04-12-2021 - Special - Deering Park104 N. Riverside Drive
Edgewater, FL 32132City of Edgewater
Meeting Minutes
City Council - Special Meeting
Mike Thomas, Mayor
Christine Power, District 1
Gigi Bennington, District 2
Megan O'Keefe, District 3
Jonah Powers, District 4
6:00 PM Council ChambersMonday, April 12, 2021
Mayor Mike Thomas, Councilwoman Megan O'Keefe, Councilman Jonah Powers,
Councilwoman Christine Power, and Councilwoman Gigi Bennington
Present:5 -
City Attorney Aaron Wolfe, City Manager Glenn Irby, and City Clerk Bonnie BrownAlso Present:3 -
a.1st Reading Ordinance No. 2021-O-10: Glenn Storch - requesting to rescind the
Restoration Development of Regional Impact Development Order
City Attorney Wolfe read the Ordinance into the record.
Mayor Thomas opened the public hearing.
Darren Lear, Development Services Director, provided a staff report and recommendation. He
advised that the his report would include the three items on the agenda as they were related. Mr.
Lear commented on specific changes to the proposed development including a reduction in total
dwelling units from 8,500 to 6,600; a reduction in commercial development from 3.3 million
square-feet to 2.8 million square-feet; and approximately 74% of the project site remaining as open
space and placed in Conservation Easements.
Glenn Storch, 430 N. Nova Road, went over the history of project, changes to law regarding DRI's,
the purchase of the property by Farmton North and their plan for moving the project forward. Mr.
Storch spoke about the proposed reduction in residential density and commercial intensity; reduction
of permitted building height; the significant conservation areas and habitat corridors; the Deering
Park Stewardship District; proposed Town Square, village neighborhoods, trail system,
transportation options and recreation areas; and Regional Utility Master Plan.
Mayor Thomas voiced concerns regarding 40-foot lots, he acknowledged that they were limited to
25%; but he would like to see the agreement include percentages for the larger lots. Mr. Storch
responded that was an issue in flexibility of planning the different neighborhoods.
Ernie Cox, explained he has been working on marketing for the project and they found that having
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April 12, 2021City Council - Special Meeting Meeting Minutes
more community open space rather than larger individual lots was in demand. He further commented
on other developments similar to this project and providing affordable lots with ample community
open space. Mr. Cox added that each neighborhood will be brought back to Council for approval
and each will have a mix of lot sizes, with the first phase lots up to 60-feet in width, they are
requesting to keep the flexibility in the PUD Agreement. Mr. Storch stated the PUD Agreement has
to have enough flexibility to allow the project to be built and reiterated that each neighborhood must
be approved by Council as a Plat.
Mayor Thomas commented on the depth and flow of the ponds within the development.
Mark Dowst, 536 N. Halifax Drive, Daytona Beach, responded to the engineering aspect of the
stormwater and fill requirements of the project. Mayor Thomas further commented on issues that can
arise in the ponds which Mr. Dowst responded to. Mr. Storch further commented on the conservation
plan and its effects on the ponds.
Mayor Thomas commented on the complaints the City received regarding other development clear
cutting the property and requested that they leave trees within the development. Mr. Storch and Mr.
Cox both provided insight into the plan for tree preservation on the property.
Mayor Thomas spoke about the multi-use trail and the use of motorized vehicles.
Councilwoman Power stated the project was limited to 1,650 40-foot lots; asked about canal and
green space maintenance. Mr. Storch stated that would be addressed within the Deering Park
Stewardship; the Master Homeowners Association and the various neighborhood associations as
appropriate. Councilwoman Power then spoke about fountains and stocking the ponds. Further
discussion ensued regarding fish in the ponds, green space and trees. Councilwoman Power stated
she hoped the trees that could be left will be left. Mr. Storch stated they are taking the time to design
the project property and stressed that 3,700± acres is being preserved.
Councilwoman Bennington asked when they expect to start development. Mr. Cox replied they
anticipate starting development in early 2022.
Councilwoman O'Keefe stated she has spoken with Mr. Storch about the project and as Council
asked a lot of great questions she had nothing further.
Councilman Powers voiced concerns with the 40-foot lots and setbacks for those lots. Mr. Storch
replied that each neighborhood would have different lot sizes and configurations based on the
product for that neighborhood and will have to be approved by Council. There was further discussion
regarding the flexibility and specifics within the PUD Agreement; Councilman Powers and Mayor
Thomas both voiced that they would like more specific setbacks. Councilman Powers stated he was
impressed with the Agreement, but was concerned with the details related to setbacks. There was
discussion related addressing the appropriate distance between driveways and sidewalks/alleys. Mr.
Cox agreed to work with Staff on that issue.
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There was additional discussion regarding the diversity of lot sizes within the different
Councilman Powers asked about the wells and the plan to get water to the development. Mr. Storch
stated that a Utility Plan is required and will address that.
Mayor Thomas discussed the buffer between the development and the Interstate; Mr. Storch
explained the different uses and buffer areas on the proposed plan. Mr. Cox further detailed the
buffer along the eastern side of the development.
Libby Levatte, 1820 Hibiscus Drive, stated she did not think Ordinance 09 was property noticed and
it should not go forward. City Clerk Brown responded that Florida Statute 166.041requires a
rezoning to be advertised at first and second reading if the permitted uses where being changed,
which they were not and deferred to the City Attorney. City Attorney Wolfe stated he believed it was
properly noticed and there would be a publication before second reading of the Ordinance. Mr.
Storch stated they have been working with Staff for several months and they are as transparent as
Mayor Thomas closed the public hearing.
A motion was made by Councilwoman Power, second by Councilwoman O'Keefe, to approve
Ordinance No. 2021-O-10. The MOTION was APPROVED by the following vote:
Yes:Mayor Thomas, Councilwoman O'Keefe, Councilman Powers, Councilwoman Power and
Councilwoman Bennington
5 -
b.1st Reading Ordinance No. 2021-O-08: Glenn Storch - requesting an amendment to
the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map (FLUM) to include property currently
designated Sustainable Community Development with Conservation Overlay as City
Mixed Use with Conservation Overlay.
City Attorney Wolfe read Ordinance No. 2021O-08 into the record.
There was no additional information on this item.
Mayor Thomas opened and closed the public hearing.
A motion was made by Councilman Powers, second by Councilwoman Power, to approve
Ordinance No. 2021-O-08. The MOTION was APPROVED by the following vote:
Yes:Mayor Thomas, Councilwoman O'Keefe, Councilman Powers, Councilwoman Power and
Councilwoman Bennington
5 -
c.1st Reading Ordinance No. 2021-O-09: Glenn Storch - requesting to amend the
Official Zoning Map to include property currently designated Sustainable Community
District Planned Unit Development as City Mixed Use Planned Unit Development
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City Attorney Wolfe read Ordinance No. 2021O-09 into the record.
Mr. Storch complimented staff and the time and work spent on this project.
Mayor Thomas opened and closed the public hearing.
A motion was made by Councilwoman Power, second by Councilwoman Bennington, to
approve Ordinance No. 2021-O-09, the accompanying PUD Agreement and Chapter 163
Agreement. The MOTION was APPROVED by the following vote:
Yes:Mayor Thomas, Councilwoman O'Keefe, Councilman Powers, Councilwoman Power and
Councilwoman Bennington
5 -
There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 7:23 p.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by:
Bonnie Brown, CMC
City Clerk
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