11-11-2020104 N. Riverside Drive
Edgewater, FL 32132City of Edgewater
Meeting Minutes
Planning and Zoning Board
6:30 PM Council ChambersWednesday, November 11, 2020
Robert Andrejkovics, Paul Wright, Thomas Duane, Burton Maroney and Eric RainbirdPresent5 -
George KennedyExcused1 -
Albert AmalfitanoAbsent1 -
Development Services Director Darren Lear and Senior Planner Bonnie BrownAlso Present 2 -
a.Regular Meeting - October 21, 2020
Mr. Wright noted that on the Minutes of October 21, 2020, item A the excused and absent names
were reversed; it should be Burt Maroney excused and Thomas Duane absent.
A motion was made by Mr. Wright, second by Mr. Duane, to approve the Minutes of
October 21, 2020 as amended The MOTION was APPROVED by the following vote:
Yes:Robert Andrejkovics, Paul Wright, Thomas Duane, Burton Maroney, and Eric Rainbird5 -
Excused:George Kennedy1 -
Absent:Albert Amalfitano1 -
a.AB-2003 - George Miles, on behalf of Adam Lovell, requesting the vacation of a
portion of 23rd Street located south of 2230 Silver Palm Drive
Mr. Lear provided a staff report and recommendation.
Vice-Chairman Andrejkovics opened the public hearing.
George Miles, 4575 Acorn Way, Edgewater, provided additional details on the proposed development
of the subject property.
Mr. Maroney asked if the new stormwater would be the same capacity as now exists, Mr. Lear
confirmed that it would.
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November 11, 2020Planning and Zoning Board Meeting Minutes
There being no further discussion, Vice-Chairman Andrejkovics closed the public hearing.
A motion was made by Mr. Wright, second by Mr. Rainbird, to send a favorable
recommendation to City Council for AB-2003. The MOTION was APPROVED by the
following vote:
Yes:Robert Andrejkovics, Paul Wright, Thomas Duane, Burton Maroney, and Eric Rainbird5 -
Excused:George Kennedy1 -
Absent:Albert Amalfitano1 -
b.AN-2006 - Roy-Travis Hanan requesting annexation of 3.42± acres of land located
south of 3042 South Ridgewood Avenue.
Mr. Lear provided a staff report and recommendation.
Vice-Chairman Andrejkovics opened and closed the public hearing.
A motion was made by Mr. Maroney, second by Mr. Duane, to send a favorable
recommendation to City Council for AN-2006. The MOTION was APPROVED by the
following vote:
Yes:Robert Andrejkovics, Paul Wright, Thomas Duane, Burton Maroney, and Eric Rainbird5 -
Excused:George Kennedy1 -
Absent:Albert Amalfitano1 -
c.CPA-2010 - Roy-Travis Hanan requesting an Amendment to the Comprehensive
Plan Future Land Use Map to include 3.42± acres of land located south of 3042
South Ridgewood Avenue as Commercial with Conservation Overlay.
Mr. Lear provided a staff report and recommendation.
Vice-Chairman Andrejkovics opened and closed the public hearing.
A motion was made by Mr. Wright, second by Mr. Duane, to send a favorable
recommendation to City Council for CPA-2010. The MOTION was APPROVED by the
following vote:
Yes:Robert Andrejkovics, Paul Wright, Thomas Duane, Burton Maroney, and Eric Rainbird5 -
Excused:George Kennedy1 -
Absent:Albert Amalfitano1 -
d.RZ-2009 - Roy-Travis Hanan requesting an Amendment to the Official Zoning Map
to include 3.42± acres of land located south of 3042 South Ridgewood Avenue as
B-3 (Highway Commercial).
Mr. Lear provided a staff report and recommendation.
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November 11, 2020Planning and Zoning Board Meeting Minutes
Vice-Chairman Andrejkovics opened and closed the public hearing.
A motion was made by Mr. Maroney, second by Mr. Duane, to send a favorable
recommendation to City Council for RZ-2009. The MOTION was APPROVED by the
following vote:
Yes:Robert Andrejkovics, Paul Wright, Thomas Duane, Burton Maroney, and Eric Rainbird5 -
Excused:George Kennedy1 -
Absent:Albert Amalfitano1 -
e.CPA-2011 - The City of Edgewater requesting an amendment to the Comprehensive
Plan Future Land Use Map to change 2.2± acres of land located south of 33rd and
34th Streets and east of India Palm Drive from Commercial to Medium Density
Mr. Lear provided a staff report and recommendation.
Vice-Chairman Andrejkovics opened the public hearing.
Vice-Chairman Andrejkovics noted for the record that a letter of objection was received from Pat
Crosby, 3424 India Palm Drive.
The following individuals spoke in support of the request:
Shari Cockefair, 3308 India Palm Drive
Leon Alcantara, 251 Volco Road
Julie Canady, 3307 India Palm Drive
Norman Haich, 2515 Yule Tree Drive, asked for confirmation of the parcels subject to the
Mr. Maroney asked for clarification of the residents concern about rebuilding the structures; Mr.
Lear provided additional information on the non-conforming structure/use regulations and how the
proposed amendments would eliminate that issue for these homeowners.
There being no further discussion Vice-Chairman Andrejkovics closed the public hearing.
A motion was made by Mr. Wright, second by Mr. Maroney, to send a favorable
recommendation to City Council for CPA-2011. The MOTION was APPROVED by the
following vote:
Yes:Robert Andrejkovics, Paul Wright, Thomas Duane, Burton Maroney, and Eric Rainbird5 -
Excused:George Kennedy1 -
Absent:Albert Amalfitano1 -
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November 11, 2020Planning and Zoning Board Meeting Minutes
f.RZ-2010 - The City of Edgewater requesting an amendment to the Official Zoning
Map to change 2.2± acres of land located south of 33rd and 34th Streets and east of
India Palm Drive from B-2 (Neighborhood Business) to R-4 (Multi-Family
Mr. Lear provided a staff report and recommendation.
Vice-Chairman Andrejkovics opened and closed the public hearing.
A motion was made by Mr. Wright, second by Mr. Maroney, to send a favorable
recommendation to City Council for RZ-2010. The MOTION was APPROVED by the
following vote:
Yes:Robert Andrejkovics, Paul Wright, Thomas Duane, Burton Maroney, and Eric Rainbird5 -
Excused:George Kennedy1 -
Absent:Albert Amalfitano1 -
g.SD-2002 - Vincent Alison requesting Preliminary Plat approval for Elegant Manor
Mr. Lear provided a staff report and recommendation.
Vice-Chairman Andrejkovics opened the public hearing.
Debra Winger, 2204 Vista Palm, spoke regarding traffic concerns.
Mr. Lear advised that traffic studies have been completed for this project and that Air Park Road
will be straightened out and a three-way stop constructed. He added that there is currently a study
being completed by the TPO to add a sidewalk along Air Park Road.
There being no further discussion Vice-Chairman Andrejkovics closed the public hearing.
A motion was made by Mr. Wright, second by Mr. Maroney, to send a favorable
recommendation to City Council for SD-2002. The MOTION was APPROVED by the
following vote:
Yes:Robert Andrejkovics, Paul Wright, Thomas Duane, Burton Maroney, and Eric Rainbird5 -
Excused:George Kennedy1 -
Absent:Albert Amalfitano1 -
h.VA-2028 - George Kennedy requesting a variance from the ParkTowne Industrial
Center PUD (Planned Unit Development) Agreement for property located at 309
Base Leg Drive.
Mr. Lear provided a staff report and recommendation.
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November 11, 2020Planning and Zoning Board Meeting Minutes
Vice-Chairman Andrejkovics opened and closed the public hearing.
A motion was made by Mr. Wright, second by Mr. Rainbird, to approve VA-2028. The
MOTION was APPROVED by the following vote:
Yes:Robert Andrejkovics, Paul Wright, Thomas Duane, Burton Maroney, and Eric Rainbird5 -
Excused:George Kennedy1 -
Absent:Albert Amalfitano1 -
a. Development Services Director's Report
None at this time.
There being no further business to discuss the meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m.
Minutes Respectfully Submitted by:
Bonnie Brown, Senior Planner
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1. My first objection to buildings across the street from my home at 3424 India Palm in Edgewater is
that my property will be devalued. My house is an attractive family home that is grouped at the end of
the street next to 35`h street. Across the street from me is a forest area with Florida trees and a swamp.
It is the Florida that I grew up with in the Fifties.
2. 1 am a Florida native. One of the reasons that I moved here is that across the street from me looks
like Florida. Now the trees and swamp will be torn up and made into housing that is not the same
quality as mine.
3. Multi -residence housing that is perched on the edge of the railroad track — precisely where the
whistle blows several times a day will not be desirable property.
4. 1 understand the real estate market and the need to house more people in Florida and in Edgewater,
but I also realize that such housing as that proposed does not lend itself to quality neighborhoods. If
you compared the police calls to the multi -residence neighborhood north of 30`h Street on India Palm,
you would probably find that the incidence of calls is higher than other places in Edgewater.
5. Yes, I live adjacent to a duplex — and the window shades are torn up and ugly and I have to see those
every day. The yard is seldom mowed. The children's swimming pool is upside down and the yard is
unkempt. I have first hand experience with this type of neighborhood life.
6. Florida Shores has been in existence since the 50s. It was designed as affordable homes, attractively
landscaped and well kept for families of moderate means. You can certainly see the difference between
those homes that were built to a standard that's acceptable and those that were hastily built for profit,
with no thought to esthetics. These exist in several areas in "the Shores." They are often less than
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