02-25-1966 - Special
V 0
Mayor Dana T. Armstrong
Councilman Jacob Lodico
Councilman W. H. Cairnie
Councilman Paul F. Walls
Councilman Philip H. Bebbington
City Clerk Helen W. Jones
Deputy City Clerk Marie Robinson
Police Chief Herman Witmeyer
The purpose of the meeting was as follows:
Public Hearing on Proposed Concession for
the Park and Pier
Take appropriate action necessary in relation
to same.
Mayor Armstrong asked for a stand up vote showing who was in favor of the
concession and who was opposed to it.
A large majority of those present were in favor of the concession stand.
There were approximately eighty five people at the meeting.
The Mayor said if the concession stand was erected it would be under the
jurisdiction of the Council, subtlect to control of the Board of Health.
Mr. Frank Lenz said the Council should turn this over to the Zoning Board.
Mr. David L. Wiggins, Sr., Chairman of the Zoning Board, said if the Council
feels that this matter should be turned over to the Zoning Board they will
look into it. They will report their findings and give their recommendation
to the Council.
Councilman Cairnie said for the Council to do this in a legal way, it should
be deferred to the Zoning Board.
Councilman Lodico said the people should be told what value this concession
would be to us. I have never gone into a park that didn't have some kind
of a concession. He said he believed such a concession in Edgewater would
bring a lot of business sto the town.
Mr. Red Buchans, who applied for this concession stand, said he will do just
as the council desires and meet all the specifications. He said he opens his
business at 5:00 A.M. and closes at 9:00 P.M. He said he is very good with
children and he stays open at night for the people who like to fish at night.
He says he sees to it that the children have what they need. He has very
few dissatisfied customers. People come from New Smyrna, Deland and other
cities to his concession stand. He said he would devote full time to it.
Councilman Walls said the council was skeptical at first. We didn't want any
eyesore in the City. Red Buchans agreed to build a building that would look
good. Tentative plans show this will be a nice structure, not an eyesore.
It will not be a great big money making proposition. It will draw people
to Edgewater. Red keeps a nice place in New Smyrna at the South Bridge.
I think this will be an imp~vement to the area.
~ Councilman Bebbington said this is something we need. Every time you want to
fish you have to go to New Smyrna Beach for supplies. Red has always done a
good job. His bait is always good. It will be good for the people. You will
be able to get your bait immediately and jump in your boat and go. This is not
a business butt a concession. The rules and regulations will be drawn up
legally. I can say nothing but good for it.
Mayor Armstrong said he felt the whole matter should be sent to the Zoning Board
for their decision.
Mr. Ralph Beach spoke in favor of the concession. He said we should have at
least a ten year lease on it.
A lady in the audience, a tourist from Canada, said Red Buchans was such a
help to her since she has been he~e. He has shown her the different
fishing spots and he has been very good with her young son.
Mayor Armstrong said the Council did not approach Red to put in this concession.
He applied for it by writing to the Council.
Mr. Kenneth May said he was completely against erecting this concession stand.
We only have a short distance of river front property. If you allow one
you will have to allow others. He said it will lower the value of his
property tremendously. He said the property near the Crab Plant is not
valued half what his is.
Olen Matthews said he had been on the Zoning Board the past ten or twelve
years. He said there is no more valuable prroperty in the City of Edgewater
than the River Front Property. This is essentially a residential town.
If you allow this concession stand, you have broken the Zoning Ordinance.
Then your ordinance is of no use whatsoever. This will be a businesss,
no matter how you control it.
Mr. Sam Keel agreed with Mr. Matthews. This park should stay for recreation.
I think a lot of Red but a business is a business.
Mayor Armstrong said part of the area where the concession is to be pu~
is deeded for the Public forever more.
Mr. May suggested the concession be put at the other end of town, down
by the Florida Shores Park.
Mr. Lenz advised Mr. Buchans to have this done right. He said the City
put him out of business a few years ago.
Councilman Lodico asked Mr. Lenz if he was against it because of the trouble
he had with the City.
Mr. Lenz said he just wanted to be sure it was done in a legal way.
Red Buchans said he would have his lawyer see that it was done in a legal
Mayor Armstrong said there would be considerable expense to put this in.
There would be a five year lease with an option to renew it. Upon termination
of the agreement it becomes property of the City. The City wlill share in the
profit if the business increases. This will be a convenience to the people.
Mr. Cliff Mosher, member of the Zoning Board, said if the zoning board has a hearin g
on it the only ones who could object or speak in favor of it would be the ones
a certain limited distance from the concession.
Mayor Armstrong,upon a question from Mr. Wiggins~said Red Buchans would have his
nwn insurance. The city would not be liable for injuries, etc.
Motion duly made by Councilman Cairnie we turn this whole matter over to the
Zoning Board and give the people a right to speak in favor of it or speak against
it, seconded by Councilman Walls and by vote CARRIED. The roll call vote was unanimous.
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Mayor Armstrong said the City will petition the Zoning Board for
a variance.
The Mayor also asked the Zoning Board to give all the people in Edgewater
a chance to state their case and not just a limited few who will be living
in the vicinity of t~e concession.
There being no further business, motion duly made by Councilman Cairnie
we now adjourn, seconded by Councilman Bebbington and there were no objections.
Minutes taken by Marie Robinson. Time 8:25 P.M.
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