05-03-1965 - Regular
FLORIDA HELD }~y 3RD, 1965
The Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida
was called to order by }'.Iayor Dana T. Armstrong at 7 :30 P .!vI. on I~y' 3rd, 1965.
}/f.ayor Dana T. Armstrong
CounciJ.nan Carl A. Siller
CoUncilman Earl L. Tingle
Councilnan W. H. Cairnie
Councilnan B. R. Ridgdill
City Attorney W. D. Nathas
City Clerk Helen W. Jones
Deputy City Clerk }nrie Robinson
Police Chief Herman Wit~eyer
Fire Chief Richard Hanson
The Minutes of the Regular Neeting of the City Council held April 19th, 1965
were presen~,d to each councilman for his approval. Motion duly made by
Councilman Siller these minutes stand'approved as submitted, seconded by
Councilman Cairnie and by vote CAR.BIF.D. The roll call vote was unanimous.
General Fund
City of New Srrwrna Beach - Utilities Dept.
Laing's Sunoco Service Station Garbage Dept.
Bldg. Offic.
Police Dept.
Street Dept.
Inc. Recreation
Gen. C-ov't.
1.50 17.30
443 .95
Gen.Gov't. 35.00
Jones Electric Co.,
George Stuart, Inc.
Rossner & Sons
News-Journal Corp.
Tuxedo Feed Store Gen. Gov't.
Lloyd Cox Co. Gen. Gov't.
Edgewater Mfg. Co. Street Dept.
Volusia Tractor & Implement Co. Street Dept.
Radiation Service Co. Bldg. Official
Hydraulic Suppl'y Co. Garbage Dept.
Charley's Welding Shop Garbage Dept.
Dana T. Armstrong Gen. Gov' t .
New Smyrna Deach-Edge1~ter Humane Society
'I'fm. D. Hathas Gen. Gov't.
S. H. Reese }ffg. Co. Gen. Gov't.
Edgewa ter }fotor s Fire J)ept.
Prentiss Hardware Co. Street Dept. 7.31
Gen. C-ov't. 2.48
Bldg. Official 6.90
Police Dept. 2.10
Street Dept. 9.62
New Smyrna Plumbing Supplies, Inc. Emerg. & Conting.
Gunby & Co. Gen. Gov't.
City Auto Supply
Wa ter and Sewer Department
City of New Smyrna Beach-Utilities Dept. "VTater Plant
City of New Smyrna Beach-Utilities Dept. Pumping
City of Edgewater
Gulf Oil Products
National Chemsearch Corp.
DuCor Chemi. ca1 Corp.
Aerospace Hechanical Equipment, Inc.
Moore Utility Supply Co.
All State Pipe Supply Co., Inc.
Prentiss Hardware Co.
Charley's Welding Shop
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16 .00
}btion duly made by Councilrran Siller the bills be paid and be made a part
of the minutes with the exception of the bill from Jones Electric Co., Inc.
in the a~nunt of $443.95. The motion died for lack of a second.
l-f..otion duiI.y made by Councilman Tingle the bills be paid and be made a part
of the minutes ~dth the exception of the bill from ~Ayor Armstrong in the amount
of $72.20. The motion died for lack of a second.
Motion duly made by Councilrran Cairnie all the bills be paid and be made
a part of the minutes, seconded by Councilman Ridgdill.
Councilman Siller said he objected to the bill from Jones Electric Co., Inc.
as this bill was made by one councilman. The Council had no kno'\'lledge of
this bill. He said when the Shuffle Board' people asked for courts they
said they did not need lights. He asked tte City Attorney if he could
disqualify Mr. Cairnie from voting on it. Councilman Siller also said
the bill was not right as it did not come before the council; any bills of
any account should be approved by the Council.
Attorney Mathas said he thought Councilman Cairnie could vote on the bill.
Councilman Siller said he was appointed to the Recreation Denartment
and he said he knew nothing of this bill until Friday Night.' He said he
felt he couJd do the same thing as Councilman Cairnie and order lights
for the street he lives on and submit the bill to the Council.
Councilman Cairnie said there were no new lights installed. He said the
lights were taken do~~ to put in the new courts but the construction that
existed after installing the new courts would not have been sui table
for the lights; it would have been a traffic violation. He said all they
did was put in a heavier co~duit and also a new under ground cable.
Councilman Siller said when bids were submitted for the two new courts
this was not brought to the attention of the Council. He said he was
appointed to the Recreation Department and felt this should come under
his department.
l~yor Armstrong said it is true it was not approved by the council and the
council didn't know how much was done, but he added that it was quality
work and quality material. It was not an over charge. He also stated
that at a previous meeting he agreed to spend an equal amount of money
for the Youth Recreation in this City.
Attorney }~thas suggested a Resolution be passed on how much can be spent
without tne Council's O.K.
Councilman Siller said that close to 11200 r~s been spent so far on Shuffle
Boards and Friday Night he asked to spend just a little money for the Little
League and was turned down. He said he asked to get sorr.e lumber and was told
to beg for it at the lumber yards. ffie said if he will have to beg for lumber
he 1i.Lll resign as Recreation director.
!':a.yor Armstrong said the City owns the Shuffle Board Courts but it doesn't
0~11'1 the Little League Ball Park. He said we have spent money on the Little
league and r~ve been proud of it.
Councilman Siller said he will resign as head of the Recreation Department
effective now if he is only consulted on the purchase of small items.
After being questioned about keeping up the road at the Little League
!~yor Armstrong said it is not a platted road. He added that he felt he
had been very cooperative with the Little League.
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1.1r. Eugene Gawriluk said he felt the Youth of the Community have been left
Councilman Ridgdill said none of the council is against little league. He said
he approved $300 or $400 last year for little league.
~x. Burt Belt said the Little League needs sturdy lumber to put in dugouts,
fences, etc. He said they can not use old lumber.
Councilman Ridgdill said he will try and come down to the ball park and see
just what is needed.
Mr. Davenport, '\Vho lives outside the city limits, sa.id he felt the money
should come from the heart and there shouldn't be all this arguing. He said
he had given up $30 a day just so he can help with the Little League.
. ~.ayor Armstrong corrnnended }fr. Davenport on this.
Councilman Siller said that Councilman Tingle volunteered to give the Little
League two doors for the toilets any time they want to pick them up.
The roll call vote on the motion to pay all the bills l'laS as follows:
Councilman Siller Yea with the exception of
the bill from Jones Electric Co., Inc. in the a~~unt of $443.95.
Councilman Tingle Regarding the bill from
the Hayor in the amount of $72.20 for mileage, etc. he said he told the l!a.yor
he would not approve this kind of a bill after the sewer project was completed
as we now have a Sewer Supt., v~ter Supt. and a Street Foreman and they don't
need anyone checking on them.
Hayor Arr.mtrong said the $72.20 included mileage, gas and also 5! days he
ran the Sewer Plant when Hr. Ream "TaS at school.
Counci1ma.n Tingle said this bill was not presented Friday Night.
}~yor Armstrong said it was on the desk if he wanted to look at it.
The vote of Councilman Tingle was Nay
Councilman Cairnie Yea
Councilman Ridgdill Yea
Mayor Armstrong Yea
The Building Official's Report for the month of April, 1965, was read.
Certification of Posting dated April 20th, 1965, was read.
Hayor Armstrong thanked the City Clerk and her staff and the Building Official
for the excellent reports.
A letter was read from American Legion Post #285 requesting the City of
Edgewater purchase a suitable ~~eath to decorate the Veteran's Mon~~nt
on l1emorial Day, May 30th, 1965.
A letter '\'ss read from Moore and Wood, attorneys for V~. Earl Tingle, dated
April 28th, 1965, regarding a billing in the amount of $205.55 for loading
and hauling trees and stumps from the City of Edgewater. The letter stated
that Hr. Tingle did not intend to pay this bill because it is not a justifiable
obligation and accordingly asked that the City reconsider this matter and
cancel the billing.
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A letter was r~.ad from :Hr. N. W. McCall" Oak Hill" Florida" dated April 20th" 1965
stating he is the owner of lots 4.& 5 on Otter Drive. He said recently without
any knowledge to him someone authorized the sewer contractors to unload broken
pavement and dirt on his lots. He said this had caused damage to his property
and ~mnts to be compensated for the damage or else the entire lots be properly
filled and trees replaced that ~~re destroyed.
A letter was read from Eugene Gawri1uk" Secretary of Little League Baseball
in Edgewater" dated April 29th" 19651 requesting the City pay the Little League
insurance "mch is in the amount of '(;2fJ7.00. There "rill be approxirrately 90
boys covered by this insurance.
A letter was read from Mr. l^ietzel and }Ir & }III's. Frenette" dated April 30th" 1965"
stating they have a condition on rfuetze1 Street which is deplorable. They.c.said
filth is being deposited in the drainage ditch and the odor is terrible.
They requested something be done at once to correct the situation.
Hotion dul~T mde by Councilman Siller the City purchase a l-JI'eath for }femorial
Day Services and spend a sirrd.lar amount as last year" seconded by Councilnan
Cairnie and by voteCARP..IED. The roll call vote l-icl.S unanimous.
Concerning the letter from l~ore & Wood" Councilman Tingle said five of the trees
to be moved l-~re on the city street and he had 1 tree to be bulldozed dOl-me
He said the bill was too much and said if he had known the bill was going to
be that high he could have had it :hauled away for $50.00. He said he just
paved part of a city street where he put in the Jiffy Store. He said this is
the second time he has had to call his attorney in order to get something done
tr~u this council. He said he didn't intend to ray the bill.
}~yor Armstrong said it is up to the council. He said he accounts for the tiIT.e
on the employees time slips. He said }~. Tingle could look at the slips at any tirr~.
}~tion duly made by Councilman Ridgdi11 we table the letter from Moore & Wood
so we can give it some fllrther study" seconded by Councilrran Cairnie. There was
no roll call vote.
Hayor Armstrong said he would talk to Hr. Bra-dock from the l'fusquito Control
and he said he sure ly "rill cooperate with us and clean up lfr. 1;~cCall' s property.
Councilman Ridgdil1 suggested the l'~yor lirite to Hr. 1<1cCa1l and tell him He
are taking action on this mtter.
Af~er considerable discussio~ about the $207 request for insurance on the Little
LeagUe Players" motion duly made by GounciJJ:na.n Siller ~207 be dona. ted to the
Edgewater Little League to cover the in~lrance" seconded by Councilman Tingle
and by vote CAR.l1.IED. The roll call vote was unanimous.
Councilman Til1gle said he talked with Mr. NcGinnis about the drainage to :r.rr.
l"'etzel's property from the Honey Plant and nothing has been done so far.
Mayor Armstrong said the Board of Health has been down there and checked it.
Councilman Siller suggested we notify }ir. llcGinnis to start putting in his sewer
Gouncilnan Ridgdi1l said he is sure Hr. NcGinnis will coopera te or this na tter.
Upon the request of the Council" the l~yor is to take any necessary action
on this condition if the situation is not corrected within five days.
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A Special Warranty Deed from Kenneth lTay was presented to the Council
for their appro.tAl.
}~tion duly made by Councilman Siller we accept this deed and authorize
the recording of same, seconded by Councilrran Cairnie and by vote -'CARRIED.
The roll call vote ~as unanimous.
Hayor Armstrong said the paving r.a.s started in Florida Shores. He said
he thought the charge for the paving would probably be about 35~ per foot,
which is very cheap.
~~. John Zeilman asked how the streets to be paved are selected.
!':ayor Armstrong said it is by population, elevation and also the network
of the streets. The :Hayor also said that Roberts Road will be paved.
}~yor Armstrong said there is work being done on the drainage all the tiree.
He said the street men are' working on 29th and Travelers right now and
will be mOr.[ing to 25th Street next.
The Hayor said plans have been drawn up for the ~1ater extension.
Hotion duly made by Councilman Cairnie we now adjourn, seconded by Councilman
Ridgdill and there were no objections.
Hinutes taken by lIarie Robinson.
Tirr.e 8: 50 P .H.
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