11-13-1963 - Recessed/Regular . ~ v u o u CONTINUED MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, VOLUSIA COUNTY, FLORIDA HELD NOVEMBER 13TH, 1963 The Continued Meeting of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida he+d November 13th, 1963 was called to order by Mayor Dana T. Armstrong at 7:30 P.M. Mayor Armstrong apologized for not having the big room in the Community Center. He said the next time they will. .be certain to have the big room. He said he was happy to see such a large turn out at the meeting. He also stated that the Council has made no decision on appointments at this time. He said they may have some decisions Monday if they corne to an agreement. Rev. Ogden, Edgewater Union Church, gave the invocation. ROLL CALL Mayor Dana T. Armstrong Councilman Carl A. Si+ler Councilman Earl L. Tingle Councilman Harold Cairnie Councilman B. R. Ridgdill City Clerk Helen Jones Deputy City Clerk Marie Robinson Fire Chief C. Fred Garlick Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present The Minutes of the Council Meeting of November 6th, 1963 held at 7:00 P.M. were presented to each Councilman for his approval. Motion duly made by Councilman Siller these minutes be accepted as presented, seconded by Councilman Cairnie and by vote CARRIED. Ro~l call vote being as follows:- Councilman Siller Councilman Tingle Councilman Cairnie Councilman Ridgdill Mayor Armstrong Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea BILLS & ACCOUNTS None OFFICERS REPORTS Certification of Posting by City Clerk Kathryn B. O'Connell, dated November 6th, 1963, was read. COMMUNICATIONS A letter was read from Helen Grayson resigning as Chairman of the Playground Committee of the City of Edgewater as she needs the time to devote to the forth coming publication of her book. She reported a balance of $36.11 in a Special Account which was donated by the Garden Club. She also suggested that the new Chairman be allowed to select his own committee so that they will be able to work in harmony one with another. Motion duly made by Councilman Cairnie we accept the resignation of Mrs. Grayson from the Playground Committee and take note of her suggestion concerning the Chairman of this committee"';appointing his own committee, seconded by Councilman Tingle and by vote CARRIED. Roll call vote being as follows: . . v (.) u u Councilman Siller Yea I would like to comment that Mrs. Grayson has done a wonderful job and she has accomplished quite a bit and I hope the next person does as well Yea Yea Yea Yea Councilman Tingle Councilman Cairnie Councilman Ridgdill Mayor Armstrong ORDINAl~CES ORDINANCE NO. 370 TERHINATING SERVICES OF PRESENT POLICE CHIEF FOR THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, VOLUSIA COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND SETTING FORTH COMPENSATION DUE FOR SUCH OFFICE TO TERMINATION DATE. Deputy The above ordinance was read in full by City Clerk Helen Jones and motion duly made by' Councilman Siller this ordinance be adopted, seconded by Counc~lman Ridgdill and passed by vote of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida at the Continued Meeting of the said Council held November 13th, 1963. Roll call vote being as follows;- Councilman Siller Councilman Tingle Councilman Cairnie Councilman Ridgdill Mayor Armstrong Yea Yea No Yea Yea Upon motion duly made by Councilman Siller, seconded by Councilman Ridgdill the requirement of reading said Ordinance upon second reading was waived and by vote CARRIED. Roll call vote being as follows;- Councilman Siller Councilman Tingle Councilman Cairnie Councilman Ridgdill Mayor Armstrong Yea Yea No Yea Yea Motion duly made by Councilman Siller this Ordinance be passed on the waiving of the second reading, seconded by Councilman Tingle and passed at the Continued Meeting of the said Council held on the 13th day of November, A.D. 1963 and approved as provided by law. The vote of said Council being as follows;- Councilman Siller Councilman Tingle Councilman Cairnie Councilman Ridgdill Mayor Armstrong Yea Yea No Yea Yea RESOLUTIONS None OLD BUSINESS None NE'ftl BUSINESS Motion duly made by Councilman Siller the City Clerk be permitted to advertise in newspaper for bids on Insurance for the City. CO'lillcilman Cairnie , . u u o \.J amended the motion to say that the bids must be in by December 11th, 1963 at 4:00 P.M., seconded by Councilman Ridgdill and by vote CARRIED. Roll call vote being as follows:- Councilman Siller Councilman Tingle Councilman Cairnie Councilman Ridgdill Mayor Armstrong Yea Yea Yea yea Yea APPLICATION FOR POLICE CHIEF Motion duly made by Councilman Siller the City Clerk be authorized to advertise in newspaper that applications are available for Chief of Police and are in City Hall; these applications are to be returned by November 22nd, 1963 at 4:00 P.M., seconded by Councilman Tingle and by vote CARRIED. Roll call vote being as follows:- Councilman Siller Councilman Tingle Councilman Cairnie Councilman Ridgdill Mayor Armstrong Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Mayor Armstrong said that the applications will be available tomorrow morning at City Hall. Councilman Cairnie and Councilman Ridgdill agreed to meet with :t-irs. Menard at her home Sunday, November 17th, 1963 at 3:00 P.M. to discuss the Children's Christmas Party. Motion duly made by Councilman Siller we appoint Mayor and two Councilmen to act as a Police Commission and also recommend that Councilman Cairnie and Councilman Tingle be on the commission, seconded by Councilman Ridgdill and by vote CARRIED. Someone from tbe audience said that they now have on the Police Force a Deputy Sheriff. He suggested that he be made acting Police Chief. Mayor Armstrong: We have not made a motion to appoint a Police Chief. We do not have to appoint an acting Chief of Police. I don't see how Officer McCarthy can serve as Police Chief on the third "trick". . Applications are available at City Hall and they are a new form of application. Vote on the appointment of a Police Commission was as follows:- Councilman Siller Councilman Tingle Councilman Cairnie Councilman Ridgdill Hayor Armstrong Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Mr. David L. Wiggins, Sr. quoted from the November 4th meeting the following paragraph which was an answer to Mr. Charles Scavardo of Florida Shores concerning the tax money that comes to the City from Florida Shores. "Councilman Seng: You are one of the few people in Florida Shores that pay that much tax. Mr. Wiggins said that $40,000 comes to the City from Florida Shores. The people that live in Florida Shores are not paying that money; it is the people with the vacant property that pay that." , . u u o u Hr. Wiggins said that was a mistatement of facts. The nonexempt tax that comes from Florida Shores is $23,000 but the total of Zone #4 is $40,000. Mr. Wiggins showed former Councilman Seng a letter that he used while campaigning that said $40,000 comes to the City of Edgewater from Zone #4. Mayor Armstrong said that we could not correct the minutes of the former council but the correction vlOuld be made in these minutes. Hr. David L. T;liggins,' Sr.: When an individual goes to an employer' seeking a job, it is only natural for employer ~~ see where you were previously employed and vThy you were dismissed. During the last bTO years I noticed on numerous occasions, Councilman Siller, when a motion or amendment, vrdinance or resolution came up, he wanted to know why it was brought up. He got admiration from Zone ,#4 and the rest of the City. At last meeting Chief of Police was relieved from office. I do not request that he be put back in office. I just want to know why he was relieved from office. Hr. Wiggins presented a request to the Council, with a number of names on it, which stated the taxpayers of the City of Edgewater are protesting the undemocratic way Mr. John Deibler was relieved of his position as Chief of Police and the reason why. Mayor Armstrong: If you will check the City Charter you will see that appointments are at the will of the Council. No one has to saY'lrThy. Ir{e do not have to retain his services. i'le did not put anything in the paper. Statements in the Orlando Sentinel are not factual. They are all negative things. Somebody was putting themselves in a position to get something, and making members of the Council come up with something factual. We have not agreed on any appointments as of yet. I believe at the next meeting ,..e ,'fill be able to give you some factual information. Mayor Armstrong read the quote at the top of the Request for explanation for the release of John ~eibler, with a number of signatures attached to it. l1ayor Armstrong: There is nothing personal in my part of.. not '.renewing Mr. Deibler's relationship with the City. l{r. Wiggins: Should Mr. Deibler ask 'Council for reference, would you give him reference? Councilman Siller: Job, he can do so. one. If Mr. Deibler wants to put in application for Police If he asked me fora recommendation, I would give him George Kennedy said he did not understand the reason for letting Mr. Deibler go. Mayor Armstrong said it was the vnll of the Council. George Kennedy said that there were rumors going around concerning the firing of Mr. LaBonde, the Building Official. Councilman Siller: If you abide by rumors, you are helping the people who spread the rumors. I have not heard we will let the Building [nspector go. Mr. Stanley A. Seng, Sr. Let's not start ridiculing. Let's give them a chance to run City, as you elected them to do. If you didn't have confidence in them, you shQ~drltthave elected them. , I u u o u Mr. Joseph Blauvelt: When the Council deserves to be ridiculed they will get it, when they deserve respect they will get it. Mr. ~'iiggins asked if the entire police department had resigned. Hayor Armstrong said he didn't know anything about it. Hr. \'lilliam Piser asked how we are going to be protected. Councilman Cairnie: Regardless of what the Charter says, any person that"is released should be given reason. Councilman Siller: I made the motion to retain all employees on a temporary basis with the exception of the Chie~ of Police. I felt Mr. Deibler was not giving the effort to the City as I thought he should. I did not campaign on this issue before the election. I made that motion but there was no reason for anyone to second it, if they didn't feel like it. Councilman Ridgdill: There are a lot of rumors around town. A lot of rumors and not a lot of facts in any of them. Somebody must know more than we know. I defy anyone to say we met any time other than Friday night. In the case.d' Mr. Deibler, I don't think he would have been a Police Chief that would have gotten along too well with this present Council and that is the reason why I seconded this motion. I felt we could better be served by what we are doing. We have applications for Police Chief. We will try and pick a man with a good record. 11r. O. N. Long: Is the Chief of Police and Police Department, Council Servants or City Servants? We, as tax payers, should have reasons for these actions. Mayor Armstrong: There are no restrictions on anyone getting an application. I think your question has been answered. Mr. William Piser: \Vhy can't an impartial board be set up to go over the applications? Hayor Armstrong: We do not want to violate the Charter. Police Chief serves at the will of the Council. Mr. Piser: We get adverse publicity from the Newspapers. It is setting the City back 10 years. Mr. Seng: Thee people are br.ih~ this up because it is their pet peeve. Let the Council work. g There being no further business, motion duly made by Councilman Ridgdill we now adjourn, seconded by Councilman Tingle and by vote CARRIED. Roll call vote being as follows:- Councilman Siller Councilman Tingle Councilman Cairnie Councilman Ridgdill Hayor Armstrong Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Minutes taken by Harie Robinson. Time 8:15 P.M. . v u u ~/:.JY~ Mayor - /~//~j~ ec:)'uncilman v/ ~/;/~A~ Councilni.an "!f7 7V~,~ Councilman ....... ....... '~U/ Councilman . ATTEST: L~~C--/~ " -? Deputy . y Clerk ~~ ~v ~. 'fB4 1.&1- II u