07-18-1974 - Public Hearing e ~ , , ~ ( u ~ PUBLIC HEARING GARBAGE & TRASH July 18, 1974 r r Mayor Severance called the Public Hearing to order at 7:30 P.M., July 18, 1974. City Clerk Sue Blackwell called roll: ~ Councilman Lod~co Mayor Severance Councilman Clinton Councilman Sik~s Councilman Bevel City Attorney Weaver City Clerk Sue Blackwell Deputy Clerk Debbie Sigler Chief of Police Kates Absent Present Present Present Present (Came in late) Present Present Present Present (For the record, there were four interested Edgewater citizens present at this Public Hearing.) Mayor Severance read the proposal presented by May, Zima & Company on the Garbage and Trash Rate Study. Mayor Severance explained that the charts prepared in the proposal, (Schedule A and B), are simply a breakdown of what has been spent_in previous years and what is expected, with the rate increases, to be spent next year. I Mr. Sikes raised a question as to the repairs on the trucks. (mentioned in the proposal.) I . Mayor Severance explained that one garbage truck had hydraulic work done on it, transmission work was done on one truck, and an engine was put in another truck. Mr. Sikes asked if we get the new barn, is it in the plans to get a qualified mechanic and pay him a good salary. c Mayor Severance answered that that's one of the future goals, which would save a lot of expense on such repairs. r Mayor Severance asked if there were any questions in regard to the recommendations to the-rates: , r Mr. Sikes questioned if the 7S~ increase is going to ~e enough? Mayor Severance explained that with such an increase the city should remain An estimated $1387.00 ahead at the end of the rear. C Mr. Clinton suggested that the commercial businesses just be raised 7S~ as well. ~ ~r. Bevel commented that we have already hit businesses pretty hard on their water. If they have more garbage, they still have to pay $1~00 per additional can. Also he remark~d that the mobile home parks should be treated the same as residents, and allowed a 3 can limit. ~ t t I. . r r Ii- , ~ u f" f f I On the discussion about businesses being treated different if they dump tlheir own garbage and trash, Mayor Severance stated that Mr. Mc Manamy, Inspector for State Pollution IControl will not allow a contractual basis for our dump. I It is to be put in writing that businesses will not be authorized to ~ake their garbage out to the dump and dump it because they are dumping it where they like and not where it should be dumped. (This is to be put on the agenda and discussed at another meeting.) Mayor Severance asked Mr. Weaver to take the Trash and Garbage Ordinance and rew~ite it including a section demanding the businesses to put up enclosures for their garbage and trash. To be enforceable as of the first day of September. Mayor Severance stated for the public's interest, that with the new rates for the water, sewer and garbage, the minimum bill to a single family residence reflects an over all increase of 2S~. Mayor Severance again asked for questions: Mr. Clark brought up a complaint about the public using his garbage cans. I " :,. J ~ ; It was decided4that Mr. Clark should not have to pay ror the extra can himself for the public use, and the city should put ac large can down on his property for such use. ~ Mayor Severanc~ instructed,the City Attorney to draw cup the ordinance regarding the new trash and garbage rates. j "' ;. Councilman Clinton made a motion to adjourn the hearing. Councilman Sik~s seconded the motion. I The public hea~ing adjourned at 8:40 P.M., July 18, 1974. . . I r . 1 t . t , .. I 1 , . 4 ~ , If t ; ~ I