06-02-2004 - SpecialCITY OF EDGEWATER ANIMAL CONTROL BOARD SPECIAL MEETING WEDNESDAY, June 2, 2004 7:00 PM CITY HALL CONFERENCE ROOM 104 North Riverside Drive CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: APPROVAL OF MINUTES: NEW BUSINESS: OLD BUSINESS: MISCELLANOUS ITEMS: ADJOURNMENT: Chairman Donna Wagner May 19, 2004 Recommend ordinance changes None. in accordance with the Americans with Disabitties Act, persons needing assistance to participate in any of these proceeding shouh(contact fire Administration at (386) 424-2445 prior to the meeting, if hearing impaired telephone the f(orida Relay Service Numbers at 1-800-955-8771 (PDD OR,1-800- 955-8770 voice) for assistance. Pursuant to Chapter 286, F.S., if any indivu(ua(decides to appeal any decision made with wpect to any matter considered at a meeting or hearing, that individual unll need a record of the proceedings and will needto insure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made.