04-05-2017104 N. Riverside Drive Edgewater, FL 32132City of Edgewater Meeting Minutes Economic Development Board 8:00 AM Council ChambersWednesday, April 5, 2017 1. CALL TO ORDER - ROLL CALL Bliss Jamison, Marcia Barnett, Donna Snow, Cecil Selman, Brandon Beck and Craig BairPresent6 - Oscar Zeller and Clarence McCloudExcused2 - Samantha Bishop and Jordan ChurchAlso Present 2 - 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AR-2017-2490 Regular Minutes - February 1, 2017 A motion was made by member Beck, second by member Barnett, to approve the Minutes of February 1, 2017. The MOTION was APPROVED by the following vote: Yes:Bliss Jamison, Marcia Barnett, Donna Snow, Cecil Selman, Brandon Beck, and Craig Bair6 - Excused:Oscar Zeller, and Clarence McCloud2 - 3. PRESENTATIONS None at this time. 4. PUBLIC COMMENTS Bob Andrejkovics, 331 Admiralty Ct., shared his appreciation and happiness for the public relations with Governor Scott, and recently enjoyed a great meal at the new Florida Roadhouse, hopes to see it's continued success. 5. REPORTS (City or other) a. Planning and Zoning Board Nothing to report at this time. b. SEVCC Member Snow reported the Chamber Challenge 5k is April 6th, 2017; and the Crystal Apple awards will be on April 26, 2017. c. Economic Development/ Redevelopment Coordinator Economic Development/ Redevelopment Coordinator Samantha Bergeron reported, City Council recently changed zoning for 2010 S Ridgewood; zoning changes for 30 acres on Roberts Road which Page 1City of Edgewater Printed on 5/12/2017 April 5, 2017Economic Development Board Meeting Minutes project 103 Single Family Residental units; dual enrollment vocational training at ATC; and Sarah Daughtery is going to offer space at their facility for a composites program. Chair Jamison and staff discussed, internship for high school students, trying to figure out what companies or entities that could help underwrite workers compensation and liability for underage people in the workplace. Ms. Bergeron also reminded the board of the Animal Shelter ribbon cutting at 10:00 a.m. and the opening of Tropical Blossom Honey by Nature Nates. 6. OTHER BUSINESS AR-2017-2491 SEVMI draft discussion A motion was made by member Barnett, second by member Snow, to recommendation for approval of the SEVMI Draft to the City Council. The MOTION was APPROVED by the following vote: Yes:Bliss Jamison, Marcia Barnett, Donna Snow, Cecil Selman, Brandon Beck, and Craig Bair6 - Excused:Oscar Zeller, and Clarence McCloud2 - 7. NEW BUSINESS a. 2016 - 2017 School Scholarship discussion City Manager Tracey Barlow gave a staff presentation on how the Edgewater School Scholarship fund was started and why. Board members and staff discussed: how funds are dispersed; privacy of student applications, guidelines and forming a sub-committee to determine awards; importance of growing the fund for future years; Honors Night at New Smyrna Beach High School; Princess Ball; and promoting the fund through the residential utility billing. A motion was made by member Barnett, second by member Bair, to approve making a sub-committee to review and determine scholarship recipients and awards. The MOTION was APPROVED by the following vote: Yes:Bliss Jamison, Marcia Barnett, Donna Snow, Cecil Selman, Brandon Beck, and Craig Bair 6 - Excused:Oscar Zeller, and Clarence McCloud2 - After discussion, the board made a consensus to have member Snow as Chair, and members Bair and Barnett as additional members on the Sub-committee Board. The sub-committee determined to hold a special meeting on April 14th, 2017 at 12:00 p.m. to determine scholarship recipients. b. 2017 - 2018 EDB Draft Budget Page 2City of Edgewater Printed on 5/12/2017 April 5, 2017Economic Development Board Meeting Minutes Ms. Bergeron reviewed the Economic Development draft budget for the 2017 - 2018 Fiscal year. Board members and staff discussed concerns over budget item for SEVMI, not duplicating efforts, where the money is intended to be used for, and if all three cities will be supporting the marketing initiative financially to the same standard. 8. BOARD REPORTS None at this time. 9. ADJOURN There being no further business to discuss, Chair Jamison adjourned the meeting at 9:01 a.m. Minutes submitted by: Jordan Church, Board Coordinator Page 3City of Edgewater Printed on 5/12/2017 City of Edgewater Economic Development Advisory Board Budget  FY 2017 ‐ 2018 ITEM / DESCRIPTION FY 2017 ‐ 2018 001‐1230‐552‐31‐10 Professional Services            Team Volusia ‐ Manufacturing Recruitment 25,000$                       Constant Contact 310$                            Southeast Volusia Marketing Initiative CEDS Goal 1.2.7 10,000$             001‐1230‐552‐40‐10 Travel & Per Diem   SEV Chamber Monthly Business Luncheons 500 SEV Chamber Monthly Business After Hours Events 60$                    FRA Conference Hotel & meals 500$                  Misc. Travel ‐ Economic Development meetings, County Council meetings, etc.100$                  001‐1230‐552‐41‐40 Communications & Freight / Postage:   250$                  001‐1230‐552‐47‐10 Printing & Binding: 500$                  001‐1230‐552‐47‐20 Copier 1,250$               001‐1230‐552‐48‐10 Promotion / Marketing:    City of Edgewater Economic Development Brochure 5,000$               SEV Economic Development Summit 500$                  Misc. Promotional Opportunities 500$                  Southeast Volusia Chamber of Commerce Sponsorship Includes:      Directory Ad Full page ($980) 980$                         Home Show Business Expo Sponsor ($500) 500$                         Master's of Business Award (Installation) ($500) 500$                        SEVMI meeting hosting, administrative, printing, copying 1,000$                      SEV Chamber Support for the following: ($2,395) 2,395$                            Business Retention / Expansion Activities (surveys, visits, etc.)           Recruitment and Economic Development Support           Events Promotion 52 weeks & Media Sponsorship Package 001‐1230‐552‐49‐10 Other Charges / obligations 50$                       001‐1230‐552‐51‐10 Office Supplies 200$                    001‐12030‐552‐52‐10 Operating Supplies 650$                    011‐1230‐552‐52‐30 Uniforms 60$                       001‐1230‐552‐54‐10 Books, Pubs, Subs, & Memberships :  FRA Membership Dues 245$                    International Economic Development Council (IEDC) Membership Dues 405$                    SEV Chamber of Commerce Memberships (CM, PR, ED) $625 625$                    001‐1230‐552‐54‐20 Educational Development:  FRA Annual Conference 500$                    Misc Training 500$                    001‐1230‐552‐64‐20 Motor Vehicles 500$                    Total 53,580$