11-29-1962 - Special ~ v u u Il V SPECIAL liEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDCE'VIATER, FLORIDA HELD NOVEl-illER 29, 1962 A Special Eeeting of the Cit;)r Council of the City of EdseHater, Florida held Hovenber 29th, 1962 .'fas called to order by Eayor A. Hussey at 7:30 P.Y. The meeting sas called for Civil Defense plans. T':le follovdng were presert: hayor I-Iussey, CounciLllan Siller, CounciJJTIan SEng, Counci~4n Palmateer, Councilw~n Drury, Attorney Clark, City Clerk O'Connell, Police Chief John Deibler, Fire Chief C. Fred Garlick, Hm. Cairnie, C] ;.ff 1-:1osher, Chas. Sepkoski, Slim Alexander, John l:orocco, John Zeilman, Dana Armstrong, and Gene Bliton. Attorney Clark rewinded the Council of their responsibility on Civil Defense accordin~ to Florida Statute Chapeer 25209. Attorney Clark read from the Statutes that the AdvisorJ Committee of three should be elective officials of the City or County designated by the Council. The Council should also appoint a Civil Defense Co-ordirator who does not ~ave be elective or a City employee. He said that it had been illegal the way the conmittee came to life. }~yor Hussey said he was told by the }~yor of New Smyrna Beacn to select three men as an Advisory Committee and he had asked }~. ~osher, }~. H~~~n, and 1-:1'. Alexander to serve, now it is up to the Council. Er. l-Iosher said we have no authority. Councilman Palmateer said this is a serious situation, that he wants a little time to think it over, not somethin~ to be decided on the spur of the momemt. Councilman Drury said nHow mch time?n C01.illcilman Seng: ''V'lhat men do you have in mind?n CouncilwaTl Siller: nHave the two men here give their opinions.1t CounciJJTIan Seng: nI go along 1rJith any of the three, all well qualified but I believe Hr. Hayman would not have time.n Councilw4n Siller: "The men should have full knowledge of City Streets.n L1'. Hosher: "The men mst have qualifications, should take time to make selection. Remove me, after hearing qualifications I do not know streets.u Fire Chief :larlick: t1'ben that work every day for a living do not have time - bet retired man, some one 1rJith a lot of time." Police Chief Deibler: nHave a man to organize and put men under him to work.1t Gene Bliton: '~verything has to be approved by the City Council, as they are responsible. Call on me anytime, I will help in any way I can. The committee of three in ~.S.B. had been working for two weeks, had all topics taken care of, also sub-topics.tI' . III v v v u Councilman Palmateer: t~e have other obligations to meet just now with meetings Friday night, Saturday morning, and Bonday night. We need a few days to think. n }.ayor Hussey suggested that the Council talk it over Saturday morning when they will be together. Hr. 110sher presented the diagram he had made &. suggested that all the Councilmen read over the plan. Councilman Palmateer made a rr~tion that the Council meet Wednesday, December 5th, at 6:30 P.B., seconded by Councilman Drury, there were no objections. Adjourned 8: 22 P .1.:. Nayor-4 I .dAA.--! A~' ya Counci CounCilman~~~ Councilman wh t' Jrc ~r~ ATTEST: j~fX IQ (J hntl/l City erk "