05-23-1974 - Public Hearing/Zoning & Planning Board Q o ZONING & PLANNING BOARD PUBLIC HEftRING MAY 23, 1974 The second night of the Public Hearing of the Zoning & Planning Baord was called to order May 23, 1974 at 7:30 P.M. by Chairman Robert Holfe. R0LL CALL John Brittinaham Hilliam Glaser L. E. Harris Thomas B. Loveland James M. Mackie David Mc Callister \.11 1 1 i am N i c h 0 1 s Paymond Sham bora David L. Higgins Pobert Holfe Present .absent Absent /lbsent Present Present Present Present Absent Present The 70ning & Planninq Board started with 1-1. Since majority of the audience were concerned with the Industrial Zoning. 1-1 LIGHT INDUSTPIAL DISTRICT - Description read by Mr. Nichols Intent: This district is intended primarily for light manufacturing processinq, storage, wholesaling and distribution. The reaulations are intended to prevent frictions between uses ~/ithin the district and also to rrotect nearby residential districts. Permitted Uses: Skatin9 rink, boat building, repair and sales, building material sales, cold storage, freezer locker, contractor & construction offices and equipment storage, farm machinery sales and service, food and beverage processing (except for slaughter of animals), printing, engraving & publishing establish- ments, paint & body shoos, open storage of non combustible materials. Upon request from floor for swimming pools added to permitted uses. Mr. Nichols made a motion that this board" include a public swimming pool in the 1-1 district, being seconded by Mr. Me Callister~ Motion passes 6-0. /lccessory Uses: any accessory use customarily incidential to a permitted principal use. Storage yards, provided such areas are enclosed by a fence at least six feet ~iah. Mr. May requested changing property between 1251 North of Ocean to Snider Street, 120. depth to 1-1 zoning for truck parking and maintenance. Mr. Mc Callister made a motion that the board accept in 1-1 on the May oroperty only, garage, parking & maintenance of trucks, beino seconded by Mr. Mackie. Board read requirements for buffer zone ion this area. Motion passes 6-0. Special Exceptions: Animal hospitals or boarding kennals provided no structures, pens or kennels are located closer than 501 to any property line, provided further that open kennels are screened from view and are not located within 5001 of any residential area. Dimensional Pequirements: *Rcfer to ordinance. -1 - Q o ~r. Mc Callister made a motion to accept 1-1 as read, being seconded by Mr. Mackie. Mr. May asked to have property from Otter to Pine Bluff 120' in depth along Old County Poad, zoned for offices. Mr. Mackie withdrew his second with Mr. Mc Callister withdrawing his motion. Mr. ~c Callister made a motion to extend 1-1 125 feet from Ocean Avenue North to Pine Bluff, bein~ seconded by Mr. Mackie. Motion rasses 6-0. Mr. Mackie made a motion to accept 1-1 as chanqed, being seconded by Mr. Brittinaham. Motion passes 6-0. 1-2 HEAVY INDUSTRIAL DISTqICT - Description read by Mr. Nichols. Intent: The Heavy Industrial District is intended primarily for heavy manufacturinq and closely related uses. Permitted Uses: * Refer to Ordinance. Special Exceptions: Animal hospitals or boarding kennels, provided no structures, pens or boardin9 kennels are located closer than 50 feet of any property line, orovided further that open kennels are screened from view and can not be closer than 500 feet to any residential property line. Dimensional Requirements: * Refer to Ordinance. After reouest from floor to add paint plant and delete asphalt plant from rermitted uses, Mr. Mc Callister made a motion that we withdraw asphalt plants under permitted uses and place them under special exceptions,.'providing that they are permitted only by special nermission of the City Council, then placing paint manufacturing under oermitted uses, being seconded by Mr. Nichols. Motion passes 6-0. Mr. Mc Callister made a motion to accept 1-2 as read with the changes, being seconded by Mr. Brittingham, Motion passes 6-0. 1-3 INDUSTRIAL PARK DISTRICT - Description read by Mr. Nichols. Intent; The 1-3 Industrial Park District is intended to provide attractive sites for planned industrial developements which are capable of being operated under hiqh standards as to location and appearance of buildings. To preserve these districts for future development as industrial parks, residential or commercial or other unrelated uses shall not be permitted. These regulations shall also be interpreted to exclude uses which will create hazardous, noxious or offensive conditions to the industrial park and/or community. Permitted Uses, Permitted Accessory Uses, * Refer to Ordinance. t1r. Wolfe stated that under Special Exceptions, there is storage of cumbustionable materials with special permission required by City Council. Dimensional Pequirements: *Refer to Ordinance. Mr. Mc Callister made a motion to accent 1-3 as read, being seconded by Mr. Mackie. Motion passes 6-0. The Board then turned back to 8-1. -2- o o B-1 CENTRAL BUSIflESS DISTRICT - Description read by t~r. Nichols. Intent: The Central Business District forms the metropol itan center for commercial, financial, professional, governmental and cultural activities. The Central Business District is intended to protect and improve the central business district for the performance of tts primary functions and to discourage uses not reouirina a central location which would create friction in the efficient rerformance of primary functions which must be centralized. Permitted Uses: *Refer to Ordinance. Mr. tlack i e made a moti on to i ncl ude Liquor Stores & package stores in Permitted Uses, being seconded by Mr. Brittingham. Motion passes 6-0. Special Exceptions: Unclassified businesses should apply to the City Zoning and Plannina Board for approval. Dimensional Requirements: * Refer to Ordinance. Mr. Shambora made a motion to accept B-1 as read, being seconded by Mr. Mackie. Motion passes 6-0. B-2 NEIGHBORHOOD BUSINESS DISTRICT - Des~ription read by Mr. Nichols. Intent: The Neighborhood Business District is intended to provide goods and services for the frequent needs of residents, and to assure that the operation of neighborhood businesses are not detri- mental to adjoinin9 residential uses. Permitted Uses: *Refer to Ordinance Mr. Brittingham made a motion to delete the pool rooms, being seconded by t" r. S ham b 0 r a . Tie 3 - 3 . Mr. B r i t tin g ham, r" r. S ham b 0 r a, and Mr. Mc Callister voted for and Mr. Nichols, Mr. Mackie and Mr. Wolfe voted aoainst. Chairman Wolfe voted to make the tie. Pool room \'1 a s 1 eft in. Mr. Shambora made a motion to change it from pool room to billard parlor, being seconded by Mr. Mc Callister. Motion passes 5-1. Mr. Brittingham voted aqainst. Dimensional Requirements: * Refer to Ordinance. Mr. Mackie made a motion to accert B-2 as read and changed, being seconded by Mr. Mc Callister. Motion passes 6-0. B-3 HIGHWAY SERVICE BUSINESS DISTRICT - Description read by Mr. Nichols. Intent: The Highway Service Business District is intended for application along highways carrying large volumes of traffic, where establishments may locate to serve large sections of the City and the persons travelinq in vehicles. Permitted Uses, Permitted Accessory Uses, Special Exceptions, and Dimensional Requirements * Refer to Ordinance. Mr. Mc Callister made a motion to accept B-3 as read, being seconded by Mr. ~ichols. Motion passes 6-0. B-4 THE TOURIST COMMERCIAL DISTRICT - Description read by Mr. Nichols. Intent: The tourist commercial district is intended primarily for -3- o o uses which provide accomodations for people who need accomodations while visitinq or vacationing in Edgewater, Florida. Permitted Uses, Accessory Uses, Special Excertions and Dimensional Reauirements, * Refer to Ordinance. Mr. Brittingham made a motion to accept B-4 as read, being seconded by Mr. Mc Callister. Motion passes 6-0. B-5 SHOPPING CENTER DISTRICT - Description read by Mr. Nichols. Intent: The B-5 planned shopping center district is intended for the establishment of retail sharping facilities which will provide goods and services for the people to be served, minimize traffic congestion on thoroughfares and public streets in its vicinity, and shall conform to the policies of the Edgewater Land Use Map. Permitted Uses, Permitted Accessory Uses, Special Exceptions and Dimensional Peouirments and etc., * Refer to Ordinance. Mr. Shambora made a motion to accept 8-5 as read being seconded by Mr. Brittinoham. Upon reauest from the floor, correction made to map changing depth from Banyan to A1amanda in Florida Shores B-5 District. Motion passes 6-0. B-6 MEDICAL PPOFESSIONAL DISTRICT - Description read by Mr. Nichols. Intent: The Medical Professional District is intended to provide an area where medical and professional uses may be grouped together for purposes of convenience and operating under high standards as to location and appearance of buildings and the treatment of the land in which the district occurs. I Permitted Uses, Permitted Accessory Uses, Special Exceptions and Dimensional Pequir~ments. * Refer to Ordinance. Mr. Brittingham made a motion to accept B-6 as read, being seconded by Mr. Mc Callister. Motion passes 6-0. Mr. Nichols made a motion that this ordinance supercede all other ordinances reqarding zonin9 and that these recommendations be passed along to the City Council for their consideration, being seconded by Mr. Mackie. Question by Mr. Mc Callister about the maximum building coverage in 1-1 Zone. Mr. Nichols withdrew his motion with Mr. Mackie withdrawing his second. Mr. Nichols made a motion to amend the Maximum building coverage in 1-1, 1-2, and 1-3, it can not be greater than required side, front and rear setback, being seconded by Mr. Nichols. Motion passes 6-0. Mr. Mc Callister made a motion that the May property on Riverside Drive be zoned as P-1P, beinq seconded by Mr. Nichols, Motion passes 6-0. Mr. Nichols made a motion that this ordinance supercede all other ordinances regarding zoning and that these recommendations be passed along to the City Council for their consideration, being seconded by Mr. Mc Callister. Motion passes 6-0. Mr. Brittingham made a motion that this Public Hearing be adjourned, being seconded by Mr. Mackie. Motion passed 6-0. Meeting adjourned a t 9' 5 0 P. ~1 . -4- --, . ~- ~ ......",- ..d.