12-04-1972 - Regular . ~ .. o (.) THE CITY COU~CIL OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER REGULAR MEETING HELD DECEMBEP 4, 1972 The Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida was called to order by Mayor Dana T. Armstrong on Monday, December 4, 1972 at 7:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Mayor Dana T. Armstrong Councilwoman Marian Crigger Councilman Edward K. Clinton Councilman David C. Severance Councilman John G. Bevel City Attorney Joseph E. Weaver City Clerk Cornelia A. Kinsey Deputy City Clerk Elizabeth J. Crouser Police Chief George P. Katez Present Present Present Present Present Absent Present Present Present I I I I .~ I I APPPOVAL OF MINUTES Councilwoman Crigger made a motion to approve the minutes of the meeting held November 20, 1972, and the motion was seconded by Councilman Clinton. Upon roll call vote said motion CARRIED. BILLS & ACCOUNTS GENERAL GOVERNMENT SOllthern Bell City Auto Supply Dwight's Standard Oi 1 Co. t'l 0 mar, I n c . Joseph E. Weaver Southern Building Code N.S. Camm. Printers Goodyear Svc. Stores Xerox Vo1usia Comm. Svc. N;?;..~DGEHATER Humane Pit n e y B 0 \'1 e s Color TV Svc. Center BILLS Fire, Police, Street, Garb. Police, Gen'l Gen'l Gov't Garb. Gen'l Gov't Congress Gen'l Gen'l Gov't Street Gen'l Gov't Police Society Gen,l Gov't Gen'l Gov't D E C Er>1 B E R 4, 72.53 158.01 35.55 228.67 75.00 277.50 25.00 60.00 29.92 49.38 30.00 100.00 26.75 30.00 1,198.30 1972 Street Drain, Police Gov't Gov't 1. \, o (.) HATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENTS Southern Bell Water Fla. Water & Pollution Control Assoc. Water Water Pollution Control Federation Water Burroughs Corn. Water tlones Chemical, Inc. Hater & Sewer Wallace & Tiernan Sewer Hughes Supply Water 25.63 12.00 25.00 44.63 195.00 1. 60 62.19 366.05 Councilman Clinton duly made a motion to pay said bills except for Color T.V. Service Center, being seconded by Councilwoman Crigger. Upon roll call vote said motion CARRIED. OFFICERS REPORT C 0 f'l tv! U N I CAT ION S Certification of Posting City Clerk read a letter from the Zoning and Planning Board of their Rrst official meeting since the merging of the two (2) boards. Mayor Armstrong stated we will go on record as concuring with the election. Counctlman Bevel "made a 'motion concuiing with James Budd as Chairman and Robert Fisher as Secretary being seconded by Councilman Clinton. Upon roll call vote said motion, CARRIED. City Clerk read a letter from the Edgewater Parents Teachers Association requesting a one day permit for a one day turkey shoot. May@r Armstrong, we have an Ordinance following to concur with the request. We just acknowledge this letter. r~ a yo r Arm s t r 0 n 9 s tat e d ", _ the C i t Y Co u n c i 1 nee de d to a p poi n t a representative for Volusia League of Municipalities to represent the City of Edgewater at the meetings. Councilman Clinton made a motion to table to next meeting. Councilman Severance and Councilman Bevel said they don't think the public would care who was appointed. Councilman Bevel asked why are we tabling this? Councilwoman Crigger said perhars it would be better if we researched the meeting dates prior to the appointment. Mayor Armstrong stated there was J motion made that needed a second. Said motion being duly seconded by Councilman Severance. Upon roll call vote said motion CARRIE". RESOLUTIONS RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF EDGEWATER TO BECOME A MEMBER OF THE VOLUSIA LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES AND APPOINTING COUNCILMAN AS THE REPRESENTATIVE OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER TO THE VOLUSIA LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE THEREFOR. Said qcsolution was not voted on as a representative needs to be appointed prior to passing a Resolution. ORDINANCES ORDINANCE 795. AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A ONE DAY PERMIT TO THE EDGEWATER ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PARENT TEACt!ERS ASSOCIATION FOR A TURKEY SHOOT ON DECEMBER 9, 1972 BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 9:00 A.M. AND 4:00 P.M. AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE THEREFOR. The above Ordinance was read in full by City Clerk Cornelia Kinsey. 2 . o (.) Councilman Severance made a motion to approve said Ordinance, seconded by Councilman Bevel. Upon roll call vote said motion, CARRIED. A motion to waive the second reading was duly made by Councilman Severance and seconded by Council~an Bevel Upon roll call vote -- said motionCARRIED. ORDINANCE 796. AN ORDINANCE TERMINATING GAYLE HARMON AS ASSISTAND LIBRARIAN FOR THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA. AN PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE THEREFOR. The above Ordinance was read in full by City Clerk Cornelia Kinsey. Mayor Armstrong stated the reason for terminating the Library Employees was due to the fact~ Volusia County took over the Library Oct0ber 1, 1972. Councilwoman Crigger duly mQde a motion to approve the said Ordinance. Being seconded by Councilman Clinton. Upon roll call vote said motion CARRIED. A motion to waive the second reading was duly made by Councilman Severance and seconded by Councilman Clinton. Upon roll call vote said motionCARRIED. ORDINANCE 797 AN ORDINANCE TERMINATING MURIEL IHNKEN AS LIBRARIAN FOR THE CITY OF EJGEWATER FLORIDA, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE THEREFOR. The above Ordinance was read in full by City Clerk Cornelia Kinsey. Councilman Severance duly made a motion to approve the said Ordinance being seconded by Councilwoman Crigger, Upon roll call vote said motion CARRIED. A motion to waive the second reading was duly made by Councilman Severance and seconded by Counci lt1::man Clinton. Uppn roll call vote said motion CARRIED. ~ ORDINANCE 798 AN-ORDINANCE PERMITTING THE SALE OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIr~ITS OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA FROM 2:00 P.M. DECEMBER 24, 1972 UNTIL 4:00 A.M. DECEMBER 25, 1 9 7 2 AND FRO M 2: 00 P. r~. 0 N D E C E ~1 B E R 3 1, 1 97 2 U N T I L 4: 00 A. M. J AN U A R Y 1, 1973 RESEPECTIVELY: PROVIDING FOR THE EXPIRATION OF THIS ORDINANCE; AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE THEREFOR. The above Ordinance was read in full by City Clerk Cornelia Kinsey. Klaus Gruter, owner of the Casa El Toro Bar made a brief statement requesting permanent opening on Sundays in Edgewater. Mayor Armstrong stated he should draw up a petition requesting this and present it to the City Council for Consideration. Councilman Clinton duly made a motion to approve the said Ordinance being seconded by Councilwoman Crigger. Upon roll cali vote said motion. CARRIED. A motion to waive the seconded reading was duly made by Councilman Severance and seconded by Councilman Clinton. Upon roll call vote said motion CARRIED. 3 . . . ~. . t. o (.) ORDINANCE NO 799 AN ORDINANCE RATIFYING THE BID OF INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA SUBMITTED THROUGH J.E. TUMBLIN INSURANCE AGENCY FOR INSURANCE FOR THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA FOR A THREE YEAR PERIOD, REJECTING ALL OTHER BIDS AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE THEREFOR. The above Ordinance was read in full by City Clerk Cornelia Kinsey. Councilman Bevel asked if we were already in agreement with Tumblin for three years cir are we now extending the three year time limit. Mayor Armstrong stated no we are not extending this the original date of the contract is still November 15, 1971 , for three years. Councilman Severance duly made a motion to arprove the said Ordinance being seconded by Councilman Clinton. Upon roll call vote said motion CARRIED. A motion to waive the seconded reading was duly mace bJ Councilman Severance and seconded by Councilwoman Crigger. Upon roll call vote said motion CARRIED. ORDINANCE NO 800 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING A $7.50 PER WEEK PAY RAISE FOR EACH FULL TIME EMPLOYEE OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA; PROVIDING FURTHER THAT PART TIME EMPLOYEES SHALL PARTICIPATE UPON A PRORATA BASIS; AND PROVI~ING AN EFFECTIVE DATE THEREFOR. The above Ordinance was read in full by City Clerk Cornelia Kinsey. Councilvloman Crigger duly made a motion to approve said Ordinance being seconded by Councilman Bevel with Mayor Armstrong voting no. Upon roll call vote said motion CARRIED. A motion to waive the seconded reading was duly made by Councilman Severance bein9 seconded by Councilman Bevel, with Mayor Armstrong voting no. Upon roll call vote said motion CARRIED. ORDINANCE NO: 801 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A FORTY HOUR WEEK AS THE STANDARD WORKING WEEK FOR THE POLICE DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE THEREFOR. The above Ordinance was read in full by City Clerk Cornelia Kinsey. Councilman Severance duly made a motion to approve said Ordinance being seconded by Councilwoman Crigger. Upon roll call vote said motion CARRIED. A motion to waive the second reading \1aS duly made by Councilman Severance being seconded by Councilwoman Crigger. Upon roll call vote said motion CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Mayor Armstrong stated we have a letter from the Saltwater Fishing Assocation that was table~ last meeting, Councilman Bevel said I feel we should remain neutral and take no action. Councilman Bevel duly made a motion to remain neutral, seconded by Councilwoman Crigger. Upon roll call vote said motion CARRIED. N E ~1 BUS I N E S S 4 . ... ~ ' ... v o ~1 I S C ELL AN E 0 U S Councilman Clinton asked what was the status of the Christmas liqhts. Councilman Bevel said he had contacted t1r. Cutshaw and Wednesday the men \1ere going to take the Garbage trucks and repla~e the burned out bulbs and also decorate the tree in the Park and P,er. Councilman Clinton asked who turns the lights on ecch day. Mayor Armstrong stated the Police Department had always done this as they are the only ones on duty. Councilman Bevel stated there had been a request Ridge property owners for lights in their area. said he thouqht we shoulc try and get the lights they don't go to the South City Limits. Councilman Bevel stated the additional street light program in Florida Shores is going to take a little time. Mayor Armstrong stated Florida Power and Light have to measure for all the additional poles and lines which is time consuming, but they are working on it. from the Silver r'1ayor Arms t ron g farth~r South as Councilman Clinton asked if anything had happened with the dlgester repairs at the Sewer Plant? Mayor Armstrong stated the pump was broken down. Councilman Bevel asked if we could call one of the professional digester contractors and get the job done ~s it appears we don't have the equipment to handle this. Councilwoman Crigg~r asked when the Contractors were coming back? Councilman Clinton stated they were waiting on us to clean the digester and notify them. rlayor Armstronq said the main problem is no one advised us what we had to do, they took the job for $12,400.00 and we understood it was to do the job completely. Councilwoman Crigger stated it was apparently a communications break down between the Engineers, the City and the Contractors. Councilman Clinton stated the road arader was broken down, what are we going to do about it? Mayor~Armstrong stated we will have to call a heavy equipment man and it might run $1,500.00 to $2,000.00 Councilman Severance said notify the proper authorities and have the malfunction diagonosed. Councilman Clinton asked why can't we find someone to fix the police cars. Councilman Bevel stated it appears the City doesn't have qualified personel to do the job, but this is not true, Mr. Cutshaw is handicapped by personel an equipment. Councilman Severance asked Chief Katez if he was satisfied with the work when he had taken the vehicles to the local dealers? Chief Katez said not altogether because they repair only what we send it up there for, what we need is a permanent. maintenance program. Councilman Severance duly made a motion to authorize the Chief of Police to take the police department vehicles to the authorized dealer for diagnosis and repair, limited to the Ordinance limiting expenditures to $100.00 for a department head, if expenditure is over $100.00 City Council approval will be necessary. Said motion being duly seconded by Councilman Clinton. Upon roll call vote said motion CARRIED. 5. "t . ". ~ v u ADJOURN OR RECESS: There being no further business, .Councilman Bevel duly made a motion to adjourn, being seconded by Councilwoman Crigger. Upon roll call vnte said motion CARRIED. TIME OF ADJOURNMENT 9:05 P.M. MINUTES TAKEN BY: City Clerk Cornelia A. Kinsey Deputy City Clerk Elizabeth J Crouser /l~ {;J~~p ~ "... ...J ATTEST: Clerk 6.