04-14-2016104 N. Riverside Drive
Edgewater, FL 32132City of Edgewater
Meeting Minutes
Recreation & Cultural Services Board
4:45 PM Council ChambersThursday, April 14, 2016
Walt Zakaluzny, Kadie Mullins and Tiffany EversPresent3 -
Laura BernsteinAbsent1 -
Approval of Minutes from the January 21, 2016 meeting.
a.AR-2016-1714 Special Meeting January 21, 2016
A motion was made by Mr. Zakaluzny, second by Mrs. Evers, to approve Minutes of the
January 21, 2016 meeting. The MOTION was APPROVED unanimously.
Yes:Walt Zakaluzny, Kadie Mullins, and Tiffany Evers3 -
Absent:Laura Bernstein1 -
a.AR-2016-1488 Board Bylaws Revision Review
Amending the Board's Bylaws to remove the historic preservation component was previously
discussed. Mrs. Mullins reported that the Board is still considering this and is waiting to hear back
from the City about next steps.
Tony Misiano a skate park builder and owner of Misiano Skate Parks spoke to the Board regarding
engineering for the new skate park at Whistle Stop Park. Mr. Misiano stressed the importance of
utilizing an experienced skate park engineer and builder, rather than just a low bid Professional
Engineer. He offered his services in preparing a qualified public bid.
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April 14, 2016Recreation & Cultural Services
Meeting Minutes
a.AR-2016-1707 Review Advisory Board Applications and Select New Board Member to
Recommend to Council
A motion was made by Mr. Zakaluzny, second by Mrs. Evers, to recommend Glen Powers
to city Council for apointment to the Recreation & Cultural Services Board. The
MOTION was APPROVED unanimously.
b.AR-2016-1708 Holiday Light Contest Dates
Mrs. Mullins suggested selecting deadline dates for the Holiday Light Contest early this year in
order to have more participants. The board decided to begin promoting the contest in November and
to get the dates on the City's calendar right away. The Board also agreed that contest entry forms
will be due by December 12th and entrants should have their lights up from December 13th to
December 28th.
a.AR-2016-1711 Friends of the Parks
Mrs. Mullins stated that Friends of the Park is a volunteer organization that helps support parks
initiatives in a community. She was recently approached by a citizen who was interested in joining to
help clean up the new park, once it is built. Mrs. Mullins suggested that the board consider
establishing a Friends of the Park group that the board could either coordinate or simply work with.
Mr. Zakaluzny and Mrs. Evers agreed that a Friends of the Park group is a good idea that may get
members of the community more engaged with the board. With that agreed, Mrs. Mullins stated she
would pursue more information on logistics.
b.AR-2016-1710 Park Memorial Discussion
Mrs. Mullins informed the board that Council approved Whistle Stop as the name for the new park.
Due to a request from the community, Council considered renaming the park in honor of a local teen
who committed suicide a few years ago. Mrs. Mullins communicated to the youth's parents that
though naming the park after their daughter may not be possible, honoring her in another way, such
as naming a gazebo after her or having a bench in her name, may be. This is something for the
board to keep in mind as plans for the new park move forward.
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April 14, 2016Recreation & Cultural Services
Meeting Minutes
c.AR-2016-1712 Whistle Stop Park Discussion
Mrs. Harris noted that the board was provided with an updated timeline from the City Manager for
the new park. She stated that the first major deadline is May 2 when a Request for Quotation will be
issued for the Design Engineer. Ms. Harris suggested that the board have some basic ideas in mind
by the time we begin to work with the engineer in order to give the engineer some direction.
Mrs. Mullins mentioned that a gentleman from an organization called "Autism Puzzle Me" has
expressed interest in communicating with the board about ways to make the park accessible, not only
to children with physical disabilities, but also to children on the spectrum. Several other individuals
have also offered assistance with creating an inclusive park. In order to gather ideas from these
sources and from the community, the board tentatively scheduled a community workshop for June 18,
2016 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
a.AR-2016-1759 Use of Lot by YMCA
Mrs. Mullins reminded the board that the City and the YMCA are working on a partnership to build
a new Olympic sized pool in the large open lot adjacent to the YMCA. The project relies on large
financial partnerships. Should those partnerships not happen, the Mayor would like the board to
have some ideas for Council to consider as low cost alternatives for the use of that land. Mr.
Zakaluzny suggested creating an ultimate Frisbee golf course with some small hills, appropriate for
adults and children.
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