12-01-1962 - Public Hearing .. v o u u At 9:45 A.I:., Decer;,ber 1, 1962, menbers of the City Council and the Kayor, acting as the Board of Adjustment of the City of Edgevrater, met at City f:all to hold a hearing to decide 0'" whether tc issue a buildinc: pelrl1.d. t to Edward V. Gehrke, after refusal to do so by the .Juilding Official. The rlayor, four councilmen, and Er. Gehrke first went to inspect Lle frame building. On returr.. to City Hall, CouncilJnan Siller made a motion t:.Jat he believed that t.1e building Official VTas rig3t Ll refusinG tj1e perroit, that after investigation of the buildinb, he agreed that the p3rroit should not be issued, seconded by Council~ Dru~J. Col,incilman SeLC: stated that for a gara--.:e the building would be all right, but for living quarters .~ong. lIr. Ce:1rke stated that he did not want to violate regulation:::;, had cleaned up the shrubbery; had asked the electrical contractor, Hr. hcClelland to 6et in touch .d th the Buildin6 Official, but ~:r. ~:cClelland did not. l~. Gehrke said he had tried to co-operate; at this time he did not kn01^1 just what tile;," HO'J.ld do, had intended to clean the place up to r.'ake it more presentable before deciding. He vnshed the Council cuuld have seen it before he started. ~:r. LaBonde stated he had seen the Building contractor, Lr. Rackley there, and Lr. ~ackley had told him he waG going to "rork on the apartment. ::r. HcClelland phoned and :1r. LaDonde told hi.rn he couldn't let IIr. Gehrke ";0 ahead. r:r. Rackley, l:r. :,"8hrke, and lIr. LaBonde r.let at the buildint; and Er. dehrke had decided not to,~o a:1ead. The Council voted unanimously to refuse the building perDit. ~oll call vote being as follows:- Council~n Siller CounciJJran Seng Councilman PaJJrateer Councilnan DruI"J Layor Husse;;r Yea Yea Yea Y.ea Yea The hearing was adjourned. Time 10:25 A.M. . 4 Layor ", , ti/<,~6~,~ "Pot ( P' vi . . C01ll1Ci/~~/ .f(~ &'yed/ counci~~I/~ 1Jv~ . {fJ/~ Counciman /fi ~k , Councilman ~ ~t/:t7/ ft4 ATTEST: "f~~, /J; rQ (]4;w."glZ^ City erk