08-11-2016104 N. Riverside Drive Edgewater, FL 32132City of Edgewater Meeting Minutes Recreation & Cultural Services Board 4:45 PM Council ChambersThursday, August 11, 2016 1. CALL TO ORDER Kadie Mullins, Chair of the Recreation and Cultural Services Board, called the meeting to order at 4:45 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL Walt Zakaluzny, Kadie Mullins, Tiffany Evers and Laura BernsteinPresent4 - Also present was John McKinney, Assistant City Manager for the City of Edgewater. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a.AR-2016-1961 Regular Meeting - April 14, 2016 A motion was made by Mrs. Evers, second by Mrs. Bernstein, to approve Minutes from the April 14, 2016 Recreation and Cultural Services Board Meeting and the July 23, 2016 Public Workshop for Whistle Stop Park Design. The MOTION was APPROVED unanimously. Yes:Walt Zakaluzny, Kadie Mullins, Tiffany Evers, and Laura Bernstein4 - 4. OLD BUSINESS - None at this time 5. NEW BUSINESS Page 1City of Edgewater Printed on 10/25/2016 August 11, 2016Recreation & Cultural Services Board Meeting Minutes a. Ultimate Frisbee Golf Course Proposal Mrs. Mullins reminded the board that they were asked by the Mayor to find something multi-purpose and flexible to promote community involvement and make use of the space in the vacant lot next to the YMCA. She stated that Walt had the great idea at the April meeting, to put a disc golf or ultimate frisbee course there. The Mayor liked this idea, as did attendees at the Whistle Workshop. Mrs. Mullins prepared a proposal for City Council to consider, that includes sample photos, budget analysis and cost saving ideas. If approved, she said, the actual course will need to be designed by an engineer. Mr. McKinney stated that the field at Hawks Park by the YMCA is used for parking when there are sports tournaments or special events and that the entrance has recently been reconfigured to make parking access to this area easier. He informed the Board that the City is considering adding power along the fence line for special events. He suggested that at least 4 of the 7 acres be maintained for parking. Mrs. Mullins stated that posts comprising the disc golf course can be permanent or removable and that the lot should be maintained as multi-use. Mr. McKinney suggested Mango Lake as a possible location for a disc golf course as it is proposed to be made a park in the next few years and has natural terrain and obstacles that may be beneficial to course design. He also suggested looking at Whistle Stop Park or Rotary Park as other potential locations. He expressed concern about the complicated logistics of coordinating a multi-use field with the needs of special event parking and suggested the Board not recommend solely the Hawks Park location to Council. Mr. Zakaluzny reminded everyone that the Board was directed by the Mayor to come up with an idea for the Hawks Park area. Mrs. Mullins stated that information can be shared with Council so they can determine where to locate the disc golf course. Page 2City of Edgewater Printed on 10/25/2016 August 11, 2016Recreation & Cultural Services Board Meeting Minutes b. Review of Whistle Stop Park Workshop Mrs. Mullins stated we had great attendance for the public Whistle Stop Park Workshop. Mr. McKinney shared that he has notes taken at the workshop by Niles from DMC and will get those out to the Board. He commented on some of Niles' notes by telling the board that the City does not have enough bandwidth to support police having live feeds of park video cameras in their vehicles. A city wide camera system will be presented to Council in September for approval. This same camera system will be installed when at Whistle Stop when it is ready to go "online". He also noted that Wi-Fi is currently available in the park, through Bright House, if you have a Bright House account. Mr. McKinney stated that tennis courts at Whistle Stop Park need to be looked at and that if we do any renovations to the courts, it will impact the park plan and budget. Mrs. Mullins suggested having a good assessment of the longevity of existing courts so an appropriate recommendation regarding them can be made to Council. Mrs. Evers mentioned really liking the idea, from the workshop, of having a local artist work with children to create a mural in the park. Mrs. Mullins stated that she liked the idea, from the workshop, of having a community board in the park. Mr. Zakaluzny said that he liked the idea, from the workshop, of giving the park a train depot look. Mr. McKinney mentioned that Sanford has a park that has a train theme throughout. Mrs. Mullins offered the idea to the Board of taking a tour of local parks to gather ideas for the new park. The Board decided to take a park tour, meet at the Fire Hall on Hibiscus tentatively on September 10th at 9:00 a.m. and return at 3:00 p.m. (the parks tour was rescheduled to 9/24/16). c. Holiday Light Contest Mrs. Mullins reminded the Board that in October we will begin promoting the Holiday Light Contest. 6. OTHER BUSINESS Page 3City of Edgewater Printed on 10/25/2016 August 11, 2016Recreation & Cultural Services Board Meeting Minutes a. Friends of the Park Mrs. Evers inquired about the status of "friends of the park". Mrs. Mullins stated that a couple of community members have expressed interest in taking the lead in forming a friends of the park group. She has provided them with some resources and invited them to come to a Recreation and Cultural Services Board Meeting to share ideas. Mrs. Mullins mentioned she is hoping that this will be a community led initiative rather than one led by the Board. Mrs. Evers plans to solicit feedback from the community on the idea of "friends of the park" via the East Coast Current. She will report back her findings at the next meeting. b. Meeting Schedule Recreation and Cultural Services Board Meeting Dates were set for October 6th, November 3rd and December 15th. c. Parks Update Mr. McKinney informed the Board that the brown split rail fence is being replaced by white split rail fence at Veterans Park and Menard May Park. Menard May Park, Kennedy Park and the River Walk are being spruced up. The new in and out has been fixed at Hawks Park. Crews have been working to get ready for opening on August 20th. His goal is to get the YMCA exterior painted before September 30, 2016. Park cameras will go before Council September 6, 2016. Cameras should go online about 90 days later at Kennedy Park and Hawks Park. Live feeds will be available of Kennedy Park parking area and the water. Work from Park Avenue North along the River Walk has improved sidewalks. In the next month, sidewalks South from Park Avenue to 442, will be replaced where needed. An ADA accessible bathroom has been approved for the new section of the YMCA. 7. ADJOURN A motion was made by Mr. Zakaluzny, seconded by Mrs. Evers, to adjourn. The motion was APPROVED unanimously. Yes:Walt Zakaluzny, Kadie Mullins, Tiffany Evers, and Laura Bernstein4 - Page 4City of Edgewater Printed on 10/25/2016