02-07-1977 - Regular/02-08-1977 Special
February 7, 1977
Acting Mayor Ryta F. Webber called the regular meeting of the City Council
of the City of Edgewater to order Monday, February 7, 1977, at 7:30 P.M.
Mayor Dana T. Armstrong
Councilwoman Ryta F. Webber
Councilman Henry C. Riggs
Councilman Walter B. Sikes
Councilman Calvin R. Dietz
City Attorney William Gillespie
City Clerk Sue Blackwell
Police Chief Earl Baugh
re.GG IIe.d
Due to the lack of a quorum, this meeting was r~cessed until Tuesday night.
February 8, 1977
~(JeGiq /
Vice Mayor Calvin R. Dietz called the ~ed-meeting of the City Council
of the City of Edgewater to order Tuesday, February 8, 1977 at 7:30 P.M.
Mayor Dana T. Armstrong
Councilwoman Ryta F. Webber
Councilman Henry C. Riggs
Councilman Walter B. Sikes
Vice Mayor Calvin R. Dietz
City Attorney William Gillespie
City Clerk Sue Blackwell
Police Chief Earl Baugh
Vice Mayor Dietz stated that he has not had time to go over the bills, and he
asked the City Clerk to read the list of bills.
The City Clerk read the list of bills.
Councilman Riggs asked several questions about the bills in the Street Depart-
ment. The City Clerk read from the invoices what these bills were for.
Councilwoman Webber made a motion to pay the bills, being seconded by Council-
man Riggs. Upon roll call vote said motion CARRIED 3-0.
The City Clerk read the Building Official's report for the month of January.
She also read a bill which the Building Official submitted in the amount of
$1,467.88 for fees collected for completed work.
Councilwoman Webber made a motion to pay the bill, being seconded by Councilman
Riggs. Upon roll call vote said motion CARRIED, 3-0.
The City Clerk read a notice from Mr. Christy for a Civil Preparedness meeting
dated February 23, 1977 at 7:30 P.M. in their room at the Community Center.
The City Clerk read a letter from Mr. Millard, Chairman of the Board of
Adjustments in regard to Mrs. Murphy a member of the board, asking that
she be relieved of her duties as a member of the board.
Vice Mayor Dietz stated that since there is another letter relating to the
same matter, he asked the City Clerk to read the other letter before any
action was taken.
The City Clerk read a letter from Mrs. Helen Lovell in regard to the variance
she asked for, and in regard to Mrs. Murphy's comments that were made at the
Public Hearing that was held. Also in regard to the picture of her building
that Mrs. Murphy put in the paper, asking that such harrassment as this be
Vice Mayor Dietz stated that he feels ~at this is important enough that we
have a full Council present before a decision is made. He added that he
would like to excerise his right as Vice Mayor to suspend Mrs. Murphy from
all activities with the Board of Adjustments and any other boards and instruct
the City Clerk to draw up a Resolution for her removal from the Board of Adjust-
ments and bring it up to the Council next week and at that time it will be dis-
cussed in full and the Council can vote for or against.
Councilwoman Webber made a motion that this Resolution be drawn up, being seconded
by Councilman Riggs.
Mrs. Murphy was given the floor and she said in all fairness to the City she
suggested that the Council play and listen to the minutes of that meeting.
She said that some of the facts mentioned in the letters are not correct.
Vice Mayor Dietz stated that he hopes that all of the Council members will
take this very seriously and that they will all listen to all of the minutes
and read all of the minutes and study this carefully and make the decision
next week. He explained that we are not making any decision tonight, the
suspension is the proper way to handle this.
Mrs. Murphy questioned if the proper procedure is to act on a recommendation
of a Chairman, or does it have to come from the whole board?
Vice Mayor Dietz stated that he has the right as a Council member to suspend
any employee or any appointee of the City pending until the next meeting of
the City Council for a full hearing. He added that he thinks this is a fair
way of handling this.
Mrs. Murphy stated that she does not agree. She added that the fact remains
that this tars her but it does not feather her because she is not chicken.
It could cause complications for the City. She stands with clean hands and
everything that she has done was for the benefit of the City, and she had
nothing to gain. She said that she agreed that if Mr. Millard intimated
that he had contacted our attorrley and in the attorney's opinion there was
no conflict of interest. She accepted this and she did not challenge Mrs.
Nichols conflict of interest, even though she was working for the person
who was reguesting for the variance. As far as her writinq a column, she
has always tried to plug Edgewater, because it is her City:
Vice Mayor Dietz again repeated the procedure that we are.going to follow.
Mr. John Gross was given the floor, and he stated that he understands that
Mr. Millard is asking for the removal of Mrs. Murphy because she voted against
the request. He added that Mr. Millard is the Chairman of this board and he
sat there and let a member of the board vote on a project where that member
works for the person she was voting for. He should have taken action imme-
diately in that regard. He also added that Mrs. Murphy gave the Council the
facts a week ago and it is his opinion that Mrs. Murphy is right.
Vice Mayor Dietz assured Mr. Gross that an investigation has been made by him
in regard to the charges that Mrs. Murphy has made which were untrue and to
no avail other than the fact that she did not agree with something that was
written into the Ordinance which is the law of the City, and we can not have
people changing the law.
Vice Mayor Dietz stated that no one has said that Mrs. Murphy has done any-
thing that is a hindrance to the City. It is how she went about making the
statements that is the question.
Upon roll call vote on the Resolution being drawn, said motion CARRIED, 3-0.
The City Clerk read a letter from Carmen Montesano in regard to a trench which
was dug by the Water Department crew, and the mess that was left in front of
his property.
Councilman Riggs stated that a ditch was dug on City property, however the job
is not completed. It needs to be smoothed and the work will be done.
Tape 1B
Vice Mayor Dietz asked the City Clerk to write a letter to Mr. Montesano notifying
him that Mr. Riggs is taking care of this problem.
The City Clerk read two VCOG meeting notices. One being tomorrow at 3:30 P.M.
in Daytona Beach. She stated that she does not know if Mayor Armstrong intends
to attend this meeting or not.
Vice Mayor Dietz stated that Mr. Armstrong has never appointed anyone to stand
in for him and it will take a vote of the Council for someone to go and attend
this meeting for the City of Edgewater. He added that he is familiar with what
will be going on and he feels that it is imperative that we attend this meeting.
There was discussion about this, and Councilwoman Webber and Vice Mayor Dietz
both stated that they could attend.
Councilman Riggs made a motion that both of them attend, being seconded by
Councilwoman Webber.
Vice Mayor Dietz stated that he would like the motion worded so that in case
the Mayor does intend to go they don't all have to go.
Councilman Riggs made a motion that in the event the Mayor is going to attend,
that he and Councilman Dietz go, being seconded by Councilwoman Webber.
Vice Mayor Dietz asked the City Clerk to contact the Mayor and find out in the
morning whether he is going to attend.
Upon roll call vote said motion CARRIED, 3-0.
The City Clerk read the other notice of the Intergovernmental Advisory
Committee meeting. She stated that she feels that the Planning Board will
be interested in this meeting.
This was tabled for the time being so that the Chief could take the letter
over to the Planning Board, which is meeting in City Hall to see if anyone
of them can attend.
The City Clerk read a letter from Mr. John Scarantino requesting a street
light at the corner of 22nd and Sabal Palm Drive.
Vice Mayor Dietz stated that we do not have any money in the budget for
street lights but we do have a file for future study and he thinks that
the Council should face the fact that something should be done about this.
It was agreed that this request is to be put in the file with the others.
Councilwoman Webber stated that two of the new cars are in. She stated that
she would like the opinion of the Council as to whether we have to have both
lights on the top of the cars or can we just use one light?
Chief Baugh asked if he could get the opinion of the men who are driving the
Vice Mayor Dietz stated that this is not going to be too expensive and since
Mrs. Webber is the coordinator he thinks that she and the Chief can work this
out and her decision should be the guiding factor.
Vice Mayor Dietz stated that before we go to further audience miscellaneous -
it will pertain to questions, and if there is anything that is going to be
controversial he suggests that it be written and sent to the Council for the
agenda next week so that the Council will have time to study it and check out
the facts.
Mrs. Murphy asked for copies of the letters that were read this evening.
Vice Mayor Dietz stated that she may have copies of the letters.
A man spoke to the Council about his property on Edgewater Drive. He said
that he discovered that the zoning apparently has been changed on his property.
He said that he sold some of this property with the understanding that it was
zoned commercial, then the people discovered that this is not commercial anymore.
Vice Mayor Dietz stated that the only way this can be answered is for him to
write a letter stating clearly what he wants to know, then they will get an
answer for him, and if there is any controversy he will have to apply for a
hearing with the proper board.
Mr. Fuller stated that he does not feel that he should have to pay for a variance
because this was not brought to his attention, and he was in the hospital at the
time the change was made.
Mr. Edward Thompson spoke to the Council, stating that he owns the property
adjacent to the property this man just spoke of, and he prefer that this land
remain residential.
RES. NO. 701
The City Clerk read this Resolution in full, which appoints Mr. William
Grollemund and Mrs. Arthur G. Schilling to the Planning Board.
Councilwoman Webber made a motion to adopt this Resolution, being seconded
by Councilman Riggs. Upon roll call vote said motion CARRIED, 3-0.
Vice Mayor Dietz stated that last week we had an item come up about the
Chamber of Commerce. He referred to a letter that was written to Mr. Charles
Hall, attorney for New Smyrna Beach, and he stated that he does not see how
this pertains to Edgewater, other than the fact that it could be petty,
however if someone wants to challenge what the Council has voted for it is
their prerogative.
Tape 2A
Mr. Walter Gross was given the floor. He stated that the letter is the
opinion of the Attorney General and it does not apply just to New Smyrna
Beach, it applies to any City in the State of Florida. He added that he
questioned the fact that the Chamber of Commerce is taking room in the
City illegally and he still questions this and to go further he did get
the opinion of the Attorney General. He said that to be fair, last week
he asked the Council to get the opinion of our attorney.
Vice Mayor Dietz stated that he is sure that if someone wanted to take this
to task they could find where the City of Edgewater is in violation of the
opinion of the Attorney General of the State of Florida, however we all have
a tendancy once in our lifetime to bend the rules a little bit. He added that
he thinks that the Chamber of Commerce is an asset to the City of Edgewater
and that they are doing a wonderful job. For the little bit of space that we
give them it is cheap for what their duties are, legally it is not right, but
why would any citizen want to fight an organization who donates their time and
efforts to the City of Edgewater free of charge?
Mr. Gross stated that it is against the law, and we should make it right.
He made several comments on the meeting he attended.
Mr. Hap Cameron was given the floor. He explained some of the Chamber's
activities to the Council. He added that the opinion of the Attorney General
is very hard to interpret. He said that the Council and the Chamber members
could sit down and negotiate a rent if they wish, and then they could nego-
tiate a contract price for the work that the Chamber does that otherwise would
have to be done in City Hall.
Mrs. Murphy spoke to the Council, stating that she did not present any letter
to the Council about the Chamber of Commerce. She said that the only criticism
she had of the Chamber was the space that they were taking. She also stated
that if it is against the law however, the City should be careful.
Mr. Opal had a question about the letter that we are talking about.
Vice Mayor Dietz explained again that this letter was sent to New Smyrna
Beach, and has no effect on Edgewater whatsoever, and until such a letter
comes in to the City of Edgewater, we are not effected unless someone wants
to bring a suit against the City, which is the prerogative of any citizen.
Mr. Gross spoke again that he has nothing against Mr. Cameron personally, he
presented himself well, however his interest is in the City of Edgewater and
he heard from many people about the room that the Chamber was given over the
other people. When this letter was given to him, he felt the only place to
present it was to the Council.
There was more discussion about the other organizations who use the City
properties and buildings without paying. Vice Mayor Dietz explained that
if we have to charge the Chamber we will have to start charging the Shuffle-
board members, the Friends of the Library, the Garden Club and all of the
other organizations.
Councilman Riggs stated that if one has to pay for it they all have to pay.
Vice Mayor Dietz suggested that we table this until our attorney comes in
and get his opinion
Mr. Cameron was given the floor again, and he stated that he feels that this
must be a personal thing, because for many years the City has furnished the
Chamber with twice as much space as they are now and it never charged them.
Councilman Riggs made a motion to table this until our next meeting, being
seconded by Councilwoman Webber. Upon roll call vote said motion CARRIED,
Councilman Riggs stated that we ordered one truck with a dump bed and one
without. He explained that this is not going,to stand up. He suggested that
we do not remove the bed from the Chevrolet truck, that we go for a new bed
if we are going to have a new truck.
Vice Mayor Dietz stated that he agrees with this, and he has discussed this
with Mr. Martine, and he agrees.
Councilwoman Webber asked about this, she said that she understood that we
did order a bed.
Vice Mayor Dietz stated that we discussed at the time that we needed two,
but the Mayor said that we didn't,we could use the old one, but since that
time Mr. Martine has taken a second look at it, and he agrees that we need
a new one.
Councilman Riggs explained all of the repairs that have been made to the cab
that we have, and he feels that it will save money in the long run if we get
a new one. He explained that Perfection beds are going to be $100 cheaper
than what we paid for the other one.
Councilman Riggs made a motion that we purchase this body from Perfection
at the price of $1722.00, being seconded by Councilwoman Webber. Upon roll
call vote said motion CARRIED, 3-0.
Councilwoman Webber stated that since Mr. Riggs has been on the Council he
has been very diligent and if he says this is necessary, than she feels that
it is.
Vice Mayor Dietz stated that he agrees that he is doing a good job.
Councilman Riggs stated that our City yard looks like a junk yard. He
said that we have several pieces of equipment that are deteriorating and
he can not see keeping them. He thinks we should put them up for auction
and try to get some money to purchase something we can use. He said that
he would like to get appraisals to see what we can expect to get. He went
on to describe the condition of some of these items, explaining why we should
try to auction them off. He stated that he would like permission from the
Council to have a dealer come in and get some estimates.
Vice Mayor Dietz suggested that he get with the City Clerk and have a list
typed up with the appraisals and have a copy for each of the Council members
for our next meeting.
Vi ce ~layor Di etz stated that the item under New Busi ness is a moti on to pay
the expenses of Mr. Gillespie on the lawsuit. The City Clerk explained that
there are going to be over $100 worth of subpoenas served. At present the
case has been continued because Attorney Matthews is ill.
Councilman Riggs made a motion that we pay Mr. Gillespie's expenses, being
seconded by Councilwoman Webber. Upon roll call vote said motion CARRIED, 3-0.
The subject came back up about the Intergovernmental Advisory Committee
meeting. The City Clerk explained that Mr. Denton has agreed to go as a
representative for the City, Mr. McCallister is going from the County.
We will have to pay Mr. Denton.s expenses.
Councilwoman Webber made a motion that Mr. Denton will represent the City
at the VCOG meeting and the City will pay his expenses, being seconded by
Councilman Riggs. Upon roll call vote said motion CARRIED, 3-0.
Vice Mayor Dietz had the City Clerk read an Ordinance of the County Council
as the storm water management and conservation Ordinance.
Councilman Riggs went over a drawing of a drainage proposal. He explained
the procedure that he is following.
Vice Mayor Dietz explained that digging ditches is not the proper way to
drain the,City, we are going to have to go to curb and cuttering. He also
explained that we do not want the County to control us, we want to have
complete control of our own City. He said that he has made a copy of this
and sent it to the Planning Board for their recommendation to the Council
as to the type of Ordinance we want to draw up to meet these standards.
In the mean time we have to make arrangements for this drainage.
There was discussion about the 208 Plan.
Councilwoman Webber stated that she and Mrs. Blackwell attended a meeting in
Orlando last week, and she believes that there was something said at the
Council meeting the week before that she would go to represent the City.
She said that she wanted to know if she is going to get paid for it?
The City Clerk explained that on the other meetings that we have been paying
extra on there has always been a motion a second and roll call on them.
Vice Mayor Dietz stated that he knows that the Council did instruct her to
go and he thinks she should be paid.
Councilman Riggs made a motion to adjourn being seconded by Councilwoman Webber
Said motion CARRIED.
Sue Bl ackwell
Debbie Sigler
City Cl erk
Approved this day of
February 1977.
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Co n . woman
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City of Edgewater Gen. Fund
Southern Bell
Revenue Sharing Advisory Service
First National Bank
R.L. Polk & Company
Florida Power & Light
Dennis Warren
American Hardware
New Smyrna Commercial Printing
Diversified Electronics
New Smyrna Builders Supply
Dave's Carpets
Municipal Supplies
City Auto Supply
Southern Paint & Wallpaper
Matty's Transmission Service
New Smyrna Beach
Pratt's Radiator
Smyrna Auto Parts
Edgewater Motors
Atlantic Office Supply
Florida Power & Light
Southern Bell 1
American Hardware
City of Edgewater Gen. Fund
Daniel W. Cory
Electrical Construction
Diversified Electronics
Allied Chlorine
Conrad Yelvington
Wickes Corporation
New Smyrna Commercial Printing
B & H Sales, Inc.
E1ectra-Tronics, Inc.
Frank Hall Plumbing Co.
Troup Gas & Appliance
Art Fence Company
New Smyrna Builders Supply
City Auto Supply
February 8, 1977
Petty Cash
City Hall, Fi re
City Clerk
Safe deposit rent
City Di rectory
City Hall, Fire, B1pk.,Shuf1brd,Rec.
Street, P.O., Fire, Landfill
City C1 erk
Dog tags
P.D.,Street, Garbage
City Hall
P.O., Garbage
City Counci 1
1 59.27
Water and Wastewater
Water and Wastewater
Equipment Rental Water & Wastewater
Water and Wastewater
421 .51
51 .71
1 05 . 00