04-22-1963 - Recessed/Regular fi II . ... V u u u CONTINUED J:.JEETIHG OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDGELqATER, FLORIDA HELD APRIL 22ND, 1963 The Continued Meeting of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida held April 22nd, 1963 was called to order by ~fuyor A. Hussey at 7:30 P.1.1. ROLL CALL Mayor A. Hussey Present Counci~~ Carl A. Siller Present Councilman Stanley A. Seng, Sr. Present Councilman Henry R. Palmateer Present Councilman-Harry S. Drury, Jr. Present City Clerk Kathryn B. O'Connell Present Deputy City Clerk l~rie E. Robinson Present Ci ty Attorney Louis Ossinsky, Sr. Excused Attorney Louis Ossinsky, Jr. Present - Substitute Police Chief John Deibler Excused Fire Chief C. Fred Garlick Excused David C. Foreman, Police Officer, City of Edgewater, was present at this meeting. }fuyor Hussey stated that Fire Chief Garlick was in the hospital and not doing so well. He said he was in the Holly Hill Hospital and if anyone wanted to send a card they could. The Meeting was called to give Councilman Siller and Councilman Seng an opportunity to go over the proposed City Charter before action was taken by Council. Attorney Ossinsky sent them copies to read before the meeting, as they had been absent at Public Charter Reading. RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ATTORNEY TO TAKE CITY CHARTER TO LEGISLATURE TO BE ACTED UPON. Mayor Hussey asked if there were any errors or omissions. Councilman Seng said he saw no errors or omissions. Councilman Seng asked that if the Charter was passed by the Legislature, would it be necessary to have a vote by the voters of the City of Edgev~ter. Attorney Ossinsky said it would first go into the hopper and different corrunittees. Unless there are: ~etters from the people of Edgev~ter in opposition it idll go throvgh in a few days. It should come out in nearly the same form. It should take from tv!o to three weeks. It would become law vdthout a referendum vote. Councilman Seng said he could not vote for this resolution to send charter vdthout a referendum vote attached to it. He said he didn't want this charter to rest on his shoulders. / / Councilman Siller said quite a feV! things in the Charter are very important. He said he didn't think five people should have the power to tell the people what they will have. We are not here to be dictators. I will not approve it as read. It says nothing about referendum. He said that some of the charter may not be for the best interest of the people. . i '~'V w .I U v Councilman Palmateer said that there are 156 pages. It was read over fast to the people at the public meeting. I have not studied the charter. Some of the Councilmen that were not at the Council Meeting when the Charter was read have read the charter. Councilman Seng said that the Charter was well written. Hr. \'lilliam Piser said that the people have the opportunity to write to Tallahassee if they have any objections. Attorney Ossinsky said that if there were a great number of objections made to the Senators and Representatives, they would,as a matter of course, tack a referendum vote on the charter. Nat Brown stated that if the people want changes they will write a letter. He said that there has been a lot of the Council's time and effort put into writing the charter. He said it should be sent to Tallahassee and if there are objections they will tack on a refe~endum vote. Councilman Siller said he read the charter over the vreekend. He said he read some parts twice. He said he didn't know how the people, who only heard it once, could know what to object to. Nat Brown said that there could be something he didn't like in the charter but the whole thing shouldn't be turned down because of him. Let the people l~ite in their objections. Councilman Siller asksd if the Council was going to accept the Resolution. He said that we have no legal attorney here tonight. We can have an attorney but no assistants. It says that in the present charter. He said that he had mentioned that to }~. OssinsbJ. All registered voters could vote on the referendum vote on the charter. lvlotion duly made by CouncilIr.an Seng this meeting be adjourned until future date and that in the interim the City Attorney be instructed to redraft last section of said Charter and add a referendum vote to be voted upon at the next Special Election, seconded by Councilman Siller and by vote CARRIED. Roll call vote being as follows:- Councilman Siller Councilman Seng Councilman Palmateer r.ouncilman Drury Ma3ror Hussey Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea There being no further business motion duly made by Councilman Palmateer we now adjourn, seconded by Councilman Drury. " 1-unutes taken by Narie Robinson. Time 8:05 P.M. " " lj.- ~/<-44f4 Hayor // ;;fj /' / /;/ 1'-:;///'11_1:2 /(f:~ - Counci ;' /Za- " ...... ATTEST: J(iiLrJ 8./9 (!~lJjJ City Cler :~~~~ 1 ;;-t~..I..... .Jv~ ~ .-...