06-21-1965 - Regular (; (.) u o ~-'~ " MINtJ'lES OF '!HE REGULAR MDTING OF '!HE CITY COONCIL OF '!HE CITY OF EDGEWA'lER, FLORIDA, HELD JUNE 21, 1965 '!he Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida was called to order by Mayor Dana T. Arm8trong on June 21, 1965 at 7:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Mayor Dana T. Annstrong Councilman Carl A. Siller Councilman Earl L. Tingle Councilman W. H. Cairnie Councilman B.R. Ridgdill City Attorney W. D. Mathas City Clerk Helen W. Jones Deputy City Clerk Elsie L. Ward Police Chief Herman Wi tmeyer Fire Chief Richard Hanson Pre 15 ent Present Present Present Present Pre15ent Present Pre15ent Present Absent '!he Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Edgewater held June 7th, 1965 were presented to each Councilman for his approval. Motion duly made by Councilman Siller these minutes stand approved as submitted, seconded by Councilman 'l'i.Dgle and by vote CARRIED. '!he Minutes of the Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Edgewater held May 28th, 1965 were presented to each Councilman for his approval. l-fotion duly made by Councilman Ridgdill these minutes stand approved as submitted, seconded by Councilman Cairnie and by vote CARRIED. BILlS & ACCOONTS General Fund: Southern Bell Telephone Co. $ 58.99 City of New Smyrna Beach-Utilities Dept. 65.37 Smokey's Electric - Park & Pier 20.00 Rossner & Sons --Street Dept. 7.50 Edgewater Motors -Police Dept. 76.04 Orlando Advertising Co. -Police Dept. 24.78 Woodbury Chemical Co. -Pest Control 20.50 J. E. 'l\unblin Ins. Co. -General Gov't 45.13 American Library Assoc. -Library 6.00 Bro-Dart Industries -Library 36.05 City of Edgewater, Gen. Gov't, Library,Fire Dept. 7.50 Dana T. Armstrong -Gen. Gov't 72.40 New Smyrna Builders Supply-Gen. Gov't 4.50 Reliance Insurance Co. -Gen. Gov't 592.11 Water Department and Sewer Department: Florida Power & Light -Water Dept. -Sewer Dept. Southern Bell Telephone Co.-Water & Sewer Dept. City of Edgewater -Water & Sewer Dept. Electric Service of NSB -Water Dept. J. W. Sikes -Sewer Dept. Hughes Supply Inc. -Water Dept. 226.95 71.85 38.35 7.50 49.50 29.45 13.08 Motion duly made by Councilman Tingle that these bills be paid with the exception of the one for the Mayor, seconded by Councilman Siller. 'n1e roll call vote was as follows: Councilman Siller Councilman Tingle Councilman Cairnie Councilman Ridgdill Mayor Armstrong Yea Yea Nay Nay Nay Page 1 of 3 pages I U ---- '. (.) o o Motion was then duly made by Council.man Ridgdill and seconded by Councilman Cairnie that all bills be paid and be made a part of the minutes. '!he roll call vote was as follows: Councilman Siller Councilman 'lingle Councilman Cairnie Councilman Ridgdill Mayor Armstrong Nay Nay Yea Yea Yea OFFICERS REPOR'IS '!he Library Report for the month of 14a.y, 1965 was read. Certification of Posting dated June 8, 1965 was read. Mayor Armstrong expressed his appreciation to the Department Heads and their staff for their continued cooperation and marmer in which they handle their work. COMMUNICA TIONS None ORDINANCES None RESOID TIONS None OLD roSINESS None NEW roSINESS '!he need of a new packer body for the garbage truck was discussed, also the need of a bull dozer for work on the garbage dump. A motion was duly made by Councilman Siller and seconded by Councilman Tingle that bids for a new packer body for the garbage truck be obtained for the first meeting of the City Council in August. Mayor Armstrong would contact other cities regarding their specifications. '!he vote was unanimous. MISCELLANEOOS Mr. Strang r~ported the State Board of Health had approved the Water extension lines and bids would be opened at the recessed meeting on July 7th, 1965. Mr. LaBonde, fuilding Inspector, reported there were now 1000 sewer connections with eighteen yet to be connected. Mayor Armstrong thanked Mr. LaBonde for his excellent work in getting so many connections in the specified time. Mr. Strang also com- mended Mr. LaBonde for his excellent work and cooperation. Mayor Armstrong reported a trash can had been placed at the end of the Park and Pier and hoped the people would use it and help keep the park clean. Mr. Zillman asked if there were any plans for drainage for the southwest part of Florida Shores as there was water standing on the sides of roads from the recent rains. Mayor Armstrong stated that the drag line had been in constant use since it was purchased and they will continue to work on the canals in that part wi thin the next three to six weeks and will continue until all canals are done. Page 2 of 3 pages , u ~ Q o 6 CouncilJ:nan Cairnie brought up the matter of re-lettering and painting the street signs and other clean up work using some or the youth of the city. Mayor Armstrong hopes to get started on this work before the 4th of July. '!he City will observe the 5th of July as a Holiday. '!he regular meeting of the City Council will be recessed to Wednesday, July 7th when bids for the water extension lines will be opened. Hr. Bepbington inquired if there had been any news on the Charter changes. Mayor Armstrong advised he had received none but hoped he would in the near future. 'lhere being no further business, Motion was duly made by Councilman Siller we now a~journ, seconded by Councilman Tingle and there were no objections. Minutes taken by Elsie Ward. 8:40 P.M. /}-~..J; Ih- :;;:ec-rrz-y Mayor ~~~~ /touncilman &do?2~ Councilman If/r{,~ CounciJJiian ~.'- ~ ~~ ~<-. Councilman '- AT'IEST: ~~ ty Clerk Page 3 of 3 pages