01-20-1965 - Recessed/Regular I ~, " v (..; u REC~SSED ~~TING OF THE CITY CCUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDGE:'JA'IER, VOLUSIA COUNTY, FLORIDA, HELD JA~illARY 20TH, 19h5 The Recessed Jvfeeting of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida., was called to order by ~hyor Dana T. Armstrong at 7:30 P.M. on January 20th, 19~5 in the Mayor's Office. ROLL CALL ~~yor Dana T. Armstrong Councilman Carl A. Siller Councilman Barl L. Tingle C ouncilman ~'!. H. Cairnie Councilman B. R. Ridgdill CitJT Attorney \'!. D. l-I".athas City Clerk Helen W. Jones Deputy City Clerk Marie Robinson Police Offic8r Garner Fllgate Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Pre sent ~~yor Armstrong announced that Attorney }~thas had presente~ an itemized bill for anrroval of the Council. (The total amount of the bill was ~200.00) This bill was for legal and administrative work. Motion duly made by Councilman Cairnie this bill from Attorney ~~thas be paid, spconded by Councilman Ridgdill and by vote CARRIED. The roll call vote was 1:nanimous. OFFIcrns REPORTS None COMHUNICA TIONS None OP.DINANCES None RESOLUTIONS None OLD BUSINSSS Ifuyor Armstrong Rossner & Sons. announced that the low bid on the high octane gasoline was ThP low bid "Jas as follows: 27. 5~ per gallon - 4.0~ Federa] Tax Discount 23.5i Total cost from }~yor Armstrong said vle are n01" paying 2h.9~ per gallon. Councilman Sill~r raised the question as to whether or not we need 100 plus easoline. lv~yor Armstrong said we had to have this becal;se of the p'olice cars. ThP street department trucks do not require it. Motion duly made by Councilman Cairnie we accept this bid from Rossner & Sons, secondpd by Councilman Siller. Page 1 of 5 pages v '..J CJ Ii o Councilman Ridgdill said he didn't feel the bid from Rossner & Sons was in the best interest of the City. He said the conncil turned down a lov.rer bid at a previous meeting. He said he wouldn't go along with approving this bid. tmyor Armstrong said the bidder he was referring to was asked to re-subrnit his bid. He said the Gulf Corp. bid the same price we are now pa;yi.ng for gasoline. C~lncilman Ridgdill said he ".mnted to see the net cost in form of a letter. Councilman Siller said that everything that is required is right on the bid. Mayor Armstrong said it is costing the city money every time they put this off. The roll call vote on the accepting of bid from Rossner & Sons was as follows: Councilman Siller Councilman Tingle COllncilman Cairnie Councilm:J.n Ridgdill lA'.ayor Armstrong Yea Yea Yea Nay Yea Mayor Armstrong said Rossner & Sons should be advised to drav' l1P the contract for the City Council to approve. It wtll be a one year contract. The ~myor added he would check each load when it is delivered. A I'hp was presented to the city from the Edgewater Shuffle Board Club show~ng existing and non-existing shuffle board courts. The }~yor said he was in favor of building two more shuffle board courts but said he would definitely have equal expenditures for the little boys and girls of the comlmlnity. He said he thought our city budget could afford this. He said the Shuffle Board Club is having a big tournament in ~.arch and the two new courts would be very necessary. Councilman Cairnie said they also want to put a building up to store their equipment in. But they are going to build it themselves and then turn it over to the City. He added that no lights vall be necessary since they have enough courts now for srolffle board at night. The Council agreed that a committee from the Shuffle Board Club could go over the bids for the work on the shuffle board courts. Motion duly IT~de by Councilman Ridgdill we request competitive bids for two shuffle board courts and these bids are to be in the City Hall ty 4:00 P.M. on January 29th, 1965, seconded by Councilman Siller and by vote CARRIED. The roll call vote was unanimous. Councilman Cairnie said he is looking into a program for the youth of the city in the summer but had nothing defi~~te to report at the present time. Co"ncilman Tingle said New SmYrna Beach and Edgewater :Vlorked together on this at one time. NE:: mSINESS V~or Armstrong listed six apnlications he had for police chief v.hich were submitted quite some time ago and he had one new application. The ne"'! application 1'laS from Herman '.Ii tmeyer who live s in Ne\'I[ SIIlJ-Tna Beach but is w~lling to move to Edgewater. The Hayor said he had the record behind him. He has experience. (40 years) He has worked in security and police work. He is 59 years old. Notion duly mde by Councilman Cairnie vIe engage the services of Herman lvi tmeyer as Chief of Police. Page 2 of 5 pages "' v v <..) . v }~yor Armstrong said Hr. "Vlitmeyer was highly impressed vrith the jnb. He aoes have a pension. He doesn't expect an elaborate salary. He likes to work \iLth a younger generation and would like to teach young_police officers vmat he knovTs about police ''lork. Councilman Ridgdi11 suggested he be hired on a temporary basis. I~ror Armstrong said he vJi11 be appointed by ordinance and we can rescind the ordinance at a,,\y time. He ,-.forks at the ".ri11 of the City Council. }~yor Armstrong suggested he be given a 1inuted time to move to Edgewater. Councilman Ridgdill seconded the motion to hire l-1r. ':Iitmeyer as Chief of Police. The roll call vote being as follows: Councilman Siller In view of the resignation of Chief Hayman I feel I must abstain I don't feel I can jeopardize this man so I vote Nay Yea Yea Yea Councilman Tingle Councilman Cairnie Councilman Ridgdil1 'Hayor Armstrong Councilman Tingle said his vote was no reflection on this man ~natsoever. He said he didn't even know the man. Councilman Siller asked if any of the remalnlng police officers were considered for the job, and if they were aware they had to fill out an application. }~or Armstrong said they were aware of this and the whole thing was discussed wi th them. The }~or announced that there were three types of pipe that could be used for se~er hook-up: vitrified clay, cast iron and cement asbestos. The last one, cement asbestos, is new and has been approved by most all government agencies. }1r. LaBonde, the building official, said this pipe is quite a bit cheaper and the fittings don't cost as much. f~yor Armstrong said the Housing and Home Finance Agency does not specify 1mat pipe can be used but mostly relies on the cities being governed by their engineering firm. This pipe has been used in Volusia County. It isn't recommended for deep lines but it is alright for shallow lines. He said the man from Johns-}li..anvi11e gave prices that '...ere quite competitive. The fittings are a lot cheaper and they have a nice smooth joint. The man from Johns-Ivianvil1e said he would see that this area ~'las supplied. Motion duly made by Councilman Siller three types of pipe, (Vitrified clay, cast iron and cement asbestos) be permitted for sewer hook-up, seconded bJr Councilman Cairnie and by vote carried. The roll. call vote vIas unanimus. ~~yor Armstrong announced that on Februa~J 1st, 1965, delegates from the State Legislature will be in New Smyrna Beach and any changes in the charter Dllist be presented to them ~t that time. The following items were agreed 1.:.pon and all of them, ,iLth the excention of one, will be submitted to the people for a vote. Page 3 of 5 pages " c, ~ <.; v Number 1. The boundaries of Edgewater must be changed to include Silver ~idge, and this is the one item that does not have to be voted upon. Number 2. Authority to: re-ap~ortion by ordinance from time to time to equalize the zones. This is to be done no more th~~ once every two years. The boundary lines to run east and '~est as straight as possible. Number 3. Changing the charter so that the Hayor may be rmmicipal judge or a municipal judge can be appointed. Nunber 4. City wide election for councilmen but each councilman must reside in the zone from 1Nhich he is elected. Number 5. Spe cify in City Charter that the city have either a l-Iayor-Ci ty Hanager or an appointed City H:mager. Number 6. Raise the salary to ~50 per month for each councilman. (~600 per year) The ~4yor is to be paid the same as the councilmen unless the decision of the people is that the city have a l~or-City l-Ianager and then he ,all be paid $2,500 per year. Motion duly made by Councilman Cairnie that the City Attorney be authorized to present the above charter changes to the Legislature, seconded by Councillnan Siller and by vote CARRIED. The roll call vote being as follows: Councilman Siller Councilman Tingle Yea Nay (He didn't agree on one proposal) Councilman Cairnie Councilman rlidgdill Mayor Ar:mstrop.g Yea Yea Yea Kayor Armstrong said he vnll recess the council meeting on February 1st, 1965 to the next date the Community Center is not being used so the entire council can go to the meeting in New Smyrna Beach to meet with members of the legislature. Councilman Tingle said he thought there should be published, in the newspaper, items that ~nll be on the agenda at the Monday Ni&~t Meetings. J.A"..ayor Armstrong said he will try to give the newspa:ers an itemized list, but there is a problem of getting this to the papers by the deadline. }~or Armstrong said the lady in Edgewater who wanted to turn a trailer into a permanent dwelling had contacted all her neighbors and none of them objected to her doing this. She did not ask one neighbor ".rho '....as out of tOlm. ~w. LaBonde suggested the council read the ordinance defining a trailer. He said the trailer does not comply ldth the Southern Standard Building Code. Vx. LaBonde said his idea on the matter was that a variance would be needed. Councilman Cairnie said that when you take wheels off a trailer, according to the State, it is no longer a trailer. You no longer have to purchase a tag for it. J.A"4yor Armstrong advised the City Attorney to look into this and have a decision at the next regular meeting. l1otion duly made by Councilman Siller we now adjourn, seconded" by Councilman Ridgdill and there were no objections. Minutes taken by V~rie Robinson. Time 9 :30 P .1:. Page 4 of 5 pages (f. ~ ... ~, ~ . . ATTK~: ~~~~ C CI.ER Q CJ ~~_~~ r ~~~~ ~ HAYOR ;;;:r ~~/ r? . /.74~ /~~/ '/e?J /COUNCTIH,l\.lT --- Igd 1: ~ COUNCIIHAN ~~-'~ COUNCill ~r ~#(j/ COmfCllJ1AN Page 5 of 5 pages :j///v ~. ~' ;LIL~ il V