12-03-1962 - Regular \ V u u v T08 Regular f~eting of the City Council of the City of Zdgewater, Florida held December 3, 1962 was called to order by ~'~or A. Hussey at 7:30 P.l:. ROLL CALL REGULAR HEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF Trill CITY OF EDGEvlATER, FLORIDA HELD DECEEBER 3, 1962 11ayor A. Hussey Co~~ci~4ll Carl A. Siller Councilman Stanley A. Seng, Sr. Councilman Henry R. Palmateer Councilman Harry S. Drury City Attorney Jefferson Clark Police Chief John Deibler Fire Chief C. Fred Garlick C..ty Clerk Kathryn B. O'Connell Deputy Clerk l.arie Robinson Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present The }linutes of the ~egular l1eeting of November 19th, 19r2 and the Special :...eeting of rJovember 23rd, 19(,2 'were presented to each Councilrran for his approval. r.:otion duly rrade by CouncilR.an Seng these minutes stand approved as submitted, seconded by Councilr.lL~ Siller ~1d by vote CA..'tRIED. BILLS & ACCOUNTS General Fund ..later Department I Jess l:a. thas Charley's Helding Shop Honte's Truck Stop Pittsburgh Testing LaboratoTJT Volusia County Police Chiefs Assoc. National Chemsearch Corp. Katherine S. Odhrun Don Bell Signs Jim Laycock Pyrofa...x G-as Co. Bro-dart Industries 1.1.A. .Rackley Southern bell City of N.S.B. Utilities Edge':Tater Hotors The Seagrave Corp. Ray's Paint & Body Shop Richfield Truck Stop City of N.S.D. Utilities Black Laboratories, Inc. Charle;'l's 'l'Ielding Shop Cities Supply Co., Inc. Products, Inc. Hughes Supply, Inc. Neptune Meter Co. 186.00 58.42 3.30 12.50 50.00 57.78 33.47 300.00 2.00 7.70 7.U~ 78.69 36.26 484.47 33.73 3.30 75.85 6.00 40.30 4.96 8.00 79.88 154.98 82.92 327.86 l:otion duly made by Council'TIan PalJrateer these bills be paid and be kade a part of the minutes, seconded by Councilr.,an Seng and by vote CARRIED. Roll call vote being as follows:- Council~.an Siller Councilrran Seng Councilman Palr.,ateer Councih~n Drury Layor Hussey Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea , " u , I I I u u u OFFIC~~'S FEPORTS The Building Official Report for the ~onth of November was read. ORDINArJCE ORDIiTAIJCE rIO. 33~ AIENDIIIC SECTIOlTS 1 AND 2 of ORDI.i:\JANCE NO. 327, ENTITLED HAC OlIDIl.A:TCE ADOPTHJG ALL OF THE PROVISIO.i:\S OF 'THE }:ODEL TRAFFIC ORDIEA.:JCE FOR EUNICIPALITIES' EXCEPTING THEREFRm' SUB-SECTION 1 OF SECnOH 186.57, AS SET FORTH I:T CEAP'I'.&l. 186, 19t 1 EDITION, STATUTES OF TEE STATE OF FLORIDA, TOGETHER ~rrTH SUCH SUBSEQUElTT CBANGES AS blY OCCUR THROUGH LEGISLATIVE ACTImT RELATING THKlETO, ADD PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR TIlE VIOLlI.TIOIJS OF PROVISIONS OF THIS ORDL"!AJCE. The above ordinance was read in full by Attorney Clark and mot~on duly ~4de by Councilman Seng this ordinance be adopted, seconded by Counci~car. Palmateer and passed by vote of the City COllilcil of the City of Edgellater, Florida at the Regular Eeeting of the said Council held on December 3rd, 19C2. Roll call vote being as follows:- Councilman Siller Councilman Seng CouncilF~n Palmateer Councilman Drury l,:ayor Hussey Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Upon motion dul~y made by CouncilFan Siller seconded by Councilnan Drury aIld CA.'ffiIED, the reqirement of reading said ordinance up second reading vIas 'Haived and the ordinance was ordered put upon final passage. Passed by vote of the City Council of the City of EdGelfater, Florida at the regular meeting of the said Council on the 3rd day of December A.D. 1962 and approved as provided by law. The vote of said council being as followsj- Councilwan Siller Councilman Scng Counci~Jlan PalFateer Counciln~n DruTJ' Hayor Husse:YT Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea OLD BUSHlESS lwne r~v JUSINESS Bids were opened for the New Police Car. A bid was read from Nieburger Chevrolet ~or a new 1963 Chevrolet 4 Door Sedan equipped per specifications:- ,;~l, 789 ..Ii th the trade of the 1960 Ford. "If standard transmission desired in place of automatic the price is ~~1,659 with the trade of the 1960 Ford. A Bid was read from Watkins Ford of ~1,6e2.63 that met all specifications lihich included the trade of the 1960 Ford. l~tion duly made by Councilman Palmateer lffl accept the bid of ~{atkins Ford for the new police car, seconded by Councilman Siller and by vote CAIu1IED. Roll call vote being as follows:- " v u u u Councilman Siller Councilman Seng Councilman Palmateer Councilman Drury :Hayor Hussey Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Councilman Palmateer asked if the fire department annexation has been straightened out. Fire Chief Garlick said the new plans are not ready yet. Motion duly made by Councilman Siller all these bids on the Fire Department addition be rejected until new specifications can be drawn up, seconded by Councilman Drury and by vote CARRIED. Roll call vote being as follows:- Councilw4n Siller Yea Councilman Seng Yea Counci~an Palmateer Yea Councilman Drury Yea !<layor Husse;r Yea Fire Chief Garlick was asked why the change in the specifications for bids. He said that the City has a new Civil Defense truck and that they will have a new fire engine. We wouldn't have a place to put it. We would have tc. park it in front of the fire house. 'de l1ad to change the whole plan. ~~. Kenneth Cooper asked when they are going to clean the wain canal in Florida Shores. }~or Hussey said we will contact the County about that. There is one canal we couldn't get into because there was no access. Councilman Drury said he thought the County was going to do it. VIT. Cooper sa:J..Q that if you wait a good rain "viII come and:: it will be allover the streets again. }~yor Hussey said he will have to talk to Hr. Saxon. }~. Cooper asked when they are going to cut the trees and bushes on the Canals. ~~or Hussey said that was up to Florida Shores. }~or Hussey said that when he says something will be done he 1vill go through with itif he can. }~yor Hussey said he made a survey of Florida Shores. He said when he can get somebody to ge d01m there he vnll send them there. l..r. Dana Armstrong said the 12th Street Extension is going to flood over if they keep digging there. There should be some comwittee to go down there and check on it. He also said the canal on Flagler and 12th Street is all clogged because some builder dumped trash in it. The~e being no further business motion duly wade by Councilman Palmateer we now adjourn, seconded by Councilman Drury and by vote CARRIED. }tinutes taken by ~mrie Robinson. Time 7:50 P.~~. " n v u u u Hayor c\1 IH/LAAA~A/j// Councilma. counci1man/~L'7-d~P" ~ counci1man~~~~ ATTEST: 7~B iO(J,,,,,,,,,Pi City C erk f' .