02-03-1965 - Recessed/Regular 4V \wi \J . - ... RSCESTID lZETING OF Till CIIT COUNC IL OF TIlE CITY OF '!:DGEl ~A TER , FLORIDA, HZLD FEBRUA.'?Y 3W, 1965 . u The 1ecessed Meeting of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida vIas called to order by ~ayor Dana T. Armstrong at 7:30 P.M. on February 3rd, 1965. ROLL CAIJL Nayol' Dana T. Armstrong Council~~n Car~ A. Siller I Councilro~n Earl L. Tingle Councilman ~Qlliam H. Cairnie Councilman B. R. Ridgdill City Attorne;T ~I. D. Hathas City Clerk Helen W. Jones Deputy City Clerk }hrie Robinson Police Chief Herman Witmeyer Fire Chief Richard Hanson Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present The Ilinutes of the 2egular Meeting of the City Council held January 18th, 1965 and the }unutes of the Recessed Meeting of the City Council held January 20th, 1965 l!ere presented to each councilmah for his approval. I'!otion duly made' by Councilman Siller these mi~ltes stand approved as submitted, seconded by Councilman Tingle and by vote CAF_qIZD. The roll call vote was unanimous. Fire Dept. Office Supplies City Hall Street Dept. Bldg. Official Police Dept. Garbage Dept. Police Dept. Bldg. Official Street Dept. Street Dept. Police Dept. Beach Utilities Library Fire Dept. Park & Pier Sign City Hall Street Dept. Street Lights Traffic Light !}en. Gov't. Street Dept. Folice Dept. Garbage Dept. Police Dept. Society Library Street Dept. Gen. Gov't. Street Dert. Gen. 8ov't. Street Dept. Police Dept. Ci ty Hall Street Jept. Garbage Dert. BILLS & ACCOUNTS Gen'Oral Govt. Edgewater Motors Lloyd Cox Co. Smith's Service Station Sams Oil Corp. HattheHs Motor Service Robertson Autp-Electric Laing's Sunoco Co. State Tractor & Equipment Co. Volusia Contractor Equipment Co. Thurow Electronics City of New Snwrna Dana T. Armstrong City Auto Suppl:;r All Service Tire Co. New Snvrna Beach-Edgewater Humane Southern Bell Tel. & Tel. Co. Charley's :Ielding Shop New Smyrna Beach News He.." Smyrna Builders Supply Co. National Chemsearch Corp. Stevens Lock Shop Prentiss Hardware Co. Page 1 of 5 pages 116.86 11. 75 36.09 5.53 25.00 59.50 6.00 29.75 2.25 215.86 25.10 6.24 5.83 10.11 20.48 8.84 36.(53 18.13 483.20 35.43 48.70 7.50 9.44 5.40 75.80 35.00 6.95 14~00 12.00 37.45 14.80 26 . 73 2.00 5.27 7.63 4.35 II Ii .V ..,; v v 'Hater Department South~rn Bell Telephone & Telegraph Co. Paul >team City of New Smyrna Beach-Utilities Dept. Pitney-Bowes, Inc. Volusia Contractors Equipment, Inc. Hughes Supply, Inc. Leiman Bros., Inc. City Auto Supply Prentiss Hardware Co. National Chemsearch Corp. Bond-Hovlsll Lumber Co. 11.20 7.27 42.A9 30.90 208. 91 191.32 10.92 1.87 5.98 39.80 2.88 1!otion duly made by Councilman Cairnie these bills be paid and be made a part of the minutes, seconded by CouncilITun Ridgdill and by vote CA&~IED. The roll call vote VIas unanimous. OFFICERS REPORTS The Buildin-g Official's J.eport for the month of January, 1965, was read. Certification of Posting dated JanuarJ 19th, 1965, was read. }~yor Armstrong express0d his appreciation to the Thlilding Official and the City Clerk and h~rstaff for the way they presented their reports. CW1JJNICA TIONS None ORDINANC"S ORDD;AiJC= NUNBER 431 DESIGIJn.TING AND APPOINTING A POLIC:S CHIEF FOR THE CITY OF EDGZ:'A'l,;;Ji., VOIlJSIA COUNTY, FI-DRID!., AIID SETTING FOaTH COMPEN3ATION FOR SUCH CFFIC2. The above ordinance was read in fllll by Cit;y Attorne;y lIathas and motion duly made by C01mcilman P.idgdill this ordinance be adopted, seconded b~! Councilman Cairnie and passed by vot~ of the City Cmlncil of the City of Edgewater, Florida, at the recessed meeting of said council held February 3rd, 1965. The roll call vote was L:na!"imous. Upon motion duly made by Councilman Cairnie, seconded by Councilman Ridgdill the requirement of reading Ordinance upon second reading was waived and the ordinance l,as ordered put into effect immediately at the Recessed l'feeting of the said Council held on the 3rd day of February, A.D. 1?65, and ap~roved as provided by law. The roll call vote was Lmaniro~us. OP.DI:Y\.NCE NUHBER 432 INCREASING Tlffi COMPENSATION OF GARNER FUGATE, POLICE OFFICER. FOil THE CITY OF EDGE~'IATER, FLORIDA. The above ordinance "Tas read in full by City Attorney lIathas and motion duly made by Councilman Siller this ordinance beadopted, seconded by Councilman Tingle and passed by vote of the City Council of the City of ~dgewater, Florida, at the recessed meeting of said council held Februa17 3rd, 1965. The roll call vote was unanimous. Upon motion duly made by C01mcilrnan Siller, seconded by Councilman Cairnie the requirement of reading Ordinance upon second reading was 1'laiv~d and the ordinance was ordered ~lt into effe~t ~~mediately at the Recessed Meeting of the said Council held on the 3rd'day of February, A.D. 1965 and approved as provided by law. The roll call vote was unanimous. Page :2 of, Pages II 'L v v v \.J RB30LUTIONS None OLD BUSINSSS }~yor Armstrong announced that the Oil. They ~"eL'e as f ollo'.'s: 14. qi It .9i 25.5i Council received three bids on Diesel Fuel Standard Oil Gulf Oil Rossner & Sons Hotion dul~r made by C01'ncilman Cairnie He accent the 101,,", bid of Standard Oil in th8 amollnt of 14.qtf, ner gallon, seconded by Councilman Siller. l~;',ro,.. Armstrong stated that this '\.-las not a contract item; "le can chang:! to another company any t.ime we "'ant to. Conncilman Siller said he questioned whether or not Standard Oil would sur"lJ' the dip-sel fllel oil since they had bid for the gasoline and di"lsel fuel oil at the saffi"l time. Hayor Armstrong said he had talked to them and they said they would supT'llJT i'1St the diesel fuel oil at no change in their bid. The roll ca; I vote on the motion to accept bid of Standard Oil' "''1as -;;nanimous. NE:. BUSINESS ~2yor Armstrong announced the Council had two bids on nutting board courts. They were as follows: o,.rens Brothers Concrete Robert K. Nidy in two more shuffle ~827.50 ~753.00/ 110tion duly made by Councilman Cairnie we accept the low bid of ~753.00 from Robert K. Nidy to put in two shuffle board courts, seconded by Councilw3n Ridgdill. }fuyor Armstrong said he discussed the bids with members of the Shuffle Board Club. Ix. Nidy has T"lt in qni te a number of Shuffle boards in Ne....r Srrwrna Beach and they have 'keen very satisfipd. He said Hr. Nidy gave a guarantee t.hat the shuf;f:le boards vlO1l1d be level in any dir"lction ~hey were measl',red. r:r. David L. 'Tiggins asked ~:here thp money was coming from in the budget ro~ these C011,..tS. l~:ror A"'mst;~ong said It. "'as coming from the Reel'pation Acco1'l1t. He also add"ld that +,he c01mcil o,ill do some"':.hing for the little folks of Edgev'ater. The "'01) call 'lotP. on accepting the bid from Robert K. Nidy ','as l'nanimous. r-IT 3C-:;LIMEOUS Co';ncilma.n RidgdilJ askp.o whfm the citizens of :::dgevrater could hook-un to the ~ei,'_'8~ S:rs+,em. lIe said he has had many inqlliries. 18;Y'O'" A"mstl~ong said this afternoon he had srent a good length of time with the cont"actors and engil1eers going over the whole project. He said there would nrobably be t,,,ro mo:'e :i:ns"'"'''lctions before the final insrection. He said he \-lOuld estimate that 'ty the second or third '''leek in I~rch l'eonle could start hooking up. He said the whole system m~st be put in operation by the cont"'ectors before the cit~r uill ta'ke :J.t over. He said one of the contractors is ql1ite a bit behind sched11le and a claim of ::,50 per day ..rill be made against them for ever; day they are over the deadline. He said they have been notified several times to speed up their Hork. Page 3 of 5 Pages I II .U v \J v }~yor Armstrong said that at the meeting i~th members of the Legislature Councilman Siller and Councilman Tingle had an objection ~o the way the charter changes were presented. He said they had a right to object if they didn't feel it v~s don9 correctly. It seemed from the press all of this was something they never heard before. He added that each Charter Change can be voted upon separately i~th a little more expense and work for the attorney. CouncillI'.an Siller said he v'as not a'.rare this vJaS going to be a package deal. Hayor Armstrong said they ,,:ere in a hurry to get this to the legislature but it can be broken down for the people to vote on. CounciL~n Siller said he would go along with it if it is broken do~n. He stated that in checking'the mimltes he found no one ever stated whether it would be a Dackage deal or voted on individually. }~yor Ar.mstrong said it vQll be broken dovm into itemized changes so the voters ~~ll have a chbice. C~lncilman Tingle said he did not go along with voting yes or no for the whole thing. He said that is why he objected at the meeting with members of the legislature. He said the City Attorney should have informed us we could break it dovm later. l1ayor Armstrong said the City Council will direct the City Attorney on what manner they want it presented to the people. CouncilIT~ Siller asked if it should be re-submitted, specifically stating that each item ~~ll be voted upon individually. I\1a.:>'or Armstrong said No; the council mst prepare how it is to be voted upon. }tr. Joseph Blauvelt said there should be an item in the ne1~spaper to clarify the whole thing. 7.here seems to be a difference of opinion on this. He said maybe the' legislature thought the'Y'e W'., '~e objections to it and 1~11 not approve the changes. Hayor Armstrong said he talked to them after the meeting and explained the whole thing to them. Councilman Siller asked if Ne shouldn't add an attacl111'.ent stating that each change v~ll be voted uron individually. }~yor Armstrong said it was not necessary as this ~i~llation is tied to the changes submitted to the legislatUl~e. 1:~. Bebbington asked ~out the surrlus funds from the sewer project that were to be used for Fater ext'''-nsion. l.;a,;:,ror A~mstY'ong said he has not heard from Atlanta as of this date. He said he is ho~ing the city gets the money. }~or Armstrong introduced the new Chief of Police, Herman Witmeyer. }~. Blauvelt asked about the paving in Florida Shores. Mayor Armstrong said he is getting a little impatient vIith the County. He said he did not knoVl of any rlace the:>' are paving right nov'. He said we should be the first ones done. He said he will find out about this before the next meeting. Page 4 of 5 Pages ~ v v v v Er. Br:>ttington asked if the city was filling in a lak"l in Florida Shores. }fayo"" Armstrong said iust T'8t'+ of .3. lake. \J'3 are S'lT'ros~d to hav'3 a 50 foot right of Vla:r and 'iJr.> havA onl~r 20 f...ci- right n01-'. :1-1..,... David J.J. \iiggins, S:-., asked if the cit;y- is going to b'3 p'lUing somA fill dirt on thE" st",pets so"th of Indian RLv~r Blvd. aftr.>r they are done on the streets no.,..~h of +hp Blvd. }~yor Arnst"'ong said Yes. The Co'mcn discl'sspd the variancp req""lst8d by Hr. Irving Tarno'lol on some ~iv'3~ fron. rropert;y. Th'3 ITayor said th'3re would be a Zoning Board Heeting Thursday and he suggested the Council ~'ecess until Friday so th'3Y can act on the recommendation of thE" Board. Council!nan Cairnie said it is a ~250,000 building and he felt the council should recess until Friday. Councilman Ridgdill said he wanted to be sure if this area was zoned a certain way, it be used only for that one thing. l~yor Armstrong said the council can make a stipulation that if the rest home ceases to be, the nronerty "'p.vert back to its original st.3.tus. Or if work does not commence vnthin a certain period of time, it reverts back to its original status. ~:a:ror Arms+,rong, on t.he req1lest of Councilman Siller, ,.lill check the Natural Gas Con~ract, and give a reT'ort at the next meeting. !-lotion dlJl;'l made 'by CClJDcilman Siller ve recess until 5 :00 PH, Febr1'aI'"'J 5th, 19(.,5, sGcondpd r;{ COl'ncilman TiI'glp.. Tnere were no ob~ections. Hin~ltes ta.'l(en by lra.,..ip Robirson. Time ~:20 P.}!. ..... ~'-z a~::J~ ~~ n~ <<~7/t r- COONC'1n~ ~ r& ~-/ rJ v, :/ 01 ,.' COUNC~N ~ i1~. v.) vJ~ COUNCIUf N \/ CU#~ 'YL~- COUN UTAN . ATI'E3T: ~~,-'~" / ".L C Po Page 5 of 5 Pages