05-19-2004CITY OF EDGEWATER ANIMAL CONTROL BOARD REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, May 19, 2004 7:00 PM CITY HALL CONFERENCE ROOM 104 North Riverside Drive CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Donna Wagner ROLL CALL: APPROVAL OF MINUTES: February 18, 2004 *Introduction of two (2) new staff members. NEW BUSINESS: Leash Law OLD BUSINESS: MISCELLANOUS ITEMS: None. ADJOURNMENT: In accordance with the -Americans with tDua6i itmAc4 persons needing assistance to participate in any of these proceeding shoufdcontact EmAdministmtion at (386) 424-2445 pnor w the meeting. If hearing lmpaned tefephone the rF&nda IlFfay Service Numbers at 1-800-9S5-8771(` TkD op,1-800- 95S- 8 770 voice) forassutance. tpursuant to Chapter 286, IFS., if any htdtviduafdecides to appeaIany decision made with respect to any matterconsidered at a meeting or heating, that mdnidaafwif wed a record of the proceedings andwiffneed to insure that a w r6attm recordof the proceedings is made.