08-12-14 - Special CITY OF EDGEWATER FIREFIGHTERS’ PENSION BOARD SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES City Hall Council Chambers Tuesday, August 12, 2014 at 6:00PM TRUSTEES PRESENT: Dominick Fede Justin Nickels Scott Hopkins Gary Butt Barbara Scott TRUSTEES ABSENT: None OTHERS PRESENT: Doug Lozen, Board Actuary Ferrell Jenne, Plan Administrator Ken Harrison, Board Attorney Donna Looney, Personnel Director John McKinney, Finance Director Tracey Barlow, City Manager 1. Call to Order Dominick Fede called the meeting to order at 6:00PM 2. Roll Call As reflected above. 3. No Public Comment 4. Review of Proposed Plan Document, Draft #5 a. Ferrell Jenne asks that Ken Harrison verifies that the draft sent over this morning is Draft #5, watermark indicates Draft #2. i. While Ken Harrison reviews the document, Doug Lozen discusses the State Monies and Share Plan. b. Doug Lozen discusses the uses of State Monies and the history of the Share Plan. i. Chairman Fede expresses concern that members have regarding receiving a distribution from the Share Plan when they retire. 1. Doug Lozen states that the “Naples Letter” has made it easier for the sponsor to use the State Monies to fund the Plan, but this does not happen automatically and is still a negotiated item. An Ordinance modification would also need to happen for a change in the share plan allocation. ii. Doug Lozen explains the source of the State Monies. 1. Mr. Lozen explains that the “frozen amount” is the amount that can be used by the City to fund the Plan. Amounts above the “frozen amount” are allocated to the Share Plan. The maximum total State Monies available cannot exceed 6% of payroll. Once the State Monies distribution occurs, the City has 5 days to deposit the money into the Trust Fund from receipt. iii. Doug Lozen reviews the history of the Share Plan. 1. In October 2007, Foster & Foster did an analysis of different scenarios under which available State Monies may be distributed in lieu of additional benefits. Board decides at the February 20, 2088 meeting to recommend to the City to start a Share Plan on September 30, 2008 using $103,554.04 excess State Monies. The City agreed and Ordinance 2008-O-06 was adopted which includes the establishment of the Share Plan. iv. Doug Lozen reviews the basics of the Share Plan. 1 1. Share Plan is updated in conjunction with the annual valuation report. 2. Non-vested members will forfeit their allocation. You must have 5 years of Credited Service and terminate employment with the City in order to be eligible for a distribution. 3. Each active Member is entitled to one share per complete year of Credited Service. 4. Ken Harrison confirms that the Share Plan allocation will not change unless it is negotiated and there is an ordinance change. c. Ken Harrison discusses draft #5 with the Board. i. Ken Harrison states that he agrees with the City Manager’s comments and he has added the stated 6% and will remove paragraphs (4) iii and iv which appears to be language that belongs in a police plan versus a firefighter plan. ii. City Manager questions 30 hours/week as being full-time status. 1. Ken Harrison states that was existing language. iii. Ken Harrison states that the grammatical errors on page 1 were not incorporated in draft #5, he will fix this before it goes to first reading. iv. Ken Harrison states he will add the definition of a bargaining unit on page #2, as suggested by the City attorney. v. Ken Harrison will add “he/she” to section 2.02 (1) and 2.03 (2). vi. Ken Harrison to add “without interest” to Section 4.04 regarding refund of member contributions. vii. Ken Harrison explains to the Board that a strikethrough will not show on the final copy that goes to Council for first reading. The section references to statues and ordinances (shown in bold and underlined) will also not show on the final document that goes to Council. Any language that is underlined is what has been added. viii. City Manager states that the minimum of 40 hours/week is full-time status, not 30 hours/week as stated. Ken Harrison states he will make the change in the document. ix. City Manager states that on page 25, section 5.02 could be removed since it is no longer valid. 1. Board stated that they like to see the history since they are a fairly new Board. 2. Ken Harrison states to leave it in for now to keep things moving forward, can always take it out later. Board approves the amended restatement as corrected upon motion made by Barbara Scott and second by Justin Nickels, motion carried 5-0. Board directs Doug Lozen to so an actuarial impact statement upon motion made by Justin Nickels and second by Scott Hopkins, motion carried 5-0. 5. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 7:30PM. 6. Next Meeting Monday, September 15, 2014 at 6:00PM. Respectfully submitted by: Approved by: _______________________________ _____________________________ Ferrell Jenne, Plan Administrator Dominick Fede, Chairman Date Approved By the Pension Board: _________________________ 2