09-15-2014 CITY OF EDGEWATER GENERAL EMPLOYEES’ PENSION BOARD QUARTERLY MEETING MINUTES City Hall Council Chambers Monday, September 15, 2014 at 11:00AM TRUSTEES PRESENT: Brenda Dewees John Brackin John McKinney Tyna Hilton Bobby Laramore TRUSTEES ABSENT: Gigi Bennington Tim Spoko OTHERS PRESENT: H. Lee Dehner, Board Attorney Ferrell Jenne, Plan Administrator Jack Evatt, Investment Consultant Doug Lozen, Board Actuary Donna Looney, Personnel Director 1. Call to Order Brenda Dewees called the meeting to order at 11:03 AM. 2. Roll Call As reflected above. 3. No Public Comments a. Joe Lavender, a member of the Plan, had a few questions. i. Are employee contributions being invested in the Fund and can that be stopped and invested into a different Fund? 1. John McKinney states that this money is deposited bi-weekly and is invested in the same investment pool as all other contributions. This cannot be stopped and invested elsewhere. ii. The disclosing of retirement benefits/refunds being paid out of the Plan, is this something that is starting now? 1. Ferrell Jenne states that these have always appeared on the Board agendas in the past and the reason is because the Board needs to ratify all payments going out of the Fund. iii. Are there any elections coming up for Board Trustees? 1. Brenda DeWees states that the Board is in the process of sending an Ordinance to Council that will change the make-up the Board. The Ordinance will specify the parameters of the new Board make-up and elections will be held. 4. Approval of Minutes The minutes from the June 16, 2014 quarterly meeting, June 23, 2014 special meeting, and the September 3, 2014 special meeting were approved upon motion by John McKinney and second by Tyna Hilton, motion carried 5-0. 5. New Business a. Discussion of New GASB Rules. i. Doug Lozen reviews the new GASB Rules with the Board. 1. September 3, 2014 letter from Foster & Foster lays out the scope of the additional work and associated fees. 1 2. GASB 67 will replace GASB 25, most Cities use this statement to incorporate into their financial statements. Since the valuation reports are not done until March each year, but the audit report is done prior to March, there may be a lag. However, GASB 67 can be early implemented so that this lag does not happen. 1. John McKinney states that the City is currently a year behind and highly recommends early implementation. 2. The Auditors are currently asking about early implementation, according to John McKinney. 3. John McKinney states that the City reimburses the Plan for all expenses, so if this is paid by the Board, the City will make it up in its contributions. The Board approved early implementation of GASB 67, paid for by the Board, upon motion by Tyna Hilton and second by John Brackin, motion carried 5-0. b. Discussion of Senate Bill 534. i. Doug Lozen states that this requires what plan funding would look like using very conservative assumptions. This would mean taking the investment return and subtracting 200 basis points and using a very conservative mortality table. ii. Doug states that this report will need to be shown on the City’s website and to show a more balanced picture, the Board has the choice to have the actuary do an additional calculation to show what the plan’s funding would look like with earning an additional 200 basis points regarding the investment return. iii. Tyna Hilton asks Doug what other Boards are doing and Mr. Lozen states that all of his plans so far have elected to do the additional 2% calculation. Lee Dehner also recommends to the Board to show the additional 2% calculation. iv. John McKinney states that the City’s website already has the software in place that would allow these reports to be shown, as required. The Board approved doing the additional 2% calculation regarding SB 534, upon motion by Tyna Hilton and second by John McKinney, motion carried 5-0. c. Discussion of GASB 68. i. Doug Lozen states that there is nothing that needs Board direction. GASB 68 will replace GASB 27 and will be in place in conjunction with the October 1, 2014 valuation report. There is no need for early implementation. ii. John McKinney asks to defer this decision so he can speak with the City auditors to check on early implementation. 1. Doug Lozen states that there is an option to early implement GASB 68, but there is not a need (unlike GASB 67) since there will not be a lag in information. 2. Tyna Hilton asks what the benefit is to defer this decision until the December meeting. Brenda DeWees explains that this will give John McKinney the time to speak with the auditors. 3. Board directs Ferrell Jenne to put this on the December agenda for discussion. 6. Old Business None. 7. Reports a. The Bogdahn Group, Jack Evatt i. Quarterly update as of June 30, 2014. 1. Net earnings for the quarter were 3.12%, underperforming the policy benchmark of 3.80% by 0.68% points. 2 2. Since inception, the fund is at 4.86%, underperforming the policy benchmark of 5.72% by 0.86% points. 3. The Plan’s total fund gross performance of 3.15% for the quarter ranked in the 78th percentile of the public fund sample. 4. Jack Evatt states that overall, it was not a great quarter but in good shape fiscal year to date. 5. Jack Evatt has no recommendations at this time. b. Christiansen & Dehner, H. Lee Dehner i. Lee Dehner reminds the Board of upcoming educational opportunities. 1. John McKinney and Tyna Hilton state that they are going to check their calendars regarding the Division of Retirement conference in Orlando. 2. John McKinney states that he is not able to attend after looking at his calendar. The Board approved reimbursing expenses to Trustees who attend the Division of Retirement conference upon motion by Bobby Laramore and second by John Brackin, motion carried 5-0. ii. Discussion of Board transition from 7 to 5 members. 1. John McKinney suggests holding a special meeting to discuss the Board transition after the Ordinance has been passed. 2. Two seats will be voted by membership. a. Ferrell Jenne makes ballot and department heads will pass out. Length of terms and location of drop-off boxes to be included. b. Ferrell Jenne to make a notice and send to directors@cityof edgewater.org or to Donna Looney; this wil l be placed on bulletin boards and the deadline for members to submit interest will be 5 business days. 3. Ferrell Jenne to give City Clerk the parameters of the two Council appointed positions. 4. Union representative must sit on the Board. Board discusses what seat this will be. Board decides that the union representative will hold the fifth seat on the Board. iii. Pull the Ordinance from first reading at the September 22, 2014 meeting and make first reading on October 6, 2014. This will allow Lee Dehner to add the language that states the fifth member of the Board shall be the union representative and a no impact letter will need to be done. Donna Looney to confirm the language and intent of the union contract. iv. Terms of future Trustees was discussed further. 1. Initially, two Council Trustees will hold 3 year terms, two member Trustees will hold 2 year terms. 8. Disbursements Disbursements were approved as stated on the agenda upon motion made by John McKinney and second by Tyna Hilton, motion carried 5-0. 9. Staff Reports, Discussion, and Action a. Update of the fiduciary liability insurance. a. Policy is about $950 more than last year due to increase in Plan assets. Total fee is $4,219.84. b. Separate policy for the Waiver of Recourse. c. City will pay the premium for the fiduciary liability insurance; they will decrease the City contributions by the amount of premium. b. Discussion of 2015 meeting dates. Board approved the 2015 meeting dates upon motion made by John McKinney and second by Bobby Laramore, motion carried 5-0. 3 10. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 12:44PM. 11. Next Meeting September 15, 2014 at 11:00AM. Respectfully submitted by: Approved by: _______________________________ _____________________________ Name: Ferrell Jenne Name:________________________ Title: Plan Administrator Title: _________________________ Date Approved By the Pension Board: _______________________________ 4