12-10-1962 - Special Ii u u u J SPECIAL l:E3TLJG OF THE CITY COUI;CIL OF THE CITY OF ED:EVIATER, FLORIDA l;EIJD DECELBER 10, 1962. The Special i..eetin.:, of the City Council of the City of Edgel.,rater, Florida held Decer,ber 10, 1962 was called to order b;,/ ~.ayor A. E'lssey at f.. :30 P .1'1. The Ir.eeting ,V'as called to appoint a Civil Defense Co-ordinator. ROLL CALL !-layor A. Hussey Co~ncilnan Carl A. Siller CO'lmcilma:l Starlley A. Sen~, Sr. Co'.mcilr"an Henry R. Palmateer Coupcilman r:arry S. DruI"'J, Jr. City Clerk Kath~~ ~. O'COnPell City Attorney Jefferson Clark Police Chief John Deibler Fire Chief C. Fred 2arlick arrived later. Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Preserct The I.ayor mentioned the names of three possible appointees: David L. Hi,:;gins, Sr., Rev. Harvey Hardin and John Zeilman In the discussion thc>t ll,llowed it was stated that the rnirlister has a full time job with his chllrch responsibilities, and that Da~i~ L. Wiggins, Sr., being retired vrould have the ITDSJ time to devote to the responsible job. Co~mci~ Seng 1~de a motion that David L. lIihbins, Sr. be appointed Civil Defense Co-ordinator, 3econded by CouncilIran Siller and by vote C~1RIED. Roll call vote being as follows:- Council~an Siller C01.:ncilJr.an Seng CO'l.:ncilman Palrrateer Councilman Drury lIa;yor Husse~~ Yea Yea ~ea Yea Yea As Lr. llosher had declined to serve, it vms aGreed that lIr. Hayman and l.r. Alexar.der would '1elp r.lr. Uigc;ins. There being no further bl:sircess motior, d'L'l:." n:ade by Councilman Sens ,'m do now adjourn, seconded by Councilr~n Siller and CAF..B.IED. Tinte 6 :55 P .1'.. ~c- dv?- councilrr.anY~~ r-- Councilmn ~ //t"'~7<-'" Hayor I' ( , ~. J ATTEST: ~1:: f:J. (9 -C~/!n.nff:t Ci ty C, elk