01-18-1965 - Regular ...., v C.) u REGULA!t MEETDJG OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDGE\vATER" VOllJSIA COUNTY" FLORIDA" HELD JANUARY 18TH" 1965 . u The Regular l1eeting of the City Council of the City of Edgewater" Florida was called to order by Mayor Dana T. Armstrong at 7:30 P.M. on January 18th,,1965. ROLL CALL Mayor Dana T. Armstrong Councilman Carl A. Siller Councilman Earl L. Tingle Councilman William H. Cairnie Councilman B. R. Ridgdill City Attorney H. D. Mathas City Clerk Helen W. Jones Deputy City Clerk Marie Robinson Police Officer Garner Fugate Fire Chief Richard Hanson Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present The }unutes of the Regular Meeting of the City Council held January 4th" 1965 were presented to each Councilman for his ap~roval. Motion duly made by Councilman Ridgdill these minutes stand approved as submitted" seconded by C01.mcilman Cairnie and by vote CARRIED. The roll call vote was unanimous. BILLS & ACCOU}ITS General Fund Librar"'J Gen. Gov't. Police Dept. Bldg. Offic. Fire Dept. City of Edgewater -Water Dept. Gen. Govt. Florida Power & Light Street Lights Street Dept. Street Dept. Recreation Charley's Welding Shop Street Dept. J. Rhett Mc}lillian" Jr. Police Dept. Edgar BroE. Concrete Products, Inc. Street Southern Bell Tel. & Tel. Co. Smokey's Electric Lloyd Cox Co. Gen. Gov't. Office Supplies City of New Smyrna Beach Recreation Hazel H. 11assey Library Better Homes & Gardens Library The Island Press Library The Baker & Taylor Co. Library Florida Fire & Safety Supply" Inc. Library Fox-Sperry" Inc. (Firestone) Police Dept. Rossner & Sons Garbage Dept. Scudder's Service Station Police Dept. Gulf Oil Corp! City of ~dgewater Petty Cash Fund Gen. Govt. Ray Hunt Ford" Inc. Trlater Dept. Southern Bell Tel. & Tel. Co. Florida Power & Light Co. Charley's ~Jelding Lloyd Cox Co. Addressograph - Multigraph Corp. New Smyrna Plumbing Supplies" Inc. Page 1 of 7 pages 6.75 46.87 9.55 5.97 1.90 2.50 91.90 7.S2 3L.SO 10.00 18.00 15.00 Dept. 20.50 3.63 24.00 h.lh 5.00 3.31 1.(-,6 3.50 29. 20 14.00 23.9.05 552.66 6.59 93.hO ".M7 165.80 3.00 2.90 2.71 3.95 fl 'I v (.) (J v Motion duly made by Councilman Cairnie these bills be paid and be made a part of the minutes, seconded by Councilman Ridgdill and by vote C~~RIED. The roll call vote was unanimous. OFFICERS REPORTS The Librarian's ReDort for the month of December, 19h4, was read. The Police ReTlort for the month of December, 1964, \'las read. The Certification of Posting, dated January 5th, 1965, was read. The Budget Report for the month of December, 1964, was read. The Clerk's Cash Statement for the month of December, 1964, v~s read. Hayor Armstrong expressed his appreciation to the Department Heads for the finA reports. CONl-JJNICA TIONS A Ip~ter "'1as read from the Edgewater Chamber of COIPJllerce dated January 7th, 19(5 re~lesting the City of Edgewater take out an advertisement in their tx9 program f6:r' the installation banquet to be held February 11th. A letter was read from ~~. Earl L. Tingle, C~Jncilman Zone 2, submitting the name of Mr. Jacob Lodico, 302 N. Riverside Drive, Edgewater, Florida, as a member of the Zoning Board to replace Hr. ~'jalter Hester whose resignation was accepted recently. A letter was read from Jack H. H~~n, dated January 5th, 1965, which read as follows: It is my considered opinion that to resume my duties as Chief of Police is not in the best interest of the citizens of Edgewater, nor in my best interest. ~fuile I deeply appreciate the support that has been previously shovm me, I feel that the underlying causes of any difficulties that have arisen have not been cured by the recent events. I therefore tender my resignation effective this date. (January 5th) Motion duly made by Councilman Cairnie that \'le support the Chamber of Commerce and take out a full page ad in the amount of~40, seconded by Councilman Ridgdill and by vote CARIUED. The roll call vote was unanimous. Before the roll call vote Councilman Siller asked the l~yor what part of the budget this was coming from. }~yor Armstrong said it would come from Emergencies ~ Contingencies. Motion d,uy IP.ade by Councilman Siller that }<fr. Jacob Lodico be apr"ointed to the Zoning Board, seconded by Councilman Cairnie and by vote CARRIED. The roll call vote was unanimous. Motion duly made by CotlncilIP.an Cairnie the resignation of Jack Hayman be accepted \>Ii th regret, seconded by Councilman Ridgdill and by vote CAR11.IED. The roll call vote being as follows: Councilman Siller: I said at the last meAting I would sup~ort fully what ever decision ~~. Hayman made so I will vote Yea I accept it with regret and vote Yea Yea Yea Yea Councilman Tingle Councilman Cairnie Councilman Ridgdill Mayor Armstrong Page 2 of 7 pages II l.i u u " V ORDINANCES ORDINANCE NUNBER 429 TERMINATING SERVICES OF PRESENT POLICE CHIEF FOR THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, VOLUSIA CCUNTY, FLORIDA, AND SETTING FORTH COHPENSATION DUE FOR SUCH OFFICE TO TERMINATION DATE. The above ordinance was read in full b:t City Attorney Vlathas and motinn duly made by Councilman Cairnie this ordinance be adopted, seconded by Councilman Ridgdill and passed by vote of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida, at the regula~ meeting of said council held JanuarJ 18th, 1965. The roll call vote was unanimous. Upon motion dtuy made by Councilman Siller, seconded by CouncilmanCairnie the requirement of reading Ordinance upon second reading was waived and the ordinance was ordered put into effect immediately at the Regular Meeting of the said Council held on the 18th day of January, A.D. 1965 and approved as provided by la11/. The roll call vote .'las unanimous. ORDINANCE NUNBRB. 430 RESCINDING ORDINANCE NUlffiER 308 OF THE CITY OF EDGS',:A TEll, FLORIDA. The a.bove ordinance TtlaS read in full by City Attorney Mathas and motion duly made by Councilman Cairnie this ordinance be adopted, seconded by Councilman Ridgdill and passed by vote of the City council of the City of Edgewater, Florida, at the regular meeting of said council held January 18th, 1965. Discussion as follovlS: Councilman Siller: This means that if we pass this ordinance the ordinance we had in the past on examinations for electricians will no longer be in effect. lJith this old ordinance we could coincide with other communities so that their electricians could work in our city and our electricians could work in their cities. If we pass this ordinance and have our ovm examinations there is nothing that guar~~tees electricians in this city that they can work in other cities. Hayor Armstrong: If Ne'..... Srn;yrna Beach, Daytona Beach, etc. do not recognize our exaI!'inations that is their .Q'erogative. ll..any cities have cut out these examinations from the University. H. H. Block & Assoc. was once with the University but now there has been a change at the University. v A letter was read from the Dean of the University of Florida concerning the examinations. Councilman Siller asked if our licenses would be valid in other communities or just in this city. Attorney l~thas said he couldn't say. Councilman Siller said vie ,,'ould handcuff our electricians if we pass this ordinance. Vmyor Armstrong said he thought Daytona Beach '....as setting up its own system. Mr. LaBonde, Building Official, said when we set up the tests,H. H. Block & Associates was associated vuth the University of Florida. He also added that Daytona Beach is the only city he knows of that sets up its o~m system. He said he talked w~th ~rr. Robert Je~~ings this afternoon and he gave him the name of a man in Tallahassee who is connected to the University, a }rr. Blee, who has information concerning these tests. Page 3 Of 7 pages " ~ v (",J " u Councilman Siller said we should go into this a little further. We should find out what other communities are doing. He shouldn't hand- cuff the people in Edgewater. 1-11'. LaBonde said he could vrrite to the man in Talla..l1assee and find out about the examinations. Councilman Siller asked what we did before we had the University test. ~~. LaBonde said he gave the tests. Councilman Cairnie said if New Smyrna Beach wants to recognize H. H. Block & Associates that is alright. Let's worry about our city. Councilman Tingle said vre vdll have a conflict with neighboring cities. Councilman Siller said he didn't think there was enough work in Edgewater for the contractors. I don't want to restrict them. He asked if other cities would recognize our licenses. ~~yor Armstrong said if we recognize their licenses, they should recognize ours. Councilman Sillerhsaid by passing this ordinance we are authorizing the city to giveV~~st. We will revert back to our old ordinance. /, Councilman Cairnie said the ordinance should be repealed. l{r. LaBonde asked what he should do if someone comes in tomorrow for a license. 1'Te have no ordinance on reciprocity. Councilman Cairnie said we worked it out before. V~yor Armstrong said we are only striking out that part of the ordinance where the examination is prepared and graded by the University of Florida. Attorney Mathas added that you are only striking out part of an ordinance and not the complete ordinance. The roll call vote on the ordinance was as follows: Councilman Siller I am not clear on this so I will vote Nay. I do not understand one, two and three so I will vote Nay. Yea Yea Yea 1;le should overhaul the ordinance right avra;)T. Councilman Tingle Councilman Cairnie Councilman Ridgdill lvIayor Armstrong Upon motion duly made by Councilman Cairnie, seconded by Councilman Ridgdill the requirement of reading ordinance upon second reading was waived and the ordinance was ordered ~lt into effect immediate]~ at the Regular Meeting of the said C~lncil held on the 18th day of January, A.D. 1965 and approved as provided by law. The roll call vote was as follows: Councilman Siller Councilman Tingle Councilman Cairnie Councilman Ridgdill Mayor Armstrong Abstain Abstain Yea Yea Yea Page 4 of 7 pag~s " v u () 'l U Councilman Tingle said we have many people in Edgewater working in other municipalities. We have to work together ~dth these communities. }myor Armstrong said we are not running these people out. Councilman Tingle said IvIr. Cairnie made a remark that he is not worrying about neighboring cities. ~myor Armstrong said he sees eye to eye with these cities .dth the exception of the electric power contract ;-lith Ne1'T Smyrna Beach. Councilman Tingle thanked }fir. Hilton who v.Tote a letter to each councilman in regards to a city manager. 11ayor Armstrong said he forgot about the letter and said it was not direc~d to be read at the meeting. He thanked l~. Hilton for the letter. Hr. David ;';iggins asked about the extension of ~"Iater Lines which was to be done from the surplus in the sewer system. l~yor Armstrong said he could give no information on this as it has not been a~rroved by the Government. He said the door hasn't been shut. lo'Ir. LaBonde asked what h":) was going to do about a man 1-forking that does not have a rroppr licensp. He said he can not dplete from the law. He said he wanted sppcific instructions on ,./hat to do. Councilman Siller said if the man is vlOrking ,.Ii thout a license, ,qarrants should be signed to arrest him for working without a license. Councilman Ridgdill asked how one part of the law could be upheld and not the other. This rr~n has the right to work and go by our City Charter. I would say we owe him ~lOO. Councilman Siller said the ordinance was in effect then. He said that the council violated the City Charter by waiving part of an ordinance. Another man took this test and got a passing grade. Councilman Ridgdill said no one had a right to take the test as it was. ~myor Armstrong said the city thought H. H. Block & Associates was a part of the University of Florida. The University of Florida was to prepare and grade the tests that were taken. Co'Uncilman Siller said that he could find no where in the charter where a temporarJ license could be issued. l~yor Armstrong said if he has wronged this man he is sorry. It seems this man failed the examination and then went back and took the test and it wasn't legitimate. They said he vias a good mechanic and ,,,e should have a sppcial catagory for this. Councilman Siller asked what Mr. LaBonde should do about this W4n working ~dthout a City License. ~fuyor Armstrong said if the man is violating the law it wo~ld be up to ~~. LaBonde to have him arrested. The 11ayor said he hoped the council would be given time to work this problem out. Councilman Ridgdill said if he were this man his first pretense would be to sue the City. l~. Richard Hanson questioned as to the difficulty with the previous tests. }fuyor Armstrong said there is a conflict between the University of Florida making and grading the tests and H. H. Block and Associates which was previously associated with the University. Page h of 7 pages .~ .. ~ u <J ra U RESOLUTIONS RESOLUTION NUMBER fq APPOINTING JACOB LODICO TO THE ZONING AND PLANNING BOA..B.D OF THE CITY OF T\DGEHATER, FLORIDA. The above resolution was read in full by Attorney Mathas and motion duly made by Councilman Siller this resolution be adopt~d, seconded by Councilman Ridgdill and passed by vote of the City Council of the City 'of Edgewater at the Regular M~eting of the said Council held this 18th day of January, A.D. 19A5. The roll call vote being unanimous. RESOLUTION NillIBER 70 APPROVING Th'E PATI.fENT OF TIHE AND ONE-HALF 'JAGE;S FOR THE CITY OF BDGE',vATER EMPLOYEES :mo i-JERE ti:HPLOYED BEY:!EEN THE DATES OF SEP'ffiMBE..'1. 18, lqA4 A~m OCTOBER 12, 1964 TO CLEAN UP DEBRIS AND REPAIR DAMAGE CAUSED BY HURRICANES. The above resolution was read in full by Attorney ~~thas and motion duly made by Councilman Ridgdill this resolution be adopted, seconded by Councilman Siller and passed by vote of the City Council of the City of Edgewater at the Regular Meeting of the said Council held this 18th day of January, A.D. 1~h5. The roll call vote was unanimous. Mayor Armstrong said this resolution was in compliance vQth the government request that we show that time and one half was authorized by the City Conncil. This is just to make it a matter of record. Motion dul;y made by Councilnnn Cairnie i'Je accept the insurance policies (Ins1Jrance Comnany of North America) as approved by :.he City Attorney, seconded by Councilman Siller and by vote CAF..RIED. The roll call vote was unanimous. 11ayor Armstrong said that Friday Night members of the Council discussed cha~ter changes. Councilman Siller and Councilman Tingle were not present. He said all of these changes are to be in the best interest of the City and would be put to a vote of the electorate. Only the matter of Silver Ridge would not have to be voted upon. Since all the council was not present Friday, the Mayor suggested it be put off until Wednesday, which was done. Motion duly made by Councilman Siller that Mayor Armstrong be authorized to instruct the City Attorney to file a suit for declaratory decree vnth regards to the electric power contract in reference to legality of contract we have with New Smyrna Beach, seconded by Councilman Cairnie and by vote CARRIED. The roll call vote was unanimous. Tom Groover of Briley, Wild & Associates, read a report on the sewer project v'hich was dated January 18th, 1965. This report has been made a part of the minutes. ~~yor Armstrong said we keep a record of all the sewer complaints. They will be gone over thoroughly before the project is completed. He said letters have been sent to Southern Gulf Utilities to speed things up and again asked the engineers to see that they are notified again. Hr. Groover said a letter has been sent to Southern Gulf Utilities stating they will not be given an extension of time. Hayor Armstrong said that ~:ednesday Night there would be a discussion in referencp. to the kind of pipe to be used to connect to the sewers. They have j1tst discovered there is another type of pipe, (Johns ~~nville) which w01)ld be acceptable. Page 5 of 7 pages J v u ~ \ U '. There being no further business, motion duly made by Councilman Cairnie this meeting be recessed until 7:30 P.H. on January 20th, 1965, seconded by Councilman Ridgdill. There ;"lere no objections. Hinutes takmb;r Harie Robinson. Time 8:55 P.M. 9-a ~~ It ~....J: ~ HAYOR ~.~. ,^ , (d~a~ / ./J .. (l/. '. / ,~/ /' ~ 'COUNC H..'\: J ~~ ~//~ COUNCIIHAN f;t4 ~f ~ '0 . .-1"'1 A ~ counpu' N' ~ ~. ~ ATl'E>""r: ?d L~ ~~ Page 7 of 7 pages