10-02-1964 - Special G ,~ ,- u . u u SPECIAL lZETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDGKvvATER, FLORIDA HELD OCTOBER 2nd, 19/4 Tr.e 3pp. cial l:eeting of the Ci t;:r COU'1~i1 of the City of Edgewa ter, Florida vias called to order by Hayor Dana T. Armstrong at '"':30 P.H. on October 2, 19(1.. ROLL CALL Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present tjayor Dana T. Armstrong 6o~ncilman Carl A. Siller douncilman Earl L. Tingle Councilman William H. Cairnie Councilman B. n. rtidgdill CilvY A"Ltorney Jefferson H. Clark City Clerk Helen W. Jones Police Chief Jack HaYman The purpose of the Special Meeting was to open and award bids on tn1ckj approval or disanproval of gas franchise and calling election for same. ORDINANCE NO. 41(' GRANTllJG TO SOUTH FLORIDA NATURAL GAS CO., A FLORIDA CORPORATION, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, A FRANCHISE FOR THE OPERATION OF A GAS DISTRIBUTION SYST'~H IN THE CITY OF EDGElvATER, FLORIDA AND HlPOSING CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS RELATllJG 'I'I-iliRETO. The above ordinance ,~s read in full by Attorney Clark and motion duly made by Councilman Cairnie this ordinance be adopted, seconded by Councilman Siller and passed by vote of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida at the Special Heeting of the Council held October 2nd, 19'4. Councilman Siller asked if they dig up streets are they liable to put them back. Attorney Clark said uy-esu. After some discl1ssion council voted to nass the ordinance unanimously. Upon motion duly made by Councilman Siller, seconded by Councilman Tingle the req1irement of reading Ordinance 'lpon second reading was waived and the Ordinance was ordered put into effect immediately at the Special Meeting of the said Crylncil held on the 2nd day of October, A.D. 19(4 and approved as nrovided by law. The vote of said Council was unanimous. The City Clerk read certification of bids that were turned in City Hall by 4:00 P.H. this date. Notices had been mailed to the following businesses: Watkins Ford, Inc. Nieburger C~evrolet Co. New Smyrn~1otor8 New Smyrna Rambler }~~holia Motor Co. ,Pynamic Dodge Bids were received from the following companies, opened Hagnolia Hotor Co. Nieburger Chevrolet Ck. Watkins Ford, Inc. and read. $1,98: .oeL ~ $2,239.13 ~2,147.'72 After checking the specifications motion duly made by Councilman Siller the City accept the bid of 11agnolia Motor Co. in the amount of $1,98~.OO and reject all other bids, seconded by Councilman Cairnie and by vote CARRIED. TI1e roll call vote was unanimous. The council agreed the color to be white. Hr. James Donnelly said the delivery to be made in 30 days. ~u '-' u n U I ORDINANCE NUMBER 419 ACCEPTING BID OF :!vIAGNOLIA HOTORS AND REJECTING ALL OTHER BIDS. The above ordinance was read in full by Attorney Clark and motion duly made by Councilman Siller this ordinance be adopted, seconded by Councilnan Cairnie and passed by vote of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida at the Special Meeting of the Council held October 2nd, 1964. The roll call vote was unanimous. Upon motion duly made by Councilw4n Cairnie, seconded by Councilman Siller the requirement of reading Ordinance upon second reading was waived and the Ordinance was ordered put into effect immediately at the Special Meeting of the sa}n Council held on the 2nd day of October, A.D. 1964 and approved as provided by law. The vote of said Council was unanimous. There being no_further business, motion duly made by Councilman Siller we now adjourn, seconded by Councilman Cairnie and there were no objections. Minutes taken byHel~n W. Jones~ Time 8:25 P.M. :f:i<<a r-Y. r;H<~-;[<<c?;r"'- . /co~~&d ~.//,,f ~2_A~ C~U~lJJIAN u ~d/ ~ ...... .... --/Y)1 ~ COUNCILVJAlIJ cou~L'/ ~ ~ ATTEST: ~ ~~:P . ) :L'IT CLERK