929ORDINANCE NO. Jl.L AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE REGULATION AND CONTROL OF THE LOCATION, CONSTRUCTION, REPAIR AND ABANDONMENT OF WELLS AND THE INSTALLATION OF PUMPS, PUMPING EQUIPMENT, AND IRRIGATION SPRINKLER INSTALLATIONS, TOGETHER WITH PROCEDURES RELATING THERETO, IN ALL AREAS OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER: PROVIDING FOR DEFINITIONS: PROVIDING FOR REGISTRATION OF QUALIFIED SANDPOINT WELL DRILLERS, PUMP INSTALLERS, AND/OR IRRIGATION SPRINKLER INSTALLERS: PROVIDING GROUNDS FOR THE REFUSAL, REVOCATION, OR SUSPENSION OF SUCH REGISTRATION: PROVIDING PREREQUISITES FOR OCCUPATIONAL LICENSES: PROVIDING FOR PERMITS TO DRILL WELLS AND/OR INSTALL PUMPS IN ALL AREAS OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER: DECLARING THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE A MISDEMEANOR AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY COUNCIL BY SUIT TO ENJOIN THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE: PROVIDING THAT THIS CRDINANCE SHALL BE LIBERALLY CONSTRUED: PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. AUTHORITY. This Ordinance is enacted under the Home Rule Power of the City, together with the City Charter for the purposes of providing necessary regulations for the location, construction, repair, and abandonment of wells and the installation of pumps and pumping equipment and irrigation sprinklers and licensing of well drillers, pump installers, and irrigation sprinkler installation in the interest of the public health, safety and welfare of the citizens and inhabitants of the City of Edgewater. This Ordinance shall apply and be enforced in all areas of the City of Edgewater. SECTION 2. INTENT. The intent of this Ordinance is to: a. Protect, control and conserve the quality and availability of underground water supplies in the City of Edgewater. b. Prescribe minimum requirements governing the location, construction, and repair of wells, pump installations and irrigation sprinklers. c. Provide licensing and bonding of all sandpoint well drillers, pump installers, and/or installers cf irrigation sprinklers d. Forbid, where the best interests of the public would be served, the construction of new diversion facilities or wells, the initiation of new water uses, or the modification of existing uses, diversion facilities, or storage facilities within the City of Edgewater. e. Protect the health, safety, and welfare of the public. f. It is not the intent of this Ordinance to prevent the property owner from constructing or repairing wells, pumps, and/or sprinkler equipment situated entirely on his property for his own personal, non-commercial use, so long as the property owner complies with all provisions of this Ordinance and State regulations. SECTION 3. SCOPE. No person' shall construct, repair or abandon, or cause to be constructed, repaired or abandoned, any water well, nor shall any person install, or cause to be Installed, any pump or pumping equipment or sprinklers contrary to the provisions of this Ordinance and applicable rules and regulations _ promulgated hereunder, provided that this Ordinance shall not apply to any well, pump, or other equipment used temporarily for dewatering purposes. SECTION 4. DEFINITIONS. When used in this Ordinance, the following words shall mean: (1) Aqnulus or Annular Space: Any artifically created void existing between a well casing or liner pipe and a bore hole wall. (LS) Appeal Board: Code 6 Appeal Board of Edgewater. (2) Aquifer: A water bearing formation that transmits water in sufficient quantities to supply a well. An aquifer is unconfined (water table) or confined (artesian) . (2A) City: City of Edgewater, Florida. (3) Council: The City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida. (4) Development Coordinator: The Chief Building Official of the City of Edgewater, or his duly authorized representative. (5) Casing: A tubular material utilized to shut off strata from the aquifer and conduct a liquid from the aquifer to the surface or from the surface to the aquifer. (6) Construction of Water Well: All parts and acts necessary to obtain ground water by wells, including the location and excavation of the wells, but excluding the installation -of pumps and pumping equipment. (7) Disinfection: The killing of infectious agents outside the body by chemical or physical means directly applied. -2- f (8) Domestic Uses: Use of water for human consumption in private homes. (9) Drawdown: The extent of lowering of the water surface In a well and of the water table or piezometric surface adjacent to the well, resulting from the discharge of water from the well by pumping. (10) Established Ground Surface: The permanent origional elevation of the ground at the site of a well. (11) Grout or. Grouting Materials: "Neat cement grout" means a mixture consisting of water and portland cement (American Concrete Institute Type I or American Concrete Institute Type III) or other approved type of cement and acceptable amounts of those additives approved for use in cement grouts by the permitting authorities. (12) .Hole: An excavation used for purposes other than development or recharge of water, or the disposal of waste waters, or the control of waste waters; such uses include, but are not restricted to the following: core holes, seismic holes and stratigraphic test holes. (13) Installation of Pump's: The procedures employed in the placement and preparation for operation of pumps and pumping equipment including all construction involved in making entrance to the well and establishing seals. (14) Installation of Irrigation Sprinklers or Sprinkler Systems: Procedures employed in construction of sprinkler systems for irrigation. (15) Piezometric Surface: The surface defined by the level to which water will rise in tightly cased wells above the level at which it is encountered in a confined aquifer. (16) Pollution: The contamination of the ground water by any substance in an amount which would cause the water to be objectionable or dangerous to health. (17) Pumps and Pumping Equipment: Any equipment or materials utilized or intended for use in withdrawing or obtaining ground water for any use, including without limitation, seals and tanks, together with fittings and controls. (18) Repair: .Any action which involves the physical alteration or replacement of any part of a well. -3- 0 (19) Static Water Level: The stabilized elevation of the surface of the water in a well when no water is being discharged therefrom. (20) Well: "Well" means any excavation that is drilled, cored, bored, washed, driven, or otherwise constructed, including mining or exploration excavations. (21) Well Driller: Any person, firm or corporation who digs, drills, drives, or bores a well or test well which penetrates any aquifer or any strata, or any person who undertakes to rehabilitate, cap or plug a well. (22) Sandpoint Well: Any device which is driven into place through un- consolidated superficial earth materials and which consists of a pipe with an attached perforated metal tube or screen designed to permit passage of water. (23) Test Well: Any well constructed for purposes of exploring for ground water. (24) Well Vent: An outlet at the upper terminal of the well casing to allow equalization of air pressure in the well and escape of toxic or inflammable gases. (25) Well Rio Definitions: (a) Cable Toc':-,rilling with weighted drill stem with drill bit. Using hammer to drive pipe. (b) Combo Rotary: Drilling with rotary bitandhaving the capability of driving pipe to seat with weighted 'hammer. (c) Straight Rotary: Drilling with rotary bit using mud or air and setting casing in bore hole after developed. (d) Totting: Using high pressure fluid to excavate the hole. (e) Other Method: Driving pipe with weighted hammer and use jetting through a hollow rod with bit to develop well; (hydro drill, etc.). SECTION S. REGISTRATION OF WELLS DRILLERS/PUMP INSTALLERS. a. Occupational License Required. a) No person, firm or corporation, except as provided in Section 2, Paragraph "f' shall construct a water well in the City of Edgewater or offer to construct a water well in the City of Edgewater unless such person, firm or corporation holds a valid Florida water well contractor's license. Provided, however, that a person, firm or corporation construction sandpoint wells need not hold a valid Florida Water Well contractor's license. -4- (2) No person, firm or gorporati on except as provided in Section 2, Paragraph "f" shall construct a sandpoint well or install a pump and/or sprinkler system or shall offer to perform services as a sandpoint well driller, pump and/or sprinkler installer unless such person, firm, or corporation is registered with and holds an appropriate Certificate of Competency from the City of Edgewater. Any person who is an officer, partner or sole owner of a firm or corporation who meets the qualifications of this Ordinance may be issued a Certificate of Competency as provided for in Section 5, Paragraph "b", Registration as a pump or sprinkler system installer shall not be construed as qualification to drill any well. b. Requirements for Registration: An applicant for registration with the City of Edgewater must apply in writing on the form provided by the Development Coordinator. Prior to the issuance of a certification of competency by the Development Coordinator, the applicant must: (1) Prepare a record of his experience in the construction of sandpoint or deep wells, and installation of pumps, and/cr sprinkler systems. The applicant must have a minimum of two (2) years of experience working in the drilling and construction of wells, or in installation of pumps, and/or sprinkler systems. (2) Demonstrate knowledge of the rules and regulations governing well drilling, pump and/or sprinkler installation construction within the City of Edgewater. The applicant must properly complete the necessary forms required and requested by the Building Official. c. Qualifying for Registration: After the application for registration has been reviewed in accordance with Section 5, the Development Coordinator shall notify each applicant of his eligibility or ineligibility for registration as a sandpoint well driller, pump and/or sprinkler installer. Upon receipt of notification of eligibility, the applicant shall submit, on forms made available by the Coupty, a bond executed by the applicant, as principal, and a surety company authorized to do business in Florida as surety, to the City Clerk in the principal sum of One Thousand ($1, 000. 00) Dollars to assure compliance with this Ordinance and other -5- o minimum :requirements. When applicant has met the State of Florida requirement for bonding as a licensed water well contractor, then City Clerk will not require additional bond. d. Issuance of Certificate of Competency: When the applicant meets the appropriate provisions of this Ordinance, the Building Official shall issue a Certificate of Competency as a sandpoint well driller, pump and/or sprinkler installer. e. Expiration and RenewalofCertificate of Competency: All"Certificates of Competency shall expire on the last day of September next following the date of issuance. A Certificate of Competency may be renewed for the next ensuing - year by notification on the prescribed form at least thirty (30) days prior to the expiration date of the current certificate. After expiration date, a 50% penalty will be assessed for deliquent certificate of competency. f. Supervision of Well Drilling and Construction: All operations of well construction shall be under the supervision of a licensed water well contractor. All pump installations s`_ll be under the supervision of a licensed water well co tractor or register--- :: ='.1-tP__rg contractor or of a registered pump installer. All sprinkler installations shall be under the supervision of a licensed water well contractor or a registered well drilling contractor or a registered sprinkler installer. This does not preclude an owner from working on his own well, pump or sprinkler system. However, such work must pass inspection by the Department of the Development Coordinator before it may be used. g. Identification Number: The identification number of each registered sandpoint well drilling contractor and of each pump and/or sprinkler system installer shall remain the same continuously from year to year unless altered by the Development Co- ordinator. h. Grounds for Refusal Suspension or Revocation of Certificate of.,Competency: The Development Coordinator may refuse to issue or renew or may suspend or revoke, a Certificate of Competency on any one or more of the following grounds:, (1) Material misstatement in the application for Certificate of Competency; (2) Failure to have or retain the qualifications required in this Ordinance; (3) Willful disregard or violation of this Ordinance or any rule or regulation promulgated by the Council pursuant thereto; or to any law of the State of Florida relating to wells; - 6- o 0 (4) Willfully aiding or abetting another in the violation of this Ordinance or any rule or regulation promulgated by the Council pursuant hereto; (5) Gross incompetency in the performance of the work of a water well contractor, pump and/or sprinkler installer; (6) Allowing the use of his license or registration certificate by an unregistered person; ' (7) Failure to pay the appropriate license fee. I. Refusal Suspension or Revocation of Certificate of Competency: (1) In case of refusal, suspension or revocation or Certificate of Competency, the person, firm or corporation concerned shall be notified by registered mail. (2) In case of adverse action, the person, firm or corporation concerned may file written notice of Intent to appeal to the Development Coordinator within fifteen (15) days from his receipt of notification. The Development Coordinator shall, un= receipt of such request, schedule a hearing within thirty (30) days to ascert=_:-. from all interested parties the facts _^volved and sustaL, reject, or modify the refusal, suspension or revocation. Any interested party may appeal the decision of the Development Coordinator to the City Council or agency having jurisdic tion for a final decision. Such appeal shall be in writing. J. Marking Vehicles and Equipment: It is the duty of all registered contractors to assure that all water well drilling rigs, trucks and other vehicles used by them or their employees in well construction, pump and/or sprinkler installation business, are marked with legible visibleidentification numbers at all times. 0) The identification number to be used on the vehicles and well rigs shall be the registration or certificate number of the contractor responsible for construction operations, prefixed with the words, "City of Edgewater", or the water well contractor's license number decal issued by the Department of Natural Resources. (2) The registration number shall be displayed on each side of every water well rig and other construction -related vehicles in numerals of not less than two (2) inches high. Such numerals shall be subject to the approval of the Building Official at the time the contractor's registration is granted. -7- 0 0 k. Registration Fee: Recipients of a sandpoint well driller, pump and/or sprinkler installers Certificate of Competency shall pay an annual registration fee of $15.00 which shall be due within ten (10) days of the issuance of a notification of eligibility. Such fees shall be in an amount sufficient to cover the costs of administering the provisions of this Ordinance. Should it be determined that an increase of fees is required, the Council may increase the fees by resolution. SECTION 6. OCCUPATIONAL LICENSES a. Occupational Licenses: City well drillers, pump and/or sprinkler installer's license shall be issued only to individuals who are duly registered under the provisions of this Ordinance or who hold a valid Florida water well contractor's license. No person, well driller, pump and/or sprinkler installer shall construct a well or install a water pump or install sprinklers without an occupational license, except as provided by Section 2, Paragraph "f". b. Obtaining a License: Occupational licenses shall be made available only to those well drillers, pump and/or sprinkler installers with a valid Certificate of Competency or State water well contractor's license number. c. Suspension and Revocation of License: An occupational license issued under provisions of this Ordinance shall be considered invalid if the well - driller's, pump and/or sprinkler installer's Certificate of Competency or State water well contractor's license expires or is revoked for any reason. SECTION 7. PERMIT TO DRILL (1) Notification of Intent to Drill: Before starting to drill, rehabilitate, plug, or cap a well, a well driller or sandpoint well driller must apply for a proper and appropriate well drilling permit from the Building Official. (2) Application for Permit: Before well construction, pump and/or sprinkler installer must apply to the Development Coordinator for an Application for Permit to Drill, install a pump and/or sprinkler system, hereinafter referred to as "Application", for each and every well, test hole, or group of test holes which the person or contractor is intending to drill or construct, or new pump installation. An application.must also be submitted for the enlarging or deepening of a water well. Proof of occupational license in force must be provided by the applicant. - 10 O Z) (3) Prior to Issuance of a permit, the application must be approved by the Development Coordinator or representative. (4) Issuance of Permit: Upon approval of the application, the Building Official shall advise the contractor and issue the permit. (5) Where the installation of well is commenced prior to approval for I special permission for emergencies, the permit fee shall be doubled. (6) A permit may be transferred to another registered well contractor, pump installer, or sprinkler installer after written application to and written approval from the Development Coordinator. (7) Authority Granted by the Permit: A permit shall constitute authority to a person, licensed well contractor, pump and/or sprinkler installer to drill a hole orwell, and/or install a pump or sprinkler system, providing the following conditions are satisfied: (a) The sprinkler system, pump and/or well is constructed by a licensed well contro=ctor and/or pump installer or sprinkler installer. (b) The sprinkler system, pump and/or well is constructed in accordance with the information furnished on the application. (c) All persons drilling wells or installing pumps or sprinkler systems must comply with the provisions of this ordinance. (8) Validity:'. A, permit is valid for a period of one hundred eighty (180) days from the date of issuance by the Development Coordinator. Permits shall be void after one hundred eighty (180) days, unless the time limit is extended by the Development Coordinator after written application by the contractor. (9) Test Wells: Test we 11 s up to and including three of one size may be constructed for one (1) owner using one permit; over three require an additional permit, subject to the following conditions: (a) All exploratory drilling under one permit must be done on a single parcel of property for a single owner. (b) Each and every test well must be constructed, sealed and abandoned in accordance with this Ordinance and other requirements of the State of Florida. ME O 0 (c) In the exploration for water, a test well that is found to produce the desired amount of water may be converted to a production or observation well, provided application has been made and permit for doing so has been obtained from the Development Coordinator. In the construction of test wells, the contractor must also comply with this Ordinance or any rule or regulation promulgated by the Council, and all laws of the rSfate of Florida related to the construction of wells and pumps. (10) Permits for Reworked Wells: If an old well needs to be reconstructed to a greater depth or if its diameter is changed, a new permit must be obtained from the Building Official. (11) Cause for Rejection; An application for permit to drill may be rejected if the well is subject to or may cause any one or more of the following conditions: (a) Non-compliance with a provision of this Ordinance or any rule or regulation promulgated by the Council pursuant thereto. (b) Intrusion of pollutants into the underground water suDnly of the City of Edgewater. ground. (c) Uncontrolled inter -mixing of well water below the surface of the (d) Extreme depletion of the underground water supply of Volusia County so as to cause a threat to the availability of future water resources. (e) Endangering of the public heal th, safety and welfare of the citizens within the City of Edgewater. (12) Notice of Rejection: The Building Official shall issue a Notice of Rejection whenever he finds that an applicant fails to meet the requirements for issuance of a permit as herein provided. Such notice shall: (a) State the grounds for the rejection, and may state any remedial action which, if taken, will effect compliance with this Ordinance and permit approval of the application. (b).Be served upon the applicant or his agency by registered mail. -10- a (13) Suspension and Revocation of Permit: A permit may be suspended by the Development Coordinator if any well drilling construction and/or pump Installation or sprinkler system for which the permit was issued is In violation of the provisions of this Ordinance or State Regulations. Upon receipt of such findings, the well driller, pump or sprinkler installer shall rectify the violation or cease construction. Should the contractor be aggrieved of such action, he may request a hearing by compliance with Section 8, Paragraph 5, Sub -Paragraph b. SECTION 8. MINIMUM WATER WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS. The following minimum standards shall apply to all construction and repair of wells in the City of Edgewater, Florida: (1) Casing and Liner Pipe Requirements: (a) Well casing and liner pipe shall be new or shall be pipe or casing in like new condition which has been salvaged from a water well test hole or day hole. Such casing or pipe shall not be used unless free of breaks, corrosion and dents; is straight and true, and not out of round. Welded or seamless black or galvanized steel pipe or casing, or stainless steel pipe or casing; or approved types of non-metallic pipe shall be used for well casing or liner pipe. Well casing installed by driving shall have a wall thickness not less than that of standard wall pipe. (b) Black or galvanized steel casing or liner pipe set into place without driving shall not have less than the demensions and weight specified in Table 1 . TABLE 1 MINIMUM. DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHT FOR BLACK OR GALVANIZED STEEL CASING PIPE SET INTO PLACE WITHOUT DRIVING Outside Diameter Wall Thickness Plain End Weight (in.) (in.) Ob.) 2.375 0.154 3.68 3.500 0.216 7.62 4.500 0.250 10.89 6.625 0.203 19.18 0.625 0.322 24.70 10.750 0.307 34.24 12.7501 0.330 43.77 -11- 0 J (Note:) Black or galvanized steel liner pipe, with an outside diameter less than 3.500 inches shall have a wall thickness of not less than 0.125 inches. Black or galvanized steel liner pipe with an outside diameter greater than B. 625 inches but less than 16 inches shall have a wall thickness of not less than 0. 250 Inches. Steel liner pipe with an outside diameter of 16 inches or more shall have a wall thickness of not less than 0.375 inches. Plain end pipe must be welded with collar and two passes minimum made on each seam or a certified electrical welder must he employed and each weld certified if no collar is used. TABLE 2 MINIMUM DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHT FOR BLACK OR GALVANIZED STEEL CASING OR LINER PIPE SET INTO PLACE BY DRIVING SCHEDULE #40 ONLY Outside Diameter Wall Thickness Weight (lb/ft) (in.) (in.) Plain End T. C. 2.375 0.154 3.68 3.500 0.216 7.62 4.500 0.237 10.89 6.625 0.280 18.97 to to 8.625 0.322 28,55 29.39 10.750 0.365 40.48 41.85 12.750 0.406 53.52 (c) Stainless steel pipe used for casing or liner pipe shall be Schedule 10 S of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI B 36.19-1965 R 1971), or stronger classification. (d) Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) pipe may be used for wellcasing or liner pipe. Any PVC pipe used to construct a water well shall have been marked by the manufacturer, under a method specified by the National Sanitation Foundation, Ann Arbor, Michigan, as suitable for use in potable water systems. Any PVC pipe used for well construction or repair shall be ASA Schedule 40 pipe or stronger classification. -12- o 0 (e) Steel well casing and liner pipe shall be joined in a watertight manner by threaded couplings or by electrical welding methods. PVC pipe shall be joined by solvent bonded couplings. (f) Non-metallic and stainless steel well casing or liner pipe shall not be Installed by driving. For well casing or liner pipe installed by driving, the casing or pipe shall not butt together inside threaded couplings unless the joint is electrically welded so as to be completely watertight. A drive shoe is required for use on casing or pipe installed by driving. (2) Well Construction Methods. (a) For wells obtaining water from unconsolidated earth materials, casing shall extend from land surface to the well screen. The well screen shall be attached to the casing with a watertight seal. (b) For wells obtaining water from consolidated earth materials, a continuous casing shall extend from land surface to the top of the uppermost consolidated unit of earth material. Provided, however, that the bottom end of the well casing must extend -to or below the water level of the aquifer intended to supply water to the well. In addition, all caving zones below the uppermost consolidated unit shall be cased. (c) Prevention of Interchange of Water and Loss of Artesian Pressure. In areas where, as a result of the construction of a well, an interchange of water between water -bearing zones may occur and may result in deterioration of the quality of water in one or more water -bearing zones, or will result in a loss of artesian pressure; such interchange shall be prevented through the proper design and construction of the well. If a well cannot be properly completed to prevent such an unauthorized interchange of water between water -bearing zones or to prevent a loss of artesian pressure, the well shall be abandoned and plugged in accordance with these rules and regulations or other directions from the Permitting Authority as may be appropriate for the geological conditions encountered. -13 - 0 0 (d) Grouting and Sealing. Casing for wells which obtain their water from a rock layer or other such consolidated formation shall, as a minimum, be sealed, or sealed with neat cement grout, into that rock layer or other consolidated formation. If Type I cement is used, a minimum of six hours shall be allowed before completion of well, If Type III Cement is used, a minimum of five hours shall be allowed before completing well. 1 For wells with casing which is driven starting at land surface and thence to its final depth in a bore hole equal to or smaller in diameter than the outside diameter of the casing, or which is driven starting at land surface and thence to Its final depth ahead of the drill bit, an attempt to cement grout the entire length of the casing need not be made. For any part of a well casing with an outside diameter of two (2) inches or larger intended to be installed in a bore hole which is larger in diameter than the outside diameter of the casing, the annular space created between the well casing and the bore hole wall shall be filled from bottom to top with not less than two (2) inch thickness of neat cement grout. The casing shall be centered in the bore hole prior to grouting. In those cases where, during grouting operations, circulation of the grout is lost so that the annular space being grouted cannot be filled in one continous operation, a tremie pipe shall be installed in the annular space to a port immediately above the zone of lost circulation, and the annulus shall be bridged at that point by sand or other approved material introduced through the pipe. Grouting of the annular space shall be completed using the pipe or other approved methods. (3) Top of the Well. (a) Well Covers When there is an interruption if) work on the well, such as overnight shutdown, the well opening shall be sealed with a substantial cover. In the City of Edgewater, any well in which pumping equtpment is installed seasonally or periodically shall, whenever pumping equipment is not installed, be capped with a steel or reinforced concrete cover, or valve. -14- G Any cased well equipped with permanently installed pumping equipment shall have that pumping equipment and any necessary piping installed through a well seal or direct to well casing. Any unused well shall be capped in a watertight manner with a steel or reinforced concrete cover or valve. Any well vent shall exteridto at least one (1) foot above any known flood level, but not less than two (2) feet above land surface at the well (b) Flowing wells. If the well flows at land surface, control shall be provided by valved pipe connections, watertight pump connections, or receiving reservoirs set at an altitude corresponding to the artesian head. (4) Plugging. All abandoned wells shall be plugged by filling them from bottom to top with neat cement grout, unless otherwise provided in writing by the Florida Department of Natural Resources. The plugging shall be to restore or imoro: the hydrologic conditions which existed before the well was constructed. (5) Inspections. (a) During the construction, repair or abandoment of any well, the Development Coordinator may cause to be made such periodic Inspections as Is deemed necessary to insure conformity with applicable standards. Duly authorized representatives of the City of Edgewater, at reasonable times, enter upon and shall be given accessto any premises forthe purpose of such inspection. (b) If during construction, repair or abandonment, the authorized representative finds the work is not being done in accordance with rules, regulations and standards adopted pursuant to Chapter 373, Florida Statutes, or with this Ordinance or rules and regulations adopted pursuant to this Ordinance, the Development Coordinator shall give the owner and water well contractor written notice stating which rules, regulations or standards the construction, repair or abandonment is not in compliance and may order that necessary corrective action be taken within a reasonable time to be prescribed in such order. Any such order shall become final unless the person or persons named therein request by written C 0 petition a hearing before the Appeal Board no later than fourteen (14) days after the date such order is served. Failure to act in accordance with the order after receipt of written notice shall be grounds for revocation of the permit. SECTION 9. OTHER REGUTATIONS RELATING TO WELL CONSTRUCTION. (1) The Council's policy is to insure that all wells drilled within Volusia County shall be so constructed, maintained and used that the ground water resources of the City of Edgewater are protected from over -development, contamination and waste. (2) General Provisions: The following provisions shall apply to the construction and repair of all water wells and/or the installation of all pumps, pumping equipment and sprinkler systems. (a) The construction of all drainage wells shall be in accordance with State of Florida Regulations 16C-8.03, Paragraph 2. (3) Location of Wells: (a) Every well shall be located with due consideration to the size of the lot, contour of the land,, slope of the aquifers, porosity and absorbency of the soil, local ground water condition, end use of the well, and other factors necessary to implement the basic policies as stated in Section 8 of this Ordinance. Every well shall be protected against surface wash. (b) Each public or private supply well shall be located In accordance with the Florida State Division of Health regulations, whichever shall apply, as to the distance from septic tanks, drainfields, sewer lines, grease traps, etc. (c) Every well shall be located so as to be accessible for cleaning, treatment, repair, test inspection, and such other attention as may be necessary. This will be the responsibility of the owner to see that the well shall remain accessible. (4) Design: Wells shall be so adapted to the geologic and ground water conditions existing at the site of the well as to utilize fully every natural sanitary protection afforded thereby. The installation should be designed to facilitate any supplementary construction, to obtain as much of the desired yield as the aquifer may be capable of furnishing and to conserve the ground water resources. -16- 10 O (5) Water Well Ccnstruction. Water well shall be: (a) Surrounded by an area which can be kept in a sanitary condition. (b) Adequate in size, design and development to obtain as much of the desired yield as the aquifer may be capable of furnishing, and construction in such a manner as to maintain, insofar as practicable, existing natural protection against pollution of water -bearing fbrmation and to exclude pollutants from known sources. (6) Unconsolidated Aquifers: Referred to as shallow wells in sand and shell beds per City regulations. (7) Test Wells: (a) Application must show purpose of test wells. (b) Test Wells must meet all specifications for regular wells. (c) Test Wells not converted to normal use shall be abandoned in accordance with State rules and regulations. (8) ReDair of Wells: Defective casing shall not be repaired. Should relining or other repair techniques seem desirable, application must be made to the Building Official. (a) Permanent Abandonment. The responsibility and expense of having an existing well abandoned or sealed shall be borne by the owners. (if a well is drilled that does not meet or exceed City, State and County regulations, the well shall be abandoned at the driller's expense.) (9) Plugging of Wells: Notice of intent to plug a well shall be made on forms available from the Florida Department of Natural Resources. Plugging shall be in accordance with the requirements of the Florida Department of Natural Resources. (10) Reliners: If a liner or reliner is required in the well, same shall extend to the surface and overlap a minimum of ten (10) feet from the bottom of the outer casing; same shall be grouted from bottom to top in accordance With State of Florida Regulations. -17 - SECTION 10. WATER QUALITY OF POTABLE WATER SUPPLY WELLS. (1) Water Samples: Water samples for public supply wells shall be supplied in accordance with State of Florida Board of Health regulations. It is recommended that samples for bacteria be taken from all private potable water supply wells. The responsibility and expense of these samples shall be borne by the owner. Neither the well drilling contractor nor the City shall be responsible for water quality under this Ordinance. (2) Disinfection Samples and Reports: Every new or repaired domestic or public supply well, after completion of construction or repair, and before being placed in service, shall be thoroughly cleaned of all foreign substances. If necessary, the well casing shall be thoroughly swabbed, using alkaltnes to remove oil, grease, or joint dope. The well, including the gravel used in gravel wall construction, and the pump and pumping equipment, shall be disinfected with a solution containing at least fifty (50) p.p.m. available chlorine, which shall fill and shall remain in t he well for a period of at least twenty-four hours, or equivalent. (3) Continuous Treatment: Where a private ground -water source is, or may be, subject to continuous or intermittent pollution, provisions should be made for continuous treatment of the water or for abandonment of the source in accordance with Section 8 of this Ordinance. (4) Yield Test: Before being put into use, every well shall be tested for yield. The pump shall have a capacity at least equal to the pumping rate which it is expected the well will pump during its usage. The test pump or permanent shall be installed to operate continuously until the water level has stabilized and, at this point, the yield and drawdown determined. Periodic water level observations should be made during the drawdown and subsequent recovery periods. Sample will be taken at this time for chloride check. (5) Chlorides: Samples must be submitted by the well driller to the County Staff for tests for chlorides on every well drilled in the City of Edgewater, either deep or shallow well. Any well that is found to have chlorides Cl in excess of acceptable amounts for the intended purpose shall be plugged or otherwise -18- completed so as to effectively prevent it from contaminating fresh water strata, in accordance with Section VIII of this Ordinance. (6) Well log and sample cuttings: The contractor shall keep a':log of the well showing each change of formation and the depth at which conages occur. Forms supplied by the State of Florida shall show the casing size and amount of casing used, total depth of well, grouting, liner, or liners, if required, static water level, bore hole in case of rotary drilling, and other pertinent Information. Instructions for State well logs which are on the back of copy must be followed. Volusia County will furnish the form for submitting well logs to Volusia County on Sandpoint wells. One copy will be sent to area office, one retained by the driller, and one given to the owner. SECTION 11- CONSTRUCTION PRACTICES. (1) Well Screens: Well screen openings shall provide the maximum of open area consistent with strength and grading of the water -bearing formation, and shall permit maximum transmitting ability without clogging or jamming. (2) Capping: Temporary capping of a well until the pumping equipment is installed shall be such that no pollutants can enter the well. (3) Alignment: The alignment of the well shall not interfere with the installation and operation of the pump. (4) Upper Terminal of Well: When line shaft turbine pump is installed, the watertight casing or curbing of any well shall extend not less than six (6) inches above the pump house floor or cover installed above the established ground surface. Any vent opening, observation ports, and air equipment shall extend from the upper terminal of the well by watertight piping to a point not less than twenty-four (24) inches above the pump house floor or cover installed above the established ground surface. The terminals of these facilities shall be shielded or sgaled so as to prevent entrance of foreign matter. A sub- surface connection is permitted if made with pitless adapter, or other approved fitting or welded procedures, approved by the Building Official, -19- 0 0 provided that the connections must be above ground -water level, and the pump location must not be subject to flooding. SECTION 12- PUMP INSTALLATION. a. Pump Installation; (1) All pumps and pumping equipment shall be installed In conformity with the following provisions; (a) All power driven pumps located over the wells shall be installed at an elevation of one (1) foot above any known flood water level. If pitted, there shall be a retaining well around the pit one (1) foot above flood stage. Submersible pumps shall be installed with retaining wall around the pit and covered. Submersible pumps must have lightning arrestors either installed in control box or integrally installed in motor. Wells must be vented on submersible installations. All pumps which are installed using non-metallic pipe on suction and discharge shall be grounded from motor housing to metal well casing or driven anode. (b) No permanent electrical service will be connected to any installation until proper inspections have been made and approved by the State Board of Health incase of public water supply, or other regulatory departments involved. (c) Where the pump unit is not located over the well, and pump delivery or suction pipe emerges from the top thereof, a watertight expanding or equivalent well seal be provided between the well casing and water delivery pipe. (2) The section line and/or return line from the well to the pump shall pitch toward the well and shall contain no loops or high points. Suction pipes and/or return pipes forty (40) feet or more inlength shall be increased to the next pipe size. Union or dresser coupling shall be installed at the well and just before the pump and tank. Tee shall be installed at well head with plug for sanitizing well and distribution system. -20- 0 0 (3) If used for domestic purposes, pressure switch and pressure gauge, check valves, and other apparatus shall be included to make a complete system. (4) An air volume control or other means of adding air to the tank shall be provided. A float in tank, CPO valve, or similar device may r . be used. (5) Pump and tank shall be installed so as to be reasonably accessible for repair. (b) Materials Prohibited. (1) No material shall be used in the pump installation that will result in the delivered water being toxic or having an objectionable odor or taste. All metallic and non-metallic materials shall have sufficient structural strength and other properties to accomplish the purpose for which installed. Plastic pipe shall not be used except for distribution from top of well to building and must bear NSF approval. PVC pipe is not acceptable for submersible pumps or single pipe jet installations. Solvent used on non-metallic pipe must be non -toxic. (2) No irrigation sprinkler systems or other connections shall be made into a public or domestic water supply unless the materials used conform with the City, County, and State Division of Health regulations for potable water. SECTION 13.. INSTALLATION OF IRRIGATION SPRINKLERS. (a) Irrigation sprinklers systems shall be equipped with an approved backflow preventer on the discharge side of each of the last valves. The backflow preventer shall be at least 6 inches above the highest head, and at no time less than 6 inches above the surrounding ground. Where com- bination control valves and backflow preventers are installed, the bottom of the valve shall constitute the bottom of the backflow preventer. (b) Underground piping for irrigation sprinkler systems, when installed outside of the foundation walls of the building, may be of Pressure Rated plastic piping as listed in Table 505 of the S. S.P.C. In each case the method -21- of installation shall be in accordance with Institute. The maximum working pressure to be 160 PSI, with permanent identification markings. (c) No existing metallic water service pipin used for electrical grounding shall be replaced with non-metallic pipe or tubing until other grounding menas are provided which are satisfactory to the proper administrative authority having jurisdiction. (d) Before any device for the prevention of backflow or back siphonage is installed, it shall have first been certified as meeting the requirements of ANSI A40. 6-1943 by a recognized testing laboratory acceptable to the inspector. SECTION -14. RULES AND REGULATIONS TO IMPLEMENT PROVISIONS. The Council may enact reasonable rules and regulations to implement and carry out the provisions of this Ordinance. The Council shall hold public hearings upon no less than fifteen (15) days prior notice published in one or more newspapers, as may be necessary to assure general circulation throughout the County, in connection with proposed rules and regulations and amendments thereto and at least seven (7) days prior to such hearings, mail notice of such hearing to all persons certified under the Ordinance. SECTION 15. VIOLATIONS, PROCEEDINGS TO RESTRAIN VIOLATIONS. PENALTIES. Any person who violates any section of this Ordinance shall be prosecuted and punished in accordance with Chapter 69-234, Laws of Florida, 1969. The Council may bring suit to restrain, enjoin or otherwise prevent the violation of this Ordinance in the Circuit Court of Volusia County. SECTION 16. LIBERAL CONSTRUCTION. The provisions of this Ordinance shall be liberally construed in order to effectively carry out the purposes of this Ordinance in the interest of public health, welfare and safety of the citizens and residents of the City of Edgewater .and the State of Florida. SECTION 17.- SEVERABILITY. It is delcared to be the Council's intent that, if any section, subsection, -22- /1 P sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any Court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions hereof. SECTION 18- That all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances and all Resolutions or parts of Resolutions in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION I9:. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its adoption by the City Council and approval by the Mayor at second reading. SECTION 2D. The City Clerk is hereby directed to advertise this Ordinance as required by law. The first reading of the above Ordinance was read in full and passed by vote of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 1� day of %%i 1975 and approved as provided by law. The second reading of said Ordinance to be at a meeting of the City Council to be held on the day of A.D., 1975. Roll Call Vote being as follows; FIRST READING -23- a SECOND READING City Clerk 49&Approved this 1,9tIL, day of A.D., 1975 Mayor This Ordinance was prepared by: Joseph E. Weaver, City Attorney. -24- Mayor Codncilman