12-10-1974 - Special
. ,
DECEMBFR 10, 1974
The Special Session of the City Council of the City of fdgewater
Florida was called to order Tuesday, December 10, 1974 hy Mayor
David C. Severance.
Mayor David C. Severance
Councilman Jacob Lodico
Councilman ~illiam Cairnie
Councilman Walter B. Sikes
Councilman Calvin Dietz
City Manager Dale Bryant
City Attorney Joseph E. Weaver
Deputy City Clerk FU zabeth .J. Crouser
Police Chief George R. Katez
Lt. Norman Pc Ca 11 (Pol ice Dept.)
Mayor Severance explained that the reason this meeting was called,
was that the County Council is having their meeting Thursday and one
of the requirements of Edgewater to FHA is that we get a letter of
concurrence so that the final paper work can be started witll the
FHfi people in Gainesville.
RFsnLUT lI"'i'J
The ahove nesol tit ion was reael in full hy r.i ty Attorney .Toseph E.
Council~an Lo~ico ~llly ~ade a motion to adopt said Resolution as
read heing seconded by Councilman Cairnie.
Councilwan Sikes state~ that it says that the FJgewatcr Flant will
not he expanded that it will only he maintained, he asked if we
were arreeinr with this.
Tape 1
Side A
5 }of in.
Mr. Fernan~ez statcJ that we arc not refering to that in this
resolution. lie explained to Councilman r.airnie, the Volusia
County Plan, that the short term plan presents three water alter-
natives and two sewer alternatives. Three water alternatives all
invlove a dealing with the City of New Smyrna Reach.
Councilman Sikes stated that there is a minimum of two years for this
water and sewer project, and if we don't get it, it means that we
arc going to have to have a huildin~ moratorium for at least a year
10 'Tin. or maybe longer.
. .
15 Hin. nr. Armstrong stated that the County can not override the City
in municipalities, that they can override the municipalities in
the pollution category only. But they must come up with an
alternative. They have no right to say that Edgewater has to
hook on to New Smyrna.
20 ~Tin.
'tayor Severance stated that he has talked with Mr. Skoval, and
he has given him the opinion that if we were ready to roll on
this project, and were at a point to where a moritorium would
be needed,if we did not do something now and the County could
not service us, that hooking up to New Smyrna would not solve the
problem, because they have a water problem of their own.
Mayor Severance stated that the whole solution to the County system
the way that it is now is to petition and get back on the ballot
to discontinue the Charter. The County can take action on this
Thursday night.
City Attorney Weaver stated that this resolution is intended to,
as a long range type of thing, in concurrence with the lonp range
plan we realize thet we can't keep serving Edgewater with water
25 Min. from our well field, when Edgewater is a 15,000 population.
Tape 1
Side 13
Councilman Sikes asked what we will do if they don't grant this
request. Mayor Severanse answered that if the City does not proceed
with the immediate plans to improve the facilities, a building
moratorium within the City of Fdgewater will have to be declared.
Then we will have to rescend this resolution and turn it over to
the Attorney to seek out leral assistance and possi1)ly go to the
5 'Hn.
\',Ii th there be ing no further ques t ions }jayor Severance call eel for
roll callan saie1 resolution. Upon roll call vote said motion
t,\rJ~l\r BITS INrS~ .
'fro Fernandez introduced ~rr. Carl \Tontikie of Briley Wild & Assoc.
to the Council, he hriefed the Caucnil on the lommunity Block
Plan Proprarn, which is a Federal Aid Program that is available for
Hr. 71lontikie stat(->d that this is brand new legislature, this
program is callen the 1~74 l-'ol1sing Act. Tt appropriates 8.4
billion dollars. Tt is strictly to rive money to the City.
The purpose of the propram is to combine several old programs
10 'Iin. that Pousinp Urban Development 1,ad.
After he discussed this with the Council he recommended to the
City to consider retting started on this program, that he felt
15 ~Hn. tllat tlley have an opportunity to qualify.
nr. ~,Iontikje stated that any if the Councilmen have any questions
he would answer them.
20 Min. Councilman Dietz asked what this program would cost the City.
}fro \fontikie stated tlJat all that it would cost would be time
and paper work. Pe stated that the City could go out and hire
someone to do strictly the whole thing.
25 Min.
Tape 2
Siele A
5 ~.iin.
Mayor Severance stated that he could think of a lot of needs
the City has for this program right off hand.
Mayor Severance stated that he was definately in favor of going
after this but would likc to keep the cost as low as ppssible in
doing so. The size of our community is going to be a bearing to
how much we can get and how we are poinp to qualify.
Mayor Severance read the letter TUD. Fe stated that Thursday night
10 or 15 minutes should he set aside and decide if we want to go into
this program seriously and set up some direction for the City
Manager to go hy.
Mayor Severanc intertained a motion to adjourn, Councilman Lodico
seconded the motion, Councilman Sikes rescended this motion for
more discussion.
Councilman Dietz stated that 11e would like to have a meeting one
morning with the City Manager and get all of the files out on
the water 8 sewer project so that we can get this a little clearer
10 Min. in our mind s .
The Council then went into discussion on this water and sewer system
15 },-fj n. project with l\'lr. Fernande z and Hr. Armstrong.
20 Hin.
Tape 2
Side B
10 Min.
15 r'lin.
Mayor ~everance suggested that this meeting he held in the evening
hours so that Mrs. Sedgwick and Mrs. Rlackw~11 could he present,
holding it in the ~ayor's office with accessibility to everything
in the vault and in the water files for questioning.
Councilman Dietz asked that if we e-ive ~!r. Cameron a varience
for this ~robile Fome Park, and he doesn't have to pay for it,
does this chanpe our ordinance. "Ir. Pernandcz stated that it
did not change jt.
City Managcr Bryant stated that FFA has already aQllired certain
information of which our auditors have provided and was applied to
their formula which told us whether we could afford it or not and
1"hat our rate structure has to he based on the number of present
customers based on the number of anticipated customers. All of
this information came from our information in City Jlall. He felt
that it did not require the whole staff to ro over what has alrcady
been clone.
Mayor ~everance stated that the reason for this ~92,OOO heing all
airmarked in Revenue Sharing for water and sewer was in case we
diel not pet an FHA Loan, we knew that we were going to have to
have some money to do somethin~.
, .
~ayor Severance stated that he was personally satisfieel with the
reports that have heen prepared by the auditors and the engineers
and the reports that they have prepared have been taken from the
records in City Pall.
20 P;in. Councilman Lodico stat~d that it is each Councilmans duty to go over-
to the water and sewer plants to see if they are working right and
to check them out. He felt that no meeting was necessary.
Councilman Dietz made a motion to have a meeting December 11, 1974
at 9: ~o A,rf. ~fayor Severance called for a second. Councilman
Cairnie stated that the Council does have a workshop meeting Thursday
night, and that it would he much better if we did not have a meeting
. .
this week and then have this meeting on the following week when
we don't have any workshop ~eetings: Due to the lack of a
second said motion DIED.
Councilman Lodico made a motion to adjourn this fueeting, being
seconded by Councilman Cairnie. Upon roll call vote said motion
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