06-17-1963 - Regular " \..r ~ t.,J.. u u v REGULAR NEETING OF THE CITY COill-ICIL OF THE CITY OF ElXiEWATER, FLORIDA HELD JUNE 17, 196.3 The Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida was called to order by Mayor A. Hussey at 7:.36 PM on June 17th, 196.3. ROLL CALL Mayor A. Hussey Councilman Carl A. Siller Councilman Stanley A. Seng, Sr. Councilman Henry R. Palmateer Councilman Harry S. Drury, Jr. City Attorney Louis Ossinsky,Sr. City Clerk Kathryn B. O'Connell Deputy City Clerk Helen \'I. Jones Police Chief John Deibler Fire Chief C. Fred Garlick Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of June .3rd, 196.3 were presented to each Councilman for his approval. Hotion duly made by Councilman Palmateer these minutes stand approved as submitted, seconded by Councilman Drury and by vote CARRIED. Roll call vote being as follows: Councilman Siller Councilman Seng Councilman Palmateer Councilman Drury Mayor Hussey BILLS & ACCOUNTS Water Dept. Southern Bell Telephone Co. Florida Power & Light Co. New Smyrna Plumbing Supplies, Addressograph-Multigraph Corp. All State Pipe Supply Co. General Fund Southern Bell Telephone Co. Book Tracers Roger B. Quincy City of Edgewater-Water Dept. Florida Power & Light Co. Gulf Oil Corp. News-J ournal Corp. Standard Oil Co. Mary Ann's Flowers Rhett McMillian Radio Edgewater Mfg. Co. City Auto Supply' W. R. Ferreira, Chief of Police, New Smyrna Beach The Baker & Taylor Co. Abstain Yea Yea Yea Yea 21. 99 168.96 Inc. .37.40 6.10 52.75 14.3.22 .3 . 58 141.86 2.85 7.3 .60 446.70 .3 4 .10 79.80 10.00 26.00 4.70 7 . 9.3 44.00 96.67 Motion duly made by Councilman Siller these bills be paid and be made a part of the minutes, seconded by Councilman Drury and by vote CARRIED. Roll call vote being as follows: Councilman Siller Councilman Seng Councilman Palmateer Councilman Drury l-iayor Hussey Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Jo L u u II U , , ., I,. NEW' BUSINESS Attorney Ossinsky introduced Tom Groover of Briley, vlild & Assoc., the City Engineers, and David Gunby of Gunby & Co., the City Fiscal Agents who gave reports on the feasibility and financial aspects of the sewage project. ~~. Groover stated a suitable site has been acquired west of the railroad and south of Park Ave, and at the present time air photographs are being taken of the area. Briley-Wild has been authorized to draw up specifications for the plant and cost of same. He also stated the advance planning has been approved by the Housing Agency. Mr. Gunby discussed the financing of the system and recommended the present water system be joined with the sewer system. There areJ377,OOO of the 1958 revenue certificates now outstanding and he suggested having the Housing and Home Finance Agency (the present owners) substitute new Water and Sewer Certificates so they will have the same interest and maturity dates, with maturity schedule of forty years. The certificates can be sold to the Housing and Home Finance Agency with interest at 3 3/4 % or can be sold at open market for slightly more. He recommended sending a representative to Atlanta to get approval as soon as possible. He stated the City could use surplus revenue either to retire certificates or to extend facilities and suggested releasing the utility tax but it could be used if necessary. No principal would be due for five years and interest would start only when actual construction starts. Councilman Siller said we should find out if the public wants the sewer system before going any further and suggested a referendum. }~. Gunby stated a referendum is necessary only when there is to be assessments. This project is completely self-supporting. Mr. stewa.rt:' asked if Florida Shores was included in the project and to \'mat extent. Mr. Groover informed Mr. Ste\mrt that the Florida Shores area had been considered on basis of feasibility with sections East of the tracks in the Indian River Blvd. area included in the plans. Revenue must be coming in to extendlines to outlying areas. As revenues are built up extensions will be added in both water and sewer lines. Other areas have also been omitted be- cause of unpopulated sections. Councilman Drury asked y~. Groover to explain the l~ter situation west of the railroad in Florida Shores. 1-~. Groover said it could be a combined issue. Excess revenues can and will be put in water & sewer extensions. The utility tax can revert back to the General Fund or put in water and sewer system. Mr. Armstrong stated that it was voted and passed that the utility tax go to the Water Dept. However water is still not to all sections, as he has paid for five years and still has no city water. Feels there should be a referendum. Hr. Nat Brown: IIReferendum for what?" Suggested the City find out from Atlanta if the p~oject is feasible before considering a referendum. Mr. Tom Read asked how it would affect the existing sewer system in Silver Ridge? 1-1r. Groover stated the City would have to acquire the existing system as there could be no competing system. .. Ii ~ u u J " , " ... Attorney Ossinsky stated he wanted to clear up a few points at this time. 1. The word "bonds" should not be used----they should be called utility certificates. 2. The Read system will be worked out satisfactorily with the council & Hr. Read. 3. In reference to sewerage and water---There can be no sewerage rdthout water. We have accepted advances from the Government for the final plans on the sewage system and would hate to have this wasted. 4. Utili ty tax------There is a utility tax in Edgewater which can be released if the Council desires and used for something else. 5. Reference to eXtension of lines--Extensions will be made when barren properties are improved. Cannot lay non-productive lines. It is to our benefit to expand lines as can be used. Suggested that a resolution be presented authorizing engineer, fiscal agent and City Representative go to Atlanta. ~~. Groover stated on Sept. 19, 1962 we filed for a grant from the Federal Gevernment for $162,300.00. We had to file again before June 1, 1963 for an extension for the present application. Mr. Brown stated in 1957 it was voted 3 to 1 for sewers. Councilman Siller asked if we have to accept if we go to Atlanta. Mr. Gunby answered No, just talk with the Governw.ent Representatives and if they accept, they make offer and City decides whether to accept. Councilman Palmateer said we have accepted $44,415.00 for purpose of planning this system. Motion duly made by Councilman Palmateer to pass the resolution and have the application filled out and sent to Atlanta. Seconded by Councilman Seng and by vote 6ARRIED. Resolution read by Attorney Ossinsky. Councilman Siller Councilman Seng Councilman Palmateer Councilman Drury Mayor Hussey Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Hotion duly made by Councilman Palmateer to have the engineer and fiscal agent proceed with the plans, seconded by Councilman Seng and by vote CARRIED. Councilman Siller Councilman Seng Counci~ilan Palmateer Councilman Drury Mayor Hussey Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Hr. Gunby was instructed to make an appointment in Atlanta. Councilman Drury said the engineer should make suggestions when to extend the water lines west of the tracks in Florida Shores. Mr. Gunther asked if there would be an assessment for Florida Shores sewerage lines per front foot in future years? 11r. Gunby replied that there is no provision for assessments in the new set-up. . u (,,) o v .' , ., .' l-Ir. Groover explained the Capital Improvement Fund surplus should be used for capitol improvements with lines being added continually. He also added the extension ordinance should be modified. Mr. Gunther stated the lack of city water is the reason the area is not developing. OPENruG OF BIDS FIRE STATION One bid was received from W. K. Robinson who agreed to furnish all labor, materials and equipment to construct the work, complete, in strict accordance with the drawings and specifications for the amount of, $13,394.00. In his bid he stated IIThis bid DOES NOT include finishing the interior of the Jail Section with the exception of the Electrical wiring which should be done at initial construction. The reason for this being, I have not received my bid from the Jail Supplier at this date. However, I will submit a bid completing the Jail Section as soon as possible. This bid does include moving the Siren and tower which is in the way of the proposed building. Electric work to be done according to Electric plan furnished by Electric Service CO.II. Cashier's check for $700.00 (5% of the amount bid) accompanied bid. Motion duly made by Councilman Palmateer that decision on Fire House be made at .jl.Ju.~ 26th meeting, seconded by Councilman Drury and by vote CARRIED. - '- Councilman Siller Yea Councilmnn Seng Yea Councilman Palmateer Yea Councilman Drury Yea }myor Hussey Yea TRUCK CRANE TYro bids were received for the truck crane. 1. Florida Equipment Company made the following bid: One -- T-350 Schield Bantam w/GHC 3-53 Diesel engine, mounted on Bantam carrier Model 306, equipped as follows: Upper works w/sprag boom hoist, 2500 lb. crwt., 25' boom, 5' boom section, 10' boom section, double sheave boom tip, gantry yoke, stationary fairlead, 1011 drum lagging, Morin tagline, all necessary cable, ~ cu. yd. perforated drag bucket, ~ cu. yd. clam-shell bucket w/teeth. 306 carrier equipped with 8:25 x 20 mud & snow tires, rear & center outriggers. $19,923.72 For Torque Convertor -----Add- 783.00 Cash Delivered Price -----$ 20,706.72 Finance: 4 payments @ $ 4,389.82 1 payment @ 4,389.84 Five year period w/first payment on receipt of unit or at your request. 2. M. D. Hoody & Sons, Inc. made the following bid: One Unit l.fodel 513T Truck Crane Upper ~rorks powered by Model DD-226 Hercules Diesel Engine with Fuller Torque Converter, 12 volt electric system, independent planetary worm type boom hoist, 10 111 cable drums, Unit hydraulic actuated, internal band type clutches with automatic wear compensates control box., Dragline attachment. r.W.D. Crane Carrier: 10 825x20 10 ply tires, Tandem dual rear drive AXles with walking beam suspension, front wheel drive axle with spring suspension, clearance lights, boom rack, 40 gal. fuel tank, one man type off-set cab. Brakes on all wheels. Outriggers, center and rear. Price------------------$ 19,500.00 continued. . '-' u u II J ~, Attachments and extras: 1-10' boom section 260.00 1 ~ yd. Model TS Hendrix Drag Bucket 790.00 Total machine & attachments as above $20,550.00 Terms: Payable $2,500.00 per year in annual payments, including interest at 5% on upaid balance and "all risk" insurance for 9 years, with a tenth and final annual payment of' $5,138.50. Hotion duly made by Councilman Siller that decision of Truck Crane b,e made at Juh~ 26th meeting, seconded by Councilman Drury and by vote CARRIED. Councilman Siller Councilman Seng Councilman Palmateer Councilman Drury Mayor Hussey Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea TRAFFIC SIGNAL Three bids were received for the traffic signals. 1. Design Hetals. !nc. made the following bid: Furnish all equipment and materials and complete installation of a semi-traffic-actuated control signal at u. S. Highway #1 and Park Avenue, according to SRD Signalization Plans and SRD Specifications, for the amount of $4,800.00. Alternate # l--Furnish all equipment and materials and complete installation of a semi-traffic-actuated control signal at U. S. Highway # 1 and Park Avenue, according to SRD Signalization Plans and SRD Specifications, using Concrete Poles instead of Steal Poles for the amount of $4,200.00. Major items of equipment to be furnished: Controller--Automatic Signals (Hodel 507) Detectors---Automatic Signals Signal Heads--Econolite Corp. Steel Poles---Kerrigan Iron Works Concrete Poles--Dura-Stress If steel poles are used we will require approximately 120 days to complete the job. If allowed to use concrete poles, the installation could be completed in 30 days. vie have checked with the office of Mr. H. P. Boggs and they informed us they ~rould approve of the use of concrete poles. All equipment will have the manufactureres' one-year warranty. All work performed by us will have our unconditional guarantee for a period of one year. The terms are: cash on completion, or in the event that the City prefers, bank financing can be arranged over a five year period. 2. Electric Service of N.S.B., Inc. bid the following: To furnish material and labor to install Semi-actuated Traffic Control Signal as per plans $4,695.00 Terms: Four Thousand Six Hundred Ninety-five dollars to be paid as job progresses. Surety Bond for 20% of Total Amount Bid accompanied bid. 3. Patton & Dressler. Inc. submitted the following bid: To furnish a payment and performance Bond, all labor and materials per plans and specifications of the State Road Department for the SUM of: Steel Poles $5,485.00 Concrete Poles $4,895.00 The plans do not show pedestrian push button, but our bid price does include the installation of them. The installation carries an unconditional guarantee for 1 year against defective materials and,workmanship. continued I V I u u u '. ..~ Some of our recent installations are: Port Orange, Eustis, Titusville, Clermont, Palm Beach, Panama City. The above quote is good for 30 days from bid opening. vlork can start in 10 days and be complete in five (5) working days. All signal equipment necessary to do the job is in stock. Motion duly made by Councilman Seng that decision of Traffic Signals be tabled until meeting of June 26th, seconded by Councilman Drury and by vote CARRIED . Councilman Siller Councilman Seng Councilman Palmateer Councilman Drury Mayor Hussey Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea CIEANING OF CANAIS IN FLORIDA SHORES cleaning the canals in Florida Shores. Five bids were received for 1. Clark & Hirt of Osteen, Fla. bid the following: Our firm hereby submits a bid in the amount of $10,350.00 as to your specifications. The trucking of sand to be at the rate for each truck at $4.50 per hour, with our firm furnishing the equipment and driver. The bid price includes only drag line and operator. If required a caterpillar Diesel D-6, with operator will be furnished at the rate of $11.00 per hour. A Performance Bond in the amount required by the city with the premium to be paid by our firm will be furnished. Uability and vlorkmen' s Compensation Insurance is in effect and policies will be furnished by the contractor for in- spection at any time. The bid is contingent upon monthly progress payments as authorized work proceeds. Our firm can start work immedi- ately. 2. Drex Ice, Inc. of Casselberry, Fla. submitted the following bid: We hereby agree to furnish all necessary equipment to remove all vegetation from approximately 20 miles of drainage canals including the removal of sand which has washed into the said canals to the flow lines of said canals situate in Florida Shores Subdivision, Edgel'iater, Fla. Our total firm bid for cleaning canals is: $11,968.29 All materials removed from the canals will be handled in the following manner: Vegetation, Loom or sand '\-nll be piled on side of canals to dry, then such piles will be leveled out or trucked to places specified by the City of Edgewater Inspector. A sufficient number of trucks will be furnished for removal of sand and vegetation from the banks of canals for the following rate: $4.50 per hour per truck The above bid is made with the understanding that the bidder will receive payment in the following manner: i of total bid upon completion of f of contract ! of total bid upon completion of 2 of this contract ~ of total bid upon completion of 3/4 of this contract ~ of total bid upon completion of this contract. A certificate of Contractors Uability and Workmen's Compen- sation insurance will be furnished to the City of Edgewater, Fla. . u u Ii U l, -, 3. Farnell Land Clearing, Inc. of New Srn.yrna Beach submitted the following bid: .' We hereby propose to furnish all necessary dredging equipment to remove vegetation from canals in Florida Shores Subdivision, for the sum of : Thirteen thousand, Two hundred and Eighty-Five dollars ($13,285.00) Alternate No.1: To furnish the City of Edgewater -! yd. dragline, fully operated and maintained for $10.00 per hour. Alternate No.2: To furnish the City of Edgewater-All trucks needed in hauling of sand from canals for $4.50 per hour. In submitting this bid it is understood that we shall furnish a performance bond of 100% of the bid price. 4. Gatlin Bros. of Geneva, Fla. submitted the following bid: Hand Clearing @ $ 6,400.00 Dragline Cleaning & Excavating @ 13,860.00 $ 20,260.00 Hourly Work: Dragline: Trucks Per Unit: $15.00 per hour 5.00 per hour 5. J. B. Martin of Titusville, Fla. made the following bid: I will clean out canals and clean the banks which is around 18 to 20 miles for $7,400.00. Will furnish dump trucks at $4.00 per hour and my Equipment stands good for the job. Security or Bond which ever is preferred. I would like for ! the amount paid when the job is started and the balance when the job is completed. Councilman Drury stated a performance bond of 100% should be required. Hotion duly made by Councilman Siller to table the bids for decision at meeting of \'lednesday, June 26th seconded by Councilman Palmateer and by vote CARRIED. Councilman Siller Councilman Seng Councilman Palmateer Councilman Drury :Hayor Hussey Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea 110tion duly made by Councilman Siller to have Hr. Groover check all bids and make recommendation to council by Monday, June 24th, seconded by Councilman Drury and by vote CARRIED. Councilman Siller Yea Councilman Seng Yea Councilman Palmateer Yea Councilman Drury Yea Mayor Hussey Yea As ~~. Hayhurst of the SRD was present and the specifications for the Traffic Signal had been made by the SRD, it was decided that he would help Mr. Groover with suggestions on bids for the Traffic Signal. ~l BUSlNESS--continued Mr. Tom Read presented Silver Ridge Unit #2 Plat to the Council. Attorney Ossins~ stated water connections must be on street right-of-way---easements for p~r lines on back of lots, also required present bond be re-executed. Motion duly made by 60uncilman Seng to accept the Plat, seconded by Councilman Siller and by vote CARRIED. Councilman Siller Yea Councilman Seng Yea Councilman Palmateer Yea Councilman Drury Yea Mayor Hussey Yea iI v .... .' " . . , . , . II U . . (.) CJ Attorney Ossinsky suggested that the bond not be accepted but to hold in abeyance until June 26th meeting. OFFICERS' REPORTS CIERK'S CASH REPORT FOR },"JJ\Y, 1963 read by Deputy City Clerk Helen IV. Jones BUlXlET REPORT FOR 11AY, 1963 read by City Clerk Kathryn B. O'Connell POLICE REPORT FOR MAY, 1963 and Certification of posting by the City Clerk read by Deputy City Clerk. COr.1HUN ICATI ONS The City Clerk read a letter of thanks from Mayor Clarence Q. Goodrich of Oak Hill for the Volunteer Fire Dept. 's help in the recent fire in Oak Hill. Also read a letter from the Volunteer Fire Dept. treasurer, Thomas F. Duane, requesting $300.00 for the 4th of July Celebration. Motion duly made by Councilman Seng to give $300.00, seconded by Councilman Drury and by vote CARRIED. Councilman Siller Yea Councilman Seng Yea Councilman Palmateer Yea Councilman Drury Yea Mayor Hussey Yea Attorney Ossinsky stated that this was an unlawful donation and should be taken up with the CPA Auditor for his reconunendation. Motion duly made by Councilman Palmateer contact the City Auditor in reference to Councilman Drury and by vote CARRIED. Councilman Siller Councilman Seng Councilman Palmateer Councilman Drury Mayor Hussey instructing the City Clerk to the donation, seconded by Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Attorney Ossinsky presented a proposed plat by Talley showing Riverside Dr. extended in a southerly line through property of A. J. Frisch, and vacating the existing Riverside Dr. }w. Talley is to furnish the correct description of the proposed extension for the council to pass at the next meeting. Councilman Palmateer suggested the east & west street be renamed instead of being Riverside Dr. Attorney Ossinsky presented a proposal of four streets in Florida Shores to be paved which included Juniper Drive, Mango Tree Drive, Pine Tree Drive and Royal Palm Drive from Indian River Blvd. to 21st Street, also between River- side Drive & U. S. #1. ~~. Brown stated a price of 90i per foot is charged by the County. Mr. Crawford Shaeffer stated the City pays only for the oil, county furnishes labor. l-'Iayor Hussey said he would go to Conunissioner Saxon I s office this week and find out what it will cost the City. Councilman Seng inquired about the clearing of the land near the ball field. Mayor Hussey reported Mr. Smiley sent a man over to check about clearing of the property, but has received no further information. The meeting was recessed at 9:50 P.M. until Wednesday, June 26th at 7:30 P.M. ltinutes taken by Helen W. Jones. . ~ "\ . " u \) . w II U 4 dodo .,/ ~'l/} , a / " ~ .? /~ ~ . f ~. /;/e L-r v ~1 "' Mayor' ,-". , I " :' '/ / . 'Councilman #An~'4 /Councilman , ,. /1 . I ~'.... '- # J I II" , :.. \ I Councilman ATTEST: 1(~ {J;, 19 'C~ C ty Clerk /fUtJ "" ,\\