10-04-2017 Cit of Edgewater 104 N. Riverside Drive
Y Edgewater, FL 32132
61 V�
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Meeting Agenda
Economic Development Board
Wednesday,October 4,2017 8:00 AM Council Chambers
We respectfully request that all electronic devices are set for no audible notification.
a. Debbie Dolbow
b. Todd Perry
a. Minutes for the Rftgular Meting -August 2, 2017
Attachments: EDB Meeting Minutes Aug. 2, 2017.pdf
b. Minutes for the Regular Meeting - September 6, 2017
Attachments: EDB Meeting Minutes Sept. 6, 2017.pdf
5. PRESENTATIONS-None at this time
a. Economic Development Director's Report
b. Chairperson's Report
c. Board Members Reports
8. NEW BUSINESS -None at this time
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Economic Development Board Meeting Agenda October 4,2017
Pursuant to Chapter 286, F.S., if an individual decides to appeal any decision made with respect to any
matter considered at a meeting or hearing, that individual will need a record of the proceedings and
will need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made. The City does not prepare or
provide such record.
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act,persons needing assistance to participate in any
of these proceedings should contact City Clerk/Paralegal Robin L. Matusick, 104 N. Riverside Drive,
Edgewater, Florida, telephone number 386-424-2400 x 1101, 5 days prior to the meeting date. If you
are hearing or voice impaired, contact the relay operator at 1-800-955-8771
One or more members of City Council or other advisory boards may be present.
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104 N. Riverside Drive
City of Edgewater Edgewater, FL 32132
Legislation Text
File M AR-2017-2895, Version: 1
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7cmo lod ly I a>gls= Ear I'll 3
City of Edgewater 104 N.Riverside Drive
Edgewater,FL 32132
Meeting Minutes
Economic Development Board
Wednesday,August 2,2017 8:00 AM Council Chambers
Bliss Jamison, Chair of the Economic Development Board, called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m.
Present 5- Bliss Jamison,Marcia Barnett,Donna Snow,Clarence McCloud and Craig Bair
Excused 2- Cecil Selman and Brandon Beck
Also present was Economic Development Coordinator and Parks&Recreation Director, Samantha
a. AR-2017-2760 Minutes for the Regular Meeting-March 1,2017
Attachments: Minutes-03-01-2017
A motion was made by Marcia Barnett, second by Donna Snow, to approve minutes from the
March 1, 2017 Economic Development Board Meeting. The MOTION was APPROVED
Yes: 5- Bliss Jamison,Marcia Barnett,Donna Snow,Clarence McCloud,and Craig Bair
Excused: 2- Cecil Selman,and Brandon Beck
b. AR-2017-2761 Minutes for the Regular Meeting-April 5,2017
Attachments: Minutes-04-05-2017
A motion was made by Craig Bair, second by Donna Snow, to approve minutes from the
April 5, 2017 Economic Development Board Meeting. The MOTION was APPROVED
Yes: 5- Bliss Jamison,Marcia Barnett,Donna Snow,Clarence McCloud,and Craig Bair
Excused: 2- Cecil Selman,and Brandon Beck
C. AR-2017-2759 Minutes from the Special Meeting - School Scholarship Sub Committee Meeting -
April 14,2017
Attachments: Minutes-.Special.-.04-14-2017
A motion was made by Craig Bair, second by Clarence McCloud, to approve minutes from
the April 14, 2017 Special School Scholarship Sub Committee Meeting. The MOTION was
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Economic Development Board Meeting Minutes August 2,2017
APPROVED unanimously.
Yes: 5- Bliss Jamison,Marcia Barnett,Donna Snow,Clarence McCloud,and Craig Bair
Excused: 2- Cecil Selman,and Brandon Beck
3. PRESENTATION-None at this time
Bob Andrejkovics of 331 Admiralty Court, Edgewater, Florida mentioned that he is on the Planning
and Zoning Board and they put forward to the Council, a the new Dollar General store to go just
North of Park Avenue. Mr. Andrejkovics also mentioned they are working on an annexation of 63
acres North of Volco Road for a potential new subdivision. He thanked the Board for their service in
putting a stamp on how we will be growing into the future.
a. Planning &Zoning-None at this time
Donna Snow reported that as a trusted source for finding businesses, the Chamber of Commerce is
launching an enhanced website with enhanced business listings. The new website allows small
businesses to have a website presence easily and inexpensively. What used to be simply a text listing
can now include business logos, photos, videos, coupons, a map to the business location and
additional information.
Ms. Snow also noted that new memberships are ahead of plan and budget for this year. There are
new businesses in Edgewater and Oak Hill. Oak Hill has formed their Economic Development Board
which rounds out what is trying to be accomplished with the Southeast Volusia Marketing Initiative.
c. City Manager
City Manager, Tracey Barlow, thanked the Board for the leadership they exhibit in representing our
community in Economic Development. Mr. Barlow stated that Southeast Volusia is growing and
"open for business" and reported that the annexation Mr. Andrejkovics spoke about, is a sign that
people are proud to bring their property into the City of Edgewater. Edgewater is continuing to see
some slow growth in commercial businesses as well. For example, the individual who owns Extreme
Concrete is building a block plant in the Parktowne Industrial Center, creating about 9 more jobs.
City Council has just gone through the annual budgeting process, which has been challenging as the
City of Edgewater has not received FEMA reimbursements for the response to hurricane Matthew.
Council has worked through the process of balancing the budget with PFRs - Post FEMA
Reimbursements. Council will balance an initial budget without the expansion of any projects, before
FEMA reimbursements. Once Edgewater receives (nearly $3,000,000 0fi reimbursements from
FEMA, City Council will amend the budget to add programs and vacant positions that are currently
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Economic Development Board Meeting Minutes August 2,2017
frozen. Council seems very satisfied with the budget. We were able to maintain the 6.7 mils.
Edgewater is doing extremely well. Preliminary taxes show Edgewater's existing tax base is one of
the strongest in the county for percentage of increase. A good sign for Edgewater!
Coming up on the Council agenda, in addition to considering the first reading of the previously
mentioned annexation, Council will be considering the annexation of about 600 acres, west of town
and adjacent to the Deering Park. Mr. Barlow reported meeting with the planner in charge of the
restoration project. That asset has been acquired by someone out of California who is ready to
continue moving through the permitting process. Edgewater continues to work with the Deering
Park Development. The Florida Department of Transportation has granted surplus property to
Edgewater just west of the interchange and the Deering Park Group is about to begin beautification
to the medians in that area.
Ms. Snow asked Mr. Barlow if the restoration project plans have changed.
Mr. Barlow replied that they are negotiating with the Army Corp regarding wetland areas where
additional avoidance is wanted. As of now, the conceptual plans we have adopted in our
comprehensive plan, sustainable community development, stay the same, about 8,500 residential
homes and 1.4 million square feet of non-residential.
Ms. Snow asked Mr. Barlow about increasing donations to the Local School Scholarship Fund.
Mr. Barlow described some ways we are trying to get the word out including advertising the
Scholarship fund in our weekly e-mail newsletter and quarterly newsletter, giving out post card
advertisements/sign-up sheets at events, speaking on WSBB and having a table at events to promote
the Scholarship fund. He offered to share promotional postcards with board members who want to
help promote the program.
Ms. Jamison asked Mr. Barlow about reimbursement from FEMA for hurricane Matthew.
Mr. Barlow responded that every other state that was affected by hurricane Matthew has received
FEMA reimbursements and distributed them to communities, with the exception of Florida. It
appears that reimbursements are being held up at the State level. Edgewater had only about 15% of
our general fund designated as reserve for a response, but expenses went well above that 15%. Most
other communities have 30-40%of reserves to cover response costs.
To balance the budget going forward, we are having to borrow about $1.9 million from our
water/sewer fund. These dollars would be used to maintain water and sewer equipment. As
maintenance projects are delayed, they become more costly to complete. Over time, reserve funds
need to be increased to meet emergency needs.
d. Economic Development Coordinator
Samantha Bergeron reported that the group working with the former Cameron's Marina at 2001 S.
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Riverside Drive has received permitting from DEP and Army Corp to replace the seawall and dredge.
A cable show, "Bar Rescue", came and filmed at No Name Saloon. No Name has a new sign and
they are putting up a new fence, spiffing up that corner.
A company, related to the aviation industry, manufacturing gas tanks, is moving to Edgewater from
New Jersey and the City is working closely with them. The old Pro-Edge building at 301 Mango, has
been purchased and is being improved so it can be leased and potentially broken up for smaller
operations. 1710Industrial is also being improved and brought up to code. This fills most of our
empty industrial buildings. We look to developing Parktowne and west of town next.
Mr. Barlow spoke to the Board regarding Brilliance. He stated that Dr. Alani is still getting plans
engineered for about a $9 million, 72 bed facility. He expects Dr. Alani to begin construction within
the next three months.
He also shared with the Board that City Council foreclosed on a Code property, one parcel off US],
across from the cemetery. Mr. Barlow stated that as Edgewater has the opportunity to acquire these
properties, they can then be sold to the CRA so when we do redevelopment we have properties to
assemble to use as an incentive or to accommodate stormwater for other development needs.
Mr. Barlow noted that FPL is starting to remove all the double wood poles along US] and replace
them with concrete poles which fare better in storms.
At 8:35 a.m. Donna Snow departed the meeting.
Ms. Bergeron presented the Southeast Volusia Marketing Initiative Strategic Marketing Plan first
draft and spoke about the groups work developing marketing information. They were recently
invited to attend the MRO America Show , which was an aviation show in Orlando. A group visited
the show with marketing packets, data sheets, the Chamber's directory, information from ad the
authority, list of vacant properties in Southeast Volusia. Additional data sheets are being developed
as we plan to visit other shows in the future.
a. AR-2017-2766 Election of Economic Development Board Chair
A motion to reappoint Bliss Jamison as the Chair of the Board, was made by Marcia Barnett
and second by Craig Bair. The MOTION was APPROVED unanimously.
Yes: 5- Bliss Jamison,Marcia Barnett,Donna Snow,Clarence McCloud,and Craig Bair
Excused: 2- Cecil Selman,and Brandon Beck
b. AR-2017-2767 Election of Economic Development Board Vice Chair
A motion was made by Marcia Barnett and second by Craig Bair to nominate Donna Snow
for the position of Vice Chair. Ms. Snow agreed and the MOTION was APPROVED
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Economic Development Board Meeting Minutes August 2,2017
Yes: 5- Bliss Jamison,Marcia Barnett,Donna Snow,Clarence McCloud,and Craig Bair
Excused: 2- Cecil Selman,and Brandon Beck
C. AR-2017-2768 Recommendation for Board Appointments
Attachments: Dolbow,Debbie
Todd Perry
A motion was made by Craig Bair, second by Marcia Barnett to recommend Debbie Dolbow
to City Council for appointment to the Economic Development Board. The MOTION was
APPROVED unanimously.
Yes: 5- Bliss Jamison,Marcia Barnett,Donna Snow,Clarence McCloud,and Craig Bair
Excused: 2- Cecil Selman,and Brandon Beck
A motion was made by Craig Bair, second by Clarence McCloud to recommend Todd Perry
to City Council for appointment to the Economic Development Board. The MOTION was
APPROVED unanimously.
Yes: 5- Bliss Jamison,Marcia Barnett,Donna Snow,Clarence McCloud,and Craig Bair
Excused: 2- Cecil Selman,and Brandon Beck
a. AR-2017-2765 Approval of EDB Proposed Budget for 2017-2018
Attachments: EDB Budget Draft
This budget still requires revision. Some budget items for the Economic Development Board budget
will be put on the Post FEMA reimbursement list, such as $10,000 for Southeast Volusia Marketing
Initiative, $1,000 for SEVMI meeting hosting, administrative, printing and copying along with $5,000
for the Economic Development brochure.
Marcia Barnett mentioned that the third Tuesday of each month is the Biz lunch. For a few months,
there is an educational series on how to use your smartphone with business.
Bliss Jamison gave an update on the widening of Park Avenue. They have completed surveying and
have now moved to the design phase.
Ms. Bergeron mentioned that the trail extension is moving along and should open around the
holidays this year.
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Economic Development Board Meeting Minutes August 2,2017
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:55 a.m.
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104 N. Riverside Drive
City of Edgewater Edgewater, FL 32132
Legislation Text
File M AR-2017-2896, Version: 1
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City of Edgewater 104 N.Riverside Drive
Edgewater,FL 32132
� t Meeting Minutes
Economic Development Board
Wednesday,September 6,2017 8:00 AM Council Chambers
Bliss Jamison, Chair of the Economic Development Board, called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m.
Present 6- Bliss Jamison,Marcia Barnett,Donna Snow,Brandon Beck,Clarence McCloud and Craig
Excused 1- Cecil Selman
Also present was Economic Development Coordinator and Parks&Recreation Director, Samantha
3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES -None at this time
4. PRESENTATIONS-None at this time
Bob Andrejkovics of 331 Admiralty Court, Edgewater, Florida expressed his disappointment in the
news that TD bank is planning to leave Edgewater and move to New Smyrna Beach. The board
discussed ideas on how to encourage TD bank to stay in Edgewater. Marcia Barnett has been
communicating with the bank's branch manager and will forward her communications to the board.
a. Planning &Zoning-None at this time
Vice Chair, Donna Snow, reported that the SEVCC golf tournament is coming up on October 6th at
Sugar Mill. Sponsors are still being recruited and teams sought.
The Chamber of Commerce has chartered a Toastmasters club. It is a corporate club for Chamber
members or employees of Chamber members or students of Chamber members, a personal and
professional leadership development program. An incredible group gets together at the Chamber,
Thursdays at 12:00 p.m. to practice public speaking, leadership skills, impromptu speaking. An open
house is being held September 13th, from S:00-7:00 p.m. Everyone is invited to attend a social hour
and demo meeting.
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Economic Development Board Meeting Minutes September 6,2017
The next "Business After Hours" is actually a "Business Before Hours" starting at 6:30 a.m. on
September 14th at Florida Hospital.
c. Economic Development Coordinator
Samantha Bergeron reported that manufacturing facility sites are full. A facility on Mango was
recently purchased and is going to be improved for manufacturing rental. Ms. Bergeron would like
to do a CEDS update at an upcoming meeting.
a. SEVMI-Update
The Southeast Volusia Marketing Initiative has been having core meetings. They are working with
Team Volusia,preparing for a marine show coming up in Tampa later this month.
They are also working on an industry data sheet to represent Southeast Volusia, a logo and various
tag lines for it. Since the target for this endeavor is all the activity going on at Kennedy Space
Center, the current favorite is: Southeast Volusia, Daytona's Gateway to the Universe.
Ms. Jamison created and provided to the Economic Development Board, a Southeast Volusia
Marketing Initiative newsletter that includes their mission and vision.
Ms. Bergeron reported that in March, Economic Development Advisory Boards from Edgewater, Oak
Hill and New Smyrna Beach, met and took the group's draft plan back to their respective Council
and Commissions for review and approval. Edgewater and Oak Hill have approved the plan and
New Smyrna is still reviewing as the SEVMI continues to move forward. Oak Hill has developed an
Economic Development Board and is working with the County on an Economic Development Plan.
Craig Bair asked the status of the City of Edgewater receiving FEMA funds for hurricane Matthew.
Ms. Bergeron reported that no cities in the state of Florida, including Edgewater, have received
funds from FEMA for hurricane Matthew and that this will affect how the City is able to respond to
upcoming hurricane Irma.
Clarence McCloud reported that Daytona State College is having a job fair at the South campus on
October 26th with around 25 employers representing manufacturing and retail. The college is proud
to align themselves with the Southeast Volusia Chamber, the City of Edgewater, the City of New
Smyrna Beach and Oak Hill. Advertisements for the Job Fair will have all 4 of those logos showing
the coming together of this group.
Mr. McCloud also reported that a fiberglass boot camp is being developed and is planned to begin in
October. Brandon Beck shared that the outline for the Fiberglass Boot Camp course curriculum is
being reviewed with manufacturing professionals in the area.
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Marcia Barnett reported housing inventory is low, with only about 35 homes for sale in Florida
Bliss Jamison reported attending the Team Volusia Economic Development Board meeting last week
where a presentation was given on a marketing campaign they are getting ready to do. She
suggested checking out VolusiaProud.com, which is part of team Volusia and is working with
Enterprise Florida, who has a new marketing campaign called "Boundless Innovation". Enterprise
Florida is also working on a statewide database that will have strategic sites inventory.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:28 a.m.
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