02-05-1965 - Recessed/Regular u u o II V Rc;C-Z:)"7D :EETllJG 01" TW CIIT COTJiJCIL OF' TIE CITY OF "SDGE',:A IT..'1, ?LOi1IDA IELT) FEBRUA-:;Y 5 TH, 1 9{ 5 'lb:> ?8c~ssed l1ee-1.ing of -1..ho:; City COlmcil of t.he Cit:r of :=dge,rater, Florida Has cal:ed ;'0 ordBr 1,:,: Nayor Dana T. Armstrong at 7:30 P.lI. on Febru<lIJr 5th, l0f5. ROLL CALL IvJ:.a.yor Dana T. Armstrong Councilman Carl A. Siller Co'mcillJ'.arl SarI L. Tingle COlmcilman ,Iilliam H. Cairnie Councilman D. F.. E.idgdill CPy ALorney \j. D. Aathas City Clerk Helen H. Jones De::,uty City Clerk l:arie T'.obinson Police Officer Donald Goodson Present Present Present Present Present Absent Present Present Absent C01LU!JICATICN3 A lett'3r was "'ead from Kennpt.h G. l:ay, Chairman of ":.he 'Sdgewa';.,er Zoning and PJarming Boa:-d dated Fe'br'JalJr 5th, ] 9( 5. The letter "7as in reference to +,he T)u'hlic hearing for variance of zoning 13"" to rro~erty of To H. Tarnopol, E25 S. Riverside Drive, Edge"'ate"', Florida. ThP letter stated the coard voted six for vari~~cp and one against granting the variance. Their recommendation was as folll"lws: The variance request by lvIr. TarnoI101 'he granted as a n'lrsing o~ convalescent home, and at any time it ceases to 'be the ",cove, the rroner"'y shall revert back to residential. It is fl1rther urovided that if no intent is taken in the Durnose of this variance, it shall become void after twelve (12) months from dat~ of apT'roval. C011ncilman Siller said 'here should be two stipulations in g"anting the variance: The ~roperty sho"ld revert back to AA-l Residpn":,ial if i.'Jork is not started within twelve (12) months, and the variance should be foY' a nursing and/or convalescent home. Notion dul:'f made 'hy Councilman Cairnie a resol"tion be adopted to accert the recoImuendations of the Zoning Eoard and to include arw recolIunendation deemed necessar'J by the Cotncil, seconded by CO'1ncilman Siller and 'by vote CAtl.!U::D. The roll call vote was lmanimo'1s.. The CotUlcil discl1ssed certain things that have to be taken care of r:efore the sewer project is completed. They did not com8 to an agreement on certain ~hings so they agreed to meet Friday Night at their informal meeting and riscuss it again. }tr. LaBonde, tIle Juilding Official, is also to mee":. va th them. l\:otion duly made by COl'ncilman Tingle vIe novl adjourn, seconded by Councilm<:..n Cairnie and there were no objections. Time h:20 P.M. " >>~__-/r ~~ ~ ~~N/'~~ A , COON I l:AN ~ d?J 4'~ /;;t:.. "2 . ? 00mJCILl:A~; ~ ~ )Yt{~~ 'COUNCIl N \.. ~.~ ~ G ..\Tr~:)T: ~p~ ~