934ORDINANCE NO. 13 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE 1973'. EDITION"OF THE SOUTHERN STANDARD BUILDING CODE, THE 1971 EDITION OF THE NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE, THE 1971 EDITION OF THE SOUTHERN STANDARD PLUMBING CODE AND THE 1973 EDITION OF THE SOUTHERN STANDARD MECHANICAL CODE AND ALL AMENDMENTS AND ADDITIONS THERETO AS ADOPTED BY THE VOLUSIA COUNTY COUNCIL, TOGETHER WITH ALL ADDITIONS AND AMENDMENTS AND REVISIONS THERETO AS MAY BE ADOPTED FROM TIME TO TIME IN THE FUTURE; FURTHER PROVIDING THAT ALL ORDINANCES DEALING WITH BUILDING, ELECTRIC, PLUMBING AND MECHANICAL THAT PRESENTLY EXIST IN THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA, SHALL BE ENFORCED IF SAID ORDINANCES CREATE STANDARDS THAT ARE HIGHER AND MORE STRINGENT THAN THOSE STANDARDS ADOPTED BY THE COUNTY ORDINANCES, AMENDMENTS AND REVISIONS AND FURTHER PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE THEREFORE. BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA: Section 1. The City of Edgewater hereby adopts the 1973 edition of the Southern Standard Building Code, the 1971 edition of the National Electric Code, the 1971 edition of the Southern Standard Plumbing Code and the 1973 edition of the Southern Standard Mechanical Code together with all amendments and revisions thereto as adopted by the Volusia County Council. Section 2. It shall further be the policy of the Building Inspection Department of the -.City of Edgewater, Florida dealing with building, electric, plumbing and mechanical that are more stringent and set higher standards than the codes or amendments and revisions thereto as adopted in Section 1 above. yu, y Section 3. That all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances and all Resolutions or parts of Resolutions in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. Section 4. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its adoption by the City Council and approval by the Mayor at second reading. Section 5. The City Clerk is hereby directed to advertise this Ordinance as required by law. The first reading of the above Ordinance was read in full and passed by vote of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida at a regular meeting of said Council held on the dip �' day of J U vl2 1975 and approved as provided by law. The second reading of said Ordinance to be at meeting of the City Council to be held on the day of A.D., 1975, roll call vote being as follows: ATTEST: Mayor Councilman FIRST READING X/ � ///,/// ll _� A_Q_ Council l Councilman Councilman do/, — Councilman -2- Mayor Counculman SECOND READING Councilman City Clerk Approved this day of A.D., 1975 Mayor Councilman Councilman This Ordinance was prepared by: Joseph E. Weaver, City Attorney -3-