11-19-2003CITY OF EDGEWATER ANIMAL CONTROL BOARD REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 2003 7:00 PM CITY HALL CONFERENCE ROOM 104 North Riverside Drive CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: Chairman Donna Wagner APPROVAL OF MINUTES: August 20, 2003 Decade of Excellence OLD BUSINESS: MISCELLANOUS ITEMS: None. ADJOURNMENT: In =ordance with the,4wricarts with tDua6&iesflct persons needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedmg shouhfcontact Fm gdministmtion at (386) 424-244S prior to the meeting. If hearing mpaired terepfime the ¢Yorida ftfayService Num6ere at l-800-955-8771(4MD ORI-800- 9SS-8770 wice) forassistawe. ftrsuant to Cgapter286, E..S, if arty mdrtdduafdecides to appeafany decision made with respect to any matter considered at a meeting or heant% that indnnduafwiifneed a recordof the proceedings and wilf need to insure that a verbatim recordof the proceedmgs is made.