05-24-1963 - Special II 'I o~ u u n U SPECIAL l-IE&TING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA HELD MAY 24TH, 1963 The Special Meeting of the City Council of the City oE Edgewater, Florida held l-fuy 24th, 1963 was called to order by Mayor a: clussey at 7:00 P.H. ROLL CALL Hayor A. Hussey Councilman CarlA. Siller Councilman Stanley A. Seng, Sr. Councilman Henry R. PalITateer Councilman Harry S. Drury, Jr. City Attorney Louis Ossinsky, Sr. City Clerk KathrYn B. O'Connell Police Chief Jo~~ Deibler Fire Chief C. Fred Garlick Present Present Present Present Present Absent Present Absent Present The Meeting was called for the following purposes: Voting on Ordinances authorizing publication of legal ads asking for bids on the following: 1. SeIPi-actuated Traffic Control Signal 2. Truck crane to handle 1/2 Cubic Yard Dragline 3. Cleaning of Canals in Florida Shores, Edgewater 4. Fire House addition Also - to designate a member of the City Council to perform the function of the Municipal Judge in the disqualification of the I1ayor in the cases of City of Edgewater versus Stephen Wallace Averill. Also - To Appoint Special Counsel to prosecute said charges of City of Edgewater versus Stephen Wallace Averill by virtue of disqualification of City Attorney Louis Ossinsky, Sr. ORDINANCES ORDINANCE NO. 347 ~UESTING BIDS FOR THE TRAFFIC LIGHT SIGNAL INSTALLATION, LABOR A..TIJD MATERIAL, AT THE INTERSECTION OF STATE ROAD 5 AND PARK AVENUE, IN THE CITY OF EDGDIATER, FLORIDA. The above Ordinance was read in full by City Clerk and rr..otion duly made by Councilman Palmateer this ordinance be adopted, seconded by Councilman Drury and passed by vote of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida at the Special fleeting of the said Council held Hay 24th, 1963. Roll call vote being as follol'lS:- Councilman Siller Councilman Seng CouncilIP~ Palmateer Councilman Drury Hayor Hussey Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Upon motion duly made by Councilman Palmateer, seconded by Councilman Drury, the requirement of reading said Ordinance upon second reading was waived and by vote CARRIED. Roll call vote being as follows: Councilman Siller Councilman Seng Councilman Palmateer touncilman Drury l'1ayor Hussey Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea , v u u " u !'lotion duly made by Councilman Siller this Ordinance be passed on the vlaiving of the second reading, seconded by Councilman Drury and passed at the Special Meeting of the said Council held on the 24th day of }~, A.D. 1963 and approved as provided by law. The vote of said Council being as follows:- Councilman Siller Councilman Seng Councilw4n Palmateer Councilman Drury Hayor Hussey Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea ORDINANCE NO. 348 RmUESTING BIDS FOR ONE TRUCK CRANE TO HANDLE 1/2 ~UBIC YARD DRAGLINE AND CW1 SHEIJ., BUCKET, ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF EDOO'lATER, FLORIDA The above Ordinance was read in full by City Clerk and motion duly made by Councilman Palmateer this Ordinance be adopted, seconded by Councilman Drury and passed by vote of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida at the Special Meeting of the said Council held }~y 24th, 1963. Roll call vote being as follows:- Councilw4ll Siller Councilw4n Seng Councilw4n Palmateer Councilman Drury IvIayor Hussey Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Upon motion duly made by Councilman Siller, seconded by Councilman Drury the requirement of reading said Ordinance upon second reading was waived and by vote CARRIED. Roll call vote being as follows:- Councilman Siller Councilman Seng Councilman Palw4teer Councilman DI'Ur"J l<1ayor Hussey Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Motfuon duly made by Councilman Siller this Ordinance be passed on the waiving of the second reading, seconded by Councilman Dru~J and passed at the Special Meeting of the said Council held on the 24th day of ~fuy, A.D. 1963 and approved as provided by law. The vote of said Council being as follows:- Councilman Siller Councilman Seng Councilman Palw4teer Council.TJ'l4n Drury Jv'"layor Hussey Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea ORDINANCE NO. 349 REQUESTING BIDS ON CLEANING CANALS IN FLORIDA SHORES, SUBDIVISION OF EDGE\<IATER, FLORIDA The above Ordinance \'laS read in full by City Clerk and motion duly made by Councilman Seng this Ordinance be adopted, seconded by Councilman Siller and passed by vote of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida at the Special Meeting of the said COlli1cil held }~y 24th, 1963. Roll call vote being as follows:- Councilman Siller Councilman Seng Councilman Palmateer Councilman Drury Mayor Hussey Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea I .u u u n U Motion duly w4de by Councilman Seng, seconded by Councilman Drury the requirement of reading said Ordinance upon second reading was waived and by vote CARBIED. Roll call vote being as follows:- Councilro4n Siller Councilman Seng Councilman Palmateer Councilman Drury Mayor Hussey Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Motion duly made by Council.man Siller this waiving of the second reading, seconded by at the Special Meeting of the said Council A.D. 1963 and approved as provided by law. being as follows:- Ordinance be passed on the Councilman Drury and passed held on the 24th day of l>1ay, . The vote of said Council Councilman Siller Councilman Seng Councilman Palmateer Councilman Drury Mayor Hussey Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea ORDINANCE NO. 350 REQUESTING BIDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A FIRE HOUSE, LABOR.AND NATERIAIS, IN THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, FIORIDA The above Ordinance was read in full by City Clerk and motion duly made by Councilman Seng this Ordinance be adopted, seconded by Councilman Palmateer and passed by vote of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida at the Special Meeting of the said Council held May 24th, 1963. Roll call vote being as follows:- Councilman Siller Councilman Seng Councilman Palmateer Councilman Drury Iv'Jayor Hussey Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Upon motion duly made by Councilman Seng, seconded by Councilman Drury, the requirement of reading said Ordinance upon second reading was vlaived and by vote CARRIED. Roll call vote being as follows:- Couhcilro4n Siller ,Councilman Seng Councilman Palmateer Councilman Drury Hayor Hussey Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Motion duly made by Councilman Siller this Ordinance be passed on the v~iving of the second reading, seconded by Councilman Drury and passed at the Special Heeting of the said Council held on the 24th day of May, A.D. 1963 and approved as provided by law. The vote of the said Council being as follows:- Councilman Siller Councilman Seng Councilro4n Palmateer Councilman Drury Nayor Hussey Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea On the subject of the City Council designating a w~mber to perform the function of the 1.Iunicipal Judge in the disqualification of the l1ay"or in the cases of City of Edgewater versus Stephen Wallace Averill, Councilman Siller inquired about the l>1ayor's disqualification. The }~yor replied that he was disqualified by Averill's attorney. I I v u Q \.J Councilman Seng inquired about the charges. The City Clerk read the charges she had copied from the warrants - l~nlai~ul Speed _ 75 miles per hour" and t'Disorderly Conductn. Motion duly made by Councilman Seng, seconded by Councilman Drury that Councilman Palw~teer perform the function of the Municipal Judge due to the disqualification of the l~or in the cases of City of Edgewater versus Stephen Wallace Averill. Roll call vote being as follows:- Councilman Siller Councilw~ Seng Councilman Palmateer Councilman Drury :{\1ayor Hussey Yea Yea Abstain Yea Yea Councilman Siller questioned disqualification of City Attorney Louis Ossinsky, Sr. ~1ayor Hussey replied that Attorney Ossinsky disqualified himself because of family connections. The Nayor stated that the City Attorney recommended that WID. 1: Moore, Jr., an attorney in Ormond Beach be appointed. Motion duly made by Councilw~ Palw~teer, seconded by Councilman Drury that Attorney WID. T. Moore, Jr. perform the.'function of Special Counsel to prosecute said charges of the City of Edgewater versus Stephen Wallace Averill by virtue of disqualification of City Attorney Louis Ossinsky, Sr. Roll: call vote being as follows:- Councilman Siller Yea But was not sure how defense attorney would feel about Attorney Moore being recommended by City Attorney. Councilman Seng Councilman Palmateer Councilman Drury 1-'layor Hussey Yea Yea Yea Yea There being no:'.further business motion duly made by COlmcilman Seng we now adjourn, seconded by Counci~~ Drury. Time 7:28 P.H. ....... tJv -1JF ~ r AT'IEST: X~iJ !P(llMmpjljl ty Clerk