09-04-1963 - Recessed/Regular " -, v ~ .. "'i " v (.J n U .. CONTINUED MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, FWRIDA HELD SEPTEr-mER 4, 1963. - The Continued Meeting of t!le City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida was called to order by Mayor A. Hussey at 7:30 P.M. on September 4th, 1963. ROLL CALL Mayor A. Hussey Councilman Carl A. Siller Councilman Stanley A. Seng, Sr. Councilman Henry R. Palmateer Councilman Harry S. Drury, Jr. City Attorney Louis Ossinsky, Sr. City Clerk Kathryn B. O'Connell Deputy City Clerk Marie Robinson Police Chief John Deibler Fire Chief C. Fred Garlick Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present ~resent The Minutes of the Re9ll8.r Meeting of August 19th, 1963 were presented to each Councilman for his approval. Motion duly made by Councilman Siller these minutes stand approved as submitted, seconded by Councilman Palmateer and by vote CARRIED. Roll call vote being as follows:- Councilman Siller Councilman Seng Councilman Palmateer Councilman Drury Mayor Hussey Yea Absent at Aug. Yea Absent at Aug. Yea I 19 meet~ 19 meeting I Tom Groover, representing Briley, Wild & Associates, was introduced to explain feasibility of extending water lines in Florida Shores Subdivision. Mr. Groover said he was reporting to the Council on the water extension project which is composed of water extension in Florida Shores Area. He reported on the cost of the lines and location of the lines. Mr. Groover explained the proposed extension of water lines in Florida Shores and presented a map showing the proposed streets where the lines will be extended if agreed to by the Council. The map is on record in City Hall. The total estimate on cost of materials is The toal estimate on cost of labor is The total estimate on cost of engineering, miscellaneous . and contingencies Total cost (estimated) $12,998.25 $ 8,501.75 J 2.150.00 $23,650.00 Mr. Groover said it would be at a cost to the City of about $612 per customer. It has the potential to serve ten times that amount, if additional houses are constructed. Councilman Drury: Isn't it true that water lines will draw people into this area'l Mr. Groover: Idon't want to answer that. It depends on the people who own property there. Councilman Drury: Many people come into the development and the first thing they ask about is city water. . . .V (.) u u Councilman Seng: We can extend water lines as long as it is feasible. Mr. Groover: Water lines are designed to extend water service to the most number of people for the money- spent. Councilman Seng: Is it true that the water lines are planned where there is the best potential growth? Mr. Groover: I couldn't say that. A spectator from the audience asked what the charge would be to hook up to the water. ~- * The Council said it would be $65 and $10 for the meter. Mrs. Charles Thompson asked how far the water lines are going do'WIl Travelers Palm Dr. - South. Mr. Groover said it would be south to 19th Street. Mrs. Thompson said that again it leaves her with nothing. A spectator from the audience asked about the life of galvanized pipe. Mr. Groover said it would last in this area about 25 years. Water system adds salts to prevent corosion. Someone asked if':'You can assess the property owners that a.r.e not there. Mr. Groover said that this is not an assessment but is done by the city. It is a cost to the city per connection, not to the...;people. Mr. Joseph Blauvelt: People in Florida Shores who do not have water are paying $3,000 in utility tax. Some money should be spent in Florida Shores. This is a start in the right direction. Motion duly made by Councilman Seng we advertise for bids for materials for water lines and lay the pipe as soon as we get the materials - with city labor, seconded by Councilman Palmateer and by vote CARRIED. Roll call vote being as follows:- Councilman Siller Councilman Seng Councilman Palmateer Councilman prury Mayor Hussey Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Briley, Wild & Associates advised that the estimate of cost of water improvement in Silver Ridge Subdivision #2 was $2,100 which was paid by the developers. Attorney Ossinsky explained that this is lines installed by the Subdivision for water furnished through that system by the City of Edgewater. We refund annually to the developers an amount eqaal to 20 per cent of the charge for water consumed from said distribution system until an amount eqUal to the cost of installing said distribution 5,1stem has been deducted, or for a period of ten years from the date of the connection of the water meter to each residence connected to said distribution system whichever shall occur first. * Corrected at September 16, 1963 Meeting to read that $10 is to be deposited as a security bond (guarantee of the bill). ,. II ...V ~ u u Councilman Drury asked that Mr. Groover check for some more houses in Florida Shores. Councilman Siller said the City Employees are doing the laying of lines so they could extend some lines if it were necessary. Mr. Groover said he would make out the specifications for bids. Mr. Donald Mason asked why they don't go to Willow St. in Florida Shores with the water lines. Mr. Groover said the reason was that it would not be used. There W'ould be no revenue. Mr. Mason said there is a customer there. Mr. Groover explained that the council is just advertising for materials but where lines will be has not been decided. Mrs. George Miller stated that people are willing to be taxed, on Umbrella Tree Dr., in order to have water. }01r. Robert Matthews, attorney, spoke: It is very important for the citizens to have water. But what this lady says is true. People are willing to pay for what they get. This section will be expanding rapidly. But just as a suggestion this should be done by an assessment. Maintain regular collection fees. Profits accrued to city is pro rated to all the city as the city develops. The whole of Florida Shores could have water. A little more study by engineer would help. 1 am glad to see you wont lay lines and later have to take them up. You are planning with present money available. That is not right. Everybody should pay for what they get. Everyone wants to be sure they get what they pay for. Mr. Irving Tarnapol said he agreed with Mr. Matthews. Motion duly made by Councilman Palmateer that the request made by Mrs. irudgeon for water lines be turned over to Mr. Groover to find out an estimate on the cost of water into this development and whether it is feasible at no cost to the city. Mrs. Trudgeon to pay costs. Seconded by Councilman Seng and by vote CARRIED. Mr. Groover asked if there was an assurance from Mrs. Trudgeon that all expenses will be paid by her. Councilman Palmateer said that they agreed to that. But the attorney advised Mr. Groover to get in in writing. Roll call vote being as follows:- Councilman Siller Councilman Seng Councilman Palmateer Councilman Drury Mayor Hussey Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea , " ~.v v u v NEW roSINESS Motion duly made by Councilman Seng we give the Attorney the authority to contact Mr. Frank Watson in Jacksonville regarding Revenue Certificates on contingencyabasis, seconded by Councilman Palmateer and by vote CARRIED. Roll call vote being as follows:- Councilman Siller Yea Councilman Palmateer Yea Councilman Seng Yea Councilman Drury Yea Mayor Hussey Yea Motion duly made by Councilman Palmateer giving approval for the attorney to arrange with Mr. Gumby for another consultation in Atlanta with Mr. Groover and the Mayor if needed, seconded by Councilman Seng and by vote C~. Roll call vote being as follows:- Councilman Siller Yea Councilman Seng Yea Councilman Palmateer Yea Councilman Drury Yea Mayor Hussey Yea Motion duly made by Councilman Palmateer giving approval for the attorney and City Clerk to meet with Mr. Neeley who is editor in char~e of codification - at city hall, Saturday - to review this work (Municipal Code Corp.) seconded by Councilman Seng and by vote CARRIED. Roll call vote being as follows:- Councilman Siller Yea Councilman Seng Yea Councilman Palmateer Yea Councilman Drury Yea Mayor Hussey Yea Motion duly made by Councilman Palmateer the city clerk contact auditors and ask their presence at the meeting Saturday for final approval of the Budget, seconded by Councilman Siller and by vote CARRIED. Roll call vote being as follows:- Councilman Siller Yea Councilman Seng Yea CouncilMan Palmateer Yea Councilman Drury Yea Mayor Hussey Yea }Ofr. ~av~d Wiggins, Chairman of Civil Defense, asked council's pernuss~on to buy two sirens, one at north end of town and the other ~t the south end of town. He said the Civil Defense has money set as~de~'+or this. Councilman Seng said the Council had asked Mr. Wiggins for an estimate of cost. Mr. Dana Armstrong asked if the Civil Defense Surplus Fund wouldn't give the City the sirens. Mr. Wiggins said he expects to hear from Mr. DeMotte real soon. . v . . BILLS & ACCOUNTS General Fund Water Dep't. (,,) u II J 22.50 21.11 13 5 .58 73.22 12.15 2.75 442.00 575.31 35.00 8.25 21.60 3.15 41.80 220.00 56.45 31.37 36.00 15.62 3.50 4.50 60.00 27.86 185.00 34.58 42.38 4.48 6.71 6.00 11.03 6.96 Motion duly made~Jby Councilman Siller these bills be paid and be made a part of the minutes, seconded by Councilman Drury and by vote CARRIED. Roll call vote being as follows:- OFFICERS REPORTS Charley's Welding Shop City Auto Supply Edgewater Motors Seagrave Fire Apparatus Sol-Ray Supplies Daytona Fire Equipment, Inc. Firestone Stores New Smyrna Beach - Utilities Eugene F. Smith Nell' Snwrna Beach News Pitney-Bowes, Inc. Dwight's Board of County Commissioners W. K. Robinson Electric Service of N.S. B., Inc. Lloyd Cox' Co. Police Dep't. New Smyrna Beach Roger B. Quincy Frye's Tire Mart Richfield Truck Stop Claude E. Talley Prentiss Hardwaee Co. Indian River Gas Co. City of New Snwrna Beach - Utilities The H. & W. B. Drew Co. The National Cash Register Co. Prentiss Hardware Electric Service of N. S. B., Inc. All State Pipe Supply Co., Inc. . Hughes Supply Inc. Councilman Siller Councilman Seng Councilman Balmateer Councilman Drury Mayor Hussey Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Library Report for the month of August 1963 was read. Building Official's Report for the month of August 1963 was read. Certification of posting by the City Clerk dated August 20th, 1963 of the following items was read: Ordinance No. 358 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the City Council held August 5th, 1963 Clerk's Cash Statement.for August, 1963 was read. Budget Report for August, 1963 was read. Bill No. 2155 was read by the City Attorney with reference to Primary Elections. The City Attorney also read from our present city charter.