11-19-1962 - Regular n v ... u REGULAR HEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDGE'i'lATER, FLORIDA HELD NOVEMBER 19, 1962 ~ Regular ~eeting of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida held November 19th, 1962 was called to order by Mayor A. Hussey at 7:30 P.M. ROLL CALL 1-:ayor A. Hussey Councilw~n Carl A. Siller Councilman StanleyA. Seng, Sr. Councilman Henry R. Palw~teer Councilman Harry S. Drury City Attorney Jefferson Clark Police Chief John Deibler Fire Chief C. Fred Garlick City Clerk Kathryn B. O'Connell Deputy Clerk 1-1arie Robinson Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present The }unutes of the Regular Meeting of November 5th, 1962 and the Continued Meeting of November 7, 1962 were presented to each Councilw~ for his approval. Motion duly made by Councilman Seng these winutes stand approved as submitted, seconded by Councilman Siller and by vote CARRIED. ~ILLS & ACCOUNTS ~vater Department DuCor Supply Florida Power & Light All State Pipe Supply Co. ,Inc. Davis Meter & Supply Co., Inc. Addressograph-}~ltigraph Corp. Rhett HcNillian, Radio Zip Oil Station Southern Bell Tel. Paul Ream reimburse Tel. General Fund DuCor Supply Florida Power & Light Co. NeHs-Journal Corp. Stephens Pontiac, Inc. Florida State Firemen's Assoc. Lloyd Cox Co. The Glencoe Press VJ.a t thews & Clark Smith's Pharmacy, Inc. ~vater Department Gulf Oil Corp. Federal Sign & Signal Corp. Sewickley Restaurant Zip Oil Station Bill Lenz The Baker & Taylor Co. Southern Bell Tel. Southern Bell Tel. New Smyrna Beach Police Dep't 80.50 128.72 8.68 17.91 2.58 11.$0 20.10 16.37 3.55 80.50 6L~.33 5.25 500.GO 124.00 7.20 27.50 50.00 11.45 2.50 419.13 8.55 22.50 L~9 .38 1.35 16.45 9.94 20.52 30.00 l':otion duly made by Councilman Seng these bills be paid and be made a part of the winutes, seconded by Councilman DruIJT and by vote CARRIED. Roll call vote being as fo11ows:- Councilman Siller Councilman Seng Councilman Palw~teer Councilw~n Drury l:ayor Hussey Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea 1\ u . III v u u u OFFICERS REPORTS Police Report for the month of October was read. Cash Statement for the month of October Has read. Budget Report for the month of October was read. COl1HUNICATIO~JS A letter was read from Thelma L. Hennig, Secretary of the Board of Governors, stating that at the regular meeting of the Board of Governors on November 12, 1962 the resignation of }~s. Marjorie Gunther was accepted A letter was read from Charles F. Burgie advising that the City Hall be built on the highway, with the police department on one side ~Dd the fire department on the other side. A letter was read from Ewil W. Johnson, l~jor USAR Ret. asking that tennis courts be put up in the City of Edgewater. Eotion duly made by Councilman Seng thc;t vie table-the letter concerning tennis courts in the City, seconded by Councilman Siller. There were no objections. Eotion duly made by Councillran Palmateer we table indefinitely the request by' l.:r. B;;.rgie that we move the city mIl to the highViay. \ There Viere no objections. \ Councilln~D PalIrateer said ,...e should accept the resignation of Imrjorie Gunther vuth regrets. He said that he had haQ~occasion to work with her many times and said that she was a very good worker and will be missed on the Board. l~yor Hussey said that }~rjorie Gunther had been a very hard worker. He had just heard a few nights before from someone tl"1.a.t she was a very hard worker and said thatit is too bad there aren't more people who work so vrell. RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION SETTING FOR.TH VARIOUS DESCRIBED PROPEHTY HITHIN THE CITY OF EDGEI'lATER, VOLUSIA COUNTY, FLORIDA, AS BEIHG IN SUCH C01:DITIO:: ;"S TO BE A VIOLATION OF ORDH!ANCE lJU1JlER 321; AIID AUTHOlUZING THE CITY CLERK TO SERVE NOTICE UPON THE OVlNERS THEREOF TO COI:PLY \'lITH THE REQURElIENTS OF ORDIEANCE HillJ3ER 321. G}he above resolution was read in full by Attorney Jefferson ',l. Clark and motion duly r.ade by Councillran Palmateer this resolution be adopted and it vull be the dutycof the Police Department to see that it is enforced, seconded by Councilw.an Siller and passed by vote of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida at the Regular Leeting of the said Council held on Hovember 19, 1962. Roll call vote being as follows:- Councilman Siller Councilman Seng CouncilIran Pallr~teer Council1r.an Drury Eayor Hussey Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea ORDn~ANCES ORDI:.AECE NO. 334 INCREASING THE COHPENSATION OF HELEE IV. JONES, DEPUTY CLERK FOR THE CITY OF EDGllilATER, FLORIDA. I " v " u ...; u The above ordinance was read in full by Attorney Jefferson Clark and motion duly made by Councilman Siller this ordinance be adopted, seconded by Councilman Sens and passed by vote of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida at the Regular l.:eeting of the said Council held on November 19, 1962. Roll call vote being as follows:- Counci~an Siller Councilman Seng Council~ Pal~~teer CouncilE~n Drury r'1ayor Hussey Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Upon motion duly made by Councilw~n Siller seconded by Councilman Seng ~~d CA&~IED, the requirement of reading said ordinance upon second reading was waived and the ordinance was ordered put upon final passage. Passed by vote of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida at the regular meeting of the said COlmcil on the 19th day of :Jovernber, A.D. 1962 andapproved as provided by lavr. The vote of the said Council being as follows:- Councilman Siller Councilr.1an Seng Councilman Palwateer Councilman Drury l-Iayor Hussey Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea ORDINANCE NO. 335 INCREASING THE Cm:pE.1\TSATION OF I'~RIE ELIZABETH ROBINSOE, DEPUTY CITY CLERK FOR THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA. The above ordinance was read in full by Attorney Clark and motion dul,v wade b;y Councilman Palmateer this ordinance: be adopted, seconded by Councilman Drury and passed by.vote of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida at the Regular Eeeting of the said Council held on November 19, 1962. Roll call vote being as follows:- Councilman Siller Councilman S~ng Council~~n Palmateer COlmcil~an Drury Nayor Hussey Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Upon motion duly wade by Councilr.an Palwateer seconded by Councilman Siller and CARRIED, the requirement of reading said ordinance upon second reading was waived and the ordinance was ordered put upon final passage. Passed by vote of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida at the regular meeting of the said Council on the 19th day of lJovember, A.D. 1962 and approved as provided by lavr. The vote of the said Council being as follows:- Councilman Siller Councilwan Seng Councilman Pa~ateer Councilman Drury Layor Hussey Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea ORDD:ANCE NO. 336 INCREA.SIN~ THE COliPENSATION OF RUTH K. SI"ITTH, \^lATER DEPARTHENT CLERK FOR THE CITY OF EDGE1rlATER, FLORIDA. . v u v /\.J The above ordinance was read in full by Attorney Jefferson Clark and rnotion duly made by Councilman Seng this ordinance be adopted, seconded by Councilman Siller and passed by vote of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida at the Regular :reeting of the -::aid Council held on iJovember 19th, 1962. Roll call vote being as follows:- CouncilITan Siller Councilman Seng Councilman Palmateer Councilman Drury }layor Hussey Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Upon motion duly nmde by Councilman Seng seconded by Councilman Palmateer and CA1RIED, the requirement of reading said ordinance upon second reac.ing Has waived and the ordinance was ordered put upon final passage. Passed by vote of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida at the regular meeting of the said Council on the 19th day of November, A.D. 1962 and approved as provided by law. The vote of said Council being as follows:- CouncilITan Siller Councilman Seng Councib.~n Palwateer CouncilITan Drury Hayor Hussey Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea ORDINANCE NO. 337 OF THE CITY OF EDGfufATER, VOLUSIA COUNTY, FLORIDA, PROVIDING FOR TIIE COIJECTION OF GARBAGE AND TRASH; PRESCRIBING GARBAGE CANS AIm TRASH CONTAINERS; DIRECTING A SEPARATIOn OF GARBAGE FRON TRASH; PROVIDING FOR THE RID:OVAL, INSPECTION A1lD DISPOSAL OF GARBAGE AND TRASH CANS, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES; AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS THEREOF. The above ordinance was read in full by Attorney Jefferson Clark and motion duly wade by Councilnmn Palmateer this ordinance be adopted, seconded by Councilman Seng ~Dd passed by vote of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida at the Regular heeting of the said Council held on Nover:lber 19, 1962. .- l-l.rs. Helen Kiep said she felt the Trailer Courts are being discriminated against. S11e said the ordinance is raising Garbage Rates for residents 50% and raising Trailer Courts ScO% just because the city bought a truck and are charging us in one year for it. It should go over a period of years. Councilrran Seng said that every trailer thatis occupied has a farr~ly, same as a residence. L:rs. Kiep said that trailers bring business to the city. She said it takes five minutes to pick up garbage and she said the trash truck has never been to her Trailer ~ourt. Councilman Seng asked if she absolved the price '~1en the water lines were put in or did she charge the trailer o'vners. l.irs. Kiep said she certainly did absolve it herself. She said the CounciJ wasn't being fair. She said the Ordinance would have been passed. last vleek except or.e Councillran ''las up for election the next day. She says that she pays for a license here and there was no reason for the increase. " .. v u u v Councilrnan Palmateer said that:_if you have 40 units and you pay five dollars a month you are paying about 2i a unit. Mrs. Kiep asked if they ask the drug store how W~1Y people come in and charge them accordingly. 1,.1'. Joseph Weiss said that Trailer Courts are a business and should be charged accordingly. Attorney Clark said that the Garbage Departwent operated at more then ~5,000 in the red last year but would have wade a profit of about ,;400 except for the plrchase of a net-T garbage truck. He said that a "'ew truck is needed about every four years and that there should be a cushion of about ~~1,500 per year to provide for this. Clark said it was up to the City to collect from the individual trailers occupied for garbage pick-up. Counciman Pal.":lateer said that Hr. Heiss had never paid more than ~10 for garbage a month. l-.r. Heiss said he could go home and get his bills and ShO"T that he had. Roll Call on the previous ordinance being as follows:- Councilw4n Siller Councilman Seng Councilman Palwzteer Counci1IT4n Drury I;ayor Hussey Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Upon motion duly ~ade by C01L~cilwan Palmateer seconded by Council.~n Seng and Ckl.RIED, the requirem.ent of readif'rr said ordinance upon second readinb was waived and the ordinance was ordered plt upon final passa.ze. Passed by vote of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida at the re6ular meeting of the said Council on the 19th day of Hove!:lber A.D. 1962 and approved as providedby Im'T. The vote of said COlLDcil beinb as follows:- Councilwan Siller Councilw4D Seng Councilr,mD Palwateer Councilr:1an Drury :...ayor Husse;'l . Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea OLD BUSINESS Bids were opened for the new police car. Bids ..rere received from Stephens Pontiac, ::eiburger Chevrolet, and ~\Tatkins Ford. Cow1cilrr4D Siller said that the Council had a problew. He said that they had advertised for 360 Horsepower for the police car and that it wasn't quite fair as Pontiac 1l10uld be about the only one who could bid on that. l'lotion duly rr'.ade by Councilman Palwateer we re-advertise for bids and lo.rer the horseuower and also add seat belts for the front seat of the car in~the bids, seconded by Councilrr'an Drury ~Dd by vote CARRIED. Roll call vote being as follows:- . , u .-. . . ~ u u Councilman Siller Councilr:an Seng Councilman Palmateer Councilman Drury Eayor Hussey Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea After discussion Counci~an Palmateer withdrew his motion to re-advertise and Councilman Drury "Ii thdrew his second. Notion duly made by Councilwan Seng that we don't advertise but write to the three companies that sent in a bid and tell them the new specifications, seconded by Councilw.an Drury and by vote CARRIED. I':otion duly wade by Councilman Siller that we allow the City "lerk and the City auditor reinvest the ~16,000 in Water Department~Bonds through the Bank of New S~Jrna for 90 d~ys. The reason for the 90 days is that there is a new bank going up in N.S.B. and we way get better terms there. Seconded by Councilman Seng and by vote CARRIED. Roll call vote being as follows:- Councilman Siller Councilman Seng Councilman Pa~ateer Counciill.an Drul""'J Eayor Hussey Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea lIr. I.fason thanked the Council for putting up the sign in Edgewater, saying nGateway to the Eoonn and said it ",ould be very nice if we could get some flood lights on it soon. Er. Heinsohn asked about the work that was to be done on Indian River Boulevard in Flor.tla Shores. The I'la.yor said it would be done as soon as possible. }irs. l'.:axvlell asked if letters could still be sent in about lot cleaning aDd also asked if the people notified about clearing there lots are told who makes the complaint. Council said letters&ill can be sent in for lot cleaning ,and said that no one~is told who complains. lIre Kenneth Cooper asked about 27th St. and IJeedle Palm Drive. He said the lots are not co~pletely cleared. Councilw.an DrLYY agreed that it was an unfinished job. l:rs. l~lell asked if a lot ,vas cleared do they have to reraove the debris. Councilaan Dury said he believed it had to be taken away. There being no further business motion du~r made by Councilman Seng we now adjourn, seconded by Councilman Siller and by vote CARRIED. l.lnutes taken by Earie Robinson. Time 8:55 P.Iv:. III v .' . ~ ATTEST: ...... 1~j~.lOQ~Lt. - City erk " u u ,'/' ttAA ~~ ?c;v ,~;; /~' ~ tI~~~ Hayor 1\ I C oun cilman council1ra~~,~~~d~r4~ CouncilJJa!1 .