06-14-2021 CITY OF EDGEWATER GENERAL EMPLOYEES' PENSION BOARD QUARTERLY MEETING MINUTES City Council Chambers Monday, June 14, 2021, at 10:30arn TRUSTEES PRESENT: Brenda DeWees Bridgette Vaissiere Tyna Hilton Dilena Talley Tim Sopko TRUSTEES ABSENT: None OTHERS PRESENT: Bonni Jensen, Klausner, Kaufman, Jensen & Levinson Frank Wan, Burgess, Chambers &Associates Doug Lozen, Foster& Foster(via phone) Michelle Rodriguez, Foster& Foster 1 Call to Order— Brenda DeWees called the meeting to order at 10:32am. 2. Roll Call—As reflected above. 3. Public Comments— None. 4. Approval of Minutes a. March 8, 2021 Quarterly Meeting Minutes The Board approved the March 8, 2021, quarterly meeting minutes, upon motion by Bridgette Vaissiere and second by Tim Sopko; motion carried 5-0. 5. New Business a. Council Appointed Trustee Seats i, Michelle Rodriguez advised the Board the two council appointed seats were up for reappointment on(,)A�jgust 6, 2021, Bridgette Vaissiere and Tim Sopko commented they would like to serve another term and Michelle said she would ask the City Clerk to put the reappointments on the agenda for the next City Council meeting. 6. Old Business—None. 7. Reports a. Foster& Foster, Doug Lozen, Plan Actuary i, Investment Return Study 1. Doug Lozen reviewed the study of the impact on the Plan's liabilities and funding requirements associated with decreasing the investment return assumption from 6.75% to 6.50% and commented this would increase the City's required contribution by approximately $31,000 next fiscal year. The board discussed the issue and agreed by consensus not to take any action at this time. b. Burgess, Chambers &Associates, Frank Wan, Investment Consultant i. Quarterly Report as of March 31, 2021 1. Frank Wan reviewed the volatile market environment over the last year. 2. The market value of the plan as of March 31, 2021, was $14,057,505. 3. The fund's total gross returns for the quarter were 1.8%, equal to the policy benchmark. Trailing total fund gross returns for the 1, 3, and 5-year periods 1 were 27.4%, 1O.4% and Q,G% respectively. Frank reviewed the individual asset allocation ofthe plan. c. Klausner, Kaufman, Jensen, and Levinson, Bonni Jensen, Plan Attorney i Financial Disclosure Forms 1. Bonni Jensen reminded the trustees to submit their annual financial disclosure forme with the Supervisor of Elections in the county in which they reside. The Board voted to approve the policy as presented, upon motion by Bridgette Vaissiere and second by Dillena Talley; motion carried 5-0. 8. Consent Agenda a. Ratification of Warrants i. Warrants#7Oand #71 b. New invoices for payment approval i None o. Fund Activity Report for March 2. 2021 through June 7, 2021 The Board approved the consent agenda as presented, upon motion by Tim Sopko and second by Bridgette Vaissiere; motion carried 5-0. 9� Staff Reports, Discussion,and Action a. Foeter& Fmster, K8iohaUe Rodri8uez, Plan Administrator i E-VerifyUpdate 1. Michelle Rodriguez advised the board Fosbar & Foster had gathered letters confirming E4/erifv registration for all of the sen/ice providers and were now in the process ofregistering the plan. ii, Missing Participant Update 1� Michelle Rodriguez advised the board all of the contact information for plan participants onthe pension plan roster had been updated. 10. None. 11. Adiournment—Thameeting adjourned at 11:17am. 12. Next Meeting,—September 14. 2O21. at1D:3Oam. Respectfully submitted by: Approve db mfche'lle-' Rodriguez,'Plin Ad* Date Approved by the Pension Board: 2