11-08-1976 - Regular i v u r CITY COUNCIL CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA REGULAR MEETING HELD November 8, 1976 ft ~.~ Ilt', ~,'7..r:; 'm ffi\ 8i~IU~~ ~ [II of the City Council 8, 1976 at 7:30 P.M. Mayor Dana T. Armstrong called the regular meeting of the City of Edgewater to order Monday, November ROLL CALL: Mayor Dana T. Armstrong Councilwoman Ryta F. Webber Councilman Henry C. Riggs Councilman Walter B. Sikes Councilman Calvin R. Dietz City Attorney Judson I. Woods City Clerk Sue Blackwell Police Chief Earl Baugh Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present I NVOCA TI ON : SALUTE TO FLAG: APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Councilman Sikes made a motion to approve the minutes of the meetings held November 1,1976 and November 3, 1976, being seconded by Councilman Dietz. Upon roll call vote said motion CARRIED, 4-1. Councilman Riggs voting no on the November 1 meeting and on the November 3 meeting at 4:30, but yes on the November 3 meeting held at 7:30. BILLS AND ACCOUNTS: The City Clerk read the list of bills in the General Fund account and answered a few questions from the Council. .. There was discussion about the premium bill from J. E. Tumblin. It was explained that this bill is an estimated annual compensation premium. The City Clerk explained that this figure will change when-they audit, because we have more employees now than we did last year. Mayor Armstrong explained that our losses this year are nothing compared to what they were, we have had no major accidents of any kind, and he is concerned as to why they did not review us and take us off the 8% assigned risk list. Councilman Dietz stated that he agrees with the Mayor, and we should table this until next week and have the City Clerk find out about this. The City Clerk read the list of bills in the Water and Sewer account, and answered a few questions from the Council. Councilwoman Webber made a motion to pay the bills except for the bill from INA in the amount of $1~,442.00, being seconded by Councilman Riggs. Upon roll call vote said motion CARRIED, 5-0. u u COMMUNICATIONS: The City Clerk read a postcard from the Division of State Planning Bureau of Intergovernmental Relations in regard to the Edgewater Water Treatment Facility. Councilman Sikes asked if we have received any word from our engineers as to any encouragement we might have in regard to this application? Councilman Dietz stated that he spoke with Mr. Fernandez and they are very pleasedwith the way the application is going and the reception that they have had. It looks very favorable. The City Clerk read a schedule of public meetings to review the alternate transportation plans for the greater Halifax Area with the Volusia Council of Governments and the Florida Department of Transportation. Mayor Armstrong explained that this is very important to the public, and they will have the right to be heard. He suggested that the people of this area were to turn out in favor of the red plan it would be beneficial. Tape lB There was discussion about the National Seashore Park which is planned for this area. The City Clerk read a notice of a regular meeting of the Volusia Council of Governments on Wednesday, November 10,1976 at 3:30 p.m., in Daytona Beach. The City Clerk read a notice of a joint meeting of the Policy, Technical Coordinating, and Citizens Advisory committees of the Volusia Coastal Area Transportation Study has been moved from Wednesday, November 17 to Monday, November 15, at 1:30 p.m. in Daytona Beach. The City Clerk read a notice from the Department of Community Affairs with a schedule of workshops that will be held on collective bargaining negotiations. Councilwoman Webber stated that Mr. McBrayer said that a member of our Council should go to these meetings. The City Clerk read a letter from the Chamber of Commerce. It was explained that they wish to establish an office open on a daily basis. There was a diagram attached to this letter, showing exactly where the Chamber would like to have' their office. Mayor Armstrong stated that we have had an active Chamber of Commerce for years, and this would take a load off of the City Hall if they were open daily. He explained that there are going to be changes made very shortly with the office space that we do have and maybe we should wait and see how this is going to be done. Council~an Sikes stated that he would like to see us do something to establish the Chamber in a permanent location. Mr. Cameron spoke to the Council about their proposal, and the need for office space so that the Chamber can remain active. Councilman Dietz asked Mr. Cameron about the expenses involved and whether the Chamber is going to incur some of the expense. Mr. Came~on explained that the Chamber will be willing to purchase the folding doors to be put in the room, and he went on to explain their money making po s sib i 1 it i e s . Councilman Sikes commented on several things that the Chamber has helped fund in the past. Mayor Armstrong stated that he realizes that the Chamber is well worth their weight, however he is questioning whether that particular room is the best one for this. -2- u u There was discussion about the size of the room, and exactly how the folding doors would have to be placed in the room. Councilman Sikes made a motion that we allocate the room as proposed and requested by the Chamber for their use as office space, provided that they pay the expenses for preparing the room, being seconded by Councilman Dietz. Mr. Gross stated that he feels that this should be looked into further. Tape 2A Mayor Armstrong explained that this request was brought to the Council back in May and it has been tabled and tabled, and something must be done about it. We have taken a long time to look over the problem. There was conversation about whether or not the Chamber is to pay rental for the use of this office. Mayor Armstrong commented on the various different contributions that the Chamber has made in the past which would make up for whatever the expense of occupying the office will be. Upon roll call vote on the motion, said motion CARRIED, 5-0. The City Clerk read a letter from Jack Golden, Commercial Representative of Florida Power & Light Company in regard to problems with the construc- tion of theprimary underground service to the Edgewater Sewer Plant addi- tion. Councilman Dietz made a motion that we authorize the Mayor to write this letter of authorization to Florida Power & Light Company for the burial of the cables, being seconded by Councilman Sikes. There was some conversation about the route to the city for the cable from the existing pole to the point of service near the new blower room. Upon roll call on the motion, said motion CARRIED, 5-0. The City Clerk explained the next communication, which is a letter from Mr. Kantor, State Librarian to Mr. Beach. This letter listed the recom- mendations that were decided upon at a meeting of the Edgewater Library Board and the Architect and the County Librarian, in regard to the Library addition. The City Clerk read this list of recommendations. She stated that she has talked to Mr.Gehlert about this, and he recommended that the advertisement for bids appear on the 12th and 19th for bids to be returned to the City on December 6th. Councilman Dietz asked if we have received anything from the State on this? Mayor Armstrong stated that we have a firm committment, but it is subject to them approving the plans. There was conversation as to whether this is the appropriate time to go out for bids. It was decided that we will not go out for bids until we hear from Mr. Beach directly. , The City Clerk read a notice of the annual meeting of the Florida Civil Defense Association at the Holiday Inn of Palm Beach on December 1, 2, and 3, 1976. She stated that last year the Council gave Mr. ~hristy $135 to attend the three day program and he is requesting this amount again. Councilman Dietz made a motion that we grant Mr. Christy the money to go to this program, being seconded by Councilman Riggs. Upon roll call vote said motion CARRIED, 5-0. The City Clerk read a letter of resignation from Patrolman Robert F. Jones, effective Tuesday, November 16, 1976. -3- u () I Councilman Dietz made a motion that we accept this resignation and give him a letter of our appreciation, being seconded by Councilwoman Webber. Upon roll call vote said:motion CARRIED, 5-0. The City Clerk stated that the next item is a letter from the Department of Assessments, Mr. Jim Bailey in regard to the 1976 Final Revised Recapitulation of the Ad Valorem Assessment Roll for the City of Edgewater. She explained that she checked this over and there is a $27,040. difference in these figures and the figures that were previously sent out. These figures were looked over and discussed among the Council. There was no action taken on this communication. The City Clerk stated that the next item is a letter from Briley Wild and it is just an update on a meeting they attended in Atlanta on the Public Works Employment Act of 1976. The City Clerk stated that the next item is from Russell & Axon enclosing the minutes of the meeting on the "201" plan. Councilman Dietz stated that Mr. Fernandez will come to one of our meetings later this month to bring us up to date on this program. The City Clerk read a copy of a letter to Mr. J. M. Fenske, 114 Rhode Island, from Mr. C. A. Benedict, of the Department of Transportation in regard to a request made by Mr. Fenske for a median at the intersection of Rhode Island and U.S. 1. Tape 2B The Council discussed this problem, and expressed their different opinions about how the median could be constructed and exactly where. Councilman Dietz suggested that we submit a request and see what they demand. Mayor Armstrong stated that we should have plans made up to submit with our request. It was agreed that someone in our Street Department is to draw up plans for the Council to look over and sign at our next meeting. The City Clerk read a letter from the East Vo1usia Transportation Authority inviting the City to a public hearing which is scheduled for-December 2,1976 to discuss an Operational Assistance Grant Application that the East Vo1usia Transportation Authority is in the process of filing. Mayor Armstrong stated that he plans to attend this meeting. The City Clerk read a letter from Thomas C. Kelly, County Manager, enclosing a copy of the proposed Storm Water Management and Conservation Ordinance for Vo1usia County. The City Clerk explained that this Ordinance is twe~ty pages long and she did not copy it, however it is available in City Hall. Mayor Armstrong spoke on this Ordinance, and he stated that if there is any- one who wants to read this Ordinance it is available. Now is the time to speak up if you feel that something in it is unjust. There was some discussion about our drainage problems in Edgewater. The City Clerk read a letter from Mrs. Zena Leader complaining about the plugged up drain pipe in her front yard on Orange Tree Drive, and asking that something be done to correct the problem. Mayor Armstrong brought the Council and the public up to date on this situation and how it was caused. It was stated that the supervisor of the Street Department will be given a copy of this letter so that something can be done. -4- u u The City Clerk explained that the letter from May, Zima and Company is on revenue sharing and it was given to the Council for their information. She added that the statement of assurances has been mailed in. The next letter is a copy of a letter from Mr. Keller, County Councilman to Mr. Benedict, Florida Department of Transportation. Mayor Armstrong explained the contents of the letter rather than having it read. The City Clerk read the Clerk1s Cash Statement and the General Fund Budgets for the month of September. AUDIENCE MISCELLANEOUS: Mr. Gross had a few questions about the median crossing at the end of Rhode Island and U.S. 1. Mayor Armstrong answered his questions and stated that we are going to have a report on this next week. Mayor Armstrong also answered some questions from Mr. Taylor about the City's decisions in regard to the garbage collections. There was dis- cussion about the incinerator that New Smyrna is proposing. It was pointed out how expensive this is going to be. Mayor Armstrong explained that they are planning to make a few trial runs to Tomoka to see how ex- pensive this is going to be, because we are going to have to research and go to the more feasible manner. RESOLUTIONS: At this time Mayor Armstrong opened the floor for nominations for Vice Mayor and Acting Mayor. Councilwoman Webber stated that she would like to nominate Councilman Dietz for the office of Vice Mayor, being seconded by Councilman Sikes. Upon roll call vote said motion CARRIED, 5-0. Councilman Sikes nominated Councilwoman Webber for Acting Mayor, being seconded by Councilman Dietz. Upon roll call vote said motion CARRIED, 5-0. RES. NO. 682 A RESOLUTION DECLARING COUNCILMAN CALVIN R. DIETZ TO BE VICE MAYOR AND RYTA F. WEBBER TO BE ACTING MAYOR OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA, AFTER ELECTION THEREFOR, PROVIDING SAID VICE MAYOR AND ACTING MAYOR SHALL SERVE FOR A TERM OF ONE YEAR, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE THEREFOR. Attorney Woods read the Resolution in full. Councilwoman Webber made a motion that we adopt this Resolution, being seconded by Councilman Riggs. Upon roll call vote said motion CARRIED, 5-0. RES. NO. 683 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING WILLIAM M. GILLESPIE AS CITY ATTORNEY FOR THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA, SETTING FORTH THE TERMS OF HIS REMUNERATION REPEALING ALL RESOLUTIONS IN CONFLICT HEREWITH AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Attorney Woods read the Resolution in full. Councilman Dietz made a motion to adopt this Resolution, being seconded by Councilman Sikes. Upon roll call vote said motion CARRIED, 4-1. ~- u u ORDINANCES: None OLD BUSINESS: Mayor Armstrong stated that we need to take some action in regard to the P.B.A. contract. He questioned the paragraph about the insurance. He stated that there has been an increase in the rates, and has this been negotiated with the P.B.A. representative? Councilman Dietz stated that the payroll clerk told all of the employees in the City and got a signed statement from them. Councilman Sikes pointed out that this agreement is not effective until it is signed, and this means any insurance program in effect at the time of signing it. Attorney Woods stated that it is not binding until the City signs the agreement. Mayor Armstrong questioned the Sick Leave section. He stated that we have an Ordinance in effect now, and we can not discriminate between the City employees and the Police Department employees. It was explained that a new Ordinance can be drawn up after we accept this agreement, if we do accept this agreement. Councilman Dietz made a motion that we authorize the Mayor and the City Clerk to sign the agreement for the P.B.A., being seconded by Councilman Riggs. Mr. Taylor asked a question about how much this negotiation cost the City? The City Clerk explained that to date we paid Mr. McBrayer $2,550.00 and we owe him $150.00. Upon roll call vote said motion CARRIED, 5-0. The next item is the letter to Mr. Christy from the County Civil Defense Director in regard to the Resolution providing for protection from radioactive fallout in new City buildings and in additions to existing city buildings. Mayor Armstrong stated that he has not received the results of the County referendum in regards to this. Councilman Dietz stated that he would like to have an opinion from our attorney as to whether we should enter into this before we make our decision. Mr. Christy answered questions from the Council about this. He said that he would like to get some more information on this, and he will report back to the Council. NEW BUSINESS: Councilman Dietz stated that he and Mr. Fernandez are interested in the census figure from the standpoint of the 201 program. He said that we have in access of 5200 people in Edgewater now, and we can prove it. Mr. Fernandez is going to send us a letter to this effect. ~- u u There was some discussion among the Council about this. Councilman Dietz stated that we need an accurate figure on this, because our City has grown and we need to show that in regards to this grant, and also the Department of Transportation projects. Board Appointments - Councilman Sikes made a motion that we table this until we have had time to study it a little more. Councilwoman Webber asked if the Council would bear with her a minute, she has some people she would like to tell the Council about. Councilman Sikes withdrew his motion. Councilwoman Webber stated that Mr. Shilling has some experience in Plan- ning Board work and he would be interested in serving. He lives in Pyramid. She stated that Grace Secki, has been an office manager and an executive secretary, and has been active. She would be interested in serving on the Merit Board. Mayor Armstrong explained that he has no objections to either of these people, however we have to check over all of the boards, because we have some inactive members who should be replaced and some members whose terms are up. Councilwoman Webber made a motion to table this until our next meeting, being seconded by Councilman Dietz. Upon roll call vote said motion CARRIED, 5-0. MISCELLANEOUS: There was discussion about having the Christmas lights turned on over the highway. Mayor Armstrong suggested that we write to Florida Power and Light to have them turned on December 17th until January 2nd. Councilman Dietz made a motion that the City Clerk be instructed to write a letter to Florida Power and Light Company for the Mayor to sign, asking for the lights to be turned on, being seconded by Councilwoman Webber. Upon roll call vote said motion CARRIED, 5-0. Tape 4 A Councilman Dietz stated that we have a machine in the Water Department that is 17 years old and is about to run out of gas, and it is obsolete. He stated that Mr. Cunningham from May, Zima came down and they discussed the computarized system, and we will receive a letter about this from them. Councilman Dietz stated that we have McMahan and Company working on bids to install a by pass around the Water Plant from our main line to our chlorinating system. We should have something on this next week. There was some discussion about the bids on the trucks that have been received. Councilwoman Webber stated that she has been after Mr. Christy to get the room cleaned up so that it can be used by the Rescue Squad, and now that the Chamber is going to be someplace else, what about giving this room to the Rescue Squad. Mayor Armstrong stated that the room is very large and it should be divided. Mr. Christy spoke to the Council about the plans that were drawn for this room, using a small portion of it for office space for both the Civil Defense and Rescue, and the rest of the room for the screening to show the films and training the rescue. -7- w u There was some discussion about this. Councilwoman Webber made a motion that we give the room to the Rescue Squad and Civil Defense, being seconded by Councilman Dietz. Upon roll call vote said motion CARRIED, 5-0. ADJOURNMENT: Councilman Sikes made a motion to adjourn, being seconded by Councilman Dietz. Said motion CARRIED. MINUTES TAKEN BY: Sue Bl ackwe 11 Debbie Sigler t:4~ j;~P_7 Mayor //- ATTEST: ~",) ~LJL ity Clerk Approved this liu /5 day of November, 1976. ~ ~ ?-7~~~-~ Ma or -8- ~c- ;' -r r-- " Q Q BILLS AND ACCOUNTS November 8, 1976 GENERAL FUND: Steve Kelley Dennis Warren City of Edgewater WW & SS Edgewater Motors, Inc. Florida Power & Light J . E. Tumbn n Fish Memorial Hospital The Pelican Donald Dresser Southern Bldg Code Congress American Hardware Orkin Ma~le Industries City of Edgewater Gen. Fund Diversified Electronics Burns Janitor Service New Smyrna Beach Police Dept. City Auto Supply Industrial Office Outfitters Dwights Electrical Construction Superior Cleaners Mac Smith Equipment Company Va. County Police Chiefs Assoc. Central Fla. Bag Exchange Scottys McRoberts Ti res J.E. Tumblin Insruance Judson I. Woods P.O. P.O. Fire Fire City Hall ,C.C. ,C.D. ,Fire, Bal.due on policy renewal P.O. Invitation for bids P.O. (witness fees) Bldg. Official (dues) Landfill, St.,Fire, C.C., Montly control service P.O. Petty Cash Fire City Hall P. D. Street, Garb., P.O. P.O. Council misc. Com. Ctr. P.O. Street P.O. Street Garb. Trash Workmen's camp. City Attorney WATER AND SEWER: Florida Power & Light American Hardware Dwights Hall Machine Works City Auto Supply The Wickes Corp. All ied Chlorine AAA Rentals Judson I. Woods ~Jater and Sewer Sewer Water and Sewer Water Water Water Water and Sewer Water City Attorney (Water) dh (l.t. ~~~ ~~4lu ~ ~ tI5A'I~ d:!J- ~J~~lLu~ 1-~ 14.07 78.98 5.50 3.85 Rec. 405.11 9.09 52.00 3.25 10.00 40.00 Rec. 116.63 11 4 . 00 61.20 59.49 15.35 24.48 182 . 1 6 62.83 29.32 5.54 14.75 12.00 30.58 50.00 510.00 1. 90 32.72 tiC 1- h t~-:-OO- 7.50 -1-7-,.J.9-~ . ;J O_ j 15.:J..3l> / 393.93 29.83 89.10 3.00 4.50 21.72 675.00 150.00 46.00 1,1\<3.08