11-06-1974 - Special ~ o ~ , THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER SPECIAL MEETING HELD NOVEMBER 6. 1974 The Special Meeting of the City Council was called to order Wednesday. November 6. 1974. at 5:00 P.M.. in the Mayor's Office. by Mayor David C. Severance. ROLL CALL Mayor Severance Councilman Lodico Councilman Clinton Gounci1man Sikes Councilman Bevel City Manager Bryant City Attorney Weaver City Clerk Sue Blackwell Chief of Police Katez Present Present Excused Present Present Present Present Present Present BILLS & ACCOUNTS None OFFICERS REPORTS Certification of 15 absentee ballots The absentee ballots were opened and counted: William H. Cairnie received 7 votes Edward K. Clinton received 7 votes. James M. Mackie. Jr. received 1 vote. RESOLUTIONS RESOLUTION NO. 544 A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE RESULTS OF A REGULAR ELECTION IN THE CITY OF EDGEWATER. VOLUSIA COUNTY. FLORIDA. NOVEMBER 5. 1974. FOR THE PURPOSE OF ELECTING A COUNCILMAN OF ZONE 2. AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE THEREFOR. The above Resolution was read in full by Joseph E. Weaver. City Attorney. Councilman Lodico duly made a motion to adopt this Resolution. being seconded by Councilman Bevel. Upon roll call vote said motion CARRIED. Councilman Sikes duly made a motion to recess this meeting until 7:30 P.M.. November 6. 1974. being seconded by Councilman Lodico. Upon roll call vote said motion CARRIED. o (.) The Special Meeting of the City Council was reca1~ed to order Wednesday, November 6, 1974, at 7:30 in the Community Center by Mayor David C. Severance. ROLL CALL Hayor Severance Councilman Lodico Councilman Clinton Councilman Sikes Councilman Bevel City Manager Bryant City Attorney Weaver City Clerk Sue Blackwell Chief of Police Katez Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present APPROVAL OF MINUTES Councilman Lodico duly made a motion to addept the minutes of the Regular Meeting held November 4, 1974, being seconded by Council- man Clinton. Upon roll call vote said motion CARRIED. BILLS & ACCOUNTS None OFFI CERS 'REPORTS Certification of Posting COMMUNICATIONS None RESOLUTIONS None ORDINANCES None NEW BUSINESS At this time Mayor Sevenance gave Mr. Clinton the floor. He con- gratulated Mr. Dietz and Mr. Cairnie. He stated that it has been a pleasure to work on the council, and that he would like to make a public apology to Mr. LaBonde, on his being fired. He also stated that anyone involved with the rumor that he has been using City equipment and water in regards to building a sw~mming pool, can check with the City Clerk and get the truth. Councilman Lodico stated that this 1s true and that he checked himself with City Hall. The floor was given to Mr. Bevel. He also congratulated Mr. Dietz and Mr. Cairnie. He stated to the public to help these men, and the council. He stated that it has been a pleasure to work with this council. Councilman Sikes and Councilman lodico, both welcomed the new Councilmen, and expressed their willingness to work together for the will of the City. Mayor Severance thanked Councilman Clinton and Councilman Bevel for their hard work and time spent on the council. -2- o o Councilman Sikes made a motion to recess this meeting for the swearing in of the new council members, being seconded by Council- man Clinton. Upon roll call vote said motion CARRIED. This meeting was recessed. At this time the City Clerk administered the Oath of Office to the new councilmen for Zones 2 and 4. The City Council Meeting was called back to order by Mayor David C. Severance. ROLL CALL Mayor Severance Councilman Lodico Councilman Cairnie Councilman Sikes Councilman Dietz City Manager Bryant City Attorney Weaver City Clerk Sue Blackwell Chief of Police Katez Present Present" Present Present Present Present Present Present present The floor was given to Councilman Cairnie at this time. He thanked the people of Edgewater for their support, and voter turnout. He congratulated the outgoing councilmen for their hard work. He also stated that he is willfna to work with the council for the betterment of the town. ~ Councilman Dietz also thanked the people and stated that he is ready to get down to business. Mayor Severance welcomed the new members to the council. NEW BUSINESS Councilman Dietz made a motion that Councilman Lodico be named Vice Mayor and Councilman Cairnie be Acting Mayor, being seconded by Councilman Sikes. Upon roll call vote said motion CARRIED. RESOLUTIONS RESOLUTION NO. 545 A RESOLUTION DECLARING JACOB LODICO TO BE VICE MAYOR AND WILLIAM H, CAIRNIE TO BE ACTING MAYOR OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA, AFTER ELECTION THEREFOR. PROVIDING SAID VICE MAYOR AND ACTING MAYOR SHALL SERVE FOR A TERM OF ONE YEAR, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE THEREFOR. Said Resolution was read in full by Joseph E. Weaver, City Attorney. Councilman Cairnie duly made a motion to adopt this Resolution, being seconded by Councilman Lodico. Upon roll call vote said motion CARRIED. -3- o o ANNOUNCEMENT: Mr. Weaver made the announcement that he has been appointed by the local government section of the Florida Bar, to the Land Use Planning and Zoning Environmental Regulations Board, which he stated that he hopes will have some benefits to the City of Edgewater. ADJOURNMENT Councilman Dietz made a motion to recess this meeting until Thursday, November 7, 1974, at 9:30 A.M. to bring the two new councilmen up to date on the current events of City business, being seconded by Councilman Cairnie. Upon roll call vote said motion CARRIED. Vice Mayor Jacob Lodico called the recessed meeting of November 6, 1974, back to order at 9:30 A.M., November 7, 1974. ROLL CALL Mayor Severance Councilman Lodico Councilman Cairnie Councilman Sikes Councilman Dietz City Manager Bryant City Attorney Weaver City Clerk Sue Blackwell Chief of Police Katez Absent Present Present Absent Present Present Present Present Present Councilman Lodico stated that this meeting is being held only to bring Councilman Dietz and Councilman Cairnie up to date on business. Councilman Dietz made a statement that the rumors going around that he wants to fire employees is not true, he wants everyone to go to work and relax. Councilman Cairnie stated that as agreed last night there are to be no Resolutions, mot$ons, or the like at this meeting today. Chief Katez at this time welcomed the new members to the council on behalf of his department. Mr. Weaver passed out pampfilets on new laws involving municipalities. Mr. Weaver discussed the following matters with the Council: Collective bargainingi he explained that this is why the raises have been given lately among the city employees. Federal and State Revenue Sharing. . Sunshine Law ( Any meeting of two or more councilmen or members of the same board without due public notice in whicn impending city business or business properly brought before that board is discussed with knowledge thereof is a violation of the Sunshine Law.) Home Rule Law Well fieldproperty F.H.A. Loan -4- o o The City t1anager explained his duties to the coonci1 members and answered a lot of questions about city employees. There was some discussion about the many boards of the City, especially the Zoning and Planning Board and the Zoning Board of Adjustment. There was discussion about the City Barn, and the City Manager explained that more information will be available at the next workshop. The new handball courts and tennis court was discussed. Mr. Bryant explained that this should be finished within a couple of weeks. City Manager Bryant stated that progress is being made on the Park & Pier Seawall project. City Manager Bryant reported on the prog~ess of the original garbage dump and future use of it. Councilman Dietz made a motion to authorize the City Clerk to advertise that there will be special workshop November 11, 13, and 14, in the Mayor's office at 9:30 A.M., being seconded by Councilman Cairnie. Upon roll call vote said motion CARRIED. Councilman Cairnie made a motion to adjourn this meeting, being seconded by Councilman Dietz. Upon roll call vote said motion CARRIED. MINUTES TAKEN BY:' Sue Blackwell ~/~~ ,~~ _J /-~ ~ -.~ p-- -P- ATTEST: ~~~er~ Approved this 18 day of -5-