SECTION 1. That for the better protection of life and property
and in the interest of public safety the following rules and regulations
b e and the same are hereby adopted for the sale, installation, use,
maintenance and repairs of electrical wiring apparatus or equipment
for light, heat, power or advertising within the limits of Edgewater,
Florida as defined herein.
SECTION 2. The enforcement of said rules and regulations shall
be under the control and supervision of the City Council of the
City of Edgewater, Florida.
SECTION 3. (a) The term "Electrical Construction" as used in
this Ordinance shall be held to include and govern all work and
materials used in installing, maintaining, and extending a system of
electrical wiring for light, heat, power or advertising and all
appurtenances thereto and all apparatus or equipment used in connection
therewith, inside or attached to any building or structure, lot or
premises; provided, however, that none of the provisions of this
Ordinance shall apply to the replacement of lamps or the connection
or portable devices to suitable receptacles which have been permanently
(b) All wiring on private property shall be inspected, fees
charged, and approved by the Electrical Inspector. This shall apply
to work installed by utilities or others except utilities regulated
under Chapter 366 of the Florida Statutes.
(c) The term "Master Electrician" as used in this Ordinance
shall be held to mean a person who possesses the necessary qualifi-
cations, training and technical knowledge to plan, lay out and
supervise the installation of electrical wiring, apparatus or equipment
for light, heat, power or advertising as covered by the terms and
provisions of this Ordinance.
(d) The term "Journeyman Electrician" as used in this ordinance
shall be held to mean a person who possesses the necessary qualifi-
cations, training and technical knowledge to install electrical wiring
apparatus or equipment for light, heat, power or advertising, as
covered by the terms and provisions of this Ordinance, under the
supervision of a licensed Master Electrician.
(e) The term "Maintenance Electrician" as used in this Ordinance
shall be held to mean a person who possesses the qualifications
hereinbefore prescribed for a Journeyman Electrician and who is
regularly employed to maintain and make necessary repairs to the
electrical wiring, apparatus and equipment installed, contained and used
upon or in buildings of premises owned or occupied or controlled by
the person, firm or corporation by whom employed. Maintenance
Electrician shall not be permitted to run any additional wiring to
existing system.
(f) The term 'Neon Serviceman" as used in this Ordinance shall
be held to mean a person who possesses the necessary qualifications
and technical training to locate defective parts, to service, maintain
and repair a neon sign and/or any installation of neon strip lighting;
or outline lighting; to build or rebuild or install a neon sign and
to install any system of neon strip lighting or outline _ lighting on
exterior walls or roofs or building; to change defective neon transformer;
or glass and to make any necessary repairs to existing systems of neon
lighting, or neon signs. He shall stand such examination as will
satisfy the Electrical Board as to his true knowledge of the general
construction and functions of a neon installation and that he is
qualified to make such repairs and replacements and to build or rebuild
such signs in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance and all
standard rules and regulations governing the same. It shall be
thoroughly understood that such Neon Serviceman will not be permitted
to wire for or connect any neon sign or neon installation to the
interior wiring system of any building or premises; to make any new
installation except as provided in Paragraph I of this section, or
except it by under personal supervision of a Master Electrican or a
Journeyman Electrician employed by such Master Electrician who shall
be duly licensed and bonded in accordance with the provisions of this
(g) The term "Electrical Inspector" as used in this Ordinance
shall be held to mean a person who possesses the necessary training
and technical knowledge as defined in this Ordinance and who has Civil
Service qualifications for Electrical Inspector. The Electrical
Inspector is appointed by the City Council of the City of Edgewater,
Florida, to inspect all electrical wiring for the City of Edgewater,
(h) Master electricians who are successful bidders on public
works to be built or constructed by the United States Government or
any agency thereof, the State, the County School Board, Volusia County,
or any other political subdivision, may perform such public works .
contract without complying with the terms of this chapter other than
to buy all necessary permits and pay the regular cost for a new
certificate ($250.00) for the performance of this designated job,
provided a building permit has been issued.
(i) Said certificates of competency shall be valid throughout
the City of Edgewater, Volusia County, Florida, and shall be renewable
annually,upon conditions hereinafter described.. Said certificates
shall be kept in a register in the office of the Board of Adjustments
and Appeals showing the name and the address of all persons to whom
a certificate is issued hereunder. Said Board shall designate or elect
one of its members to act as Secretary, who shall keep records of
meetings. Secretary to file copy of the minutes of the meetings with
the office of the Clerk of the City Council. Four (4) members of said
Board shall constitute a quorum. Affirmative vote of majority of said
Board present at a meeting shall be necessary to adopt any ruling.
(j) An appropriate certificate of competency as a Master
Electrician, Journeyman Electrician, Neon Serviceman or Maintenance
Electrician shall be issued without further examination to any person
who has taken and passed a written examination for such trade or
occupation, prepared, proctored and graded by H.H. Block & Associates,
Gainesville, Florida, and who holds a current certificate of competency
from a City which has an electrical code or ordinance similar to that
o 0
of the City of Edgewater and which grants reciprocity to the
City of Edgewater holders of certificates of competency for such
trades. To secure such a certificate, the applicant shall furnish
to the Board of Adjustments and Appeals of the City of Edgewater a
photostatic copy of his current competency certificate and a letter
from the Chief Administrator's office of the City issuing such
certificate, certifying that the applicant has taken and passed the
appropriate H.H. Block & Associates proctored examination for
electricians and that such City has an electrical code substantially
similar to that of the City of Edgewater and grants reciprocity to
the holders of certificates of competency in the City of Edgewater.
The fees for a certificate of competency issued under this provision
shall be Two Hundred Fifty and no/100 ($250.00) Dollars for the
first year of Master Electrician and Thirty and no/100 ($30.00)
Dollars for Journeyman Electrician, Maintenance Electrician and
Neon Serviceman.
(k) Said Board shall have the power and authority to suspend
or revoke for cause the certificates of competency of any Master
Serviceman. When any such certificate has been suspended or revoked
any occupational or _business licenses dependent on such valid
certificate thereof. Failure to correct improper or defective
electrical or neon work or electrical or neon installations
promptly after notification of such by the Electrical Inspector;
failure to comply with or any violation of the provisions of this
Ordinance; Undertaking or doing electrical or neon work of any
kind or nature reguiring permit, without having applied for, or
secured such permit by any Master Electrician, a Neon Serviceman,
or other godd and sufficient reasons, shall be deemed cause for
suspension or revocation of any such certificate of competency held
by any such person or persons. The affirmative vote of a quorum of
said Board shall be required for suspension or revocation of a
certificate of competency.
(1) Any such suspension or suspensions of said certificates of
competency made by said Board shall be and remain in force and effect
for the period of time for which any such suspension may be listed
or annulled by action of an appeal to the Board of Adjustments and
Appeals as provided for herein. Repeated violations of the provisions.
of the Ordinance by any person holding certificates of competency
hereunder shall be deemed cause for revocation of such certificate.
(m) Any person holding such certificate of competency who is
charged with violation of this ordinance and is thereby faced with a
possibility of having his certificate of competency and/or license
suspended or revoked, shall be notified of such charge or charges and
shall have the right to a hearing in person or by Counsel by said Board
on such charge or charges at the time and place set by the said Board
for such hearing, before any action is taken by said Board on sus-
pension or revocation of the certificate. Any person so charged with
violation of this Ordinance, who fails to appear in person or by
counsel before said Board for a hearing thereon, after having been
notified of the time and place set for such hearing by said Board,
shall thereby forfeit the right of a hearing by said Board on such
charge or charges and the said Board may then proceed with the sus-
pension or revocation of his certificate if deemed by said Board to be
proper and in order.
(n) if any person feels aggrieved at a decision of the Board of
Adjustments & Appeals, or the Electrical Inspector in refusing to grant
such person after he has passed proper examinations, a license permit,
or certificate of competency to carry on or engage in the trade,
business or occupation of Electrician and/or Neon Serviceman, or in
revoking or suspending a license, permit or certificate of competency,
such person may appeal to the Board of Adjustments and Appeals within
ten (10) days after such decision. Within fifteen (15) days from the
o 0
filing of a notice of appeal with the Board of Adjustments and Appeals,
the person aggrieved shall be informed of the decision of the Board.
(o) If the holder of the valid certificate of competency
fails to renew such certificate while the said certificate is in
effect, but files an affidavit with the Board of Adjustments and Appeals
on or before July 15th of the next ensuing year, setting forth the
reasons for this failure to so renew the certificate as required
herein, the Board of Adjustments and Appeals shall by quorum vote,
determining thatthe said affidavit states good and sufficient cause to
excuse the failure to so renew the certificate, and may thereafter by
quorum vote, authorize and direct the re -issuance of the certificate
of competency upon the condition that the said applicant shall forth-
with purchase the necessary occupational license for a full year and
upon such other reasonable terms and conditions and as the Board may
desire to impose and without requiring the said applicant to pass the
examination aforesaid. Any person serving in the Armed Forces shall
be exempt from this requirement for the duration of his service plus
six (6) months. There shall be a fifty percent (50%) fine for those
certificate holders who do not renew their certificates of competency
by October 31st of each year. Those persons not renewing their
certificates within the current year (October 1 to October:1) shall be
required to reapply to their respective Board for new certification
and may be subject to complete re-examination if so deemed by the
Board of Adjustments and Appeals.
(p) All persons holding a valid Master Electrician, Journeyman
Electrician, Neon Serviceman or Maintenance Electrician certificate of
competency issued by the City of Edgewater as of the effective date
of this ordinance, shall, upon application therefor, be issued a
certificate ofcompetency as a Master Electrician, Journeyman Electrician
Neon Serviceman or Maintenance Electrician, hereunder, without
U 0
(q) The Board of Adjustments and Appeals has the authority to
make recommendations as to revisions on the present Ordinance and
shall also interpret the Ordinance.
(r) Temporary work permits. When and if, in the discretion of
the Board of Adjustments and Appeals, it becomes advisable,
Temporary Journeyman Electrician's Work Permits may be -issued by the
said Board to Electrical Workers for a period of time necessary to
enable them to take that next scheduled examination and for the results
of the examination to be -received by the Board. The Master Electrician
employing said electrical worker shall vouch for same before a
temporary work permit is issued. The name of the employing Master
Electrician shall be entered on the Temporary Work Permit. The fee
for a temporary work permit shall be Five and no/100 ($5.00) Dollars.
No temporary work permit may be issued to an applicant for a Master
Electrician's certificate.
SECTION 4. It shall be unlawful for any person, not a certified
electrician in accordance with the provisions ofthis Ordinance to do
any electrical construction or make any repairs, alterations, additions
or changes to any existing system of electrical wiring, apparatus or
equipment for light, heat, power or advertising within the City of
Edgewater, Florida, unless otherwise provided for in this Ordinance.
SECTION 5. Master Electricians to be licensed:
(a) Before any Master Electrician shall engage in the trade of
electrical construction in the City of Edgewater, he shall pay to
the City Clerk the necessary occupational license fee according to
license code in effect at the time of his application.
(b) Insurance: Any Master Electrician entering into an agreement
with any person for consideration either for a fixed contract price or
a cost plus basis or for anything of value or for a supervising fee
or for a management fee or for a commission to supervise the installation
of electrical wiring apparatus of equipment for light, heat, power or
o 0
advertising as covered by the terms and provisions of this Ordinance
shall be held and considered to be carrying on the business of electrical
contracting and shall be required to furnish sufficient insurance in
the amount of One Hundred Thousand and no/100 ($100,00.00) Dollars -
General Liability for each person , plus Three Hundred Thousand and
no/100 ($300.000.00) Dollars for each accident, or become self insuror
by furnishing sufficient evidence to prove to the Board of Adjustments
and Appdals that the Master Electrician has financial responsibility
and assets of at least Three Hundred Thousand and no/100-($300,000.00)
Dollars prior to issuance of a certificate of competency.
Section 6. Each Maintenance Electrician or Neon Serviceman shall
register with the office of Electrical Inspection the name and place
of business of the person, firm or corporation by whom regularly employed;
and such Maintenance Electrician or Neon Serviceman shall not be
employed by more than one person, firm or Neon Serviceman at the same
Section 7. All licenses shall expire on, and shall be null and
void after September 30th, any year, and no electrical work shall be
done by and no permits shall be issued to any Master who has no such
license, as hereinbefore provided, in full force and effect.
Section 8. No licensed Master Electrician shall allow his name
to be improperly used by any person or party, directly or indirectly,
either for the purpose of obtaining a permit, or to do any work under his
license. When. such Master Electrician is permanently employed, he shall
not allow his name to be used for the aforesaid purposes or either of
them by any person, firm or corporation whatsoever other than his
regular employer.
SECTION 9. A Master Electrician shall not employ a person on any
job in the capacity of an Electrician, without such person being in
possession of a Certificate of Competency or a certificate as provided
0 0
for in Section 3 of this Ordinance, provided that nothing in this
Ordinance shall be held to prohibit the working of helpers or apprentices
is performed under the personal supervision and accompanied by an
Electrician holding a Certificate of Competency of a certificate, (not -
to exceed 2 helpers or apprentices to 1 Journeyman).
SECTION 10. (a) The electrical wiring and installation of
electrical apparatus or equipment for light, heat, power or advertising, -
within or attached to all buildings or structures bothpublicand
private shall be done in accordance with plans and specifications sub
mitted to and approved by the Electrical Inspector at the time of final
inspection. Drawings and complete discriptions of proposed work shall
be furnished and filed by the owner or contractor in charge of the work
in the Electrical Inspector's office. Plans must be legibly drawn
or printed to a definite scale and may include all or part of the
system depending upon the complexity of the system as determined by
the Electrical Inspector. Alterations for the existing work must be
shown by separate indications for the old and the new work and as much
of the old work must be shown as may be necessary to show the rules
and regulations are being complied with. Plans must be approved or
rejected within a reasonable time after the time of filing and work
shall not commence or proceed until said plans have been so filed and
a permit to do work authorized to be issued by the City Electrical
(b) Plans and specifications as aforesaid for electrical wiring
may be required by the Electrical Inspector of the City on single
family residential buildings valued at Thirty Thousand Dollars or more
for new construction, and Ten Thousand Dollars or more for alterations
or existing buildings.
0 0
(c) Plans and specifications as aforesaid for electrical wiring
may be required by the Electrical Inspector of the City on all;:buildings
other„than single family residential buildings and their accessory uses.
(a) Permits shall be issued in the office of the Electrical
(b) A permit will be required to do .any electrical construction
of any character, install any electrical wiring, apparatus or equipment
or make any extensions or changes to existing systems of wiring for -
light, heat, power or advertising within the City of Edgewater, except-
ing the repairing of damaged or broken fixtures, apparatus, or equip-
ment and the ordinary work necessary for the proper maintenance of
same; provided however that:
1. No permit shall be required for the replacement of lamps or
the connection of portable devices to suitable receptacles which
have been permanently installed,
2. No permit shall be required for the installation, alteration
or repair of wiring, devices, appliances, or equipment. for the
operation of signals or the transmission of intelligence where
such wiring, devices, appliances or equipment operate at a
voltage not exceeding 50 between conductors and do not include
generating or transforming equipment capable of supplying more
than fifty (50) watts of energy.
(c) Permits to Master Electricians: Permits to do electrical
work will be issued only to Master Electricians who are duly qualified
under the provisions of the Ordinance to engage in the trade or
business of electrical construction in the City of Edgewater, Florida.
(d) Permits to Maintenance Electricians: Permits may be issued
to duly qualified Maintenance Electricians to make reasonable alter-
ations to existing installations of electrical wiring, apparatus or
equipment, installed, contained and used upon or in buildings or
premises owned or occupied by the person, firm or corporation by whom
such Maintenance Electrician is regularly employed. Such reasonable
alterations shall be of a minor character, shall be confined to
existing branch circuits and the fixtures, apparatus or equipment
connected thereto and shall not include the installations or replacement
of service conductors, service equipment or sub -feeder circuit.
SECTION 12. (a) All electrical construction and all material and
appliances used in connection with the installation, maintenance and
operation of electrical wiring, apparatus or equipment for light, heat.,
power or advertising within the City of Edgewater, shall conform with
approved methods of construction for safety to life or property. The
regulations as laid down in the prevailing National Electrical Code
as approved by the American Standards Association, shall be prime facie
evidence of such approved methods.
(b) The 1971 National Electrical Code and subsequent editions
and amendments thereto is hereby adopted as the City of Edgewater
Electrical Code governing the minimum requirements for all electrical
construction and all materials and appliances used in connection with
the installation, maintenance and operation of electrical wiring,
apparatus or equipment for-light,heat, power or advertising inside
the City of Edgewater, except the use of BX Cable.
(c) Exit lights where required in the Code on the first floor of
a building may be omit.ted,providing, however, that all doors lead
directly to an exit and providing that a light illuminating exits shall
be wired in accordance with the wiring required for exit lights. In
no case shall exit lights be omittedwhere doors in the same room lead
to any other area other than to direct egress conforming in size to
the Building Code, or such areas are above the first floor of such
(d) All contractor's trucks shall be identified with the name of
the company in letters a minimum of two (2) inches in height or be
legible from a distance of one hundred (100) feet.
. o 0
(e) 1. Maximum number of outlets per circuit on commercial
or residential building - 10 light outlets or 6 receptable
outlets or 8 combinations.
2. Every kitchen shall have a minimum of two appliance circuits
wired with #12 wire. _
3. Each of the appliance circuits shall beentirely by
itself - no other out}ets shall be on .these circuits.
4. Dishwasher, garbage disposers and all water pump
systems shall be on separate circuits.
5. The utility room or laundry must also have an appliance
outlet on a separate 20 AMP circuit. Kitchen, bathroom,
laundry, utility room, garage, and any other lights within --
six feet of water connection or plumbing fixtures "shall be -
controlled by a wall switch. A duplex receptacle shall be
installed in all bathrooms.
6. Disconnect switches for central type air -conditioners
shall be located, on, in or adjacent to compressor. If
outside shall be dead front type.
7. Electrical furnaces shall be installed in accordance
with the Southern Standard Building Code - Section 8-11A.
Section 13. No electrical materials, devices or appliances
designed for attachment to or installed on any electrical circuit or
system, for light, heat, power or advertising, shall be in§talled,
used, sold or offered for sale, for use inside the City of Edgewater,
unless they are in conformity with approved methods of construction
for safety to life and property. Conformity of electrical materials,
devices or appliances with the Standards of Underwriter's Laboratories,
Inc., or with other standards approved by the American Standards
Association, shall be prima ficia evidence that such electrical
materials, devices or appliances comply with the requirements of this
Ordinance. The makers name, trademark or other identification symbol
shall be placed on all electrical materials, devices or appliances
sold, installed or used under the provisions of this Ordinance,
together with such other markings giving voltage, current, wattage or
other appropriate ratings as are prescribed in the National Electrical
Code; or as may be necessary to determine the character of the material,
devices or equipment and the use for which it is intended.
SECTION 14. All metal conduit and fittings unless of corrosion
resisting metal, shall be galvanized, sheradized or shall have an
equivalent coating of corrosion resisting metal.
SECTION 15. All service wires supplying current for light, heat,
power or advertising to any building inside the City of Edgewater, in
overhead connection, shall be installedinrigid metal conduit from
service head to the approved means of main disconnect. For overhead
connections, exposed portions of wire shall be in conduit from service
head to the approved means of main disconnect. Minimum size of mask
through roof to be 2" and have a roof flange of approved type. Meters
are not approved as a means of main disconnect. All services for
residential dwellings shall be sized according to the National Electrical
Code and shall include 4.5 K.W, at 1007. demand factor for a water
heater (when applicable); #10 wire, 6 K.W. for clothes dryer; 12 K.W.
for air condition and heat pump; 1.5 K.W. for a utility area and also
an additional 6 K.W. of spare capacity all calculated at 1007 demand.
All panels shall have one double pole spare space and two single pole
spare spaces or not over 507 full. (Access to panel for utilization
of these spaces shall be provided by 1" or larger empty raceway to an
accessible area.) Triple -E- alloy conductors will be minimum grade
to be used. No panel will be permitted in bathrooms or closets, EMT
may be used inside of building from meter to first panel or disconnect.
There will be no aluminum permitted under concrete.
SECTION 16. Knife switches operating at a potential of 600 volts
or less, except on switch boards or panel boards accessible to'
qualified persons only, shall be externally operated enclosed type
with proper markings to show when the switch is in the 'ON" or 'OFF"
o ,0
SECTION 17. (a) All wiring for public garages and filling
stations, school houses, theaters, churches, auditoriums, hotels, rooming
houses of over fifteen (15) rooms, apartment houses of over three (3)
apartment, business, commercial and industrial buildings of fireproof
construction; installation shall be with rigid conduit, or metal
moulding, or electrical metallic tubing. (Flexible metallic tubing
and PVC may be used under special conditions when approved by Electrical
Inspector) Mobile Homes placed as permanent structures may have
service placed on the home.--
(b) Other types of buildings not covered in the above paragraph
non-metallic sheathed cable with bare -ground metal moulding, flexible
metal conduit of not less than one-half inch in trade size may be
used. PVC or non-metallic conduit will have a ground conductor
pulled with other conductors and will be green in color or bare.
(c) Where metallic water piping is in the building, ground
clamps must be attached to same, and where it is impractical to expose,
same may be concealed, The Service Grounding Conductor shall be a
minimum of #4 bare copper and shall conform to the latest issue of the
National Electrical Code. The Service Grounding Conductor shall be
run from the first meter or switch enclosure to a cold water pipe and
where required by local utility, an approved driven grounding electrode
using an unbroken, approved exposed, accessible, ground fitting making
an electrical connection with the Grounding Conductor. All bathroom
lights must be controlled by a switch not a part of a fixture.
(d) Additions and alterations to existing building, wiring
shall be installed as directed by the Building and Electrical Inspectors
and indicated on the Building Permit. Portable cords on phonographs,
radios, clocks and all other portable appliances must not be greater
than six feet in length and shall not be fastened down in any way.
This applies to commercial and manufacturing buildings and any building
under the jurisdiction of the State Hotel and Restaurant Commission.
q Z)
(e) All services must have an approved means of a main
(f) Disconnect means for services to be located as near as
possible to the point of service entrance.
(g) Electric ranges: Electric ranges in residences shall be
connected through approved receptacles with cord sets;•not circuit
wires smaller than No. 6 Awg. for electric ranges shall exceed thirty-
five feet in length. Built-in range tops and oven. #10 not to exceed
thirty-five feet, over thirty-five feet, #8 stranded wire.
(h) Any class of occupancy not specifically mentioned in this
ordinance shall be wired according to the rules of the National Electrica
Code governing the wiring, apparatus, or equipment for that particular
class of occupancy.
(i) Neon signs, Electric signs or any type of electrical decorative
advertising medium shall be installed by a Journeyman Electrician or
Neon Serviceman under the supervision of a Master Electrician.
Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to mean that the structrual
supporting frame of a sign connot be erected by a qualified General
(j) A separate sign circuit shall be installed in all store or
public buildings (new or remodeled). A disconnect, safety switch or
circuit breaker shall be located in the line to,an out -door sign at
the sign location and be weatherproofed if exposed to the weather. A
receptacle shall be installed in the ceiling directly over the show
window, and on a separate circuit.
(k) Sign transformers shall not be placed in unfinished attic
spaces. Drain holes shall be provided in metal transformer boxes, and
when exposed to the weather the boxes shall be reamed or otherwise
trimmed to remove burrs on rims that would hold water in the enclosure.
0 0
If mounted on the roof, the transformer enclosure shall be elevated
at least two inches above the roof. Wood shall not be used to mount or
elevate that transformer enclosure. The transformer shall be rigidly
fastened to the metal enclosure.
(1) All neon signs must Have a ground which is common (by copper
conductor) with the ground of the supplying system.
(m) Neon sign may be inspected and approved by the Electrical
Inspector before sign is erected, in case of emergency, sign -may be.-..
inspected after erection, provided safe and adequate means are
provided for Inspector to inspect the sign.
(n) Minimum requirement for customer's temporary service shall
be as approved by the Electrical Inspector.
(o) All fluorescent fixtures installed in commercial, industrial
or public buildings shall have fused ballasts. When necessary to
replace ballastson-existing fixtures, they shall be the fused type.
SECTION 18. All circuits for lights, heat, power or advertising
shall be protected against short circuits and overloading by approved
automatic circuit breakers, or approved non -temperable fuses. All
plug type fuses shall be non -temperable type and shall be so designed
that the 0 to 15 ampere fuse will not interchange with 16 to 30 ampere
fuse. No installation or electrical wiring will be considered as -
complete until complete set of fusestats or automatic circuit breakers
are installed to protect the circuits and equipment.
SECTION 19. All receptacles shall beofthe grounded type.
SECTION 20. Construction power shall be a minimum of 60 amps
220 volts and shall provide 1-50 amp 3-wire, 220 volt, single phase
receptacle and.1-15 amp 110-volt, 3 wire receptacle. These receptacles
shall have separate and proper overload protection.
SECTION 21. (a) It shall be the duty of the City Electrical
Inspector to inspect all electrical wiring, apparatus, or equipment
for light, heat, power or electric advertising inside the limits
of the City of Edgewater, Florida, and to enforce the laws, rules
and regulations regulating to the same, and to exercise a reasonable
observation over all electrical construction done under the provisions
of the Ordinance.
(b) It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to
issue and supply-electriccurrent for light, heat, power or advertising
or to connect any distribution system with any installation of wiring,
apparatus of fixtures inside the City of Edgewater, until the same
shall have been inspected and approved by the City Electrical Inspector.
(c) The City Electrical Inspector with approval of the Board
of Adjustments and Appeals may give special permission to connect and
furnish electric current to any wiring, apparatus or fixtures for a
period of not exceeding thirty (30) days, if, in his opinion, such
wiring, apparatus or fixtures are in such condition that current may
be safely connected herewith, and there exists an urgent necessity
for such use.
(d) The City Electrical Inspector with approval of the Board of
Adjustments and Appeals may issue special permits for the installation
and use of temporary wiring and/or equipment as permitted by Section
23 of this Ordinance;provided, that the use of such temporary wiring
and/or equipment shall be limited to a period of rot more than thirty
days (30) after day of permit. If reasonable necessity is established
for an extension of time in the use of such temporary wiring and/or
equipment the permit for its use may be extended by the City Electrical
Inspector for an additional period of thirty (30) days from its original
date of expiration but permission for the use of such temporary install-
ation shall in no case be extended for a greater period of time then
ninety (90) days after date of issue of the original permits.
(a) The City Electrical Inspector is hereby empowered to inspect
and re -inspect all wiring and apparatus conducting or using electrical
current for light, heat, power or advertising, and when conductors
for using electrical apparatus are found to be unsafe to life or
property, he shall report unsafe'uses to the Board of Adjustments and
Appeals who will notify in writing the person, firmor•corporation
owning, using or operating them to place same in safe and secure
condition within twenty-four (24) hours after receiving written
notice, or within such further time as the said Electrical Inspector
shall determine is necessary.
(f) Whenever any wiring, apparatus or fixture conducting or
using electric current for light, heat, power, or advertising is
found upon inspection by the City Electrical Inspector, or a duly
authorized assistant to be especially or immediately hazardous
to life or property, the said Electrical Inspector may immediately
throw the switch or circuit breaker controlling the supply of current
to such wiring, apparatus or fixture and shall post in a conspicuous
place near such switch or circuit breaker a notice printed in red
letters and reading substantially as follows:
"The use of Electric Current is prohibited through this
wiring or equipment until proper repairs have been made
and approved by the City Electrical Inspector.
Repairs must be made by a certified Electrician and the
Inspector must be notified when completed."
After such notice is posted as provided in the foregoing, no person
shall close the switch or circuit breaker which has been opened by
the said Electrical Inspector nor use or attempt to use any current
through such wiring, apparatus or fixtures, which has been condemned
until necessary repairs have been made, and have been approved by the
City Electrical Inspector. The City Electrical Inspector may also
notify the electric company or the person, firm or corporation
furnishing current to such wiring, apparatus or fixture, to disconnect
the supply wires and cut off the current from premises where such
O 0
wiring, apparatus or fixture is located and such supply wires
shall be disconnected and the current cut off until necessary repairs
are made, and approved by the City Electrical Inspector.
(g) The Electrical Inspector shall issue a certificate of
approval after the work has been completed and accepted. Same shall
be issued within a period of 48 hours ( not including Saturday,
Sunday or holidays), after the Inspector shall receive the inspection
notice, if feasible.
SECTION 22. The City Electrical Inspector, or his duly auth-
orized assistant shall have the right during reasonable hours to
enter any building or premises in the discharge of his, or their
official duties or for the purpose of making any inspection or test of the
electrical wiring,apparatus or fixtures contained therein.
SECTION 23. It shall be unlawful for any person to hinder or
interfere with the City -Electrical Inspector or with any assistant of
theCity Electrical Inspector in the performance of his duties under
this Ordinance.
SECTION 24. (a) Upon making an inspection of any electrical
wiring or equipment when same is found to have been installed in a
satisfactory manner, and in accordance with the provisions of this
Ordinance, the Inspector shall place a notice on the service meter
and make notation on the Building Permit, stating that the electrical
work has been inspected and found to be in accordance with the rules
and regulations as prescribed in the provisions of this Ordinance.
(b) It shall be unlawful to lath, seal or in any manner conceal
any electrical wiring or equipment until same has been inspected and
the notice posted as herein required.
(c) When the electrical work for which a permit has been
obtained is ready for inspection, notification shall be furnished at
the office of the Electrical Inspector stating the location of the
work, the name of the owner, the name of the electrician to whom the
permit was issued, and the name of the electrician doing the work
shall be given to the City Electrical Inspector's office.
(d) Within twenty-four (24) hours after said notification,
excluding Saturday, Sunday and legal holidays, the City Electrical
Inspector will inspect and test the work in any manner necessary to -
satisfy the said Inspector that the work has been installed in a proper
and workmanshiplike manner and in accordance with the provisions of
this Ordinance, and with the plans and specifications previously
submitted and approved.
(e) In large and/or complicated installations, work may be in-
spected and tested in sections at the option of the City Electrical
(f) If, after the first visit to an installation (or a notifi-
cation) to inspect same, it is necessary to return to re -inspect any
work whether from a defect or the work not being ready, the Inspector
will be required to return only on another request and an additional
fee of Five ($5.00) Dollars. This applies only on work where the
Inspector is required to make a special trip for re -inspection of
inadequate installations.
(g) After the entire completion of the work,- a notice the same
as provided in the foregoing, shall be given to the City Electrical
Inspector for a final inspection and'.if he finds that the work has
been satisfactorily done, he shall notify the Electrical Utility
Company that the work has been satisfactorily done. The Electrical
Utility Company shall be notified when the Building, Plumbing and
Mechanical Inspectors have approved their portion of the Building.
This certificate does not relieve the electrician of his responsibility
for any defective work which may have escaped the notice of the
SECTION 25. For the purpose of this section is to regulate
the issuing of permits. Each recording watt-hour meter and all feeder
wires, sub -feeder wires and branch circuit wires connecting to same
shall be construed as one meter service, and a separate permit must
be obtained for work requiring a permit performed on each meter
SECTION 26. Persons violating any of the provisions of this
Ordinance shall be prosecuted by the City Prosecutor of the City of
Edgewater and upon conviction in a court having jurisdiction of
misdemeanors shall be punished by fine not to exceed FIVE HUNDRED
and-.no/100 ($500.00) DOLLARS or by imprisonment in jail not to exceed
sixty (60) days or by both such fine and imprisonment.
SECTION 27. That all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances and
all Resolutions or parts of Resolutions in conflict herewith be and
the same are hereby repealed.
SECTION 28. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon
its adoption by the City Council and approval by the Mayor at second
SECTION 29. The City Clerk is hereby directed to advertise this
Ordinance as required by law.
The first reading of the above Ordinance was read in full and
passsed by vote of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida
at a regular meeting of said Council held on theday of
_, 1975 and approved as provided by law.
The second reading of said Ordinance to be at a
meeting of the City Council to be held on the ' ay of�
, A.D., 1975, roll call vote being as follows:
City Clerk
,DjyApproved this:..42Lday of
C_ pncilman
ouncilman i---
o�y Gilman
h6an an
A.D., 1975.
This Ordinance was prepared by:
Joseph E. Weaver, City Attorney.