931u ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE DEFINING AND REGULATING GENERAL CONTRACTORS IN THE CITY OF EDGEWATER CREATED BY SPECIAL ACT HAVING POWER TO REGULATE GENERAL CONTRACTING: PROVIDING FOR CERTIFICATES OF COMPETENCY AND REQUIREMENTS AND EXAMINATION THEREFOR: REQUIRING APPLICATION FEES: PRESCRIBING REVOCATION OR SUSPENSION OF CERTIFICATES OF COMPETENCY AND PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR VIOLATION THEREOF. WHEREAS, the business of general contracting is a matter affecting public health, safety and welfare, and WHEREAS, it is necessary to regulate the business of general contracting in order to safeguard life, health, property and public welfare of the citizens in the City of Edgewater, created by special act having power to regulate general contractors, and to provide an effective and practical protection to the public against incompetent, inexperienced, unlawful and fraudulent acts: NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA: SECTION I: DEFINITIONS. When used in this Ordinance the following words and phrases shall have the meaning respectively ascribed to them as follows: 1) "Contractors" means any person who, for compensation undertaken to, or submits a bid to, or does himself or by others, construct, repair, alter, remodel, add to, subtract from, Improve any building or structure, Including related improvements to real estate for others, or for resale to others, and who is responsible for substantially the entire project. "Contractors" are subdivided into three categories as follows: a) "General Contractors" b) "Building Contractors" c) "Residential Contractors" ;7i 2) "Contracting" means, except as herein exempt, engaging in business as a contractor. 3) "Board" means the "Board of Code Adjustment 6 Appeals" ofthe - City of Edgewater, Florida. 4) "Certificate" means a certificate of competency issued by the Board as provided herein. 5) "Firm" - any type of organization, including co -partnership, corporation, company, association and individual. 6) "Building Official" - the officials in charge of the Building Inspection Division of the City of Edgewater, Florida. 7) "License" - Occupational License issued by the State of Florida or County of Volusia or City of Edgewater as a prerequisite of engaging in business. 8) "Building Code" - The Building Code of the City of Edgewater as amended. -- - 9) "Owner -Occupier" - a person having a vested interest in the property who either occupies or intends to occupy the premises and who improved the premises for his own use. 10) "Responsible Managing Employee or Official" - any agent, officer or employee of a general contractor who has authority to make administrative decisions, to hire, promote, transfer, lay off, discipline, or discharge other employees, or effectively to recommend such action or to superintend work in progress, and who is available for consultation in the technical and administrative phase of his principal's business when there is no work in progress. SECTION II. No person or firm shall engage in business as a General Contractor as herein defined in the City without having a valid and effective certificate of competency and license. SECTION III: CLASSIFICATION OF GENERAL CONTRACTORS. There shall be three classes of General Contractors, as follows: -2- 1) General Contractor as defined in Section I (1) above whose scope of operation is unlimited as to the height and complexity of design in the construction he undertakes, who has shown evidence of possessing the necessary knowledge and experience and has been granted a General Contractor's certificate of competency as provided herein. 2) BUILDING CONTRACTOR as defined in Section I (1) above whose services are limited to construction of commerical buildings and single or multiple dwelling residential buildings, neither to exceed three (3) stories in height, and accessory use structures in connection therewith, or those whose services are limited to remodeling or improvement of any size building if the services do not affect the structural members of the building, who has shown evidence of possessing the necessary knowledge and experience and has been granted a Building Contractor's certificate of competency as provided herein. 3) RESIDEN T ___ BUILDING CONTRACTOR as defined in Section 1 (1) above whose services are limited to construction, remodeling,repair, or improvement of one, two, or three family unit residences not exceeding two stories in height and accessory use structures in connection therewith, who has shown evidence of possessing the necessary knowledge and experience and has been granted a Residential Building Contractor's certificate of competency as provided herein. SECTION IV: BOARD OF GENERAL CONTRACTORS EXAMINERS. Reciprocity - an initial certificate of competency as a -^3neral Contractor, Building Contractor or Residential Building Contractor shall be issued without further examination to any person who has taken and passed a written examination for such trade or occupation prepared, proctored and graded by H. H. Block and Associates, Gainesville, Florida, and who holds a current certificate of competency from a city which has a general contractor's ordinance similar to that of the County of Volusia and which grants reciprocity to Volusia County certificates of competency for such classifications. To secure such a certificate, the applicant shall -3- furnish to the Building Official of the City of Edgewater a photostatic copy of his current competency certificate and certificate from the Chief Administrator's office of the City issueing such certificate which certifies that the applicant has taken and passed the appropriate H. H. Block and Associates examination. All persons holding a valid Class AA (is unlimited) Contractors Certificate of Competency issued by the County of Volusia as the effective date of this Ordinance, shall, upon application therefore, be issued a Certificate of Competency-asaGeneral Contractor hereunder, without examination. All persons holding a valid Class A (is a Class A) General Contractors Certificate of Competency issued by the County of Volusia as of the effective date of this Ordinance shall, upon application therefore, be issued a Certificate of Com- petency as a Residential Contractor, without examination. SECTION V: REMOVAL OF QUALIFYING INDIVIDUAL. 1) If the individual qualifying by exam_r.a'ion in behalf of a firm ceases to, be connected with the firm to which a Certificate of Competency has been issued, said firm shall notify the General Contractor's Code Board in writing within ten (10) days of such cessation, and the firm shall apply to the General Contractor's Board for an extension of time to qualify by examination through another person. 2) If the firm fails to notify the Board within the ten day period, at the end of this period its certificate shall be suspended until such time that the firm files an affidavit with the Board stating that the person originally appearing in its behalf has been replaced by another individual who is prepared to qualify for the certificate. SECTION VI: DURATION OF CERTIFICATES. ANNUAL RENEWAL. All certificates of competency expire as of September 30th of each year. Certificates may be renewed for the ensuing year without examination during the month of September of each year upon application to the Building Official. In the event a certificate is not renewed by November 1st but an 0 0 affidavit is filed with the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida on or before July 15th of the next ensuing year, setting forth the reasons for this failure to so renew the certificate as required herein, the Board of Adjustment & Appeals may, by unanimous vote, determine that the said affidavit stated good and sufficient cause to excuse the failure to so renew the certificate, and may thereafter, by unanimous vote, authorize and direct the re -issuance of the certificate of competency upon the condition that the said applicant shall forthwith purchase the necessary occupational license for a full year and upon such other reasonable terms_ and conditions and as the said Board may desire to impose and without requiring the said applicant to pass the examination aforesaid. SECTION VII. OCCUPATION LICENSE. COMPLIANCE WITH LAW. 1) Before an occupational license shall he grantedto a General Contractor by the City of Edgewater, Florida he shall be required to produce the following: a) A Certificate of Competency: No occupation license shall be issued to any person, firm or corporation for the purpose of engaging in, or working at, or carrying on business of General Contractor, Building Contractor, or Residential Contractor, unless such person, firm or corporation be In possession or a proper and valid certificate of competency as required therefor. All certificates of Competency shall be issued for and be valid for the term of one year, beginning on the first day of October in each year and expiring the last day of September in the following year, unless suspended or revoked. b) Competency Cards required in the City of Edgewater: General Contractor Building Contractor Residential Contractor Electrical Contractor Plumbing Contractor Mechanical Contractor Air Conditioning Contractor Sheet Metal Contractor Roofing Contractor Swimming Pool Contractor Well 5 Pump Contractor Gas Piping Contractor -5- c) A Certificate signed by a qualifed agent of a casualty or liability company or other proof of compliance with the Florida State Workmen's Compensation Law. 2) Revocation or suspension of a Certificate of Competency shall immediately nullify the occupational license granted thereunder. 3) The occupational license fee to be paid to the City of Edgewater shall be in the amount fixed in the Laws of the State of Florida and the Ordinance of the City of Edgewater. SECTION VIII. EXEMPTIONS. 1) An owner -occupier may secure a building permit for and perform and supervise work in connection with construction of his own private residence for his own occupancy, or the maintenace of, addition to, alteration of or repair of his own private residence; provided that the work to be done shall conform with the Building Code and other ordinances pertaining to building and construction within the City provided further th t no owner occupier shall be permitted to construct more than one (1) home per calendar year unless he shall be licensed as a contractor as herein defined. This provision may be waived by the City Council if a special hardship is proved. The construction of more than one residence by an individual owner in any twelve-month period shall prohibit an owner occupier ffrom obtaining a building permit for the maintenance, repair or addition to his own existing residential property more than one time during any calendar year. 2) The owner of a commerical building may make alterations and/or repairs to such building without being licensed as herein required, provided that no structural changes are involved which, would require an expert knowledge of construction in the interest of public safety; provided further that such alterations and/or repair meet each and every requirement of the Building Code and other ordinances pertaining to building and construction within the City. 3) The provisions of this Ordinance shall not apply to contractors bidding on or performing public works for municipal, county, state, federal government, or other public body. -6- 0 0 SECTION IX: UNLAWFUL ACTIVITIES. 1). It shall be unlawful for any contractor defined by this ordinance operating within the City to commit any one or more of the following acts: a) To permit his name to be used by any person or party, directly or indirectly, either for the purpose of obtaining a building permit or to do any work under his Certificate of Competency or license, or otherwise to aid or abet any unlicensed person or firm to evade the provisions and the purposes of this ordinance as defined in Sections 1 and 2.. - b) To contract or do any work outside the scope of operations, as set out in the definition of the particular type of contractor for which he is licensed. However, a "Contractor" shall subcontract the electrical, mechanical, and plumbing work for which an a amination for a certificate of competency is required, unless such contractor holds a certificate of competency of t.'_:e respective trade category, as required by the City. c) Abandon without legal excuse a construction project or operation, or for a specified purpose in the execution or completion of such, to any other use whatsoever. d) Divert funds or property received for the execution or completion of a specified purpose in the execution or completion of such, to any other use whatsoever. e) To depart from or disregard in any material respect the plans or specifications of a construction job without the consent of the owner or his duly authorized representative. f) Disregard or violate, in the performance of his contracting business, any of the building, safety, health, insurance, or workman's compensation laws of the State of Florida or ordinance of the City of Edgewater. g) Misrepresent any material fact in his application and attendant papers or orally thereto in obtaining a license under this Ordinance. h) Failure to fulfill contractual obligation through inability to pay all creditors for material furnished or work or services performed in the operation -7- 0 4 of his business for which he is licensed hereunder. i) Do any fraudulent act as a contractor by which another Is substantially injured. j) Negligence, incompetency or misconduct in the practice of contracting within the meaning of this Ordinance. r• SECTION X: REVOCATION OR SUSPENSION OF CERTIFICATE 1) The Building Official may revoke or suspend a Certificate of Competency if, after due hearing, it is found that the holder thereof has: a) Violated any of the provisions of Section 10 above. b) Obtained his certificate through fraud or misrepresentation. 2) Any person holding a Certificate of Competency who is charged with any of the causes for revocation or suspension enumerated in Paragraph 1) above shall be notifed in writing of such charge or charges, and said person shall have the right cf Searing in person or by counsel before the Board, and he s.`.all be notified in writing of the time and place set by the Board for such hearing, before any action Is taken by the Board on suspension or revocation of the certificate. In the event any person charged with any of the causes for revocation or suspension of this certificate fails to appear in person or by Counsel before the Board for a hearing thereupon, after having been duly notifed of the time and place of such hearing, the Board may proceed with the hearing and in the event such charges are proved, the Board may then proceed with the suspension or revocation of his certificate if such action Is deemed by the Board to be proper and in order. SECTION XI: RIGHT OF HEARING BEFORE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS & APPEALS OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA. If any person feels aggrieved at a decision of the Building Official in refusing to grant such person the right to take an examination, a license, building permit or Certificate of Competency, or Inrevoking or suspending a license, permit, or certificate of competency, such person may appeal to the Board of Adjustments & Appeals of Edgewater within thrity (30) days after such decision. Within ten (10) days from the filing of a notice of appeal with the Board of Adjustments & Appeals WC of Edgewater, the person aggrieved shall be informed of the decision of the Board of Adjustments & Appeals. SECTION XII. STATE LICENSING LAW, The 1967 Florida Legislature passed into law, Chapter 468, Part 2 of the Florida Statutes, creating the Construction Industry Licensing Board. This law also made in mandatory that anyone operating in the above mentioned classifications must either register- or become certified by the Board. The City of Edgewater recognizes and accepts the Florida Construction Industry Licensing Board as a testing agency. SECTION XIII: PENALTY FOR VIOLATION That persons violating any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be prosecuted by the City or County Prosecutor of Volusia County and upon conviction in a court having jurisdiction of misdemeanors shall be punished by fine not to exceed FIVE HUNDRED ($500.00) DOLLARS or by imprisonment in the City or County Jail not to exceed sixty (60) days or by both such fine and imprisonment. SECTION XIV: That all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances and all Resolutions or parts of Resolutions in conflict herewith be and tie same are hereby repealed. SECTION XV: This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its adoption by the City Council and approval by the Mayor, at second reading. SECTION XVI: The City Clerk is hereby directed to advertise this Ordinance as required by law. The first reading of the above Ordinance was read in full and passed by vote of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida at a regular meeting of said Council held on the CP' i day of _. .... _ 1975 and approved as provided by law. "'— ft The second reading of said Ordinance to be at a meeting of the City Council to be held on the day of A.D., 1975. Roll Call vote being as follows: FIRST READING SECOND READING Councilman 20f'g��z ouncilman City Clerk Di'sApproved this L_'�-&day of o� A.D., 1975. Mayor This Ordinance was prepared by: Joseph E. Weaver, City Attorney. -10-