City Hall Council Chambers
Monday, June 19, 2017, at 4:OOPM
Dominick Fede
Justin Nickels
William Dailey
OTHERS PRESENT: Ferrell Jenne, Foster &Foster
Ken Harrison, Sugarman & Susskind
John Thinnes, AndCo Consulting
David Kelly, Bowen, Hanes & Company
1. Call to Order —Dominick Fede called the meeting to order at 4:05pm.
2. Roll Call — As reflected above.
3. Public Comments —None.
4. Approval of Minutes
5. New Business
Election of Chairman and Secretary.
i. Ferrell Jenne commented that the last officer election was done on
September 14, 2015, and should be done annually. The election was
delayed until there was a full board in place. The board would further
discuss this topic later in the agenda when Justin Nickels arrived.
b. Scott Hopkins term expiration of July 20, 2017.
i. Dominick Fede advised that Scott Hopkins resigned from the board.
Ferrell Jenne commented she would let Council know about his
resignation so they could work to get the Council appointed seat filled.
c. State Annual Report memo from Foster & Foster.
i. Ferrell Jenne reviewed the memo and advised there would be an
increased Annual Report fee of $500. Ferrell commented that the
production time to upload and file the Annual Report using the State's
mandated online submittal process had increased production time by
almost 50%.
ii. Ken Harrison commented that all plans were voicing concerns about
issues with the online submittal process.
The board approved the $500 Annual Report fee increase as outlined in the Foster &
Foster memo, upon motion by David Blair and second by William Dailey, motion carried 3-
Old Business —None.
The minutes
the March
20, 2017, quarterly
were approved upon motion by
William Dailey
second by
David Blair,
5. New Business
Election of Chairman and Secretary.
i. Ferrell Jenne commented that the last officer election was done on
September 14, 2015, and should be done annually. The election was
delayed until there was a full board in place. The board would further
discuss this topic later in the agenda when Justin Nickels arrived.
b. Scott Hopkins term expiration of July 20, 2017.
i. Dominick Fede advised that Scott Hopkins resigned from the board.
Ferrell Jenne commented she would let Council know about his
resignation so they could work to get the Council appointed seat filled.
c. State Annual Report memo from Foster & Foster.
i. Ferrell Jenne reviewed the memo and advised there would be an
increased Annual Report fee of $500. Ferrell commented that the
production time to upload and file the Annual Report using the State's
mandated online submittal process had increased production time by
almost 50%.
ii. Ken Harrison commented that all plans were voicing concerns about
issues with the online submittal process.
The board approved the $500 Annual Report fee increase as outlined in the Foster &
Foster memo, upon motion by David Blair and second by William Dailey, motion carried 3-
Old Business —None.
7. Reports
a. Bowen, Hanes & Company, David Kelly, Investment Manager.
i. Quarterly report as of March 31, 2017 and update as of June 14, 2017.
1. David Kelly gave a brief overview of the market environment during
the quarter.
2. David Kelly reviewed new holdings in the portfolio.
3. The total portfolio return fiscal year to date through June 14, 2017
were 11.4% underperforming the S&P 500 and Russell 1000
4. The ending market value as of June 14, 2017 was $12,261,985.24.
b. Andco Consulting, John Thinnes, Investment Consultant.
i. Quarterly report as of March 31, 2017.
1. John Thinnes gave a brief overview of his role with the plan.
2. John Thinnes gave a brief overview of the market environment
during the quarter.
3. As of June 19, 2017, the market value of assets were approximately
4. Total fund net returns for the quarter were 5.20%, outperforming the
policy benchmark of 4.50%. Fiscal YTD total fund net returns were
6.17%, outperforming the benchmark of 5.22%. Trailing returns for
the 3 and 5 year periods were 5.42% and 7.82%. Since inception
(12/01/2001) net returns were 5.21%, underperforming the policy
benchmark of 6.48%.
5. John Thinnes reviewed the compliance checklist commenting that
none of their plans had met or equaled the investment return
assumption over the trailing 3 -year period.
6. John Thinnes did not recommend making any changes.
7. John Thinnes reviewed the fee analysis and commented that the 45
BPS fee was lower than other plans around the State that were
100% actively managed.
The board approved
AndCo Consulting
March 31,
quarterly report as presented
upon motion
by William
Dailey and second
by David
motion carried 3-0.
c. Sugarman &Susskind, Ken Harrison, Board Attorney.
i. Legislative update.
1. SB 80 was adopted to require 5 days written notice prior to bringing
a public records suit. The written notice must identify the public
records request at least 5 business days before filing suit. The 5
day written notice provision only applies if the agency has posted
contact information for the records custodian in it "primary
administrative building."
2. By consensus, the board agreed to have Ferrell Jenne work with
the City to get a public records memo posted on the City's website.
3. SB 7022 — Dealt with revisions to FRS, all new entrants would go
into the defined contribution plan by default.
4. Ken Harrison asked if he could use the plan's share plan language
as an example for other plans. The board agreed.
ii. Ken Harrison updated the board regarding his meeting with the City
Manager pertaining to forced cash -ins.
iii. Ken Harrison commented that he would need a specific example to
challenge the City Manager's stance on forced cash -ins being
iv. Ken Harrison commented he would follow-up on paying contributions on
hours that weren't pensionable.
8. Consent Agenda
a. Ferrell Jenne briefly reviewed the fund activity spreadsheet and payment
warrants with the board.
board voted to approve
the consent agenda as presented upon motion by David Blair
second by William
motion carried 3-0.
motion carried 4-0.
9. Staff Reports, Discussion, and Action
a. Foster & Foster, Ferrell Jenne, Plan Administrator.
i. Fiduciary liability update
1. Ferrell Jenne advised that an application has been submitted to the
City to secure coverage for the next fiscal year.
ii. Senate Bill 534
1. Ferrell Jenne commented that the SB 534 posting requirements
were sent to the City on May 24, 2017, and she received
confirmation they were posted to the City's website on May 25,
iii. Educational opportunities.
1. Ferrell Jenne commented that the FPPTA 331d Annual Conference
would be held June 25 — 28, 2017 in Orlando, Florida at the Omni
ChampionsGate Resort.
iv. Ferrell Jenne reminded the board to file their Financial Disclosure forms
prior to July 1, 2017 to avoid penalty fees.
Note: The board took a break from 5:05 — 5:15 p.m.
Note: Justin Nickels arrived at 5:15 p.m.
10. The board discussed the officer elections.
The board
current officer elections upon motion by David Blair
motion carried 4-0.
11. Adjournment —The meeting adjourned at 5:20PM.
12. Next Meeting —Monday, October 23, 2017, at 4:OOPM.
ctfully u mitted by: Approved by:
I Jenny, Plah Administrator
Date Approved By the Pension Board:
Dominick Fede, Chairman