this Chapter shall be prosecuted by the City of Edgewater ,,, any court of competent jurisdiction and upon conviction for violation of any provision or section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be p,misnable by fine not to exceed Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars or u• ,rprisonment not to exceed sixty (60) days, or both. SECTION 2. INTENT. The Intent of this Chapter is to: a. Protect, control and conserve the quality and availability of water supplies in the City of Edgewater. b. Prescribe minimum requirements governing the location, constru%ion, and repair of wells, pump installations and irrigation sprinklers. c. Provide licensing and bonding of all sandpoint well drillers, pump Installers, and/or installers of irrigation sprinklers. d. Forbid, where the best interests of the public would be s, rvc.d, the construction of new diversion facilities or wells, the initivion of new water uses, or the modif�catlon of existing uses, diversion facilities, or storage facilities within the City of Edgewater. e. Protect the health, safety, an,' welfare of the public. f. It is not the intent of this Ordinance to prevent the property owner from constructing or repairing wells, pumps, and/or sprinkler equipment situated entirely on his property for his own personal, non-commercial use, so long as the property owner complies with all provisions of this Ordinance and State regulations. SECTION 3. SCOPE. No person shall construct, repair or abandon, or cause to be constructed, repaired or abandoned, any water well, nor shall any person install, or cause to be installed, any pump or pumping equipment or sprinklers contrary to the provisions of this Ordinance and applicable rules and regulations promulgated hereunder, provided that this Ordinance shall not apply to any well, pump, or other equipment used temporarily for dewatering purposes. SECTION 4. DEFINITIONS. When used in this Ordinance, the following words shall mean: (1) Annulus or Annular Space: Any artifically created void existing between a well casing or liner pipe and a bore hole wall. (W Appeal Board: Code 6 Appeal Board of Edgewater. (2) Aquifer: A water bearing formation that transmits water in sufficient quantities to supply a well. An aquifer is unconfined (water table) or confined (artesian) . (2A) City: City of Edgewater, Florida. (3) Council: The City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida. (4) Development Coordinator: The Chief Building Official of the City of Edgewater, or his duly authorized representative. (5) Casing: A tubular material utilized to shut off strata from the aquifer and conduct a liquid from the aquifer to the surface or from the surface to the aquifer. (6) Construction of Water Well: All parts and acts necessary to obtain ground water by wells, including the location and excavation of the wells, but excluding the installation of pumps and pumping equipment. (7) Disinfection: The killing of infectious agents outside the body by chemical or physical means directly applied. -2- (8) Domestic Uses: Use of water for human consumption in private homes. (9) Drawdown; The extent of lowering of the water surface in a well and of the water table or piezometric surface adjacent to the well, resulting from the discharge of water from the well by pumping. (10) Established Ground Surface: The permanent origional elevation of the ground at the site of a well. (11) Grout or. Grouting Materials: "Neat cement grout" means a mixture consisting of water and portland cement (American Concrete Institute Type I or American Concrete Institute Type III) or other approved type of cement and acceptable amounts of those additives approved for use in cement grouts by the permitting authorities. (12) .Hole: An excavation used for purposes other than development or recharge of water, or the disposal of waste waters, or the control of waste waters; such uses include, but are not restricted to the following: core holes, seismic holes and stratigraphic test holes. (13) Installation of Pumps: The procedures employed in the placement and preparation for operation of pumps and pumping equipment including all construction involved in making entrance to the well and establishing seals. (14) Installation of Irrigation Sprinklers or Sprinkler Systems: Procedures employed in construction of sprinkler systems for irrigation. (15) Piezometric Surface: The surface defined by the level to which water will rise In tightly cased wells above the level at which it is encountered in a confined aquifer. (16) Pollution: The contamination of the ground water by any substance in an amount which would cause the water to be objectionable or dangerous to health. (17) Pumps and Pumping Equipment: Any equipment or materials utilized or intended for use in withdrawing or obtaining ground water for any use, including without limitation, seals and tanks, together with fittings and controls. (18) Repair: Any action which involves the physical alteration or replacement of any part of a well. -3- (19) Static Water Level: The stabilized elevation of the surface of the water in a well when no water is being discharged therefrom. (20) Well: "Well" means any excavation that is drilled, cored, bored, washed, driven, or otherwise constructed, including mining or exploration excavations. (21) Well Driller: Any person, firm or corporation who digs, drills, drives, or bores a well or test well which penetrates any aquifer or any strata, or any person who undertakes to rehabilitate, cap or plug a well. (22) Sandpoint Well: Any device which is driven into place through un- consolidated superficial earth materials and which consists of a pipe with an attached perforated metal tube or screen designed to permit passage of water. (23) Test Well: Any well constructed for purposes of exploring for ground water. (24) Well Vent: An outlet at the upper terminal of the well casing to allow equalization of air pressure in the well and escape of toxic or inflammable gases. (25) Well Ric Definitions. (a) Cable Tool: Drilling with weighted drill stem with drill bit. Using hammer to drive pipe. (b) Combo Rotary: Drilling with rotary bit and having the capability of driving pipe to seat with weighted hammer. (c) Straight Rotary: Drilling with rotary bit using mud or air and setting casing in bore hole after developed. (d) jetting Using high pressure fluid to excavate the hole. (e) Other Method: Driving pipe with weighted hammer and use jetting through a hollow rod with bit to develop well; (hydro drill, etc.). SECTION 5. REGISTRATION OF WELLS DRILLERS/PUMP INSTALLERS. a. Occupational License Required. (1) No person, firm or corporation, except as provided in Section 2, Paragraph " f " shall construct a water well in the City of Edgewater or offer to construct a water well in the City of Edgewater unless such person, firm or corporation holds a valid Florida water well contractor's license. Provided, however, that a person, firm or corporation construction sandpoint wells need not hold a valid Florida Water Well contractor's license. -4- (2) No person, firm or gorporati on except as provided in Section 2, Paragraph "I" shall construct a sandpoint well or install a pump and/or sprinkler system or shall offer to perform services as a sandpoint well driller, pump and/or sprinkler installer unless such person, firm, or corporation is registered with and holds an appropriate Certificate of Competency from the City of Edgewater. Any person who is an officer, partner or sole owner of a firm or corporation who meets the qualifications of this Ordinance may be issued a Certificate of Competency as provided for in Section 5, Paragraph "b", Registration as a pump or sprinkler system installer shall not be construed as qualification to drill any well. b. Requirements for Registration: An applicant for registration with the City of Edgewater must apply in writing on the form provided by the Development Coordinator. Prior to the issuance of a certlficatdon of competency by the Development Coordinator, the applicant must: (1) Prepare a record of his experience in the construction of sandpoint or deep wells, and installation of pumps, and/or sprinkler systems. The applicant must have a minimum of two (2) years of experience working In the drilling and construction of wells, or in installation of pumps, and/or sprinkler systems. (2) Demonstrate knowledge of the rules and regulations governing well drilling, pump and/or sprinkler installation construction within the City of Edgewater. The applicant must properly complete the necessary forms required and requested by the Building Official. c. Qualifying for Registration: After the application for registration has been reviewed in accordance with Section 5, the Development Coordinator shall notify each applicant of his eligibility or ineligibility for registration as a Sandpoint well driller, pump and/or sprinkler installer. Upon receipt of notification of eligibility, the applicant shall submit, on forms made available by the County, a bond executed by the applicant, as principal, and a surety company authorized to do business in Florida as surety, to the City Clerk in the principal sum of One Thousand ($1,000.00) Dollars to assure compliance with this Ordinance and other -5- minimum-sequirements. When applicant has met the State. of Florida requirement for bonding as a licensed water well contractor, then City Clerk will not require additional bond. d. Issuance of Certificate of Competency: When the applicant meets the appropriate provisions of this Ordinance, the Building Official shall issue a Certificate of Competency as a sandpoint well driller, pump and/or sprinkler installer. e. Expiration and Renewal of Certificate of Competency: All Certificates of Competency shall expire on the last day of September next following the date of issuance. A Certificate of Competency may be renewed for the next ensuing year by notification on the prescribed form at least thirty (30) days prior to the expiration date of the current certificate. After expiration date, a 50% penalty will be assessed for deliquent certificate of competency. f. Supervision of Well Drilling and Construction: All operations of well construction shall be under the supervision of a licensed water well contractor. All pump installations shall be under the supervision of a licensed water well contractor or registered well drilling contractor or of a registered pump installer. All sprinkler installations shall be under the supervision of a licensed water well contractor or a registered well drilling contractor or a registered sprinkler Installer. This does not preclude an owner from working on his own well, pump or sprinkler system. However, such work must pass inspection by the Department of the Development Coordinator before.. it may be used. g. Identification Number: The identification number of each registered sandpoint well drilling contractor and of each pump and/or sprinkler system installer shall remain the same continuously from year to year unless altered by the Development Co- ordinator. h. Grounds for Refusal Suspension or Revocation of Certificate of Competency: The Development Coordinator may refuse to issue or renew or may suspend or revoke, a Certificate of Competency on any one or more of the following grounds: (1) Material misstatement in the application for Certificate of Competency; (2) Failure to have or retain the qualifications required in this Ordinance; (3) Willful disregard or violation of this Ordinance or any rule or regulation promulgated by the Council pursuant thereto; or to any law of the State of Florida relating to wells; - 6- (4) Willfully aiding or abetting another in the violation of this Ordinance or any rule or regulation promulgated by the Council pursuant hereto; (5) Gross incompetency in the performance of the work of a water well contractor, pump and/or sprinkler installer; (6) Allowing the use of his license or registration certificate by an unregistered person; (7) Failure to pay the appropriate license fee. 1. Refusal Suspension or Revocation of Certificate of Competency: a) In case of refusal, suspension or revocation or Certificate of Competency, the person, firm or corporation concerned shall be notified by registered mail. (2) In case of adverse action, the person, firm or corporation concerned may file written notice of Intent to appeal to the Development Coordinator within fifteen (15) days from his receipt of notification. The Development Coordinator shall, upon receipt of such request, schedule a hearing within thirty (30) days to ascertain from all interested parties the facts involved and sustain, reject, or modify the refusal, suspension or revocation. Any interested party may appeal the decision of the Development Coordinator to the City Council or agency having jurisdiction for a final decision. Such appeal shall be in writing. j. Marking Vehicles and Equipment: It is the duty of all registered contractors to assure that all water well drilling. rigs, trucks and other vehicles used by them or their employees in well construction, pump and/or sprinkler installation business, are marked with legible visible: identification numbers at all times. (1) The identification number to be used on the vehicles and well rigs shall be the registration or certificate number of the contractor responsible for construction operations, prefixed with the words, "City of Edgewater", or the water well contractor's license number decal issued by the Department of Natural Resources. (2) The registration number shall be displayed on each side of every water well rig and other construction -related vehicles in numerals of not less than two (2) inches high. Such numerals shall be subject to the approval of the Building Official at the time the contractor's registration is granted. -7- k. Registration Fee: Recipients of a sandpoint well driller, pump and/or sprinkler installers Certificate of Competency shall pay an annual registration fee of $15.00 which shall be due within ten (10) days of the issuance of a notification of eligibility. Such fees shall be in an amount sufficient to cover the costs of administering the provisions of this Ordinance. Should it be determined that an increase of fees is required, the Council mayincrease the fees by resolution. SECTION 6. OCCUPATIONAL LICENSES a. Occupational Licenses: City well driller's, pump and/or sprinkler Installer's license shall be issued only to individuals who are duly registered under the provisions of this Ordinance or who hold a valid Florida water well contractor's license. No person, well driller, pump and/or sprinkler installer shall construct a well or install a water pump or install sprinklers without an occupational license, except as provided by Section 2, Paragraph "f". b. Obtaining a License: Occupational licenses shall be made available only to those well drillers, pump and/or sprinkler installers with a valid Certificate of Competency or State water well contractor's license number. c. Suspension and Revocation of License: An occupational license issued under provisions of this Ordinance shall be considered invalid if the well driller's, pump and/or sprinkler installer's Certificate of Competency or State water well contractor's license expires or is revoked for any reason. SECTION 7. PERMIT TO DRILL (1) Notification of Intent to Drill: Before starting to drill, rehabilitate, plug, or cap a well, a well driller or sandpoint well driller must apply for a proper and appropriate well drilling permit from the Building Official. (2) Application for Permit: Before well construction, pump and/or sprinkler installer must apply to the Development Coordinator for an Application for Permit to Drill, install a pump and/or sprinkler system, hereinafter referred to as "Application" , for each and every well, test hole, or group of test holes which the person or contractor is intending to drill or construct, or new pump installation. An application must also be submitted for the enlarging or deepening of a water well. Proof of occupational license in force must be provided by the applicant. SD (3) Prior to issuance of a permit, the application must be approved by the Development Coordinator or representative. (4) Issuance of Permit: Upon approval of the application, the Building Official shall advise the contractor and issue the permit. (5) Where the installation of well is commenced prior to approval for special permission for emergencies, the permit fee shall be doubled. (6) A permit may be transferred to another registered well contractor , pump installer, or sprinkler installer after written application to and written approval from the Development Coordinator. (7) Authority Granted by the Permit: A permit shall constitute authority to a person, licensed well contractor, pump and/or sprinkler installer to drill a hole or well, and/or install a pump or sprinkler system, providing the following conditions are satisfied: (4 The sprinkler system, pump and/or well is constructed by a licensed well contractor and/or pump installer or sprinkler installer. (b) The sprinkler system, pump and/or well is constructed in accordance with the information furnished on the application. (c) All persons drilling wells or installing pumps or sprinkler systems must comply with the provisions of this ordinance. (8) Validity:'. A. permit is valid for a: periodof: onehundred eighty (180) days from the date of issuance by the Development Coordinator. Permits shall be void after one hundred eighty (180) days, unless the time limit is extended by the Development Coordinator after written application by the contractor. (9) Test Wells: Test we ll.s up to and including three of one size may be constructed for one (1) owner using one permit; over three require an additional permit, subject to the following conditions: (a) All exploratory drilling under one permit must be done on a single parcel of property for a single owner. (b) Each and every test well must be constructed, sealed and abandoned in accordance with this Ordinance and other requirements of the State of Florida. (c) In the exploration for water, a test well that is found to produce the desired amount of water may be converted to a production or observation well, provided application has been made and permit for doing so has been obtained from the Development Coordinator. In the construction of test wells, the contractor must also comply with this Ordinance or any rule or regulation promulgated by the Council, and all laws of the State of Florida related to the construction of wells and pumps. (10) Permits for Reworked Wells: If an old well needs to be reconstructed to a greater depth or if its diameter is changed, a new permit must be obtained from the Building Official. (11) Cause for Rejection: An application for permit to drill may be rejected if the well is subject to or may cause any one or more of the following conditions: (a) Non-compliance with a provision of this Ordinance or any rule or regulation promulgated by the Council pursuant thereto. (b) Intrusion of pollutants into the underground water supply of the City of Edgewater. ground. (c) Uncontrolled inter -mixing of well water below the surface of the (d) Extreme depletion of the underground water supply of Volusia County so as to cause a threat to the availability of future water resources. (e) Endangering of the public health, safety and welfare of the citizens within the City of Edgewater. (12) Notice of Rejection: The Building Official shall issue a Notice of Rejection whenever he finds that an applicant falls to meet the requirements for issuance of a permit as herein provided. Such notice shall: (a) State the grounds for the rejection, and may state any remedial action which, if taken, will effect compliance with this Ordinance and permit approval of the application. (b) Be served upon the applicant or his agency by registered mail. -10- (13) Suspension and Revocation of Permit: A permit may be suspended by the Development Coordinator if any well drilling construction and/or pump installation or sprinkler system for which the permit was Issued is in violation of the provisions of this Ordinance or State Regulations. Upon receipt of such findings, the well driller, pump or sprinkler installer shall rectify the violation or cease construction. Should the contractor be aggrieved of such action, he may request a hearing by compliance with Section 8, Paragraph 5, Sub -Paragraph b. SECTION 8. MINIMUM WATER WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS. The following minimum standards shall apply to all construction and repair of wells in the City of Edgewater, Florida. (1) Casing and Liner Pipe Requirements: (a) Well casing and liner pipe shall be new or shall be pipe or casing in like new condition which has been salvaged from a water well test hole or day hole. Such casing or pipe shall not be used unless free of breaks, corrosion and dents; is straight and true, and not out of round. Welded or seamless black or galvanized steel pipe or casing, or stainless steel pipe or casing; or approved types of non-metallic pipe shall be used for well casing or liner pipe. Well casing installed by driving shall have a wall thickness not less than that of standard wall pipe. (b) Black or galvanized steel casing or liner pipe set Into place without driving shall not have less than the demensions and weight specified in Table 1 . TABLE 1 MINIMUMS DIMENSIONS AND.VVEIGHT FOR BLACK OR GALVANIZED STEEL CASING PIPE SET INTO PLACE WITHOUT DRIVING Outside Diameter Wall Thickness Plain End Weight (in.) (in.) (lb . ) 2.375. 0.154 3.68 3.500 0.216 7.62 4.500 0.250 10.89 6.625 0.203 19.18 8.625 0.322 24.70 10.750 0.307 34.24 12.7501 0.330 43.77 -11- (Note:) Black or galvanized steel liner pipe, with an outside diameter less than 3.500 inches shall have a wall thickness of not less than 0.125 inches. Black or galvanized steel liner pipe with an outside diameter greater than 8. 625 inches but less than 16 Inches shall have a wall thickness of not less than 0. 250 Inches. Steel liner pipe with an outside diameter of 16 inches or more shall have a wall thickness of not less than 0.375 inches. Plain end pipe must be welded with collar and two passes minimum made on each seam or a certified electrical welder must be employed and each weld certified if no collar is used. TABLE 2 MINIMUM DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHT FOR BLACK OR GALVANIZED STEEL CASING OR LINER PIPE SET INTO PLACE BY DRIVING SCHEDULE #40 ONLY Outside Diameter Wall Thickness Weight (1b/ft) (in.) (in.) Plain End T.. C. 2.375 0.154 3.68 3.500 0 .216 7.62 4.500 0.237 10.89 6.625 0.280 18.97 19.19 8.625 0.322 28.55 29.39- 10.750 0.365 40.48 41.85 12.750 0.406 53.52 (c) Stainless steel pipe used for casing or liner pipe shall be Schedule 10 S of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI B 36.19-1965 R 1971), or stronger classification. (d) Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) pipe may be used for wellcasing or liner pipe. Any PVC pipe used to construct a water well shall have been marked by the manufacturer, under a method specified by the National Sanitation Foundation, Ann Arbor, Michigan, as suitable for use in potable water systems. Any PVC pipe used for well construction or repair shall be ASA Schedule 40 pipe or stronger classification. -12- (e) Steel well casing and liner pipe shall be joined in a watertight manner by threaded couplings or by electrical welding methods. PVC pipe shall be joined by solvent bonded couplings. (f) Non-metallic and stainless steel well casing or liner pipe shall not be installed by driving. For well casing or liner pipe installed by driving, the casing or pipe shall not butt together inside threaded couplings unless the joint is electrically welded so as to be completely watertight. A drive shoe is required for use on casing or pipe installed by driving. (2) Well Construction Methods. (a) For wells obtaining water from unconsolidated earth materials, casing shall extend from land surface to the well screen. The well screen shall be attached to the casing with a watertight seal. (b) For wells obtaining water from consolidated earth materials, a continuous casing shall extend from land surface to the top of the uppermost consolidated unit of earth material. Provided, however, that the bottom end of the well casing must extend to or below the water level of the aquifer intended to supply water to the well. In addition, all caving zones below the uppermost consolidated unit shall be cased. (c) Prevention of Interchange of Water and Loss of Artesian Pressure. In areas where, as a result of the construction of a well, an interchange of water between water -bearing zones may occur and may result in deterioration of the quality of water in one or more water -bearing zones, or will result in a loss of artesian pressure; such interchange shall be prevented through the proper design and construction of the well. If a well cannot be properly completed to prevent such an unauthorized interchange of water between water -bearing zones or to prevent a loss of artesian pressure, the well shall be abandoned and plugged in accordance with these rules and regulations or other directions from the Permitting Authority as may be appropriate for the geological conditions encountered. -13 - (d) Grouting and Sealing. Casing for wells which obtain their water from a rock layer or other such consolidated formation shall, as a minimum, be sealed, or sealed with neat cement grout, into that rock layer or other consolidated formation. If Type I cement is used, a minimum of six hours shall be allowed before completion of well, If Type III Cement is used, a minimum of five hours shall be allowed before completing well. For wells with casing which is driven starting at land surface and thence to its final depth in a bore hole equal to or smaller in diameter than the outside diameter of the casing, or which is driven starting at land surface and thence to its final depth ahead of the drill bit, an attempt to cement grout the entire length of the casing need not be made. For any part of a well casing with an outside diameter of two (2) inches or larger intended to be installed in a bore hole which is larger in diameter than the outside diameter of the casing, the annular space created between the well casing and the bore hole wall shall be filled from bottom to top with not less than two (2) inch thickness of neat cement grout. The casing shall be centered in the bore hole prior to grouting. In those cases where, during grouting operations, circulation of the grout is lost so that the annular space being grouted cannot be filled in one continous operation, a tremie pipe shall be installed in the annular space to a point immediately above the zone of lost circulation, and the annulus shall be bridged at that point by sand or other approved material Introduced through the pipe. Grouting of the annular space shall be completed using the pipe or other approved methods. (3) Too of the Well. (a) Well Covers When there is an interruption in work on the well, such as overnight shutdown, the well opening shall be sealed with a substantial cover. In the City of Edgewater, any well in which pumping equipment is installed seasonally or periodically shall, whenever pumping equipment 1s not installed, be capped with a steel or reinforced concrete cover, or valve. -14- Any cased well equipped with permanently installed pumping equipment shall have that pumping equipment and any necessary piping installed through a well seal or direct to well casing. Any unused well shall be capped in a watertight manner with a steel or reinforced concrete cover or valve. Any well vent shall extend to at least one (1) foot above any known flood level, but not less than two (2) feet above land surface at the well (b) Flowing wells. If the well flows at land surface, control shall be provided by valved pipe connections, watertight pump connections, or receiving reservoirs set at an altitude corresponding to the artesian head. (4) Plugging. All abandoned wells shall be plugged by filling them from bottom to top with neat cement grout, unless otherwise provided in writing by the Florida Department of Natural Resources. The plugging shall be to restore or improve the hydrologic conditions which existed before the well was constructed. (5) Inspections. (a) During the construction, repair or abandoment of any well, the Development Coordinator may cause to be made such periodic Inspections as is deemed necessary to insure conformity with applicable standards. Duly authorized representatives of the City of Edgewater, at reasonable times, enter upon and shall be given access to any premises for the purpose of such inspection. (b) If during construction, repair or abandonment, the authorized representative finds the work is not being done in accordance with rules, regulations and standards adopted pursuant to Chapter 373, Florida Statutes, or with this Ordinance or rules and regulations adopted pursuant to this Ordinance, the Development Coordinator shall give the owner and water well contractor written notice stating which rules, regulations or standards the construction, repair or abandonment is not in compliance and may order that necessary corrective action be taken within a reasonable time to be prescribed in such order. Any such order shall become final unless the person or persons named therein request by written -15 - petition a hearing before the Appeal Board no later than fourteen (14) days after the date such order is served. Failure to act in accordance with the order after receipt of written notice shall be grounds for revocation of the permit. SECTION 9. OTHER REGULATIONS RELATING TO WELL CONSTRUCTION. (1) The Council's policy is to insure that all wells drilled within Volusia County shall be so constructed, maintained and used that the ground water resources of the City of Edgewater are protected from over -development, contamination, and waste. (2) General Provisions: The following provisions shall apply to the construction and repair of all water wells and/or the installation of all pumps, pumping equipment and sprinkler systems. (a) The construction of all drainage wells shall be in accordance with State of Florida Regulations 16C-8.03, Paragraph 2. (3) Location of Wells: (a) Every well shall be located with due consideration to the size of the lot, contour of the land, slope of the aquifers, porosity and absorbency of the soil, local ground water condition, ecd use of the well, and other factors necessary to implement the basic policies as stated in Section 8 of this Ordinance. Every well shall be protected against surface wash. (b) Each public or private supply well shall be located in accordance with the Florida State Division of Health regulations, whichever shall apply, as to the distance from septic tanks, drainfields, sewer lines, grease traps, etc. (c) Every well shall be located so as to be accessible for cleaning, treatment, repair, test inspection, and such other attention as may be necessary. This will be the responsibility of the owner to see that the well shall remain accessible. (4) Design: Wells shall be so adapted to the geologic and ground water conditions existing at the site of the well as to utilize fully every natural sanitary protection afforded thereby. The installation should be designed to facilitate any supplementary construction, to obtain as much of the desired yield as the aquifer may be capable of furnishing and to conserve the ground water resources. -16- (5) Water Well Ccnsttuction. Water well shall be: (a) Surrounded by an area which can be kept in a sanitary condition. (b) Adequate in size, design and development to obtain as much of the desired yield as the aquifer may be capable of furnishing, and construction in such a manner as to maintain, insofar as practicable, existing natural protection against pollution of water -bearing formation and to exclude pollutants from known sources. (6) Unconsolidated Aquifers: Ref erred to as shallow wells in sand and shell beds per City regulations. (7) Test Wells: (a) Application must show purpose of test wells. (b) Test Wells must meet all specifications for regular wells. (c) Test Wells not converted to normal use shall be abandoned in accordance with State rules and regulations. (S) Repair of Wells: Defective casing shall not be repaired. Should relining or other repair techniques seem desirable, application must be made to the Building Official. (a) Permanent Abandonment: The responsibility and expense of having an existing well abandoned or sealed shall be borne by the owners. (If a well is drilled that does not meet or exceed City, State and County regulations, the well shall be abandoned at the driller's expense.) (9) Plugging of Wells: Notice of intent to plug a well shall be made on forms available from the Florida Department of Natural Resources. Plugging shall be in accordance with the requirements of the Florida Department of Natural Resources. (10) Reliners: If a liner or reliner is required in the well, same shall extend to the surface and overlap a minimum of ten (10) feet from the bottom of the outer casing; same shall be grouted from bottom to top in accordance with State of Florida Regulations. -17 - SECTION 10. WATER QUALITY OF POTABLE WATER SUPPLY WELLS. (1) Water Samples: Water samples for public supply wells shall be supplied in accordance with StateofFlorida Board of Health regulations. It is recommended that samples for bacteria be taken from all private potable water supply wells. The responsibility and expense of these samples shall be borne by the owner. Neither the well drilling contractor nor the City shall be responsible for water quality under this Ordinance. (2) Disinfection, Samples, and Reports: Every new or repaired domestic or public supply well, after completion of construction or repair, and before being placed in service, shall be thoroughly cleaned of all foreign substances. If necessary, the well casing shall be thoroughly swabbed, using alkalines to remove oil, grease, or joint dope. The well, including the gravel used in gravel wall construction, and the pump and pumping equipment, shall be disinfected with a solution containing at least fifty (50) p.p.m. available chlorine, which shall fill and shall remain in t he well for a period of at least twenty-four hours, or equivalent. (3) Continuous Treatment: Where a private ground -water source is, or may be, subject to continuous or intermittent pollution, provisions should be made for continuous treatment of the water or for abandonment of the source- in accordance with Section 8 of this Ordinance. (4) Yield Test: Before being put into use, every well shall be tested for yield. The pump shall have a capacity at least equal to the pumping rate which it is expected the well will pump during its usage. The test pump or permanent shall be installed to operate continuously until the water level has stabilized and, at this point, the yield and drawdown determined. Periodic water level observations should be made during the drawdown and subsequent recovery periods. Sample will be taken at this time for chloride check. (5) Chlorides: Samples must be submitted by the well driller to the County Staff for tests for chlorides on every well drilled in the City of Edgewater, either deep or shallow well. Any well that is found to have chlorides Cl in excess of acceptable amounts for the intended purpose shall be plugged or otherwise am completed so as to effectively prevent it from contaminating fresh water strata, in accordance with Section VIII of this Ordinance. (6) Well log and sample cuttings: The contractor shall keep ailog of the well showing each change of formation and the depth at which conages occur. Forms supplied by the State of Florida shall show the casing size and amount of casing used, total depth of well, grouting, liner, or liners, if required, static water level, bore hole in case of rotary drilling, and other pertinent information. Instructions for State well logs which are on the back of copy must be followed. Volusia County will furnish the form for submitting well logs to Volusia County on sandpoint wells. One copy will be sent to area office, one retained by the driller, and one given to the owner. SECTION 11- CONSTRUCTION PRACTICES. (1) Well Screens: Well screen openings shall provide the maximum of open area consistent with strength and grading of the water -bearing formation, and shall permit maximum transmitting ability without clogging or jamming. (2) Capping: Temporary capping of a well until the pumping equipment is installed shall be such that no pollutants can enter the well. (3) Alignment: The alignment of the well shall not interfere with the installation and operation of the pump. (4) Upper Terminal of Well: When line shaft turbine pump is installed, the watertight casing or curbing of any well shall extend not less than six (6) inches above the pump house floor or cover installed above the established ground surface. Any vent opening, observation ports, and air equipment shall extend from the upper terminal of the well by watertight piping to a point not less than twenty-four (24) inches above the pump house floor or cover installed above the established ground surface. The terminals of these facilities shall be shielded or sealed so as to prevent entrance of foreign matter. A sub- surface connection is permitted if made with pitless adapter, or other approved fitting or welded procedures, approved by the Building Official, -19- r provided that the connections must be above ground -water level, and the pump location must not be subject to flooding. SECTION 12-. PUMP INSTALLATION. a. Pump Installation: (1) All pumps and pumping equipment shall be installed in conformity with the following provisions: (a) All power driven pumps located over the wells shall be installed at an elevation of one (1) foot above any known flood water level. If pitted, there shall be a retaining well around the pit one (1) foot above flood stage. Submersible pumps shall be installed with retaining wall around the pit and covered. Submersible pumps must have lightning arrestors either installed in control box or integrally installed in motor. Wells must be vented on submersible installations. All pumps which are installed using non-metallic pipe on suction and discharge shall be grounded from motor housing to metal well casing or driven anode. (b) No permanent electrical service will be connected to any installation until proper inspections have been made and approved by the State Board of Health in case of public water supply, or other regulatory departments involved. (c) Where the pump unit is not located over the well, and pump delivery or suction pipe emerges from the top thereof, a watertight expanding or equivalent well seal be provided between the well casing and water delivery pipe. (2) The section line and/or return line from the well to the pump shall pitch toward the well and shall contain no loops or high points. Suction pipes and/or return pipes forty (40) feet or more inlength shall be increased to the next pipe size. Union or dresser coupling shall be installed at the well and just before the pump and tank. Tee shall be installed at well head with plug for sanitizing well and distribution system. -20- (3) If used for domestic purposes, pressure switch and pressure gauge, check valves, and other apparatus shall be included to make a complete system. (4) An air volume control or other means of adding air to the tank shall be provided. A float in tank, CPO valve, or similar device may be used. (5) Pump and tank shall be installed so as to be reasonably accessible for repair. (b) Materials Prohibited: (1) No material shall be used in the pump installation that will result in the delivered water being toxic or having an objectionable odor or taste. All metallic and non-metallic materials shall have sufficient structural strength and other properties to accomplish the purpose for which installed. Plastic pipe shall not be used except for distribution from top of well to building and must bear NSF approval. PVC pipe is not acceptable for submersible pumps or single pipe jet installations. Solvent used on non-metallic pipe must be non -toxic. (2) No irrigation sprinkler systems or other connections shall be made into a public or domestic water supply unless the materials used conform with the City, County, and State Division of Health regulations for potable water. SECTION 13.. INSTALIATION OF IRRIGATION SPRINKLERS. (a) Irrigation sprinklers systems shall be equipped with an approved backflow preventer on the discharge side of each of the last valves. The backflow preventer shall be at least 6 inches above the highest head, and at no time less than 6 inches above the surrounding ground. Where com- bination control valves andbackflowpreventers are installed, the bottom of the valve shall constitute the bottom of the backflow preventer. (b) Underground piping for irrigation sprinkler systems, when installed outside of the foundation walls of the building, may be of Pressure Rated plastic piping as listed in Table 505 of the S.S.P.C. In each case the method -21- of installation shall be In accordance with Institute. The maximum working pressure to be 160 PSI, with permanent identification markings. (c) No existing metallic water service piping used for electrical grounding shall be replaced with non-metallic pipe or tubing until other grounding means are provided which are satisfactory to the proper administrative authority having jurisdiction. (d) Before any device for the prevention of backflow or back siphonage is installed, it shall have first been certified as meeting the requirements of ANSI A40. 6-1943 by a recognized testing laboratory acceptable to the inspector. SECTION 14. RULES AND REGULATIONS TO IMPLEMENT PROVISIONS The Council may enact reasonable rules and regulations to implement and carry out the provisions of this Ordinance. The Council shall hold public hearings upon no less than fifteen (15) days prior notice published In one or more newspapers, as may be necessary to assure general circulation throughout the County, in connection with the proposed rules and regulations and amendments thereto and at least seven (7) days prior to such hearings, mail notice of such hearings to all persons certified under the Ordinance. SECTION 15. LIBE.RALCONSTRUCTION. The provisions of this Ordinance shall be liberally construed in order to effectively carry out the purposes of this Ordinance In the interest of public health, welfare and safety of the citizens and residents of the City of Edgewater and the State of Florida. SECTION 16. SEVERABILITY. It is declared to the the Council's intent that, if any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any Court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions hereof. v SECTION 17. That all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances and all Resolutions or parts of Resolutions in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 18. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its adoption by the City Council and approval by the Mayor at second reading. SECTION 19. The City Clerk is hereby directed to advertise this Ordinance as required by law. The first reading of the above Ordinance was read in full and passed by vote of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida at a meeting of said Council held on the � day of 2J , 1975 and approved as provided by law. The second reading of said Ordinance to be at a meeting of the City Council to be held on the day of , A.D., 1975. Roll Call Vote being as follows: FIRST READING 9 f N M yor SECOND READING: ATTEST: ity Clerk Approved this d / day of A.D. , 1975. Mayor This Ordinance was prepared by: roseph E. Weaver, City Attorney. 0 14f