10-22-2015 - Special104 N. Riverside Drive Edgewater, FL 32132City of Edgewater Meeting Minutes Recreation & Cultural Services Board 4:45 PM Council ChambersThursday, October 22, 2015 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL Kadie Mullins, Debra Sopko and Walt ZakaluznyPresent3 - Thomas Tipton and Michael ViscontiAbsent2 - 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approval of Minutes from the October 8, 2015 meeting. a.Regular Meeting October 8, 2015 A motion was made by Mr. Zakaluzny, seconded by Mrs. Sopko, to approve Minutes of the October 8, 2015 meeting. The MOTION was APPROVED unanimously. Yes:Kadie Mullins, Debra Sopko, and Walt Zakaluzny2 - Absent:Thomas Tipton, and Michael Visconti2 - 4. OLD BUSINESS a.Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman A motion was made by Mrs. Mullins to nominate herself for the open Chairperson position, seconded by Mrs. Sopko. The MOTION was APPROVED unanimously. Yes:Kadie Mullins, Debra Sopko, and Walt Zakaluzny2 - Absent:Thomas Tipton, and Michael Visconti2 - A motion was made by Mrs. Sopko to nominate herself for the open Vice Chairperson position, seconded by Mr. Zakaluzny. The MOTION was APPROVED unanimously. Yes:Kadie Mullins, Debra Sopko, and Walt Zakaluzny2 - Absent:Thomas Tipton, and Michael Visconti2 - b.Recommendation to City Council for appointment due to the removal of Member Tom Tipton A motion was made by Mr. Zakaluzny, seconded by Mrs. Sopko, to recommend Tiffany Evers to the City Council for appointment to the Recreation and Cultural services Board. The MOTION was APPROVED unanimously: Page 1City of Edgewater Printed on 10/29/2015 October 22, 2015Recreation & Cultural Services Board Meeting Minutes Yes:Kadie Mullins, Debra Sopko, and Walt Zakaluzny2 - Absent:Thomas Tipton, and Michael Visconti2 - c.Holiday light contest - determination of rules, prizes and promotion Mrs. Mullins shared the holiday light contest invitation flyer and entry form. She noted an additional category for businesses on the entry form as well as a place where entrants can agree to share their address in order to allow the community to view light displays in the contest. She also suggested providing an opportunity for the community to vote for a "community's favorite" or "viewer's choice" category. Mrs. Sopko said a community vote would be a great idea. Mr. Zakaluzny suggested this idea might spur competition. Mrs. Mullins noted that entry forms may be mailed, e-mailed or dropped off. She also offered to create an online form that can be completed digitally and sent electronically. Linking the digital form to the City's website was discussed. Mrs. Brown, City Clerk, advised Mrs. Mullins on having a personal e-mail address on the flyer, making any e-mails regarding this event, sent to her personal e-mail, public record. She suggested having e-mails go through Leisure Services instead. Mrs. Mullins noted that judging for the lights can begin any time after the December 7th deadline for entry. Mrs. Mullins reminded the board that they had discussed beginning to push the event November 1st and she anticipates the initial push being on Facebook. Last year information went out with Utility Bills and in the Newsletter. Mrs. Brown, mentioned that Hometown News does a "Calendar of Events" each year and she recently received notification that the calendar is currently being prepared. Mrs. Mullins asked the board if they wanted to set their next meeting date. Mr. Zakaluzny remembered that announcement of the holiday light contest winners usually happens at the first Council meeting after the new year. Mr. Corder noted that the item to present the winners can be placed on the City Council's Agenda before winners are selected. Mrs. Mullins suggested waiting until the January meeting date is confirmed before deciding when the Board should meet to complete judging. Mrs. Mullins offered to photograph entrants as she is judging. Mr. Zakaluzny and Mrs. Mullins discussed that prizes will be gift baskets again this year along with local business gift certificates. Mr. Zakaluzny mentioned the need to be clear to entrants that lights and inflatables must not violate any City Codes. Mrs. Mullins suggested adding this as a note on the entry form. A motion was made by to received and filed Informational Report No. AR-2015-1263. The MOTION was APPROVED by the following vote: Yes:Kadie Mullins, Debra Sopko, and Walt Zakaluzny2 - Page 2City of Edgewater Printed on 10/29/2015 October 22, 2015Recreation & Cultural Services Board Meeting Minutes Absent:Thomas Tipton, and Michael Visconti2 - 5. NEW BUSINESS a.Board Bylaws Mr. Corder recommended the board review their bylaws for discussion at the next meeting. b.Whistle Stop Improvement Workshop Mrs. Mullins reminded everyone about the Whistle Stop Improvement Workshop, Monday at 6:00 p.m. 6. OTHER BUSINESS - None at This Time 7. DISCUSSION ITEMS - None at This Time 8. ADJOURN A motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Zakaluzny, seconded by Mrs. Sopko, The motion was APPROVED unanimously. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 5:05 p.m. Yes:Kadie Mullins, Debra Sopko, and Walt Zakaluzny2 - Absent:Thomas Tipton, and Michael Visconti2 - Page 3City of Edgewater Printed on 10/29/2015