927ORDINANCE NO. 71?2 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A BUILDING CODE FOR THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA, CREATED BY SPECIAL ACT HAVING POWER TO ADOPT SUCH CODE GOVERNING THE CONSTRUCTION, ALTERATIONS, ADDITIONS TO, REPAIR OF, MOVING AND DEMOLITION OF BUILDINGS OR APPURTENANCES, EXCAVATING AND BLOCKING OF PUBLIC STREETS,ALLEYS OR WAYS AND REPLACING SAME; FIXING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION, PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF PERMITS, PROVIDING FOR THE SCHEDULE OF FEES TO BE PAID TO THE CITY OF EDGEWATER FOR VARIOUS LICENSES, PERMITS, SER- VICES AND PRIVILEGES INCORPORBTED HEREIN, RE- PEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH IN- SOFAR AS THE SAME CONFLICT WITH THE TERMS OF THIS ORDINANCE, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. That the Southern Standard Building Code 1973 Edition as amended from time to time, is hereby adopted and by reference made a part hereof as if herein set forth in extenso as the building code of the City of Edgewater, except as amended as hereinafter set forth. SECTION 2. Modifications, changes, amendments and additions. Said code is hereby modified, changed, amended and additions added thereto as follows: 1. Paragraph 103.4 (a) (6) of Sec. 103 is amended to read as follows: (6) Costs incurred under paragraphs 103.4 (a) (4) and 103.4 (a) (5) shall be charged to the owner of the premises involved and the City shall have a lien upon the property of the owner of the premises in- volved, and this lien may be enforced or collected by suit at law or in equity, or the City may maintain any personal action against the owner 66 recover the same or it may enforce its lien and maintain it personal action at the same time until actually paid the amount due; and in any suit by the City, either at law or in equity, for the col- lection of the amount of said lien, the City shall be entitled to re- cover a reasonable attorney's fee for the institution of said suit, together with the costs of the proceedings, which attorney's fee and costs shall also become a lien upon said lands. 2. Subparagraph (a) of paragraph 105.1 or Sec. 105 is amended to read as follows: "(a) Any owner, authorized agent, or contractor who desires to con- struct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, demolish, or change the occu- pancy of a building or structure, or to erect, or construct a sign of any description, or to install or alter fire -extinguishing appa- ratus, elevators, engines, or to install a steam boiler, furnace, heater incinerator, or other heat producing apparatus, or other ap- purtenances the installation of which is regulated by this code, or to cause any such work to be done, shall first make application to the Building Official and obtain the required permit therefor. Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to mean that any electrical installation involved in the erection of any structure mentioned herein, shall be done by others than those qualified to do so in compliance with the Electrical Code of the City of Edge- water, Florida.° 3. Add Subparagraph (e) to paragraph 105.0 of Sec. 105 to read as follows: "(a) Building permits to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move or demolish a building or structure shall be issued by the Building Inspector to no one except a duly licensed General Contraetor, or Builder,as defined by the Ordinance of the City, or to the bona fide owner of the premises on which the work or construction is to be done or to the duly authorized agent of the owner of said premises, or to the lessee with the consent of the owner, and where the permit is to -e issued to the owner, lessee or his duly authorized agent, the said owner, lessee or his duly authorized agent, the said owner, lessee or agent shall first make and file an affidavit with the Building Inspector that the work or construction for which the per- mit is sought is not to be done mn contract, cost plus, fixed fee, stated sum, percentage, or any combination thereof, other than wages." 4. Add subparagraph (f) and (g) to Section 107.4 to read as follows: "(f) Installation of Gas Pump or Tanks. 1. For installation of each gas pump or tank the fee shall be Five ($5.00) Dollars." "(g) Erection of adjustable or fixed awnings. 1. For the erection of adjustable or fixed awnings the fee shall be Five ($5.00) Dollars." 5. Section 114 is amended to read as follows: "Section 114 - Violations and Penalties Any person violating any of the provisions of this Code shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine of not less than One ($1.00) Dollar nor more than Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars, or by imprisonment in the jail or at hard labor for a period of not exceeding sixty (60) days, or by both such fine and imprison- ment, at the discretion of the Judge trying the case. Each day any violation of this Code shall continue shall constitute a separate offense." 6. Chapter VI is amended by adding thereto Section 611 entitled "Facilities for the Physically Handicapped." which shall read as follows: "Section 611.1 Specific Requirement for Public Buildings: 1. In new future buildings or structures constructed or supported by Public use of the premises, or where the employment of physically handicapped persons is anticipated in buildings constructed or sup- ported by public funds, the following specific requirements shall be provided: (a) At least one entrance to each building useable by individuals in wheelchairs shall be provided by means of a walk not less than 48 inches in width from the public sidewalk to a floor of the building and such walk shall be of a continuing common surface not interrupted by steps or abrupt changes of level other than a ramp. -2- o (b) Ramps in such entrance shall be as follows: (c) The slopes shall not be greater than 1 to 12. 2. There shall be a grip rail on at least one side of each ramp and the rail shall extend one foot beyond the top and bottom of the ramp. A grip rail projecting not more than 3 1/2 inches shall not be considered to decrease in width. 3. There shall be a landing at the top and bottom of each ramp not less in length than 5 feet along the line of travel and not less in width than one foot on each Bide of any door. (a) Doors in the entrance or to spaces to be made accessible and useable by persons in wheelchairs shall have a level landing on each side and such landing shall be a distance in the direction the door swings of not less than 5 feet and of a width not less than 1 foot on each side of the door. (b) At least one stairway Bhall have sloped (not square or abrupt) nosing on risers. 4. Not less than one toilet room for each sex in each building shall be provided as follows: (a) Not less than one toilet room shall be 4 feet and 8 inches deep and shall have a grip rail parallel to and 33 inches above the floor along one side of the stall. The water closet in this stall shall have the seat twenty inches above the floor. (b) A lavatory shall be provided having the bottom of the apron not less than 30 inches above the floor. (c) A mirror and shelf shall be provided above not less than one lavatory at a height no higher than 40 inches above the floor. (d) For men, urinal shall be provided having the opening of the basin not more than 19 inches above the floor. (a) A towel rack and other dispenser and disposal units shall be mounted no higher than 40 inches above the floor. 5. A water fountain or cooler shall be provided having hand operated, up -front spouts and controls where mounted on the wall and where such controls are to be operated by physically handicapped persons in wheelchairs shall be not more than 30 inches above the floor. 6. Letters or numbers used to identify toilet rooms, stairways or hazardous areas shall be raised or indented from the Burface of which attached and shall be at a height of 5 feet above the floor. T. Doors that lead to spaces that might be dangerous to a blind person shall be indentifiable to the touch by having a knurled handle, knob or push bar. 8. Audible warning signals shall be accompanied by simultaneous visual warning signals and visual warning signals shall be accom- panied by simultaneous audible warning signals. 7. Section 712 is amended to read as follows: "Section 712 - Gutters and Leaders Gutters and leaders hereafter placed on buildings other than 1 or 2 family dwellings, private garages, or buildings of Type VI Wood Frame construction, shall be of non-combustible material, and sh&11 be connected to storm sewers where available." -3- o 8. Section 1101 - General Provisions, changes first paragraph to: "In every building hereafter erected or altered, the exist shall comply with the minimum requirements as set forth in N.F.P.A. Building Exit Code 101." (Delete further references to Exit as the N.F.P.A. Building Exit Code 101 covers exits.) (Section 1101 - General Provisions - in reference to T3 Edition.) 9. Paragraph 1301.2 Sec. 1301 is amended to read as follows: "1301.2 9 Support of Adjoining Buildings and Structures" Any person, firm or corporation making an excavation or causing an excavation to be made shall be responsible for resulting damage to adjoining structures. The person, firm or corporation causing the excavation to be made, shall shore and brace the aides of such excavation, so as to effectively prevent any soil movement into such excavation and if given the necessary permission to enter ad- joining property shall provide at its own expense any necessary under pinning and protection. The owner or his agent of adjoining buildings or structures shall be served with written notice at least ten (10) days before an excavation is commenced and said notice shall state the depth and location of excavation, and also request permission to enter the adjoining property to provide any necessary underpinning and pro- tection if underpinning and protection are necessary to prevent soil movement. The written notice shall be served by personal delivery or by registered U.S. mail upon said owner or his agent. Where the necessary permission has been given to the person, firm or corporation making an excavation to enter adjoining property or structure, for the purpose of protecting or underpinning said property or structure, the person, firm or corporation receiving such permission shall provide said adjoining property or structure with adequate protection against injury due to the elements re- sulting from such entry. A party wall which is in good condition and otherwise suitable for continued use, shall be underpinned and protected as required at the expense of the person, firm or corporation causing the exca- vation -to be made. Only approved granular materials shall be used for backfill. It shall be properly compacted in order to prevent lateral displacements of the soil of the adjoining property after the removal of the shores and braces, or shall provide permanent retaining wall. The adjoining property shall be protected from undermining or hazardous erosion or wash at the edges of an exca- vation and the one causing the excavation to be made shall be re- sponsible for replacement or compensation for losses sustained from such wash or erosion." 10. The following paragraph (f) shall be added to paragraph 1302.2 of Sec. 1302: (f) "On applying for a building permit the applicant shall be re- quired to sign one of the following statements: (a) I have examined the property and declared the foundation is being placed in undisturbed natural solid soil. (b) I have examined the property and declared the foundation is being placed in cleared and regraded soil, and the foundation has been properly designed to obtain suitable bearing and proper load distribution. -4- C 0 Signed (a) Signed (b) (11) Add new paragraph (g) to Section 1302.5 of Section 1302 to read as follows: 1302.5 (g) Regulations governing the floor height of buildings in the City of Edgewater. (1) Floor height of Residential Buildings shall be a minimum of 12" above the crown of the nearest paved road or 16" above the crown of the nearest unpaved road. (2) Commercial Buildings shall be the same with the exception of a new building, constructed immediately adjacent to an existing building, then consideration will be given as to keeping the floor level of both buildings the same. (3) Variances may be granted to the above but only as to extreme land contours or unusual situations. Then only on recommendation of the Building Official and/or the Board of Appeals. (12) Chapter XIV is amended by adding to Section 1414, paragraphs 1414.17 through 1414.20, inclusive, to read as follows: "Section 1414.17 - Sliding Glass Doors and Glass Panel Assemblies Sliding Glass doors and/or glass panel assemblies hereafter in- stalled in new or remodeled (remodel shall include replacing broken glass) single-family residential buildings, apartment buildings, hotel, motel, tourist court, rooming houses, schools, churches and places of assembly, shall be one of the following types of glass: (a) Approved 1/4 inch or heavier wire glass. (b) Approved 1/4 inch or heavier laminated safety glass. (c) Approved 3/16 inch or heavier tempered glass. All tempered glass installed shall be permanently and clearly identified by the manufacturer. In the event insulated glass panels are used, the combination of thickness used shall be three sixteenths tempered glass. Section 1414.18 - Sliding Glass Doors, Glass Door and Glass Panel Assemblies in Commercial Buildings. Sliding glass doors, glass door and glass panel assemblies hereafter installed in new or remodeled commercial buildings shall be one of the following types of glass: (a) Approved 1/4 inch or heavier laminated safety glass. (b) Approved tempered glass. All tempered glass installed shall be permanently and clearly identified by the manufacturer. Section 1414.19 - Tub and/or Shover Enclosures Tub and shower enclosures hereafter installed in new remodeled buildings shall be tempered glass, approved one -quarter inch or heavier wire glass, or a shatterproof plastic material. Section 1414.20 - Excluded from the Requirements of Section 1414.17 and Section 1414.18 (a) Excluded from the requirements of 1414.17 and 1414.18, picture windows and glass panel assemblies that are mounted a minimum of 14 inches from the floor. (b) Sliding glass doors, or glass doors that are protected by an approved safety device, such as, permanent decals, etching, screening puch-bare or mullion bars. Building owners and tenants shall keep safety devices in safe conditions at all times." -5- (13) Subparagraph (a) of Paragraph 2201.2 of Section 2201 is amended to read as follows: (a) Fixed awnings or marquees shall be supported from the building with a non-combustible rigid supporting frame. (14) Subparagraph (a) of Paragraph 2201.2 of Section 2201 is amended to read as follows: (c) Every marquee shall be at least ten (10) feet in the clear between the lowest point or projection and a sidewalk immediately below. (15) Subparagraph (6) of Paragraph 2201.2 of Section 2291 is added to read as follows: (e) A fireproof fabric or metal cover entrance with noncombustible framing rigidly supported from the building, not over eight (8) feet wide measured parallel with the street, and with a clear height of seven (7) feet above the sidewalk, may be build to within two (2) feet of the outside edge of the sidewalk. The attachment, hanging or supported of any sign will not be per- mitted on this structure. (16) Subparagraph (c) of Paragraph 2204.2 of Section 2204 is amended to read as follows: (c) The extreme dimensions of the length, height and width of the building when in loaded position read to move. (17) Subparagraph (f) of Paragraph 2204.2 of Section 2204 is added to read as follows: (f) When any building is moved from any location within or without the City Limits to any location within the City limits the building shall immediately be made to conform to all provisions of the Building Code, Plumbing Code, Electrical Code, and the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Edgewater, Florida. The person causing the building to be moved shall post a Performance Bond in the amount of One Thousand ($1,000.00) Dollars conditioned upon the building being made to conform to all Building Code, Plumbing Code, Electrical Code and Zoning Ordinance requirements within six (6) months from the date of the issuance of the permit, said Bond to be returned when all work has been completed. (18) Section 2301 Signs and Outdoor Displays shall be in accordance with Sigh Ordinance as adopted by the City of Edgewater, Florida (19) Chapter 28 is amended by adding thereto Section 2803 to read as follows: Sec. 2803 - Aluminum 2803.1 General 2803.1 (a) Design: Aluminum members shall be designed by methods admitting of rational analysis according to established principles of mechanics. 2803.1 (b) Standards: The following standards are hereby adopted to supplement, but not supersede, the specific requirements set forth herein. M M 1. Specifications for structures of Aluminum Alloy 6061-T6 of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Proceedings Volume 82, No. ST 3, May 1956. 2. The Structural Handbook, 1960, of the Aluminum Co. of America. 2803.2 - Allowable Unit Stresses The allowable working stress is dependent on alloy, condition of use, fabrication and manufacture. Allowable working stress for 6061-T6 materials shall not exceed the following unit stresses in pounds per square inch: Tension and compression ............................. 15,000 PSI Shear, in pins & rivets (cold driven) ... I........... 10,000 PSI Bearing on rivets & turned bolts in reamed holes ....27,000 PSI For other aluminum alloys, allowable stresses shall provide a factor of safety of not less than 2.33 for primary members at an elongation of 0.2 percent. 2803.3 - Design The Building Official may, at his discretion, require that any structure using aluminum primary or secondary members be designed by a registered Professional Engineer. Increases in allowable unit stresses as set forth for wind loads shall be applicable to aluminum structural members except that allowable unit stresses thus increased shall not exceed 75 percent of the minimum yield strength. In addition to flexural and shearing stresses, the critical factors of buckling, fatigue, stress raisers such as notches or holes or sharp re-entrant corners, deflection and connections shall be considered and designed as to meet all structural requirements of the Southern Standard Building Code for Coastal areas. 2803.4 - Construction Details (a) Connections: Aluminum members shall be designed as set forth in the standards in Paragraph 2803.1 (b) (1). (b) Decking and Siding - Aluminum sheet used for roof decking or siding shall be not less than .024 inch in thickness. Aluminum sections spanning between supports shall be limited in span to satisfactorily support positive and negative loads set forth in Chapter 23 and the deflection of decking under full superimposed load shall not exceed 1/240th of the span. Aluminum sheets shall be secured to the supports to adequately resist positive and nega- tive loads and at intervals not exceeding eight and one half inches and shall be secured to each other at side laps at intervals not exceeding 12 inches. Fasteners shall have a head, and/or be pro- vided with washers not less than one-half inch in diameter. Fas- teners located at end laps shall be placed not more than two inches nor less than one inch from the end of overlapping sheets. (c) Wall Panels: Aluminum sheets used in wall panels shall have a thickness of not less than .032 inch. Finished facing shall have a maximum deviation of one-fourth inch at the center when measured from a plane determined by the edges of the panel with a maximum deviation of one -sixteenth inch in any twelve inch run. The maximum deflection of a curtain wall system under full live or wind load shall not exceed 1/175th for panels for 1/240th for vertical mullions. (d) Dissimilar Materials: -7- . C � 1. Where aluminum surfaces come in contact with metals other than stainless steel, zinc, white bronze of small area or other metals compatible with aluminum, aluminum surfaces shall be kept from direct contact with such parts by: (a) Painting the disimilar metal with a prime coat of zinc -chromate primer or other suitable primer, followed by one or two coats of aluminum metal -and -masonry paint or other suitable protective coating, excluding those containing lead pigmentation; (b) Painting the dissimilar metal with a coating of heavy -bodied bituminous paint; (c) A good quality caulking material placed between the aluminum and the dissimilar metal; (d) A non -absorptive tape or gasket; (a) Steel members hot -dip gale. or zinc plated after fabrication. 2. Dissimilar metals shall be painted if used in locations where drainage from them passes over aluminum. 3. Aluminum surfaces in contact with lime mortar concrete or other masonry materials shall be protected with alkali -resistant coatings, such as heavy -bodied bituminous paint or water white methacrylate lacquer. 4. Aluminum in contact with wood or other absorptive materials which may become repeatedly wet shall be painted with two coats of aluminum metal -and -masonry paint or a coat of heavy -bodied bituminous paint, or the wood or other absorptive material shall be painted with two coats of aluminum house paint and seal joints with a good quality caulking compound. 5. Where aluminum is in contact with treated wood, wood shall be treated with pentachlorophenel, 5 percent minimum concentration or zinc napthanate, following the protective measures outlined in paragraph 4. (a) Expansion, Contraction: Aluminum work shall be designed and anchored so that the work will not be distorted nor the fasteners over -stressed from the expansion and contraction of the metal. 2803.5 - Wind Requirements (a) General 1. Buildings and structures and every portion thereof shall be designed and constructed to resist the forces due to wind pres- sure. The wind velocity shall be taken at not less than 120 MPH at aheight of 30 feet above the ground, except as may be other- wise set forth herein. 2. Such forces shall be applied in any direction with all possible combinations based on height and shape factors, but in no case shall any roof be designed for less than 30 lbs. per sq. ft. live load. The said live load shall not be considered to act simultan- eously with the wind load. 3. Systems shall be designed and constructed to transfer wind forces to the ground. 4. No allowance shall be made for the shielding effect of buildings or other structures. 5. For rectangular, fully enclosed buildings of not more than 50 ft. in height, the unit wind pressures from Table 28-A may be applied; in lieu of the procedure set forth under the above paragraphs. Design unit wind pressures, in pounds per square foot, shall be taken as acting normal to the surface. Rgt. above Outside Fastenings of Fastenings of ground (ft) Walls Wall Coverings Roof Coverings Up to 30' 45 50 66 (b) Overturning Moment and Uplift: 1. Where the overturning moment of a building or structure exceeds 50 percent of the moment of stability computed from dead load oily anchorage to resist the excess over 50 percent of the dead load moment of stability shall be provided. 2. Where the uplift on a building or other structure of portion thereof exceeds 50 percent of the dead -load, only anchorage to resist the excess uplift over 50 percent of the dead -load shall be provided. (c) Screen Enclosures: The wind load on screen surfaces shall be not less than set forth in 2803.5 (a) Design shall be approved by the Building Official based on such loads applied horizontally inward and outward to the walls, applied vertically downward on the roof or 60 percent of the pressure shown applied vertically upward on screened roofs. 2803.6 Live Loads Posted The live loads for which each floor or part thereof of the com- mercial or industrial building is or has been designed, other than a concrete floor slab at grade shall be conspicuously posted by the owner in that part of each story in which they apply, using durable signs and in letters not less than three inches in height. It shall be unlawful to remove or deface such notices and the occupant of the buildings shall be responsible for keeping the actual load below the allowable limits. 2803.7 Occupancy Permits Plans for the proposed buildings of commercial or industrial occupancy, and storage areas in buildings of any occupancy, shall show the design live load for each portion of the floor area and Certificate of Occupancy as set forth in Section 109 shall not be issued until such signs are posted as required. No change in the occupancy of a building shall be made until a Certificate of Occupancy has been issued by the Building Official certifying that the floors are suitable for the loads characteristic of the proposed occupancy. 2803.8 Unit Dead Loads. Unless otherwise substantiated by specific information the weight of the materials and assemblies of construction used in the cal- culation of loads shall be not less than as follows: Concrete 144 lbs. per cu. ft. Earth, dry 100 " Stone masonry 16o Timber 50 " Wood studs, plaster 2 sides 18 Solid plaster -one inch thick 10 Four -inch hollow blocks -gypsum 13 Four -inch hollow blocks -concrete 25 Eight -inch hollow blocks -clay 40 Eight -inch hollow blocks -concrete 50 Onee#nch wood sheathing 4 " Two 301b. felts, tar & gravel 6 Clay or concrete roof tile 18 " 0 0 (a) Flat Roof Surface Factors: Includes surfaces with less than 10 degrees inclination to the horizontal. 1. Enclosed buildings; - 1.0 (for windward 1/3 of surface) 2. Buildings with one side open: add to the above (enclosed building factors: 0.5 for windward opening.) 3• The total factors for fastening of roof coverings shall be not less than 2.0. W Overbands and eaves: 1.5 for all buildings (c) Curved Roofs: The wind pressure on acurved roof due to wind blowing at right angles to the axis of the roof shall be computed on the basis that the curved portion is divided into not less than five equal segments. (d) Multi -span or sawtooth roofs: In multi -span or saw tooth roofs where the span heights and slopes are approximately the same and where there is a sheltering effect from the windward span, the external pressures and forces on the intermediate spans may be appropriately reduced. (a) Skeleton Structures: The wind pressures on closely latticed structures, such as open signs, towers, solar screens, sun screens, sun shades, grill block and similar structures shall be applied to two and one half times the maximum projected area of all members but not to exeeed 100 per cent of the maximum projected area of the structure. 1. The Building Official may accept a design based on other nationally recognized and accepted data, the validity of which is shown by wind tunnel and/or satisfactory data. SECTION 3 That all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances and all Resolutions or parts of Resolutions in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 4. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its adoption by the City Council and approval by the Mayor at second reading. SECTION 5 The City Clerk is hereby directed to advertise this Ordinance as required by law. The first reading of the above Ordinance was read in full and passed by vote of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of , 1975 and approved as provided by law. The second reading of said Ordinance to be at a meeting of the City Council to be held on the /o? ay of, A.D. 1975, roll call vote being as follows: -10- FIRST READING SECOND READING ATTEST: City Clerk DiSApproved this /at/-�day of A.D. 19T5. 14 yor %� Councilman Cou ma <= Councilman 540