07-03-2019104 N. Riverside Drive Edgewater, FL 32132City of Edgewater Meeting Minutes Economic Development Board 8:00 AM Council ChambersWednesday, July 3, 2019 1. CALL TO ORDER Dan Klasel, Chair of the Economic Development Board, called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m. 2. ROLL CALL Bliss Jamison, Marcia Barnett, Cecil Selman, Clarence McCloud, Debbie Dolbow and Dan Klasel Present 6 - Todd PerryExcused1 - Samantha BergeronAlso Present 1 - 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AR-2019-4245 Minutes from the June 5, 2019 Economic Development Board Meeting EDB Meeting Minutes 06-05-2019Attachments: A motion was made by Marcia Barnett, second by Bliss Jamison and Clarence McCloud, to approve minutes from the June 5, 2019 Economic Development Board Meeting. The MOTION was APPROVED unanimously. Yes:Bliss Jamison, Marcia Barnett, Cecil Selman, Clarence McCloud, Debbie Dolbow, and Dan Klasel 6 - Excused:Todd Perry1 - 4. PUBLIC COMMENTS Bob Andrejkovics expressed his appreciation for the direction the City is going. 5. REPORTS Southeast Volusia Chamber of Commerce Report Sue Williams of the Southeast Volusia Chamber of Commerce commented on the success of the zoning change for the marina. Ms. Williams noted that the Southeast Volusia Manufacturing and Technology Coalition (SEVMTC) is moving forward with a "Livability" ad which is being supported by all three cities, Edgewater, New Smyrna Beach and Oak Hill. The Chamber of Commerce is also beginning work on a new Directory. Economic Development Director's Report Page 1City of Edgewater Printed on 7/17/2019 July 3, 2019Economic Development Board Meeting Minutes Economic Development Director, Samantha Bergeron told the board about work that has been done in connection with the marina project over the past month. Ms. Bergeron mentioned that contrary to the statement made by council for those opposing the marina, that nobody does Stormwater Right of Way agreements, Edgewater has a stormwater agreement with Boson Whaler on 60 acres. Ms. Bergeron also shared that for at least the past 20 years, when a project requires a variance, the City of Edgewater utilizes Planned Unit Development Agreements (PUD). A PUD Agreement is a sort of contract that contains concise, readable language describing all the variances that the City is going to allow for a new development. Ms. Bergeron pointed out that what passed at Monday's Council meeting was only a zoning change for the restaurant. In B4 zoning, marinas are already allowed. The accessory use zoning change was for the restaurant. And Images presented of the project are merely at a conceptual stage at this time. The development group still has to submit their site plan, engineered drawings for the building, driveway, stormwater, etc. These plans have to be approved by the St. John's Water Management District, the Department of Environmental Protection and Army Corp of Engineers. Ms. Bergeron mentioned that allowing people, including opposition to the project, to speak about their concerns and hearing those concerns is a good, healthy activity that can often times produce a better project. Bliss Jamison complimented the City staff including the Building Department on having a very hands on approach to making the process for developers as easy as possible and she mentioned that the PUDs work beautifully, in her experience. Marcia Barnett gave kudos to the Council members who voted for the citizens of Edgewater and not for a few people with incorrect information. She felt they stayed committed to the vision and plans that have been set forth in the Community Redevelopment Plan, Vision Book and Comprehensive Economic Development Strategic Plan. Ms. Bergeron reported that both Marcia and Clarence were each reappointed by City Council to the Economic Development Board for another 3 year term. In response to Dan Klasel's inquiry regarding upcoming projects, Ms. Bergeron reported a proposed RV park and boat storage facility with delivery service, off of US1, near Boston Whaler. The Board discussed ideas to provide information to the public, ahead of potentially controversial projects. 6. NEW BUSINESS AR-2019-4243 Chip Selman Reappointment Chip Selman Reappointment RequestAttachments: Page 2City of Edgewater Printed on 7/17/2019 July 3, 2019Economic Development Board Meeting Minutes A motion was made by Marcia Barnett, second by Bliss Jamison and Clarence McCloud, to recommend Chip Selman to City Council for reappointment to the Economic Development Board for another 3 year term. The MOTION was APPROVED unanimously. Yes:Bliss Jamison, Marcia Barnett, Cecil Selman, Clarence McCloud, Debbie Dolbow, and Dan Klasel 6 - Excused:Todd Perry1 - 7. OTHER BUSINESS Sue Williams and Dan Klasel suggested and discussed obtaining vendor capabilities of local businesses. Clarence McCloud added that there is also a need to get information out about resources available in our area, including educated, trained workforce, that will attract businesses. The Chamber of Commerce is working to gather this information to present on the website and then will work with pushing it to social media with a social media marketing company. And Ms. Williams indicated that The Chamber will look to its partners to feed information to them. Ms. Bergeron shared that Team Volusia is working on a marketing campaign to promote Volusia County's educational and workforce resources and Edgewater will be able to piggyback on this campaign. Bliss Jamison shared three quotes for video production to promote Edgewater, its businesses and quality of life for the Board to review and consider. She suggested having each company come and present to the board at the August meeting and agreed to coordinate the scheduling. AR-2019-4277 Video Marketing Quotes Blue Dog Video Harbordashery Productions Meghaphone Marketing Attachments: 8. BOARD REPORTS Ms. Jamison shared that there is a lot of activity in Parktowne and that the Park Avenue widening is projected to be completed this Fall. 9. ADJOURN There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:01 a.m. Page 3City of Edgewater Printed on 7/17/2019