Plumbing Ordinance47 Q o PLUMBING ORDINANCE v ORDINANCE. NO: AN ORDINANCE TO PROTECT THE HEALTH, SAFETY AND PEACE OF THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA BY ADOPTING THE SOUTHERN STANDARD PLUMBING CODE, 1971 EDITION WITH ALL REVISIONS ALONG WITH ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPLEMENT AND AMENDMENTS THERETO: CREATING FIXING QUALIFICATIONS OF MEMBERS: DEFINING DUTIES AND POWERS: REQUIRING EXAMINATIONS OF PERSONS ENGAGING IN THE BUSINESS AND WORKING AT THE TRADE OF PLUMBING, PROVIDING FOR THEIR REGISTRA- TION AND PRESCRIBING FEES FOR EXAMINATION: EXEMPTION CERTAIN PERSONS FROM EXAMINATIONS: REQUIRING CERTIFICATES OF COMPETENCY: PROVIDING FOR ISSUANCE: OF CERTIFICATES PRESCRIBING HOW EXAMINA- TIONS SHALL BE CONDUCTED: PROVIDING FOR SUSPENSION OR REVOCA- TION OF CERTIFICATES OF COMPETENCY, AND FOR REINSTATEMENT AND RENEWAL OF SUCH CERTIFICATES: PROVIDING FOR THE. APPOINTMENT OF A PLUMBING INSPECTOR: DEFININF HIS QUALIFICATIONS, DUTIES AND POWERS: REQUIRING PERMITS FOR AND TEST OF PLUMBING INSTALLA- TIONS, INSPECTIONS THEREOF, AND ESTABLISHING A SCHEDULE. OF FEES FOR SUCH PERMITS AND INSPECTIONS, DEFINING PLUMBING AND PLUMBING SYSTEMS, ESTABLISHING BASIC PLUMBING PRINCIPLES: PRESCRIBING CERTAIN STANDARDS FOR PLUMBING FIXTURES AND REQUIRING CERTAIN FIXTURES: PROHIBITING CERTAIN KINDS OF PLUMBING FIXTURES AND REQUIRING SANITARY MAINTENANCE AND EFFECTIVE OPERATIONS OF INSTALLED PLUMBING FIXTURES: PROVIDING FOR SIZES AND KINDS OF WATER SUPPLY AND WATER PIPING FOR BUILDING AND PREMISES: PROVIDING FOR PROPER CONTROL OF WATER PIPING: PROVIDING AGAINST EXPLOSIONS OF WATER HEATERS, BOILERS, TANKS AND WATER PIPING: PROVIDING FOR PROTECTION OF PORTABLE. WATER SUPPLY SYSTEMS: PROVIDING FOR SIZES AND KINDS OF MINIMUM STANDARDS OF MATERIALS FO SOIL, WASTE AND VENT PIPING AND REQUIREMENTS FOR THE SAFE AND STABLE DESIGN, METHODS OF CONSTRUCTION AND THE INSTALLARIONS, ALTERATION AND REPAIR OF SUCH SOIL, WASTE AND VENT PIPING AND APPURTENANCES: PRESCRIBING REQUIRED JOINTS AND CONNECTIONS, TRAPS AND CLEANOUTS: PROVIDING CERTAIN TRAPS, FITTINGS AND CONNECTIONS: ESTABLISHING REQUIREMENTS FOR CONNECTIONS TO PUBLIC SEWERS: PRESCRIBING CERTAIN QUALITIES AND WEIGHTS OF MATERIAL USED IN PLUMBING INSTALLATIONS, REQUIRING DRAINS AND INTERCEPTORS: PROVIDING FOR PROTECTION AGAINST RATS AND MOSQUITOS: REQUIRING CERTAIN STANDARDS OF WORKMANSHIP: PROHIBITING OCCUPANCY OF NEW OR ALTERED BUILDINGS AND PREMISES AND PROHIBITING LEAVING THE WATER TURNED ON IN ANY SUCH BUILDINGS OR PREMISES UNTIL FINISHED PLUMBING THEREIN HAS RECEIVED FINAL APPROVAL OF THE PLUMBING INSPECTOR: PROVIDING FOR VENTILATION OF ROOMS CONTAINING CERTAIN PLUMBING FIXTURES: PROVIDING FOR THE DISPOSAL OF SEWAGE IN UNSEWF.RED AREAS: PRESCRIBING CERTAIN DIAGRAMS OF PROPER PLUMBING INSTALLATIONS FOR HOUSE TRAILERS AND TRAILER PARKS: PROVIDING PENALTIES OFR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE: PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT WITH THIS ORDINANCE.: PROVIDING THAT IN THE EVENT ANY PART OR ANY SECTION, SUBSECTION, SENTENCE, ARTICLE, CLAUSE OR PHRASE. OF THIS ORDINANCE, OR ANY RULE, REGULATION, OR REQUIREMENT CONTAINED HEREIN, SHALL BE DECLARED OR ADJUDGED INVALID OR UNCON- STITUTIONALALITY SHALL NOT AFFECT THE VALIDITY OF CONSITIUTIONALITY OT THE OTHER PARTS OF SECTION, SUBSECTIONS, SECTENCES, ARTICLES CLAUSES OR PHRASES OF THIS ORDINANCE, NOR ANY OTHER RULES, REGULATION OR REQUIREMENTS CONTAINED HEREIN. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY OF EDGEWATER'S CITY COUNCIL: CITY OF EDGEWATER PLUMBING CODE Section 1. The Southern Standard Plumbing Code, 1971 Edition and all Revisions, copies of which are on file in the office of the City Clerk, City of Edgewater, Florida, is hereby adopted, and by reference made a part hereof as if herein set forth in extenso, -1- as the plumbing code of the City of Edgewater. TERRITORY AFFECTED Section 2. City of Edgewater, Florida. MODIFICATIONS, CHANGES, AMENDMENTS AND ADDITIONS Section 3. Said Southern Standard Plumbing Code aforesaid is hereby modified, changed, amended and additions added thereto. Refer to Mechanical Code. 104.3--The following is added to Code, page 1-4: "All drawings, specifications and accompanying data shall bear the name and address of the designer. In case of buildings or structures of Group C,D, and F occupancy as defined in the Southern Standard Build- ing Code, all multiple -family dwellings of three (3) or more family units, and all buildings or structures exceeding two (2) stories in height or 5,000 square feet in area, except one and two family dwellings, such designer shall be an engineer legally registered under the laws of this State regulating the practice of Engineering and shall affix his official seal to said drawings, specifications and accompanying data." 107.2--Re-inspection fee is hereby changed from $2.00 to $5.00. 109.2--"Anyone wishing to enter the plumbing business must be a Master Plumber, or have an active partner who is a Master Plumber, or in the case of a corporation, the Master Plumber shall be an officer of the corporation." "All apprentices or helpers wishing to take the Journeyman Plumber examination must show proof of four (4) years continuous full-time experience in the plumbing trade, under the supervision of the competent Master or Journeyman Plumber". "All persons wishing to take the Master Plumber examination must show proof of two (2) years as a Journeyman Plumber in Volusii or two (2) years as a Master Plumber outside of Volusia County." 409.1--Said section is hereby amended to read as follows: "Workman- ship shall conform to generally accepted good practice, as defined by the Plumbing Official." 503.2--Said Section is hereby amended to read as follows: "Any approval of materials by the Southern Building Code Congress shall be 2- subject to approval of the Appeal Board." 506.1--Abestos Cement Sewer Pipe under said section is hereby prohibited. 506.3--Under said section these materials are hereby prohibited except for temporary installations. 602.4--The words "Copper joints under concrete must be silver solder or equal" are hereby added to said section. 602.6--The words "Hot -Poured Joints" are hereby deleted from this section 602.11--The words "Asbestos Cement Sewer Pipe Joints" are hereby deleted from said section. 602.12--The words "Bituminized Fiber Pipe Joints" are hereby deleted from this section. 922.2C--Water heaters installed in attics: "Water heaters when installed in attics must have propetly supported ceiling joints and must have a pan turned up four inches on all sides with a drain which shall not be less than 3/4" minimum and can be discharged above floor level into an approved floor drain or discharged outside of building to ground level Galvanized pans to be 24 gauge." 922.2D--Water Heaters under Kitchen Base Cabinets are prohibited. 1301.3--Delete the words "galvinized, steel and wrought iron" are hereby stricken from this section so that the same shall read: "Soil and waste piping for drainage system shall be cast iron, lead, brass or copper pipe, or copper tube, or DWV plastic." 13.02.1--Said Section is hereby limited to cast iron and vitrified clay pipe and DWV plastic. 1404.1--In said section five (5) feet vent extension is hereby changed to ten (10) feet. 14.05.1--Vent Terminal in said section is hereby amended to read: "Vent terminals when using turned in high boot flashing shall not be less than two (2) inches in diameter." 1410.2--There is hereby added to said section the following: "Maximum vertical distance between drains shall be ten (10) inches." 1502.5--Bituminized fiber and asbestos cement pipe is hereby stricken from this section and the same is amended to read: "The building storm sewer shall be of cast iron soil pipe, virtrified-clay pipe, or plastic pipe meeting the requirements of Table 505 may me accepted." -3- Composition of Board. The master plumbers and journeyman plumber appointed to serve on said Board shall hold current valid certificate of competency as such and shall have been actively engaged in the business of plumbing for a period of not less than five (5) years immediately preceding the date of appointment as a member of said Board, and each shall be a citizen of Volusia County, Florida with the qualifications of an elector. Meetings Authority Duties, Powers. a) Said Board of Plumbing Examiners shall hold regular meetings the first Tuesday in the months of January, April, July and October of each year. Special meetings may be called at any time by the written request of any two (2) members of the Board of Plumbing Examiners. b) Applications for the examinations hereinafter provided for shall be made to the Chief Building Official, in writing, on forms furnished by him, shich shall be accompanied by an application fee of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) for Master Plumbers and Thirty Dollars ($30.00) for Journeyman Plumbers, and Thirty Dollars ($30.00) for Building Maintenance Engineer. Applicants for examination for a certifi cate of competency as a Journeyman Plumber shall submit satisfactory evidence that he has had a minimum of four (4) years experience at plumbing, as hereinafter defined. If the application for examination is denied by the Chief Building Official, the Board of Plumbing Examinei shall determine whether the applicant has the requisite experience to take the examination provided for herein, within five (5) days after the decision of the Chief Building official. Appeal from the decision of the Board of Plumbing Examiners may be had in accordanc4 with the provisions set forth in the Section "Reviews". c) Upon acceptance of a proper application, each -4- applicant for a Master's or a Journeyman's or a Building Maintenance Engineer's Certificate of Competency shall submit to both a written and a practical examination as to his practical knowledge of plumbing, water piping, house drainage and ventilation, and knowledge of the provisions of this Code. The examination shall be given in two parts, Part I shall be written and Part II shall be practical. Part I, the written part of the examination, shall test the applicant as to general plumbing knowledge, and knowledge of the Plumbing Code of the City of Edgewater. Part II, the practical portion of the examination, shall test the practical knowledge and skill of the applicant. a). Part I, written examination shall be prepared, graded and proctored by H.H. Block and Associates of Gainesville, Florida and shall be conducted on the last Saturday of the months of January, April, July and October of each year. b). Part II, the practical part of the examination, shall be given the Saturday immediately preceding the last Satureay in the months of January, April, July and October of each year. c). Patt1III, the practical part of the examination, shall be prepared, graded and proctored by the local Plumbing Examining Board and shall consist of the following: a) Three copper joints on wrought copper Tee-Sil-Flos 95/5 and 50/50. b) 900 Bends on 3/4" and 1/2" soft copper. c) Two cast iron caulked joints - 4" and 2", 1 c/runner. d) Demonstrate the folding of a lead shower pan. e) Cut and thread pipe 1", Ili" and IV. f) 75% to be made on both portions to pass the overall examination. If an applicant should pass the practical and fail the written, he shall retake the written examination at full examination cost. -5- If he should pass the written portion and fail the practical, he shall retake the practical at fifty (50) per cent of the examination cost. If satisfied with the compe- tency of such applicant the said Plumbing Inspector shall thereupon issue certificates of competency to such appli- cants who have passed, which certificates shall show that such applicants are qualified to apply for such licenses as may be required, and to engage in or work at the business or trade of plumbing, either as master plumber, journeyman plumber or as a maintenance engineer, depending upon which of these examinations was taken. g) Regular examinations on Part I shall be conducted - on the last Saturday in the months of January, April, July and October of each year. h) Special examinations nay be authorized at any time by making application therefor, and providing applicant deposits with said application the fee, together with all costs incurred in giving and grading said special examination. i) All applications for any examination must be filed not .less than three (3) weeks prior to the examination date. j) Said Board shall have the power and authority to suspend or revoke for cause the certificate of competency of any master plumber, journeyman plumber, or building maintenance engineer. Failure to correct improper or defective plumbing or defective plumbing work or installations promptly after notifica- tion of such by the Plumbing Inspector; failure to comply with, or any violation of the provisions of this Code; undertaking or doing plumbing work of any kind or nature requiring permit, with- out having applied for and secured such permit by any master plumber or other-gocd and sufficient reasons, shall be deemed cause for suspension or revocation of any such certificate of competency held by any such person or persons, The affirmative -6- vote of four (4) members of the Appeal Board shall be required for suspension or revocation of a certificate of competency. k) Any suspension of a certificate of competency made by said Board shall remain in force for the period of time such suppension is made, and any such suspension may be made permanent by said Board for cause, unless such suspension is lifter or annulled by action of an appeal to the proper courts of law. 1) Any person holding such cettificates of competency who is charged with violation of this Code and is thereby faced with a possibility of having his certificate of competency and/or license suspended or revoked, shall be notified of such charge or charges and shall have the right to a hearing in person or by counsel by said Board on such charge or charges at the time and place set by the said Board for such hearing, before any action is taken by said Board on suspension or revocation of certificate. Any person hharged with violation of this Code, who fails to appear in person or by counsel before said Board for a hearing by said Board on such charge or charges and the said Board may then proceed with the suspension or revocation of his certificate if deemed by said Board to be proper and in order. a) If any person aggrieved at a decision of the Chief Building Official, or the plumbing Inspector, in refusing to grant such person the right to take examinations or in refusing to grant such person a license, permit or certificate of competency to carry i on or engage in the trade, business or occupation of plumbing, or in revoking or suspending a license, permit or certificate of competency, such person may appeal to the Appeal Board within ten (10) days from such decision. Within ten (10) days from the filing of a notice of appeal with the Appeal Board, the person aggrieved shall be informed of the decision of the .Appeal Board. -7- Rubs and Regulations a) The Board of Adjustments and Appeals may make and promulgate all necessary rules and regulations relating to applicants and examinations and other business of said Board not in conflict with the provisions of this code. It shall prescrive the form of applications. If an applicant shall make a grade of 7S% with 100% perfect, in his examination, he shall be entitled to receive a certificate. b) In case of the neglect or refusal of the master plumbers or the journeyman plumber members of said Board to attend the meetings of said Board or to perform their proper fundtions as members of said Board as herein provided, the County Commission may remove such member and appoint some other qualified person in his place. c) The Board of Adjustments and Appeals shall have reasonable control of the methods and materials used in plumbing and drainage, where such are not specifically provided for in this Code, Temporary Work Permits for Journeyman Plumbers a) Any applicant for examination for a certificate of competency as a journeyman plumber who has furnished satisfactory proof of cert- ification by examination at plumbing shall be entitled to the issuance of a temporary permit by appearing before the Board of Adjustments and Appeals to engage in or work at the trade of journeyman plumber only when working with a master or journeyman plumber who is on the job and such applicant shall at no time work alone. b) Such temporary work permit shall become void automatically, and all rights and privileges thereunder suspended and revoked, on the day the Board of Adjustments and Appeals review the examination results, following the issuance of such temporary work permit, and not.temporary work permit shall be renewed or . reissued to theapplicantafter said date. -8- c) Any person who shall fail the examination for a certificate of competency may retake such examination twice in a period of twelve (12) calendar months and shall be required to wait a period of six (6) months before taking such examination again. Requisite for Public Works Construction. : Master Plumbers who are successful bidders on public works to be built or constructed by the United State Govern- ment or any agency thereof, the State, the County School Board, Volusia County, or any other political subdivision, may perform such public works contract without complying with the terms of the examination requirements set forth'in this Code, but the purchase of an Occupational License, all necessary permits and payment of the regular cost for a new certificate for the performance of this designated job, provided a building permit has been issued. _ Examinations. a) Master Plumbers. Anyone wishing to enter the plumbing business must be a Master Plumber, or have an active . partner who is a.Master Plumber, or in the case of a corpora-- tion, the Master Plumber shall be an officer of the corporation. b) All persons wishing to take the ,'taster Plumber examination must show proof of two years as a Journeyman Plumber in Volusia County or two years as a Master Plumber outside of Volusia Cou:ity. c) All apprentices or helpers wishing to take the Journeyman Plumber examination must show proof of four (4) years continuous full-time experience in the plumbing trade, ' under a competent Master Plumber. 9- CERTIFICATES, LICENSES, CONTROL SECTION 5. Exemptions from Examination. a) All persons holding a valid master plumbers or journeyman plumbers certificate of competency issued by the City of Edgewater as of the effective date of this, Ordinance, shall, upon application therefor, be issued a certificate of competency as a Master Plumber or Journeyman Plumber hereunder without further examination. '. b) An initial Certificate of Competency as a Master Plumber or Journeyman Plumber shall be issued without further examination to any person who has taken and passed a written examination for such trade prepared, graded and proctored by . 11. H. Block and Associates, Gainesville, Florida, and who ;holds a current certificate of competency from a City that has a Plumbing Ordinance similar to t:at'of the City of Edge- water's and which grants reciprocity to City Certificate of Competency for Master and Journeyman Plumbers and Maintenance Engineers. Terms of Certificates, Renewals. a) All said Certificates of Competency shall be issued for and be valid for the term of one year; beginning on the first day of October in each year and expiring the last day of September in the following year, unless suspended or re- voked. A new certificate to carry on the business of Master Plumber, the trade of Journeyman Plumber and Maintenance Engineer, must be secured annually from the City of Edgewater, Florida and may be had by any person holding a certificate then in effect, and • payment of the required fee. Such renewal of certificate must be secured on or before the first day of October of each year, to -10- 0 be in effect for the ensuing fiscal year. b) No certificates or licenses may be assigned or. 'transferred from one person to another. Occunational License. ' a)`- N6'occupational license shall beissuedto any person, firm or corporation for the purpose of engaging in, or working at, or carrying on business of master plumber, un- less such person, first or corporation be in possession of a proper and valid certificate of competency as required therefor. Journeyman Plumbers. a) Definition. A Journeyman Plumber, within the meaning of this Code is a workman qualified in the trade of plumbing, who holds a valid certificate of competency as such and who has complied with the requirements of this Ordinance. prohibiting h'ork without Certificate. a) No person shall engage in or work at the trade of Journeyman Plumber within the City of Edgewater without first having passed an examination for such, as provided for herein, or being exempt from such by having passed an examination.for ruch in the past and being in possession of a valid certificate as aJourneyman Plumber. Fees for Examinations and Licenses. a) An applicant for a Master Plumber's Certificate shall, upon filing of application for examination for such pay a fee of Fifty Dollars ($50.00). If the applicant passes the examination, a Certificate of Competency (trade card) will be issued showing he is qualified to work at or engage in the business of plumbing as a Master Plumber upon the payment of $10.00. Place of Business. a) Every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of and operating under a certificate of competency and occupational license as a master plumber, within the City of Edgewater, Florida shall maintain a place of business as such. It shall be unlaw- ful for such a master plumber to maintain a place of business without having in force a proper Certificate of Competency and Occupational License, as provided for herein. In case of a removal from one place to another, new address shall immediately be registered with the City Auditor and Clerk. Displays Signs a) It shall be the duty of every certified and licensed master plumber to display a sign at his place of business, showing the name of such master plumber under whom the place of business is operated. Such sign shall be clearly discernible and in a public place. The name thereon must be the same as shown in the certificate and license issued. Each car or truck used by said master plumber in his business shall have painted or printed thereon, his name, and his firm Is name, with 2" letters minimum. Workmen Employed a) At no time will an apprentice work alone. Apprentice work shall be performed under the direct supervision of a journeyman plumber or a master plumber who holds a valid Certificate of Competency. At noltime will a master or journeyman plumber supervise the work of more than two (2) such registered apprentice on any one job. Partmerships, Corporations, Firms a) No corporation, partnership, or business firm or trust shall engage in the business of master plumber, or do plumbing work or install plumbing as herein defined, unless such corporation, partnership or business firm or trust shall have and maintain in its employment one active member who holds a valid certificate of competency and also Occupational License as a Master Plumber here- under. The name and address of the employer, corporation, partnership, or business firm or trust which he represents shall be -12- certified to by him and registered in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Edgewater, Florida. In the case of a corporation the master plumber shall be an officer of the corporation. In the case of a partnership, one partner must be personally responsible and he shall be liable for the acts and conduct of the corporation, partnership or business firm or trust which he represents, insofar as compliance with t terms and requirements of this code is concerned. Such master plumber of such corporation, partnership, or business firm or trust shall - perform and conduct all business in connection with the securing of permits and other business connected with the office of the Plumbing Inspector of the City of Edgewater. b) No person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of plumbing shall allow his, its or their names to be used by any other person, firm or corporation directly or indirectly, to obtain a permit, or for the construction of any work under his, its or their names, license, bond or insurance; nor shall he, it or they make any misrepresentations or omissions in his, its or their returns. Revocation of Certificate a) The certificate of competency of a master plumber may be suspended or revoked for cause by the Board of Adjustments and Appeals. b) Any person, firm or corporation, engaged in business as a master plumber in the City of Edgewater who shall fail to promptly correct any defect or defects in any plumbeing work done or installations made by him or any person or persons in his employ, contraty to, or violation of this Code, after having been notified thereof by the Plumbing Inspector in writing or verbally, shall not be issued any further permits until such defect or defects have been corrected. In case of any such person who continually persists to violate the provisions of -13- this code or any part thereof, or refuses or neglects to abide by the order or instructions of the Plumbing Inspector in rela-. tion to the same, the certificate of competency of such,nerson may be suspended or revoked by the Board of Appeals & Adjustments. c) It shall be the duty of the Plumbing Inspector to report to said Board any such continuous or persistent violations of this Code or any part thereof by any master plumber, or the refusal or neglect of any master plumber to abide by the orders of the Plumbing Inspector inrelationto the Code. If the said Board upon such report of the Plumbing Inspector or of the complaint of others of any such failures or violations, or of its own knowledge of such, shall suspend the certificate of competency of any such master, olumber, then it shall be the duty of the Board of Appeals & Adjustments to notify such master plumber that his certificate has been suspended. Any such master plumber so accused shall have the right of a. hearing and appearance at a regular or special meeting of said Board as herein provided. d) .At the next meeting of said Board of Plumbing Examiners, a master plumber whose certificate has been suspended may appear and be heard upon the question of making the suspension permanent or reinstating the certificate. The decision of the Board of Plumbing Examiners on suspensions or revocations of certificates of competency shall be subject to review as herein provided. Apprentices, Permit for. - a) Any person desiring to engage in or work at the trade of plumbing as apprentice, mutt first obtain a permit to • do so from the City of Edgewater, Florida , which shall be issued for one dollar ($1.00) charge. An apprentice shall he permitted and allowed to do plumbing work only under the direct supervision of and working at all times with a master plumber holding a valid certificate of competency and occupational license, or a journeyman 14- plumber holding a certificate of competency, who shall be held y responsible for the work of such apprentice. Such permits must be obtained from the City of Edgewater, Florida and qualifica- tions of said apprentices shall be determined by said Board. There shall be a term for apprentices for a period. of four years, and permits issued them may be suspended or revoked for cause by the said Board of Appeals $ Adjustments. b) Apprentice's Renewal. The apprentices shall renew their certificates of competency annually and a fee of one ($l.00) dollar shall be paid. see section "Terms of Renewals -- for certificates". Owner's Constitutional Privilege_. a) Nothing herein contained shall prohibit any bona fide owner of any home from personally installing plumbing in his own hone, if the building is single family occupancy, for himself..and . by himself, provided that said owner shall: 1. File plans and specifications and/or working - drawings oC such plumbing or proposed.plumb- ing with the Plumbing Inspector and secure his approval thereof. 2. Apply for and secure a permit for such plumbing and from the Plumbing Inspector and pay the required fee for such permit. 3. Do such plumbing work for which the permit has been issued, in accordance with all provisions of this code pertaining thereto. 4. Apply for inspection and test of such plumbing work when ready for such. Receive approval of such plumbing work by the Plumbing Inspector, such work shall • be altered or corrected in order tocomply. with this Code. 5. Receive certificate of approval of such work,' . from the Plumbing Inspector. 6. Do the work in a manner which complies with this Code. This privilege may be exercised for not more than one house in any two year ueriod. Satisfactory proof of ownership will be required by the City , Plumbing Inspector. (Applicants under this provision are advised that the City Plumbing Inspector is an in- spection authority and is NOT available as a Technical Advisor.) -1S• Plumbing Inspector a) There is hereby established in the City of Edgewater a position of Plumbing Inspector. b) The Chief Building Official with the approval of the City Council may appoint such number of officers, inspectors, assistants and other employees as shall be authorized from time to time. No person shall be appointed as inspector of plumbing inspector, master or journeyman plumber who has passed an examination administered by the Board of Adjustments and Appeals. Said Plumbing Inspector shall not be engaged in the business of plumbing directly or indirectly operating within the County of Volusia. c) The said Plumbing Inspectors shall be appointed by the City Council and approved by the Board of Adjustments and Appeals and shall serve until such time as properly relieved ans shall receive such salaries as fixed by the City Council. Authority, Duties a) The Plumbing Inspectors are hereby given the authority and charged with the duty of obtaining compliance with the terms, and provisions of this Plumbing Code and any amendments hereto, or rules of the Health Department pertaining to plumbing, which duty shall include: 1. The examination and approval or disapproval of plans and specifications and/or drawings or proposed plumbing work and the issuance of permits for all plumbing as such is defined and as required hereinafter. 2. The collection of fees for plumbing permits as required hereinafter, and the inspection and reinspection of all plumbing work as such is defined and as required herein- after. 3. The conduct of tests of plumbing and drainage as required hereinafter, and the issuance of certifications of approval of plumbing work or installations, and notices of rejection of plumbing work or installations, as provided for herein- after. -16- 4. The arrest and prosecution of violators of this Code or any part of this Code. S. Advisory service to the public in regard to plumbing and drainage and service on complaint pertaining to plumbing and drainage. The re - inspection of buildings and premises for determining the effective operation and sanitary maintenance of plumbing and drainage. 6. The Plumbing Inspectors shall keep, or cause to be kept a record of the business of the Plumbing Department. The records of the Plumbing Department shall be open to the public inspection at a reason- able time. Authority to Enter Buildings. The Plumbing Inspectors are empowered and authorized to enter into or upon any public or private building or premises for the purpose of examination, inspections or testing the plumbing, drainage, sewerage, or ventilation and water piping within such building or premises. Investifation of Complaints The Plumbing Inspectors shall examine all premises about which a complaint of the plumbing, drainage, sewerage or ventilation or the water piping has been made, and he shall, upon evidence of the unsanitary or unfinished or defective condition thereof, condemn same and notify the owner or agent of such premises in writing, or verbally, of the condition as found and instructions to remedy such condition. Any person failing to place the plumbing of such building or premises in a proper and sanitary condition, as instructed by the Plumbing Inspector within the time fixed by the Plumbing Inspector, shall be subject to prosecution and punishment as prescribed by this Code. Placards It shall be the duty of the Plumbing Inspectors to post in a conspicuous place on a building or premises the plumbing, drainage, sewerage, or ventilation of water piping of which has been condemned by him, one or more placards. -17- 0 0 Occupancv of Placarded Buildings Prohibited. Such placard or placards shall remain on or in said building until the required repairs or improvements are made. The building owner or agent of such building so placarded shall be responsible for the maintaining of such placard or placards until removed by the Plumbing Inspector. It shall be unlawful for any person toreside in or occupy such building for any pur- pose, or to let,'rent, or hire the same or any part hereof, or to collect, receive or to pay any rental therefor, whether as owner, agent, tenantorotherwise while so condemned. Stop Pdork Orders. Upon notice from the plumbing•inspector that work on any plumbing installation is being done contrary to the pro- visions of this Code or in a dangerous or unsafe manner, such work shall be immediately stopped. Such notice shall be in writing and shall be given to the owner of such property, or to his agent, or to the person doing the work and shall state the conditions under which work may be resumed. Where any emergency exists, oral notice given by the Plumbing Inspector shall be sufficient. Revocation of Permits. The Plumbing Inspector may revoke a permit or approval, issued under the provisions of this Code, in case there has been any false statement or misrepresentation as to the material fact in the application or plans on which the permit or approval was based. In all such cases no permit fees shall be refunded. - Unsafe Installations. All Plumbing installations, regardless of.type, which are unsanitary or which constitutes a hazard to human life, health, or welfare are hereby declared illegal and shall be abated by repair and rehabilitation or by demolition in accordance with the procedure as outlined in Section 103.4, Unsafe Buildings, of the Southern Standard Building Code, the Southern Standard -18- Housing Code, 1965 Edition. Requirements not covered by Code. Any requirement necessary to insure the sanitary condition of, or for the safety, strength or stability of an existing or proposed plumbing installation or for the safety of the occupants of a building or structure, not specifically covered by this Code, shall be determined by the Plumbing Inspector, sub- ject to the approval of the Chief Building Inspector. Liability. Any officer or employee, or member of any Board, charged with the enforcement of this Code, acting for the City of Edgewater in the discharge of his duties, shall not thereby render himself liable personally, and he is hereby relieved from all personal liability for any damage that may occur to persons or personal liability for any damage that may occur to persons or property as a result of any act required or permitted in the discharge of his duties. Any suit brought against any officer or employee because of an act performed by hin in the enforcement of any provision Of this Code shall be defended by the City's Legal Department until the final termination of the proceedings. Bond Required Before any person, firm or corporation shall engage in the business of plumbing in the City, he, it or they shall first obtain the proper license and deposit with the City of Edgewater, a good and sufficient bond in the sum of One Thousand (1,000) Dollars, to be approved by the City Attorney, conditioned that the i' person, firm or corporation engaged in the plumbing business will faithfully observe all the laws pertaining to plumbing, drain laying, blasting and excavating; further, that the City of Edgewater shall be indemnified and saved harmless from all claims arising from accidents and damage 6f any character whatsoever caused by the negligence of such person, firm or corporation engaged in the plumbing business, 19- or by any other unfaithful inadequate work done either by them - solves or their agents or employees, and that such person, firm or corporation will maintain in a safe condition for a period of one (1) year all ditches and excavations which may be opened in the performance of any plumbing'work, and further that all dirt and other material excavated will be placed back in a good con- dition with similar materials, where such excavation is made in an unpaved street or road, or any street or,road paved with asphalt or concrete, the word "street" or "road" as herein used shall apply to sidewalks, curbs, gutters and street and road paving, and shall contain other conditions as required by law. Excavations in Streets. a) A permit shall be required from the City Engineer for each excavation in a public street, road or alley before the. work is commenced. Work undersuchpermit shall be commenced within 48 hours, otherwise, the permit shall become void. All permits shall be.kept at the place of excavation while the work , is being doneandexhibited. whenever called upon by any person having an authority to examine the same. There shall be no more than one-half of the width of any street, road or alley opened or ,obstructed at -any one time; tunneling shall not be allowed, and no authorized underground construction shall be injured or inter fared with. All portions of the street or road excavated shall be put in as good condition as before the excavation was made. The trench or excavation shall be refilled, thoroughly rammed and puddled within 48 hours after making the connection or repairs When an excavation is made in any paved street, where it is neces- sary to remove paving, the person, firm or corporation to whom the permit was issued for such excavation shall leave a written notice with the Engineering Department and said notice shall state that the excavation has been properly filled, tamped and is ready for repaving. Whenever any person, firm or corporation. making any -20- excavation in the street or alley fails to refill in the proper manner, as required by this Code or fails to maintain the same for a period of one (1) year, then the City Engineer shall cause the work to be done and the cost thereof shall be charged against the bond as heretofore provided. b) Where such excavations occur in a state or federal highway, permission shall be obtained from the state or federal highway department before any work is commenced. Public Protection Reeuirement. a) It is hereby required that for every excavation made on public property, proper safeguards shall be provided against injury to the public, barricades shall be provided at five (5) feet distance, and such barricades shall completely encircle all open excavations or trenches. All barricades, as required by this Code, shall have at least one (1) sign placed thereon in a conspicuous manner, indicating the name of the place, person, firm or corporation causing such excavation. When ap- proved by the City Engineer, steel plates of sufficient strength may be used to cover excavation to prevent blockage of streets. b) From sun -up to sun -down there shall be placed, at a distance of not less than one hundred (100)'feet, sufficient numbers of red flags to warn the public of dangerous excavation. From sun -set to sun -rise there shall be placed at a distance of not less than one hundred (100) feet, sufficient red lights or flambeaus to indicate the length of the excavation in the public thoroughfare and to warn the public of dangerous excavation. In addition to the above there shall be placed on or by the bar- ricades sufficient red lights or flambeau to indicate the point of excavation and size. PERMITS AND FEES Til EREFOR SECTION 6. Application for Permit. Before a master plumber or owner installs any plumbing as such is defined herein, or does any plumbing, sewer or drainage work, or makes additions 21- to or alterations in existing plumbing, sewers, drains, fix- tures or appliances in any new or old buildings, or upon any , premises within the City of Edgewater ,.he shall file with the Plumbing Inspector an application in writing for a permit to do such work; except, that no permit will be required for the re- pair of leaks, unstopping of sewers, drains and waste pipes and the making of minor repairs to existing plumbing in buildings and premises. The naking'of minor repairs shall not be con- strued to mean the -replacement-of -complete water systems, nor- making connections with sewer or water mains, nor the replace- ment of water tanks or water heaters or parts thereof, or plumb- ing fixtures. Before any master plumber does any repairing or replacing of any plumbing, requiring a permit under the pro- visions of this Code, he shall file with the Plumbing Inspector an application in writing for the permit. With any.such appli- cation for a pernit, there shall be filed a diagram, drawing or plan showing clearly the character and kind of plumbing, sewer, or drainage work to be done under said application. Said diagram, drawing or plan shall also show the manner in which the plumbing, sewerage or drainage installation is to be made, or the character of any alterations of or additions to any existing plumbing, sewer or drains. Said application shall be made on a form which shall be furnished by the office of the Plumbing Inspector. In addition thereto, the following information shall appear on the form to be filled in by the applicant correctly:. Street and house number of the premises where.' the work is to be done. Name of the owner and/or lessee. Name of the master plumber. 'Name of the plumber doing the actual installation. - Kind of building and number of stories. A list of the plumbing fixtures, sewer, septic tank, water heater, etc. and such other information as may be required. -22- The application when properly filled in, as required above, s::all i be referred to the Plumbing Inspector who shall.have the authority Ito issue or refuse the permit. ' Inspector May Issue Permit. a) If the diagram, drawing or plan relating to plumb- ing, sewer or drains, and application hereinbefore required for.._.. a permit. is found to be in violation of the plumbing code of said City , or fails to comply with the provisions thereof, it shall be disapproved and the Plumbing Inspector shall notify the applicant specifically wherein it violates or fails to comply with said plumbing code, and the corrections necessary to comply withsaidplumbing code. If the Plumbing Inspector finds the application to be in conformity with said plumbing code, he shall thereupon, upon receipt of the required fee, cause a permit to be issued to the master plumber making the application, upon receipt of which the master plumber may commence the proposed job and nay make the necessary installations or do such work as described in his application. b) `The holder of a plumbing permit shall not do or - cause or permit to be done or performed, any plumbing work other than that designated in such permit, at the place mentioned in said permit, except repair work and such other work as may be done without requiring a permit, as provided hereinbefore; and shall not do or cause or permit to be done or performed any plumbing work designated in a plumbing permit at any other place or in any other building or premises than that designated in such permit. No plumbing permit shall be issued for any plumbing work or installation in any buildingor premises without a proper per- mit, and/or a permit from the Supervising Architect of the State Hotel Corvnission shall have been issued, when the nature of the construction, alterations; or repairs of any such building or . premises requires such permit or permits. It shall be the duty of master plumbers to ascertain and produce evidence that such -23- permit or permits as required, have been issued before applying for a plumbing permit. Time Limit. If plumbing installation or work under a permit for same is not commenced within six months after issuance of such permit, or any work done has been discontinued for a period of one year from the date of issuance thereof, the permit shall thereupon become void, and no plumbing work shall be done on the premises until a new permit is issued and the fee therefor paid. To Vrnom Issued. A permit for plumbing installation or work as required herein, shall be issued only to a person, firm, or corporation having in his or their possession a valid master plumber's cer- tificate and a business or occupational license as required, and bond if and when required; to make replacements or do repairing; of the building or premises•where plumbing is to be done. Divided Nork.. When one master plumber or an owner completes the rough work., in whole or in part, on any plumbing job or work; and a second master plumber is called on to complete the said plumbing job or work, in whole or in part, then, and in that event a separate permit is required, for which the regular fees shall be paid. Each master plumber holding a permit for the construction of such work shall be held responsible only for the work which he installed. Before the second master plumber is issued a permit for the completion of any plumbing work or job,., the Plumbing Inspector shall first notify the master plumber holding the original or first permit that the second permit is to be issued. A second permit shall be invalid until and unless such notice is given. The issuance of the second permit shall cancel the first permit, when notice has been duly given. Risk,. Permits for all plumbing, sewer or drainage work or C -24- jobs as required herein are issued on condition that the recipient there- of assumes all risk for any damage of any nature whatsoever that may result from the work or installation for which permits have been issued and that the City of Edgewater shall not be held liable for any damage. Fees For Permits. Before a permit is issued for any plumbing, sewer or drainage work or installation for which a permit is required, a fee or fees, in accordance with the table below, shall be paid to the Plumbing Inspector, who shall give a receipt therefor and shall deposit all fees collected by him into the proper -authorized -authority. - NO PERMIT SHALL BE ISSUED FORLFSS THAN FIVE ($5.00) DOLLARS. FEES FOR PERMITS Fee for each permit $ 1.50 Plus for each fixture, appliance, etc., below: Each roughed in or plugged waste outlet 1.50 Each fixture or appliance set on new or old rough 1.50 Floor, area or similar drain 1.50 Grease, oil or other intercepter or trap 1.50 Bar, soda fountain or similar drain 1.50 Sanitary or storm sewer, or building drain, from fixtures in building to connection withseptic tank, public sewer or existing provate sewer on lot, in excess of 15 ft., 1.50 Septic tank and/or drain field, up to 1,000 gallon capacity 2.50 Leeching well, soakage pit, or similar device 1.50 Condensation tank or similar device 1.50 Air conditioning apparatus 1.50 Rain water leader, cast iron or storm sewer 1.50 -2S- Water heater, or boiler, or storage tank, all types $ 1.50 Solar or similar sun water heating system 1.50 Swimming Pool main drain and auxiliary drain, each 1.50 Fire sprinkler system connected,to City water supply 5.00 Fire stand pipe lines, Siamese, roof manifold lines 1.00 Each outlet, sprinkler head .25 Sprinkler or irrigation system, overhead or underground, for each head or outlet .25 Steam or hot water heating system boiler, new or old job 1.50 Pressing machine and/or steam boiler in connection 1.50 Sump Pump 1.50 Special fixtures or appliances, not covered herein, such as ice makers, coffee urns, water supplied appurtenances, etc. 1.50 Trailer inspection fee 10.00 The fees for inspecting vented recessed heaters and water heaters shall be $1.00 each unit. if the inspector is called back, after correction of defects noted, an additional fee of $5.00 shall be made for each return inspection. Any and all fees shall be paid by the person to whom the permits are issued. Sewer Connection Fees: The sewer connection fees shall be as are from time to time prescribed by the City of Edgewater, Florida. Pater Connection Fees: The water connection fees shall be as are from time to time prescribed by the City of Edgewater. Point of Connection: Building sewers and water service pipes shall connect to the public sewer and water main at a point designated by the proper City authority. Replacements. Whenever an existing plumbing fixture or water heater of any type, size or kind is detached from its connections in a building or premises, and another fixture or water heater is installed in its place, and such replacement does not necessitate a substantial change of soil, waste, vent or water piping, a permit for such replacement of such plumbing fixture or water heater shall be obtained by the person, firm, or corporation making such replacement from the Plumbing -26 Inspector before such replacement work is done. The fee for replacement shall be in accordance with the schedule above. Such replacement jobs shall be inspected by the Plumbing Inspector and shall be subject to his acceptance or rejection as is other plumbing work done under permit, and if reinspected, the regular fee for such reinspection shall be paid. Permits Required. It shall he unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to install any plumbing as such is defined herein, or do any plumbing, sewer, or drainage work, or cause or permit any plumbing to be done or installed as owner, agentgmanager or employer of a building or premises, or to make any alterations, additions to, changes or repairs in, or of any existing plumbing or part thereof, including fixtures, appliances and appurtenances in, or on any building or upon any premises within the City of Edgewater without first having procured a permit therefor from the Plumbing Inspector, except such plumbing work which requires no permit, as provided for in "Application for Permit" hereof. Applications for such permits shall be made in writing upon forms furnished for that purpose as provided in Section "Application for Permit`.' hereof an shall be issued only to persons, firms or corporations as provided in "To Whom Issued" hereof. Section 7. House trailer and trailer park plumbing installations shall he in conformance with the diagrams on file in the office of the Plumbing Inspector. Section 9. Violations and penalties. Any person, firm or corporation or agent who shall Violate a provision of this Code or fail to comply therewith or with any of the provisions therof, or violate a detailed statement of plans submitted and approved here- under shall be guilty of a separate offense of each and every day or portion thereof during which any violation of any of the provisions of this Code is committedor continued. Section 9. Persons violation any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be prosecutedby the City Prosecutor of the City of Edgewater and upon conviction in a court having jurisdiction of misdemeanors shall be punished by fine not to exceed FIVE HUNDRED -21- ($500.00) DOLLARS or by imprisonment in Jail not to exceed sixty (60) days or by both such fine and imprisonment. Section 10. A certified copy of this Ordinance shall be filed in the office of the Secretary of State by the Clerk of this Board within ten (10) days after enactment and this Ordinance will take effect upon receipt of official acknowledgement from that office that said Ordinance has been filed. Section 11. If any section, sub -section, sentence, clause, or provision of this Ordinance or of the Code hereby adopted is held invalid, the remainder of this Ordinance or of the Code shall not be affected. Section 12. All ordinances and resolutions, or parts of Ordinances or Resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. ADOPTED s