06-03-1963 - Regular - u \ \ u REGUlAR UEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA HELD JUNE 3, 1963 u II U The Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida was called to order by }~yor A. Hussey at 7:30 P.M. on J'Lme 3, 1963. lfuyor Hussey asked that everyone talk into the microphones. ROll CAll :Hayor A. Hussey Councilman Carl A. Siller Councilman Stanley A. Seng, Sr. Councilw4n HenrJ R. Palmateer Councilman Harry S. Drury, Jr. City Attorney Louis Ossinsky, Sr. City Clerk Kathryn B. O'Connell Deputy City Clerk ~~rie Robinson Police Chief John Deibler Fire Chief O. Fred Garlick Present Excused Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present The IvIinutes of the Regular Heeting of Hay 20th, 1963 and the Special Meeting of }my 24th, 1963 were presented to each Councilman for his approval. Hotion duly made by Councilman Seng these minutes stand approved as submitted, seconded by CounciL~ Palmateer and by vote CARRIED. Roll call vote being as follows:- CO~lcilman Siller Councilman Seng Councilman Palmateer Councilman Drury Mayor Hus sey BILLS & ACCOUNTS Water Dept. Prentiss Hardware City Auto Supply Jones Chemicals, Inc. Hughes Supply, Co. }mler's City of New S~rrna Beach-Utilities Briley, Wild & Associates Charley's ~nding Shop General Fund Smokey's Automotive Service, Inc. Tuxedo Feed Store Edgewater Motors Prentiss Hardware City Auto Supply Briley, Wild & Associates Electric Service of New Smyrna Beach, Inc. Dan ~Ialz:; Pitney-Bowes, Inc. Ne,ffl-J ournal Corp. City of New Smyrna Beach-Utilities Lenz Printing Bond-Hovlell Thelma Hennig-phone calls for Library Tartan Book Sales, Inc. vI.E. Mitchell West Plumbing & Heating Edgewater Hfg. Co. Absent Yea Yea Yea Yea 7.38 .97 76.50 207.40 5.30 37.59 500.00 5.50 41. 24 13 .10 306.65 13.63 3.54 200.00 18.68 23.00 2l.60 27.45 504.24 9.75 16.00 4.29 23.19 10.00 56.70 14.87 iii v u v ~ Motion duly made by Councilman Seng these bills be paid and be made a part of the roinutes, seconded by Councilman Palmateer and by vote CARRIED. Roll call vote being as follows:- Councilman Siller Councilman Seng Councilman Pabnateer Councilman Drury Hayor Hussey Absent Yea Yea Yea Yea OFFICERS REPORTS The Building Official's Report for the month of ~fuy, 1963 was read. The Librarian's Report for the month of l~, 1963 ~~s read. Certification of posting the follovdng items, by the City Clerk, was read: ~lihutes of the Special Council Meeting of l~y 2, 1963 Hinutes of the Regular Council Heeting of Hay 6, 1963 }unutes of the Special Council Meeting of l1ay 11, 1963 A Resolution stating need of a Bus Line from Ormond Beach to the City of Edgewater. Ordinance No. 347 Ordinance No. 348 Ordinance No. 349 Ordinance No. 350 Cm-:rr,ruNICATIONS A letter was read from the Housing and Home Finance Agency, enclosed in the letter were three counterparts of an Agreement for Public Works Plan Preparation whereby the Government offers to make an advance of not to exceed $44,415 to aid in fLDancing the cost of the planning for Sewage. If the Agreement is acceptable, an appropriate official of the City should be authorized and directed to accept it. Immediately following acceptance of the Agreement, the original should be returned to the Housing & Home Finance Agency, one copy for City files, and one for engineer. Attorney Ossinsky said that this came during the month of }1ay. Prior to this, telegrams had been sent from the Honorable Senator Spessard L. Holland and the Honorable Representative A. Sidney Herlong acknoi'lledging sa111e: had been approved. Upon the advice of the Attorney, rr~tion duly ID4de by Councilman Palmateer a letter of acknowledgment be sent to the Housing & Home Finance Agency; also ailthoIlize:the Nay:or and City Clerk to sign these documents and add the City Seal and return according to' instructions, seconded by Councilman Seng and by vote CARRIED. Roll call vote being as follows:- CouncilF~D Siller Councilman Seng Councilman Palmateer Councilman Drury Mayor Hussey Absent Yea Yea Yea Yea Attorney Ossinsky said that thelBis a possibility tp~s ID~ney ID4Y not be touched. He said that it may be possible to p~' the money back right avay, as this money has to be reimbursed. CoUftcilF4n Drury asked if this vlOuld include City vJater for the entire City. Ii v u u . o Attorney Ossinsky said he could not al1S1"er that question because this deals with Se1'/age. But Sewage and 'l:later is one. He said this matter should be brought up at the Heeting vr.i th the Engineers. A letter was read from the East Volusia Mosquito Control District stating that they cannot commit the district to maintain ditches constructed by others, unless there exists an emergency situation vnLich requires quick action inso far as Mosquito Breeding is concerned. Mo~on duly made by Councilman Palmateer a copy of the letter from the East Volusia Mosquito Control District be sent to 11r. David Wiggins of the Florida Shores Property Ovmers Assoc. so he knows the City has requested action. There 1rere no objections. OLD BUSINESS None NEVI BUSINESS :Hr. Ossinsky said that he had taLl{ed to Briley, '\1ild & Assoc. and they know about the Housing & Home Finance Agency approving request for a $44,415 advance to Edgewater. }~. Wilson, from their company, has been dovm to City Hall already. Upon the request of the Attorney, motion duly made by Councilman Seng we authorize Briley, Wild & Associates to complete final plans for Selvage, seconded by Councilman Palmateer and by vote CARRIED. Roll call vote being as follol'lS:- Councilman Siller Councilman Seng Councilman Palmateer CouncilTJl.an Drury Hayor Hussey Absent Yea Yea Yea Yea }w. & !1rs. Brenzell had a plat that they wanted accepted by the Council. The attorney said that the plat meets all specifications and should be passed. Hotion duly wade by Councilman Seng ..18 approve the plat of l1r. & ~ITs. Brenzell, seconded by Councilman PaL~.ateer and by vote CARRIED. Roll call vote being as follows:- Councilman Siller Councilman Seng Co~~cilman Palmateer Councilman Drury Hayor Hussey Absent Yea Yea Yea Yea Hr. Ossinsky e:A'"Plained about the subdivision. j'his Virginia Heights Subdivision plat presented by }~. & ~s. Brenzell extends from U.S. 1 d01~ Virginia Street, both sides proportionately, and Riverside Drive. Part is being platted. Section 5,4,3,2,1 North Side, Lot 8 & 7 South Side. It has city water and is black topped. It was rejected once because it did not have utility easements. It nm'/ has utility easements. }~yor Hussey stated at the last meeting the Council voted for Councilman Palmateer and him to attend law center in Holly Hill concer~ing the Bus Line. He said he could not attend because II " o v v u . . . he had made another committment to attend rr~eting here for American Legion. Councilman Palmateer wilL'now make a report on this. Councilman Palmateer: I attended meeting in Holly Hill, Memorial Day. There was not as much of a crowd as there might have been, but those there were very interested in better bus service from Edgewater to Holly Hill, Ormond Beach. Hr. Nat BrOl'm and myself were the only ones present from Edgev.ra.ter. Bus compaJ1.y.'furnished bus service from here and other places bet,~en here and DaJrtona. The people were very much interested in getting better service. There vrere no results. I left ,vith the i@pression there would be anothe:r- meeting withir. 30 days for the purpose of cross examination of the witnesses. There was a good crowd from New Smyrna Beach even though it ,vas !I1:emorial Day. Resolution that v.ra.s made by Council was presented by l1r. Ossinsky as Exhibit #1. 1~. David Wiggins asked if a letter had been received from the Florida Shores Property ~~ers Assoc. with their thoughts on 5treets to be paved. }~yor Hussey said it had been received but not read at a Meeting. }~yor Hussey said he had been waiting ~o hear from County on money to be sp~nt in that area. I have been holding back for simple reason I would like to know through our attorney what the County 1-ull do. The Clerk "ull write a letter to the County Commissioners to see what we can ~et. Holly Hill gets their aliLbtment but ,'/e don't. He said at our next meeting he may have an answer. Engineers Hill be do~ here and 1vill go over situation and see where we ,viII go down there. }~s. TheL~ HeDJUg said that the Library never got w~ney from the County u..'Yltil they llent do~ there and fought for it. That is how they got their $700. l1r. John Zeilman: There are stakes up on Pine Tree Dr. south to 21st St. and east from 21st St. to Juniper. He asked what they signified. 1'~or Hussey: The same thing Has asked me today. I don not knovl. Nothing has been said to me and nobody has called me. I am just as much in the dark. He said that he ,viII go to the County Office and see if h(w~can'.J.find out about it. }~. Herman Heinsohn asked about the Park in Florida Shores. Hayor Hussey: vIe have done some work on park but about the bulkhead I don't know. I want to see a bulkhead. Qui te a few boats go through which doesn't help do"m there. It ,viII cost between ';1,500 and ~~l, 700 for buJJrJ1ead. I can't say v18 vdll do it. He don't have the money right nOll. }~. John Zeilman asked if anything had been done on cownunications in Civil Defense. IT. vaggins stated that at the present time the City has two receiving sets, and no transmitting set. Hr. Zcilman: Don't you think l'le need cornnmnications? If vie don't have co~~ications we don't have Civil Defense. }~. ~aggins asked if therevas a purchase order for the two sets. }~s. O'Connell said there vlasn't. ~ . u u u u . . . Councilman Palmateer: "\ve did not get what i"le ordered. Hr. Zeilman: Can you contact Hr. LaBonde and Nr. Ream? He said that you do not h('..ve to b''Y from lIr. Campbell or 1-11'. DeHott. He said that:" if you Wa..11t to contact them they do have telephones. }~Ol' said that }~. Ream and }~. LaBonde can be reached on radio. Councilman Pa.1ma.teer: There had been letters i~itten to them. Nat Brown: Get DeHott dmm here and let him answer some questions. }~or Hussey: ~ill contact them ~Dd get someone dOi'm here, DeMott or Campbell. I am going to DeLand tomorrO'l'l and will try and talk to DeMott or Campbell. 111'. Ossinsky: About 2 or 2~ months ago }~. DeNott '.Ila,S here. "lve passed a resolution that i'le l'lene established as Civil Defense Council. Hr. Wiggins Has co-ordinator. }~. vliggins: I have asked I'~s. O'Connell to 1'll'i te Regional Office. We i"18re referred to Jacksonville ro1d from them we have not heard a word. }rr. Ossinsky: Until we were established correctly in the Civil Defense tole cotil:l not get any equipment or surplus rnaterials. }tr. Fred GarliDk: Thursday evening at 8:00 P.M. someone from the Sher~iffs Department vall be here and rr~ybe he could talk to the Council. Hr. Zei'lman: Some Counties have matched funds policy l\Thich means that if the city puts up ~500 the County pays $500. Volusia County doesn't have that. You can buy your Ovffi equipment from vtnomever you want. Councilman Seng: I was contacted today about city of Edgewater putting in a diamond for Babe Ruth League. Some boys in tt>..is City pl~ ball in New Smyrna Beach or they don't play ball at all. This party wanted a few feet of grolLDd cleared off behind Little League Park so that there can be a Babe Ruth Diamond. It shoUldn't cost very much. They don't 'l'lant it next year. There are boys that will pl~ right nOH. Couldn't lve get 1-11'. Sa.,"'(on to go in and clear a little of the land? It couldn't cost very mLlch. Hat Broi'm: There is property at the foot of Turgot that i'IaS once cleared. }~. Seng suggested that John Carter be contacted about tt>..is matter. Hayor Hussey: 1.~. Carter and I Ivent over the vmole area. Some of the clearing i"all have to be done by the County. Some of it is not too bad. Nat Brown: A street has already been open right tb the area. There being no further business motion duly made by Councilwan Palmateer we now adjourn, seconded by Councilman Drury and there were no objections. Hinutes taken by Marie Robinson. Time 8:36 P.H. .. v ':. .... u <..J N.;g" #.A-<Acl~ ~ Councilman -~ ~I/f/?~~ ~ Councilman U-- --- co~/~r -" ATTEST: ::: 1(a:tk7fr.?> ~ 'C~WU'I!(J r CitJr Clerk .. U